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When You're With Me

Page 4

by Wendi Zwaduk

  “I want to take you home. I need to.” Ramon rubbed her ass—so smooth against his skin and just the right size for his hands. Soft, supple and perfect.

  “You can’t take me home. I’m not supposed to date clients.”

  He brushed his thumb over her supple bottom lip. “Ah, but you’re wrong. I’m the new bouncer.”

  She chewed the corner of her mouth. “I shouldn’t.”

  Ramon could see the wheels turning in her mind. She probably didn’t believe him. He wanted to give her satisfaction for a long time. “Why? Our working together is the perfect time to get to know each other.”

  Jude shook her head, making her breasts jiggle. “My common sense is telling me your idea isn’t a good one. I need to go.”

  A lock of silky mahogany hair dipped in front of her clear blue eyes, making his cock strain against his jeans. The feeling in his heart went beyond superficial lust. The horny but protective cop in Ramon took over. He brushed the lock of hair from her face, relishing the texture in his fingers. She was cautious…good girl. “Ross did my background check. I’m clean.”

  She cocked her head. “Why me? I’m the total opposite of most of the other dancers.” There was a hint of unabashed curiosity in her voice that sent a jolt through his body. Ah, the reckless streak again—no experience, but willing to try with the right man. “I’m a sucker for blue eyes and long dark hair.” He cupped her chin. “I find sincerity and honesty a turn-on as well. Give me a chance. I’ll prove I’m worth your hassle.” God knew she was worth far more than a moment’s hesitation.

  The corner of her mouth crooked up and her eyes softened as she searched his face. “I’m not easy, you know.”

  Ramon chuckled. “Good. I like a girl who’ll give me a run for my money.”

  All night long.

  Chapter Three

  Jude bit her lip and toyed with the hem of his shirt. She rubbed the pads of her fingers on his palm. Ramon grinned. One touch, one taste of this woman wouldn’t be enough. Hell, one night with her wouldn’t suffice. And, for a man who didn’t get caught up on women, especially those he hardly knew, he was in dangerous waters. But he’d be damned if he didn’t like it. He liked her too much for his own good. She’d seeped into his veins and made him want to be a better cop…to end the drug ring, and give her a future. Oh man.

  “What would you like me to do?”

  He brushed a feather-soft kiss over her lips. Another taste only whetted his appetite for her. He nibbled on her jaw, drawing deep from her natural perfume, a mix of rose and woman. “Ah, sweet girl, just let me touch you.”

  She threaded her fingers through his hair. “Touching isn’t what I’m here for, but I can’t think of a better idea.”

  Ramon cupped her jaw. “I want to touch you everywhere and thirty minutes isn’t enough.” Her eyes widened. Maybe that reminder hadn’t been his best bet… “I wish I’d requested a private dance before now. You’re addictive in all the right ways.”

  She opened her mouth to answer him, but a knock on the door interrupted their conversation. Jude sprang into action, picking up her shirt and turning towards the door. Tiny poked his head around the steel barrier. “Didn’t mean to interrupt, but we need you out on the main floor, Ramon. Andre and Gavin can’t restrain a drunk. Ready for action?”

  Ramon grasped Jude’s hand. He needed more time. “In a moment,” he growled.

  “Always a girl or a fix.” Tiny chuckled and stepped away from the door. His mirth disappeared in an instant. “Two minutes or I fire your ass. Both of you.”

  Jude clutched Ramon’s shirt and pressed a kiss to his mouth. The flicker of her tongue on his lips branded him like a constant reminder of her interest and what they shared. “You’re dangerous, but he means every word,” she said and slipped out.

  Ramon leant back in his seat. He ran his fingers through his rumpled hair to digest the situation. Dangerous. This could be the start of something spectacular. His heart screamed yes, but the upcoming sting operation pummelled his brain. She came with strings—girls like Jude wanted to get married and have children. Would she want to stay with him? According to the file, Jude was an art student putting herself through college. He could only assume she coveted her independence. Was he man enough to be an equal in her life?

  She had a power over him that scared and excited him at the same time. Somehow she’d touched him in places he’d long assumed were dead. He felt like she’d awakened the unfeeling zombie and reminded him that women could be soft. It was like she knew he needed time and a steady love—he needed a family of his own. No way he’d let her get away.

  With kisses like that, I’ll do my best to keep her.

  Moments later, Ramon strolled out of the private room in search of Tiny’s office. He ducked back through the main door to the bar room and glanced at the stage. A redhead with the tattoo of a fairy gracing her stomach writhed for the crowd.

  “Like what you see?”

  Ramon closed his eyes and gritted his teeth. Why did Carlie insist on connecting during this mission? He could do without her interference. “Not yet.” He opened his eyes. “Can I help you?”

  Carlie—as Goldie, in a gold bra and thong combo—grinned. “I’m Gold Dust Woman, but most people call me Goldie. Tiny told me to give you a tour.” She held out her hand and linked fingers with his. “You look good with scruff,” she murmured. “I like blonds. What’s your name?”

  Ramon directed his gaze over her head, back to the stage. Jude stepped into the spotlight. Tendrils of desire licked his body. The feeling of Jude in his arms stayed firm in his mind. No woman had ever sent such waves of heat through his system until Jude.

  Goldie tugged the sleeve of his shirt. “If you work here, you can’t gawk at the talent, but you can get your kicks for free.”

  Kicks for free? Ramon frowned. Trust Goldie to expect more than any man would give. He turned his attention to the stage. Damn, he could stare at Jude forever. He nudged Goldie to the side of the room and groaned to cover the lust in his voice. “You asked a question. Let’s talk while we walk.”

  Goldie huffed and pointed to a hallway with a bright cobalt-blue door. “That’s the dressing room. The bouncers aren’t allowed in unless a catfight breaks out or he’s invited.” She wriggled her eyebrows. “Want to investigate with me? We have showers and everything.”

  Through his peripheral vision, Ramon noticed Jude on stage. She clutched the bright white dress shirt to her breast and bent to pick up the money at her feet. A smiled tugged the corner of his mouth. He wanted to run his fingers through the curls cascading around her shoulders.

  Goldie stepped into his line of vision and glared. “You never gave me your name! Don’t make me hurt you.”

  Ramon groaned. Why ruin a perfectly good show with insipid chatter? “Ramon Decker. Now where’s Tiny’s office?”

  She tossed a lock of bleached blonde hair over her shoulder and span on her stiletto heel. “This way.”

  Ramon followed behind. When Goldie stopped short, he ploughed into the back of her. “What the…?”

  Goldie turned and wrapped her arms around his neck. “I see you like Judy. Well, we can’t let you waste your good looks on one woman. I want my turn with you.” She stood on her tiptoes and forced a kiss to his lips. “I’m not finished with you.”

  Ramon grasped her shoulders and put distance between them. Goldie tasted of cigarettes and beer, not his favourite combination. She smelt of smoke and perspiration. He gagged. The song blaring over the stereo system segued into a frantic metal song. He glanced at the stage. This time, a svelte woman with hair the colour of coal sashayed around the silver pole and removed a jewel-encrusted bustier from her enhanced breasts

  Tiny appeared from behind another patron. “Enjoying the show, Ramon?”

  Goldie cackled and hooked her fingers into his belt loops. “See? Judy Blue Eyes doesn’t even know you’re not interested. I can make you so interested.”

  Tiny slapped Goldie’s
ass. “Run along. You’re the next dancer up.”

  Ramon rubbed his forehead with the pads of his fingers and sighed as she scurried away.

  “Yeah, she’ll try your patience if you don’t speak blunt with her.” Tiny lit his cigar and blew smoke rings over his shoulder. “Not many men would walk away from Goldie in favour of Judy. You’re wise and foolish at the same time. Every man on staff has tapped Goldie at one time or another, but no one’s gotten close to Judy. Are you game?”

  Ramon nipped back a smile. Jude wasn’t like the other girls. Cautious, high standards, and sexy as hell. All reasons to like her…a lot. “I’m game. Now where’s the fight?”

  * * * *

  Jude got through the rest of the night, but it seemed to take forever. Naughty thoughts took hold in her mind and even naughtier glances at Ramon heated her body. She replayed the feeling of his kiss on her lips. The texture of his tongue and the scent of his earthy cologne sent shivers up and down her spine.

  The sexual element of her dances intensified as she thought about Ramon. She plucked her breasts and rubbed her inner thighs. He nodded his silent approval. So why did she feel the need to guard herself? She nibbled the tip of her index finger and dragged it across her bottom lip. Because something about him niggled her, like he wasn’t being completely straight with her. She stole another glance at him. Nah…

  Her facial expression brightened and her actions became more believable. It was like she had a glow that had never been there before. Her tips reflected her new outlook. So did the rude comments thrown her way.

  “Babe, you can shake that ass for me at home tonight!”

  “Come over and share your sugar with me—I’ve got a salty surprise for you!”

  “Touch those tits for me!”

  Jude shook off her disgust. She felt degraded and wanted to run. At the same time, a rush of excitement coursed through her veins. Was that what Ramon wanted from her? Maybe being the object of his desire wasn’t so bad. At least it was attention for a throwaway kid like her. Any recognition meant everything.

  At the end of the night, when she was towelling the sweat and smoke off her body, Jude ran into Renee. “Don’t get attached to him. Men like that seem great, but they have a nasty aftertaste.” It was the closest thing to friendly advice Renee had ever given anyone. “Tiny’s got him working here. You know how I feel about in-house romances.”

  Jude nodded. “I know. Egos get in the way of the job and good people leave you in the cold. Don’t obey Tiny’s rule unless you want your heart broken… I know. I don’t want to go through that kind of pain.”

  “It’s too late,” Renee said sadly. “You’re into him as much as he’s into you.”

  Jude shook off the feeling and packed her bag. She walked out of the dressing room to locate Ross, her favourite bouncer. “Hiya, hunk!” Ross was the muscular, balding father figure she’d always wanted. Her own father had never paid her any attention. She had been an unwanted surprise, and he’d blamed her for the condom breaking. Her mother had never cared enough to protect her youngest child from the man’s angry, abusive wrath. Not Ross. Honest and protective to a fault, she knew he was her strongest ally.

  “I’d rather keep you safe than see you get hurt and know I did nothing. What do you think of our new guy? Is he up to snuff?”

  The cool September air raised goosebumps on her skin, chilling her to the bone almost immediately because Ross wasn’t much of a windshield. She wished she’d remembered a coat or at least a sweatshirt. “He’s a good man. He didn’t try to paw me when Tiny gave him free rein. I find it a bit suspicious and flattering at the same time. Do you think he’s Silver Steel material?” She shivered in her teal Silver Steel T-shirt and thin blue jeans. At least she’d had the foresight to remember to wear a bra. “He was supposed to walk me to my car, but I doubt he’s got time. Goldie threw herself at him, not that I’m surprised. She throws herself at everyone.” Her inexpensive plastic watch said seven after two. Her heart sank with each passing minute. Foolish. Ramon lied to get what he wanted and disappeared when it mattered most. “I’ll bet he forgot.”

  “He’ll come.” Ross put his arm around her. “He’s different and he’s honourable.” Jude grinned. Ross had never been fond of any of her proposed dates. “Tiny’s got him doing paperwork right now. Drive up to the door and I’ll send him your way.”

  “I can do that.” Jude unlocked the door to her rusty red Neon. Not much of a car, but it got her where she needed to go. “Better yet, tell him I went home and will see him tomorrow. I have a meeting with my professor about my exhibition and need my sleep. He shouldn’t care.”

  Ross nodded. “Goodnight, Jude.”

  Jude stepped on the gas and headed across town to her apartment building. Her eyelids drooped despite the urge to return to the club and hunt down Ramon. She parked the car, locked the doors, and stepped into the empty elevator. “I’ll dream about him tonight and decide if he’s worth the trouble tomorrow.”

  * * * *

  Saturday night, Jude danced to the same songs and charged her moves with a sensuality she directed at Ramon. He stood guard by the main doors and winked once. She imagined his hands caressing her body and his kisses on her lips. When she walked off the stage after her last turn, she shook with pent-up energy.

  Andie grabbed her arm. “Going to hunt him down?”

  Jude bit her bottom lip and glanced at her friend. “Should I? I want to, but something’s holding me back. He’s been here lots of times before Tiny hired him, but still.”

  Andie peered beyond the curtain to the crowd. “Looking at him, I hear you. He’s got an air of conquering hero to him, like he’s never come across someone he can’t bend to his wishes.” She wrapped her arm around Jude. “But I also watched him stare at you. That man’s in lust. He grabbed a man by the scruff of his neck and escorted him out of the club without taking his eyes off you.”

  Jude scrunched her nose, but couldn’t hold back the smile. “Yeah?”

  Andie let the curtain fall back into place. “He’s on break. Why don’t you go out there and plop down on his lap? I’ll bet he’d love it. Wear the red tank top with the slit.”

  A fresh rush of excitement hurtled through Jude’s veins. She raced to her makeup table. When she caught sight of her reflection in the mirror, she paused. Pink tinged her cheeks. A sparkle shone in her eyes. She puckered her lips and fluffed the curls in the clip holding her hair away from her face.

  “He sees the beauty you hide and I’m sure he digs it.” Andie dropped the top on the table. “Go get your man.”

  Jude struggled into the tight garment and adjusted her bust. She took a deep breath and fanned her face. “Do I look nervous? I’m scared to death.”

  Andie winked and Jude strolled out of the dressing room. She needed this. Needed a stable relationship in her life and to be cared about. Sex would be the icing on the cake. Maybe he’d be the one guy she wouldn’t have to play up to and could be herself with. Then again, maybe he’d be the one to cut her down. The handsome ones always had the barbs that cut the deepest. As much as she wanted to fall into his arms and explore his body, she hesitated. My heart won’t be involved.

  Before she even reached the table, Ramon stuck his arm out. Jude swatted his hand away. “Expecting someone?”

  He span in the seat and tugged her onto his lap as he wrapped her up in an embrace. “Only you, sweet girl.”

  Her heart fluttered and she tamped down the good feeling. “Really?” Her voice squeaked. “I’m far from sweet.”

  Ramon smiled, his white teeth glimmering. The walls around her heart melted a bit. “When you’re with me, I feel like I can conquer the world.” He trailed his fingers over her spine, sending shivers through her body. “I want to ask you a question. What are your plans after work?”

  She dug her nails into his shoulders for balance. “It’s Saturday and we aren’t open tomorrow, so I planned to go back to my apartment, sleep and catch up on my homework.�

  He slid his hands up her sides to cup her face. His thumbs skimmed over her jaw, crumbling her defences a bit more. “Come to breakfast with me. I know a quiet little diner in Crawford where we can talk over bacon and eggs. Then I’ll leave you to your studies.”

  Although yes teetered on her tongue, she forced herself to decline. “I can’t.” Because I might find that I like you too much to walk away later.

  He knotted his brows and chuckled. “You’re going to make this hard on me.”

  The corners of her mouth kinked. “If I make it easy, then what’s the point?”

  “My sweet girl’s a smart girl.” He tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. “I like that.”

  A voice over his mic system interrupted further argument. “Decker, break’s over. We need you at the entrance.”

  He sighed and squeezed her thigh. “It’s one twenty-four. Think it over. I’ll meet you at the dressing room door and you can tell me then. I have to go help remove someone.”

  Jude slid off his lap and stood. She made a rash decision she hoped she wouldn’t regret. “Okay, I’ll come. But let me drop my car off at my apartment first.”

  Ramon threaded his fingers in her hair and brought her lips to his in a searing kiss. “Your wish is my command, sweet girl.”

  * * * *

  An hour later, Ramon drained his bottle of beer. He sat with Andre—a hulking, raven-haired man of over six feet in height. A perky blonde strode out of the dressing room door and winked at Andre.

  Ramon cocked a brow. “Is she your girl?”

  Andre leant forward and curled his fingers into a fist. “You double dippin’?”

  Ramon peeled the label from the amber bottle. “Nope. I got my sights set on Jude. I just thought I’d make conversation.”

  The man relaxed and sat back in his seat. He crossed his ankles and arms at the same time. “Me and Andie had a thing a while back, but right now she’s seein’ some lowlife named Tobey. She knows I keep an eye on her for her safety. I married a former dancer, Jill McQueen. She went by Rhiannon when she still worked.”


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