The Nephilim Chronicles: Fallen Angels in the Ohio Valley
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inches, they were much larger than the average Neanderthal.
One of the Skhul skulls was reported to have had hyperdontia, or a double row of teeth. This dental
anomaly has been reported in populations that have been of legendary great height. The Babylonian
Talmud claimed that the Biblical giants, (Amorites) had in some cases, a double row of teeth. In The
British Isles the legendary Fomorians (Muru or Amorites) also had double rows of teeth. This anomaly
also occurs with some frequency in North America within the Shell Mound Culture, the Glacial Kame,
and the later Allegewi Hopewell mound builders. All of these North American populations also display
archaic facial features along with their great height.
Stephen Coons, reports in “The Neanderthaloid Hybrids of Palestine” that “The Neanderthal group
was extremely variable, and showed within its ranks clear evidence of evolutionary change in a human
direction.” He sites the discoveries found in Palestine within the Mount Carmel caves where, “the
skeleton of a small woman, fully Neanderthal and associated with it was a male mandible equal in size
to that of Heidelberg, but possessed of that human feature, a chin.”
These ancient hybridized people have been called Cro-Magnon by scientist that are the supposed
forerunners to modern Europeans. Yet, Cro-Magnon also exhibit archaic skeletal features such as
occipital buns, thick skull walls, heavy marking on bones from muscle attachements and heavy brow
ridges that are not typical of other homo sapiens sapiens found in other parts of the globe. A.W. (Bill)
Mehlert, also points out in,“Homo erectus ‘to’ modern man: evolution or human variability ; “All H.
Sapiens forms should be considered not as separate species but as a single human species encompassing a range of genetic and phenotypic diversity.” The question he poses is “are erectus
forms proof of an evolutionary progression from the apes, or are they simply temporal, regional,
climatic, dietary or pathological variants of human beings?” A physically diverse archaic population of
the world from which all modern humans derived seems more probable than current views that attach
present populations to one species, Cro-Magnon.”
H. heidelbergensis are believed to have descended from the morphologically similar Homo ergaster;
both of which were tall. Itt is plausible the evolutionary progression went from ergaster to
heidelbergensis to Cro-Magnon. This would include some of the “Mult-Regional theory” and part of
the “Assimilation theory.” Cro-Magnon was an evolutionary progression from heidelbergensis; that
may have also included interbreeding with other populations.
It wasn’t until about 40,000 B.C. that these early modern men (with archaic features) appeared in
Europe, ushering in a new era known as the Upper Paleolithic from 40,000-12,000 B.C and a new
defined species, Cro-Magnon. They were a tall people, the men being many times over six feet in
height with a face broader across the cheekbones than it was long; he had a brain that was larger than
his modern descendants. Their upper jaw projected slightly forward, the lower jaw was square, thick
and strong. The brow-ridge was still prominent.
By twenty-five thousand years ago these ancestors of present men were roaming the cold wind swept
plains of Southwestern Europe. It was the late-glacial epoch, when the severity of the climate reached
its peak. In Europe and North Asia, cold steppes and tundra with patches of northern forest stretched
over a larger expanse than previously.
Depiction of a Cro-Magnon campsite constructed from furs and mammoth tusks.
Cro-Magnon hunted reindeer, wooly mammoth, wooly rhinoceros, musk ox, arctic fox, arctic hare,
wolverine, lemming, ibex, red deer, brown bear, wildcat, fox, wolf, otter, lynx, bison, cave lion and the
ptarmigan and other Arctic birds, all of which were common in Southern Europe.
They chipped tools from flint, sharpening them
skillfully by knocking fine chips from the edges on both
sides called “Bi-facial knapping”, They also made
gravers, scrapers, drills, knives, awls and chisels with
which he used to carve stone and bone and create
sketches or base-reliefs of familiar animals, often well
drawn and colored with red and yellow ochres. The
most popular artistic motifs were geometric designs that were carved on
bone tools and pebbles.
Their bone harpoons and fishing hooks strung with sinew were used
to catch the fish that abounded in the lakes and rivers. Clams and mollusks in the shallows also
supplied him with easily obtained food.
While scientist label the Cro-Magnon as the prototype of the European, they were in fact as racially
diverse as modern men. Stephen Coons, in “Chronological and Geographical Differentiation of the
European Aurgnacian Group,” (Aurignacian 25,000 B.C) “There is no type man more completely sapiens than a negro. If this is true, than the skin and facial differences in races have to be due to some
admixture with different stock such as the H. erectus that had left Africa some 1.8 million years ago. It
is also conceivable that during the Ice Age some of these H. erectus migrated back south into Africa,
again mixing with local populations.” The Cro-Magnon skeletal remains found at Grimaldi were
described by Coons as representing “an early negro-white mixture, or a generalized proto-negroid in
the process of specialization.” Coons also writes in “Upper Palaeolithic man in China” that in a Cro
Magnon find near Chou Kou Tien that “One of these skulls, seems upon preliminary examination, to
resemble the European Upper Palaeolithic group very closely, it has also been compared to Ainu
crania.” Ainu are believed to be a mix of European and Asian Cro-Magnon. It is to early to assign
racial designations to any of these populations. There should be no confusion that this publication is
about archaic species and not races.
The following historical accounts describe large skeletons that are classified as belonging to the
Cro-Magnon species. Important facts within these descriptions are the burial types and inclusions that
set an early precedent for burials of the later periods. Red ochre is found in graves along with the
presence of fire or ashes. These burial rites found within Cro-Magnon will reoccur in later burials that
also contain large skeletons that exhibit “archaic” type skull features. Oakland Tribune, May 30, 1909
Probably Belonged To A Cave Dweller of Western Europe-Owner Had No Dome. Skull Fairly Complete
Professor Boule introduced me to the wonderful skull, and placed it in my hands. It has been treated by him with great skill so as to render the bone firm and hard, while detached portions have been fitted into place, so that it is fairly complete. It will be remembered that this skull was found together with most of the skeleton of the same indavidule, by two enthusiastic local archaeologist, buried at such depth and in such position in the cave known as the Chapelle-aux-Saints is to leave no doubt as to its belonging to one of a race of men contemporary with the mammoth and hairy rhinoceros-a race which inhabited Europe in the great glacial period-which cannot be less than a hundred thousand years behind us, and probably is more. The chief importance of the skull lies in the fact that it agrees in its very peculiar form with the Neanderthals skull (from Bonn), the Spy skulls (Belgium), and the Gibraltar skull. It in fact, confirms the conclusion that at th
is period the caves of Western Europe were inhabited by a race of men with peculiar skulls
The fact was published some four months ago that the new Correzo skull agrees with the celebrated skull top of the Neanderthal in the extraordinary shallowness or absence of doing in the retreating forehead, the thick prominent eyebrow ridges, and in the excessive “lowness” or want of elavation of the back region. But further study of the new skull had enabled Prof. Boule to show that the outline of the new skull looked at from above exactly coincides with that of the Neanderthal skull- there is the same great length from the eyebrows to occipant and the great breadth at a series of corresponding regions.
Both of Enormous Size
The curious thing is that both these skulls are of enormous size-a good deal bigger in length and breadth than modern European skulls, and not as small and ape-like, though they are far shallower (that is, less high in the dome) than any skulls of living men. The ancient Neanderthal men’s brain was not smaller, but actually a little bigger than that of modern Europeans, it was bigger in regions where tho modern Europeans is small, and smaller where that is large.
Oakland Tribune, January 1, 1928
ATTACKS ACCEPTED THEORIES ON PREHISTORIC EUROPEANS Some widely accepted beliefs concerning prehistoric man in Europe tottered today when Dr. Alex Hrdlicka, Smithsonian anthropologist, presented results of his recent researches before the Anthropological Section of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
One of the beliefs questioned concerned the existence of the so-called “Supermen” of Grimaldi as a distinct race. Some years ago in the caves of Grimaldi on the Mediterranean near Mentone, three gigantic skeletons, with some others were uncovered. These skeletons, all male, belonged to men considerably over 6 feet in height, two of them being 6 feet 4 inches, and of great strength. The skull capacities of the three “giants” were correspondingly large.
Coshocton, Ohio Tribune, January 9, 1929,
Algeria Finds Were the Bones of Our Ancestors “ The bones unearthed by the Beloit-Logan expedition were dug out of huge mounds of small shells. The hithero unknown pre-modern race at Gibralter and Sicily, Dr. Alfred Romer, University of Chicago paleontologist, reports that the animal bones found in the shell heaps are similar to those found in the northern Cro-Magnon sites and that modern people were evidently hunters on a small scale, the evidence being the presence of burnt bones of the giant ox, the wild bull and the lion in the dirt and shells of the heaps. The North African people lived in the open, the Cro-Magnon people in caves.
After intensive measurements of the skeletons in all possible features Dr. Cole concludes that they resemble modern Europeans far more than they do any other race. The anthropological measurements also indicate that these pre-modern inter-married with other races, which would in turn indicate that none of the present south European races are technically “pure.” He believes that the skeletal evidence of that race shows inter-mixture with ancient brutish anthropoid-like Neanderthal men, who dominated the scene 50,000 years ago.”
Origin and Character of the British People, Charles Macnamara, 1900 The skeleton of the tall race above referred to have been found all over Europe, but for our present purposes we would draw attention to skeletons discovered in a few well-known burial places; one of which is situated in the extreme south-east of France, and another in Dordogne, one of the western departments of that country.
In the natural cave of Baousse-Rousses, between Mentone and Ventimille, three skeletons were unearthed in the year 1892. Dr. R. Verneau has given a lucid account, and photographs of this discovery.
“The cave had been inhabited by animals of the early Paleolithic period, but the human skeletons found there were buried in graves dug out of the ancient formation which covered the floor of the cave to some depth. The bodies of these people had been laid upon, and were covered by layers of earth containing much iron pyrites, which had been carried into the cave, so that the bones composing these skeletons were stained by iron, and also with ochre. Surrounding the skulls and the necks of these skeletons, rows of perforated shells and bone were found, which had evidently been strung together and used as ornaments; the shells had regular and symmetrical patterns carved on them. Under the skulls and near the hands of the skeletons some finely flint instruments were found; these weapons are wellmarked specimens of the type belonging to the early Neolithic period. There were numerous bones of various animals in the layers of earth which covered to a considerable depth the floor of the cave; but as much of this earth had been disturbed before Dr. Verneau examined the site of the skeletons, it is better not to place reliance on the relation of the remains of these animals to those of the human skeletons.
The skeletons were (1) that of an old, extremely powerful man, who measured 6 feet 6 inches in height; (2) that of a young woman, who was 6 feet, and (3) that of a youth, who was 6 feet 2 inches in height.
Phoenician Orgins of Britons and Scots, 1925 And it was presumably early pioneer stragglers of this same Nordic race at the end of the Old Stone Age who are represented by the "Red Man" of Paviland Cave, in the Gower peninsula of Wales, of the mammoth age, and the "Kneiss Chief " in the stone cist at Keiss (Kassi?) in Caithness. Both of these are interred with rude stone weapons, and are of the superior and artistic Cro-Magnon type of early men, which seems to have been the proto-Nordic or proto-Aryan. Indeed, the associate of the Keiss chief had a cranium described by Huxley: The Keiss chief is described by Laing as "tall man of very massive proportions", lying extended with face to the East. Huxley found his cranial index was 76, with projecting eyebrow ridges which gave the forehead a "receding" aspect and the forehead "low and narrow."
Davenport Daily Leader, November 25, 1894
GIANTS OF PREHISTORIC FRANCE In a prehistoric cemetery recently uncovered at Montpelier, France, while workmen were excavating a waterworks reservoir, human skulls were found measuring 28, 31 and 33 inches in circumference. The bones which were found with the skulls were also of gigantic proportions. These relics were sent ot the Paris academy, and a learned “savant,” who lectured on the find, says that they belonged to a race of men between 10 and 15 feet in height.
News, (Frederick Maryland)
Find Old Graves
Skeletons of Giant Warriors Unearthed in France
Men who lived 25,000 years ago Believed to have died fighting-Arrow found in head of one.
The discovery of 25,000 year- old graves containing well preserved skeletons of three prehistoric warriors has just been discovered at Solutre, a small village in the. [...] department of France, widely known for its prehistoric remains.
In the last 60 years remarkable specimens of remains of the prehistoric period have been found at Solutre, and a short time ago the Lyons faculty of science decide to undertake a methodical and scientific search of the district on its own account. The first search proved rather disappointing but the work was nerveless, energetically carried on, and after 20 days of patient toll the scientist in charge of the expedition discovered three men who lived in the latter Paleolithic or Aurignacien period, from 20,000 to 25,000 years ago.
The three skeletons were buried in the same position at a depth of three feet seven inches, five feet and six feet respectively the heads facing the rising sun. Lying on their backs the knees slightly raised, the hands clasped over the stomach, the skeletons were resting on beds of ashes. On either side of the head were two roughly hewn stones in the shape of a “cromlech,” which it is believed indicate the exact position to be occupied by the body.
The skeletons evidently belonged to extremely powerful men, as the smallest of the three measured six feet two inches while the tallest measured six feet nine inches. The shape of the skull is remarkable, the forehead is rather low. The sockets of the eye are square and of large dimensions; the jawbone is prominent and the jaws are powerful, and still contain well preserved teeth.
As the great ice sheets began to melt approximately 10,000 BC, to 7,000 BC, the reindeer hunte
appeared in the regions north of the Crimea, west of the Ural Mountains, extending into the Baltic. The
Reindeer Hunters followed the migrated herds who stayed near the retreating ice, feeding on the new
grasslands. Few physical remains have been found of the reindeer hunters in this region, but the top
of a skull was discovered in western Lithuania and was described in, The Prehistory of Eastern
Europe, Mesolithic, Neolithic and Copper Age Cultures in Russia and the Baltic Area. Marija
Gimbutas, 1956 “The upper part of the skull was massive, dolichocephalic, with strong proclivity of
the forehead, prominent and massive brow ridges and a narrow forehead. These traits suffice to show
that the Kebelia man was sapiens, but had Neanderthaloid elements, in other words, was a Neanderthal
sapiens hybrid. Morphologically the Kebeliai skull is more primitive than that of the boreal period,
discovered at Krisna, some 150 km. Southeast of Kebeliai. From this we can deduce that the Kebeliai skull probably belongs to the period between the last glaciation and the Baltic Boreal culture. A
closely related fragment of a skull was discovered near Moscow in the Pleistocene alluvium of the
Skhodia River. This was also a top of a skull, having the same traits as that of Kebeliai. The
geological evidence made it possible to date the Skhodia man undoubtedly during the Late Glacial
A skeleton of a female between 25 and 30 years old was found in Denmark from Koelbjerg dated to
about 7,000B.C. The Koelbjerg skeleton was said to represent a type closely related to the reindeer
In Denmark near Koelbjerg was discovered the burial of a woman who was described as having a protruding brow ridge, massive jaw and prominent chin. The skull dating to 7,000 B.C., is dimilar to the Upper Paleolithic Cro-Magnon skulls.
The next time period of time, called Mesolithic, is generally accepted as beginning about 6,800 B.C.
when the temperatures warmed and people became more settled in the newly formed woodlands. Cro