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Interlude (Rock Star Crush Book 2)

Page 21

by Vicky Owen

  Luc included.

  Yes, I’m jealous. Or envious, at least.

  Yeah, I know. I could have called him. Messaged him. Something. But with so many deadlines and the most important exams of my degree looming, I was more than a little preoccupied. Easier to just bury myself in uni work and pretend everything’s OK.

  Still haven’t told my parents that there’ll be no PGCE.

  I round the corner and come into view of City Hall.


  I hurry towards the last crossing standing between me and my final exam.



  Déjà vu.

  I turn as she hurries to catch up. We keep walking.

  ‘Thought you’d finished your exams?’ I ask.

  She looks around as we cross the road. ‘Yeah. I, uh, just wanted to wish you luck. It’s your last one, right?’

  ‘Yeah. Thankfully.’

  ‘How long is it?’

  Her questions throw me off a bit. Something’s not right. ‘Uh, three hours. I think.’

  ‘Right. So finished by noon?’

  ‘Yeah,’ I say slowly.

  ‘How was Cerys this morning?’

  ‘Excited,’ I say as we enter the underpass. ‘Going to miss her. And Mylo—not that I see him much these days since he and Dan got so serious.’ I pause. ‘Gonna miss you, too,’ I add quietly.


  It’s not the same though. She still gets to see Cerys when they come back for postgrad stuff after the summer.

  We keep walking in silence for a few minutes, until we get to the entrance of the exam venue.

  ‘I’ll meet you here afterwards?’ Sam says. ‘Thought we could grab a sandwich or something.’

  ‘Yeah, sure. OK.’


  I nod. ‘See you on the other side.’

  ‘Good luck.’

  I leave her behind as I enter the waiting area, filled with dozens of other students.

  Shannen’s cackle rings out from the other side of the room. She’s surrounded by her friends—most of them equally as loud and obnoxious as she is. Bet she saw that stupid photo and loved every pixel of it.

  Focus. Forget Shannen. Last exam.

  I consider finding out which seat I’m assigned but there’s a huge crowd around the seating chart, so I opt to check my phone instead. Checking the same thing I always do these days.

  Messages from Luc.

  He hasn’t sent a new one since before I saw Harry. I wonder if he found out. Maybe that’s why he stopped.

  I wonder if he’s still drinking tea.

  His last text is still visible from the messages home screen.

  I miss you x

  Then no more messages. No more calls. Nothing.

  ‘Hey Lexi.’

  I look up and shove my phone back into my pocket. ‘Tom!’

  ‘Ready for this exam?’ he asks, grinning. Nearly always grinning.

  ‘Ready as I’ll ever be. You?’

  ‘Yeah.’ He glances over in Shannen’s direction. ‘Kind of hoping photosynthesis comes up, just to piss her off.’

  I snort. ‘And all the RuBisCO stuff she hated?’


  I feel a bit mean for a few seconds. Maybe she’s not that bad. Maybe I’ve been misreading her.

  From across the room, she spots me. She says something to her gaggle. They all turn and look at me.

  No. She’s a bitch. Fuck her.

  ‘Think we’re being called in,’ says Tom. ‘Good luck!’

  ‘You too,’ I smile.

  Students filter from the waiting area to the exam room, like grains of sand falling through an hourglass, and I check the seating plan on the way in.

  Bags at the back. Check.

  Phones off. Check.

  Find seat. Check.

  Pens and pencils out. Calculator out. Ruler and eraser just in case. Check.

  Pencil case on floor. Check.

  No labels on drink bottles. Check.

  I start filling in the cover sheet while other students continue to settle in.

  There are still a few stragglers finding their seats when I’m done, so I sit back and look around.

  Shannen is three seats ahead of me, in the row to my left. Drinking water. Fiddling with her papers.

  God knows what she’s been saying about me to her friends.

  That I’m sad and pathetic and stupid for thinking someone like Luc could want someone like me.

  I cross my arms across my chest as one of the invigilators starts reading out the same pre-exam list of dos and don’ts that we’ve all heard fifty times by now.

  No. Shannen’s wrong. Luc was real with me. I’m the one who’s fucked this up by being too scared. Too insecure. We were real. So real that I’m not even taking the money. I don’t want it. Forget the agreement.

  And maybe I should message him after this. And if the photography offer is off the table, fine. I’ll sort something out here, while he’s away. And I’ll miss him, like I’ve missed him since February. And it’ll be harder with no exams or coursework to distract me.

  He said he missed me.

  Harry said he’d wait for me.

  I guess I’ll find out.

  No matter how much it scares me that he might have changed his mind.

  The sound of paper rustling as people all around open their exam papers draws my attention back to the present. I do the same, unfolding my arms and turning the first page.


  The Calvin cycle.

  An audible sigh from Shannen’s direction.

  I can’t help the smile on my face.

  Well, that’s something at least.




  There’s a collective sigh and clatter of pens as the exam comes to an end.

  I finished an hour ago. I could have left early. But I’m meeting Sam and delaying the call I don’t know how to make. And there are fewer distractions in here.

  Invigilators start sweeping along the rows, picking up completed exam papers.

  Shannen slumps in her seat, pressing her palms against her eyes.

  I don’t care what she thinks.

  I don’t care what Hayley thinks.

  Or the press.

  One of the invigilators takes my paper. But I can’t get up yet. We have to wait until they’ve collected them all.

  Sam’s probably outside already. I need to hang back so I can make the call in relative quiet.

  Make the call. Meet Sam. Get lunch.

  He might be on the plane already. Think they’re starting in Amsterdam.

  Should I leave a voicemail?

  Hate voicemail.

  Maybe I should just text him.

  Do I bring up the photography thing? Oh hey, I was an idiot, I majorly freaked out, but I do want to be with you, and can I still shadow your band photographer who I stood up before?

  Yeah. No.

  ‘You may leave.’

  The scraping of chairs and rising post-exam chatter quickly fills the hall, amplified by the acoustics in here.

  I stay seated, reaching down to pick up my pencil case.

  Ahead of me and slightly to my right, Shannen stretches in her seat before standing and turning. She catches my eye as I drop my stationery into my pencil case and zip it shut. Without thinking, I smile. Because, you know, basic manners. She merely raises an eyebrow in response, then walks past me to the bags at the back of the room.


  I give it another minute—enough time for Shannen to have left, at least—and finally stand, careful not to scratch my chair against the floor. At least two thirds of the people who were in here have now filtered outside.

  My bag is alone on this side of the room. I get my phone out, replacing it with the pencil case, and press down on the power button. While it starts up, I sling my bag over my shoulder and slowly exit into the lobby.

  Shannen’s still here, although moving towards the exit with her troop.

  I check my phone.

  Find Luc in my contacts.

  Wonder what the hell I’m going to say.

  What was hard before feels impossible now.

  I’ve never actually called him.

  He’s probably on the plane already. I’m probably getting myself all worked up for a call diversion because his mobile is on flight mode.

  Screw it.

  I hit the call button, and bring the handset to my ear.

  And it rings.

  And rings.

  And rings.

  My heart is in my throat.

  And ri—



  I open my mouth to speak, but my words catch in my throat. I blink back tears.

  The sound of his voice.


  ‘I’m sorry,’ I half speak, half whisper. I swallow hard to wet my throat.

  ‘No. Don’t be sorry,’ he says. ‘What’s wrong? Are you OK?’

  I nod.


  ‘Yeah. Yeah, I’m nodding.’ I take a huge breath. I start slowly towards the exit. Need fresh air.

  ‘How was your exam?’

  I look around, confused. Half expecting to see him behind me. He’s not here. I keep walking to the exit. ‘How do you know I had an exam?’

  ‘I have my ways.’ I can hear the smile in his voice. Cerys must have told him. They must be off the plane already.

  As I approach the door, I can hear Shannen’s voice outside. For a moment I hesitate, then decide to walk out anyway.

  ‘How was the flight?’ The sunshine blinds me as I exit but I keep going, looking down at my feet, until I know I’m a safe distance from where anyone can hear me. Sam will probably see me before I see her anyway.

  ‘Haven’t boarded yet.’

  ‘Oh,’ I frown. ‘Cerys said you were leaving early?’

  He laughs. That low, beautiful sound. ‘Yeah, we were. Something came up.’

  ‘Oh yeah?’



  Shadow sweeps over me and I instinctively look up, straight into Luc’s dark, gold-flecked blue eyes.

  He hangs up his phone. ‘You.’ He takes my phone out of my hand and pulls me into his arms, and I gladly throw mine around him.

  He smells so good. I’ve missed it. I’ve missed it all. His touch. His scent. His voice. His teasing.

  ‘I’m sorry about your PGCE,’ he says, kissing my hair.

  ‘No you’re not!’

  He pulls back, laughing. ‘No. Maybe not. But are you?’

  I shake my head. ‘Not really.’ I look at him, drinking him in. Every last inch. ‘I’m sorry.’

  ‘Stop,’ he puts a finger to my lips. ‘I’m sorry. I should have said. I didn’t mention it because I didn’t want to give her any more headspace. We laughed for about two seconds, then she was back to her usual demeanour. I went in there looking for cameras for you.’

  I nod. I know.

  ‘You don’t have to do the photography thing. You don’t have to decide anything yet. Except…’ He hesitates. ‘Please come on tour?’

  ‘But I’d need to pack.’

  ‘Cerys did it already.’

  ‘What?!’ But I’m not even slightly annoyed.

  ‘And you can get lunch and dinner and drinks and games and everything with Sam and Mylo when you’re back.’

  I blink. ‘Sam was in on this too?!’ That explains a lot.

  He laughs at my shock. ‘So come? I’m not being parted from you for that long again. They’ll just have to get themselves another drummer if you won’t be there with me.’

  I gasp. ‘You can’t do that! You love drumming. And the band.’

  ‘Yeah. But I love you more.’

  His confession stuns me into silence. And now tears really do stream from my eyes.

  ‘Lexi?’ His voice is soft as he rests his forehead against mine.

  I swallow, nodding. ‘I love you, too,’ I say, my voice cracking.

  He grins, running his fingers into my hair, pulling my lips to his.

  Yes. Yes I’ll come.



  ‘HOW DID YOU manage to wrangle extra tickets to this?’

  Harry merely grins at me. ‘Well, I was there for the whole damn saga. I want to see my gals graduate.’

  ‘Um, excuse me?’ Jake says, leaning over to look at Harry. ‘Your girls?’

  Harry waves his hand dismissively. ‘Shh! They’re starting.’

  Jake shakes his head and sits back in his seat, and it’s all I can do to suppress the laugh threatening to surface in response to Harry’s protectiveness. There are few more amazing feelings than your friends adopting your girlfriend as one of the group.

  Gethin leafs through the biological sciences ceremony schedule. ‘Found them,’ he whispers to Jake, showing him Cerys and Lexi’s names in the running order. ‘There are three hundred students here for this. Biggest school in the uni.’

  We settle in for a long ceremony.

  ‘I WAS SO scared I was going to trip on this stupid gown.’

  ‘Me too,’ Lexi agrees.

  Cerys looks at her. ‘With your long legs? Unlikely.’

  Outside, on the lawn, after Cerys and Lexi’s parents have gone to freshen up before our post-graduation meal this evening, Harry snaps photos.

  Of the girls.

  Of the couples.

  Of both couples together.

  Finally, he ropes in some unsuspecting outsider to get some group shots of all of us.

  These pictures are nice. Casual. Not intrusive, like when it’s the press.

  ‘I want copies of all of these!’ says Lexi.

  Cerys agrees and Harry promises they’ll have every last one.

  ‘I’m so proud of you,’ I say, pulling Lexi into my arms. Her mortarboard nearly pokes me in the eye.

  ‘Think the silent treatment helped,’ she teases.

  ‘Silent treatment?! I was giving you space! I am wounded!’ Definitely overplaying this, but she laughs at my ridiculousness anyway. I turn serious again. ‘What did your parents say?’ I ask her. ‘About the work you’ve been doing on tour with us?’

  She smiles. ‘They thought it was great.’

  ‘Told you.’

  ‘Shut up!’ She bats her hands at my chest and I pull her into a kiss. Her body softens noticeably in response as I run my hands under her graduation gown, feeling the curves of her perfect body in the tight, red dress she wore the first night we met. She drapes her arms over my shoulders and I inhale her sweet scent.

  Can’t wait to get her on her own later. To show her just how proud I am of her.

  Fuck, I’m nervous.

  I drink her in before pulling back and taking a deep, shaky breath.

  Can’t believe I’m doing this. Can’t believe I didn’t do it sooner.

  I reach into my pocket.

  ‘Luc? What’s wrong?’

  I can feel all eyes on me. The guys already know my plan.

  ‘Lexi,’ I say, pulling a small box out of my pocket, and dropping to one knee.

  And, Lexi being Lexi, she drops with me, panic in both her expression and her voice. ‘Oh my God, Luc. What’s wrong?’

  She looks up at the guys, concern written all over her face. Harry’s got his hand over his mouth, no doubt covering a huge grin, shaking his head at how wrong this is going.


  She looks back at me.

  I open my mouth, and realise I don’t want to say the same four words as everyone else. So, instead, I give her the box.

  Her eyes widen in shock. She knows.

  She shakes her head.

  She’s shaking her head.

  ‘No, no.’

  Cerys gasps above us.

  My stomach feels leaden.

  ‘I don’t need to look at this.’ She looks at me. ‘I don’t
need a ring at all. Or for you to ask.’

  I hold my breath.

  ‘Of course I will. I don’t want anyone else. Ever. I want to be yours.’ She flings her arms around me and we both fall backwards onto the grass, her and her graduation gown on top of me. Laughter and relief flood through me. ‘Only yours,’ she whispers.

  A cheer goes up around us and she pulls herself up a little to look at me. I pull her back down to kiss her.

  She doesn’t even flinch as cameras flash all around us.


  Thank you for reading INTERLUDE. I hope you liked it!

  If you did, please consider leaving a review on Amazon or Goodreads or wherever. Indie writers/publishers do everything on their own and it all really does help, even just a few words. Thank you.

  The next book in the series is OFF THE RECORD, introducing more of the Miseducation band members. But don’t worry—Gethin and Harry will get their books too! I don’t have a set release date for OFF THE RECORD yet but I’m cautiously optimistic it’ll be before the end of the year (famous last words, right?).

  As for staying up to date with progress, I’m a bit of an introvert and, unlike many of my peers, I don’t have a mailing list. I’m also not super active on social media but I do have a Facebook page where I post my latest release and any news. Come and give it a like and a follow:




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