Down and Dirty Pictures
Page 82
Rea, Stephen, 143, 149
Reardon, Barry, 313
Redford, Robert, 2–3, 8, 10–13, 26, 28, 33–39, 74–77, 79–80, 82–86, 105, 120, 131–34, 166, 191, 204–6, 229, 231–32, 289–91, 388–90, 425–27
Redgrave, Lynn, 353
Reeves, Keanu, 182
Reggio, Godfrey, 417
Reilly, John C., 22
Reindeer Games, 419, 423
Reiner, Rob, 281
Reiter, Irwin, 5, 391
Remy, Linda, 75
Rent, 454, 472
Requiem for a Dream, 399, 472
Reservoir Dogs, 21, 116, 118–22, 126, 129–30, 134–37, 141, 167, 173, 281
Resnais, Alain, 188, 360
Return of the Secaucus 7, The, 16–17
Reynolds, Burt, 223
Reznikoff, Eleanor, 70
Rhames, Ving, 380
Rhys-Meyers, Jonathan, 331
Rice, Dennis, 71, 72, 74, 324, 326, 349, 352, 398, 420
Rich, Matty, 106
Rich, Ruby, 117
Richard III, 260
Richards, Marty, 468
Ritter, John, 233
Rivera, Diego, 442
River Runs Through It, A, 77, 132–33
Rizzuto, Robin, 337
Robbins, Matthew, 251, 254–55
Robbins, Tim, 132
Roberts, Julia, 213, 327, 381, 407, 417, 470
Rockwell, Alexandre, 118–19, 122, 172, 174–75, 190, 217, 222, 475
Rocky, 8, 281
Rodriguez, Robert, 21, 24, 165, 216–17, 219, 222, 233, 249, 257, 314
Room with a View, A, 18, 25, 96–97
Roos, Don, 320
Rose, Jeff, 70
Rosefelt, Reid, 48
Ross, Ben, 158
Ross, Gary, 269
Roth, Ann, 244
Roth, Joe, 36, 150, 152, 197–200, 213–14, 313, 342, 345, 378, 400, 458
Roth, Tim, 22, 218
Rounders, 310, 311, 358–59
Rudin, Scott, 244, 377, 432, 453, 455, 462–63, 468, 470
Run Lola Run, 359, 462
Rush, Geoffrey, 224, 330
Rushdie, Salman, 378
Russell, David O., 21, 160–61, 209–11, 385–87, 418–19, 479, 480
Russell, Theresa, 80
Russo brothers, 428
Ryan, Meg, 365
Ryan, Nora, 231, 390
Ryder, Winona, 32, 329
Sabinson, Alan, 294–95
Safe, 110, 203
Safford, Tony, 32, 35, 39, 66, 72–73, 75–77, 82, 84, 105, 111–12, 141, 156–57, 169, 222–27, 266, 361, 442
Salle, David, 187
Samuel Goldwyn Company, 18, 43, 155, 159, 162, 178, 193, 228
Sandler, Adam, 470
San Giacomo, Laura, 31, 39, 41
Sarafina!, 142
Satter, Michelle, 77, 204, 205, 476
Saving Private Ryan, 369
Savoca, Nancy, 32, 41, 43
Sayles, John, 16–18, 20–21, 76, 106, 148, 472–73, 474
Scandal, 22, 59–63, 66–67, 90, 101
Scary Movie, 424, 430
Schaeffer, Maria, 33, 36–37
Schamus, James, 21, 23, 193, 336, 448, 449, 467, 469, 474, 477, 483
Scheinman, Andy, 284
Scher, Jeffrey Noyes, 32
Schickel, Richard, 360
Schindler’s List, 360
Schizopolis, 208–9, 268, 379
Schmidt, John, 73, 103–5, 110, 115–16, 125–26, 141–42, 152, 185–86, 188, 200, 240, 270–74, 296–301, 303, 304–7, 324, 348, 349–52, 361–63, 372, 375
Schmidt, Rick, 32
School of Rock, 473
Schoonmaker, Thelma, 403, 438
Schrader, Paul, 201
Schreiber, Liev, 248
Schulberg, Sandra, 16
Schulman, Cathy, 37, 121–22, 165, 399–400, 402
Schwartz, Russell, 134, 381, 414
Schwarzbaum, Lisa, 424
Sciorra, Anabella, 22, 32
Scorsese, Martin, 8–9, 23, 127, 138, 187, 190, 192, 201, 399–404, 432, 466–69
Scott, A. O., 442
Scott, Tony, 137
Scott Thomas, Kristin, 244, 246
Scream, 247–51, 263–66
Scream 2, 313
Scream 3, 424, 430
Searchlight, see Fox Searchlight
Secret Policeman’s Ball, The (SPB), 44–45
Secret Policeman’s Other Ball, The (SPOB), 45–47, 90
Secrets & Lies, 239–40, 268, 270
Section Eight, 415–19
Sehring, Jonathan, 231
Sevigny, Chloë, 202, 215
sex, lies, and videotape, 21, 26, 27–33, 39–43, 63–66, 77–82, 90, 101, 104, 105, 416
Sexy Beast, 462
Shakespeare in Love, 160, 165, 179, 300, 327–31, 359, 361, 369–72
Shaye, Bob, 111, 141, 160, 195, 200, 225, 245, 478
Sheen, Martin, 405
Sheridan, Jim, 22, 59, 99, 327
Sherwood, Bill, 107
She’s All That, 364–66
She’s Gotta Have It, 17, 56, 108
Shestack, John, 96, 461
Shine, 222–28, 230, 266, 268
Shining Excalibur Films, 214
Shipping News, The, 410, 420, 430, 432, 437, 450
Shooting Gallery, The, 109, 234, 236
Showtime, 231, 388, 425
Shyamalan, M. Night, 341–42, 450
Sid and Nancy, 18, 93
Siegler, Gary, 187–88
Silberman, Mark, 70–71
Silver, Casey, 42, 131, 328, 335–36, 363, 380
Silver, Jeff, 49–50
Simon, Paul, 407
Simpson, Don, 42
Simpson, Mike, 305–6
Singer, Bryan, 203, 472, 475
Singh, Anant, 230
Sinise, Gary, 450
Sirk, Douglas, 428
Sixth Sense, The, 342, 343, 392, 450
Skouras, Marjorie, 30–32, 41, 66
Skouras, Tom, 31–32, 43, 92
Skouras Pictures, 30–31, 43
Skye, Ione, 118
Slacker, 22, 106, 161, 176
Slamdance, 229
Slater, Christian, 32
Sling Blade, 233–39, 241–42, 267–68
Smith, Annick, 16, 33–34, 36, 132–33, 475
Smith, Chris, 232
Smith, Kevin, 21–23, 24, 155, 161–65, 169, 173, 175–77, 190, 203–4, 253, 265–66, 267, 282, 284–85, 298, 312, 344–46, 364–68, 377, 431, 435, 459–60, 474, 481
Smith, Liz, 99
Smith, Lois, 426
Smith, Lory, 29, 166, 229
Smoke, 256, 263
Snider, Stacey, 371, 386, 440–41, 444, 448–49, 457
Soderbergh, Steven, 21–23, 26, 63, 65, 78, 81, 98, 191, 207–9, 268–69, 379–81, 383–84, 414–19, 428–30, 446–47, 452, 472
and Redford, 79–80, 85–86, 130–34
and U.S. Film Festival, 27–33, 39–42, 83, 117, 229
Solondz, Todd, 21, 222, 228, 297–99, 333–34, 336
Sony, 162, 176, 302, 328, 365, 371, 462, 483
Sony Classics, 123, 139, 144, 159, 193, 222, 228, 267, 297, 320, 359–60, 448, 481
Sorvino, Mira, 217, 256–57
Spacek, Sissy, 432, 440, 445
Spacey, Kevin, 294
Spader, James, 22, 41, 78
Spanking the Monkey, 21, 160–61, 164, 209, 319, 387
Specialist, The, 174, 189
Spielberg, Steven, 8–10, 352, 369, 405, 474
Spikes, Stacy, 179, 362–63
Split Screen, 231–32
Stallone, Sylvester, 174, 189, 194, 259–62, 281
Stanley, Richard, 139
Stein, Elliott, 89–90, 102
Steinberg, David, 66, 112–13, 261
Stengel, Andrew, 359
Stern, Sandy, 326
Stevens, Fisher, 437
Stiles, Julia, 405
Stiller, Ben, 210
Stillman, Whit, 83, 475
Sting, The, 251
Stolz, Eric, 170
Stone, Matt, 306, 307, 326
Stone, Sharon, 117, 348
Stop Making Sense, 18, 55
Stoppard, Tom, 327, 331
Stranger Than Paradise, 17, 22, 25, 76
Streep, Meryl, 455
Streeter, Khari, 425
Streitfeld, Susan, 475
Strictly Ballroom, 144, 148
Stringer, Howard, 483
studio system, impact on indie world, 477–84
Sundance Channel, 231–38, 291, 388–90, 426, 476
Sundance Cinemas, 290, 426
Sundance “Class of ’92,” 217
Sundance Film Festival, 2, 26, 105–6, 116–22, 155–67, 191, 201–5, 222–30, 266, 319–20, 361, 387, 424–25, 474–76
See also U.S. Film Festival
Sundance Group, 37, 231, 388
Sundance Institute, 12–13, 28–29, 33–39, 74–77, 82–86, 289–91, 424
Sundance Productions, 388–90, 425–26
Superstar: The Karen Carpenter Story, 108
Swartz, Cynthia, 469
Swid, Stephen, 97
Sykes, John, 407, 408, 415
Talbot, Dan, 66, 267
Talented Mr. Ripley, The, 56, 276, 311, 385, 391, 454–55
Talk, 378, 385, 405, 430, 450
Talk to Her, 462, 468
Tall Guy, The, 105, 292
Tally, Ted, 420
Tanovic, Danis, 440
Taplin, Jonathan, 224–27
Tarantino, Quentin, 1–2, 21–23, 27, 256, 257, 277, 281, 356, 375, 376, 400
Four Rooms and, 216–22
Jackie Brown and, 313–19, 346–47
as Miramax’s Mickey Mouse, 189–92
Pulp Fiction and, 167–75, 206–7
Reservoir Dogs and, 116, 118–22, 126–30, 135–39, 141–42
Tartikoff, Brandon, 143
Taubin, Amy, 385
Tauder, Diana, 87–88
Tautou, Audrey, 432
Taxi Driver, 23, 201, 251
Taylor, Jim, 241–42
Taylor, Lily, 22, 220
Taymor, Julie, 442–43
Temple, Julian, 45
Tenenbaum, Nancy, 30, 64–65, 229
Terminator series, 146, 248, 278
Theron, Charlize, 397, 399
Thin Blue Line, The, 59–60, 90
Things to Do in Denver When You’re Dead, 258
Third Wheel, The, 460, 461
Thomas, Jeremy, 182–84, 242, 275, 481
Thornton, Billy Bob, 3, 22, 24, 120, 233, 234–39, 267–68, 379, 419–23, 460, 475
Thornton, Pietra, 268, 269–70
Three Kings, 385–87, 419, 477, 480
Thurman, Uma, 22, 170, 179, 217, 314, 347, 393–95, 414
Tie Me Up, Tie Me Down, 105
To Die For, 201, 287, 397
Tomei, Marisa, 50, 346
Tomlin, Lily, 210, 478
Topsy-Turvy, 361–62
Tornatore, Giuseppe, 86, 88, 385
To Sleep with Anger, 3, 83
Touchstone, 364, 472
Towne, Robert, 119
Traffic, 379, 381–84, 414–15, 416, 428, 477
Training Day, 280, 386, 418, 477–78
Trainspotting, 22, 237–38, 241, 268
Traister, Rebecca, 408–9, 411–13
Travolta, John, 170, 194, 258–59
Trip to Bountiful, The, 18, 35
TriStar, see Columbia/TriStar Troche, Rose, 155, 165, 475
True Love, 32, 41, 43
True Romance, 63, 128, 137
Truffaut, François, 15
Truly, Madly, Deeply, 243
Tucker, Chris, 317
Turner, Gwen, 155
Turner, Ted, 200
Turturro, John, 22
Tusk, Mark, 15, 63, 101–2, 114–15, 118, 134, 140, 155–56, 162–64, 201, 215, 222, 225, 228, 264, 266, 287, 360
28 Days, 479
25th Hour, 472
21 Grams, 482
Tykwer, Tom, 359, 437, 462
UA, 462, 481
UA Classics, 17–18, 440
Unbelievable Truth, The, 21, 83, 105
Unbreakable, 450
Universal Focus, 425, 448
Universal Studios, 52, 131, 164, 176–77, 192, 271–72, 327–29, 334–36, 349–50, 362–63, 380–81, 388–90, 400, 423, 428, 439, 444, 449, 457
Urman, Mark, 70, 77–78, 99–100, 158, 183, 370
USA Entertainment, 382
USA Films, 362, 379–84, 385, 414, 429, 439, 446–49
U.S. Film Festival, 27–29, 32
management crisis in, 33–39
Usual Suspects, The, 203, 472
Vachon, Christine, 106–10, 117–18, 155, 164–65, 201–2, 215, 222, 298–99, 321, 331–33, 335–36, 428–29, 446–49, 452, 467, 480
Vachon, Gail, 107
Valenti, Jack, 480, 482–83
Van Der Beek, James, 450
Van Doren, Charles, 132
Vanilla Sky, 434
Van Sant, Gus, 20, 76, 117, 201, 210, 215, 286–88, 308, 309–11, 366–67, 397
Van Wagenen, Sterling, 28, 33–36, 38, 74–76, 204–5, 475
Vatel, 393
Vawter, Ron, 32
Velvet Goldmine, 321, 331–33, 429, 448
Verhoeven, Michael, 105
Vestron, 18–19, 21
video, impact of, 18, 127
Video Archives, 127–29, 137
Vinterberg, Thomas, 334
Virgin Suicides, The, 387
Vitale, Ruth, 302, 387, 483
Vivendi, 389–90, 448
Voight, Jon, 75
Von Sydow, Max, 57–58
Von Trier, Lars, 239–40, 334
Voss, Kurt, 116
Vossler, Rand, 137
Vulcan Ventures, 388–90
Wachowski brothers, 472
Wacks, Jonathan, 32
Wahlberg, Mark, 281, 397–99
Waiting for the Moon, 29
Waking Life, 425
Waking Up in Reno, 450
Walker, Bart, 96, 443
Walking and Talking, 21, 222
Wallace, Ronna, 116
Walsh, Fran, 245
Walt Disney Studios, see Disney
Studios Wang, Wayne, 17, 262–63
Ward, Bumble, 137
Ward, Mary, 49–50
Ward, Vincent, 142
Warner Brothers, 386, 387, 416, 418, 452, 477–78, 480
Warren, Patricia, 426
Waters, John, 17
Watson, Emily, 240, 268
Watts, Naomi, 478
Wayans, Damon, 318
Wayans, Marlon, 363
Webster, Paul, 55, 71, 287–88, 292–95, 320, 342, 376, 397, 398–99
Wechsler, Nick, 31, 398–99
Weil, Suzanne, 36, 84
Weinstein, Bob, 3–5, 13, 15, 25–26, 43, 46–53, 55–57, 64, 123, 143–46, 317, 377, 385, 391, 401, 405–6, 429–32, 435, 450–51
childhood of, 67–69
Dimension and, 110–12, 140, 173, 233, 248–57, 264–66
Disney and, 149, 151–52, 195–200
as employer, 67, 69–74, 337–40
See also Dimension Films; Miramax Films
Weinstein, Harvey, 3–6, 13–15, 25–26, 43–58, 60–66, 77–78, 102–3, 153–54, 182–84, 209–11, 222, 244–45, 250, 252–53, 267, 269, 274, 292–94, 302–3, 304–7, 316–18, 328–31, 360–61, 363–69, 386–87, 405–6, 417, 425, 429–32, 450–51, 482–84
acquisition rampage of, 156, 158–59, 162–64, 169–70, 173–77
childhood of, 67–69
conflicts with filmmakers of, 134–36, 182–84, 217–21, 233–38, 241–42, 259–65, 320–24, 342–45, 353–60, 392–93, 421–23, 428–30, 433–36, 442–44, 451–52, 463–64
Disney and, 150–53, 195–200, 211–15
as employer, 67, 69–74, 337–40, 384–85, 391–93, 427, 441
financial crisis and, 111, 113–15, 141–48
Good Will Hunting and, 286–88, 308–12
ntimidating reporters, 408–14, 424
legacy and prospects, 471–72
loss of Shine and, 224–27, 229–30
named “Scissorhands,” 86–90
Oscars and, 98–101, 369–72, 392–93, 440–42, 444–45, 467–69
political involvement of, 377–78, 406–8, 413–14, 451
Pulp Fiction and, 189–90, 195
as viewed by the industry, 452–53
See also Miramax Films
Weinstein, Max, 68
Weinstein, Miriam, 67–68, 102
Weinstein, Mrs. Harvey, see Chilton, Eve
Weisgel, Jonathan, 225, 303–4
Weissman, Murray, 369
Welcome to the Dollhouse, 21, 222, 228, 297, 319
Wells, Frank, 150–51, 196
Wenders, Wim, 78
Wexler, Haskell, 313
Whalley-Kilmer, Joanne, 60
Wide Awake, 341–43
Wiest, Dianne, 206
Wildwood, 42, 132, 289, 426
Wilhite, Tom, 38–39
William Morris Independent, 479
Williams, Robin, 288, 309, 470
Williamson, Kevin, 247, 321, 364
Willis, Bruce, 170, 194, 221
Winslet, Kate, 432
Wise, Robert, 468
Wonderland, 364
Woods, Cary, 201–3, 215, 222–23, 247–48, 265–66, 282, 285, 301
Woods Entertainment, 201
Woodward, Joanne, 88, 105
Woolf, Virginia, 455
Woolley, Steven, 55, 60–61, 90, 142–45, 147
Working Girls, 20, 56–57
Yakin, Boaz, 196, 288, 475
Yards, The, 396–99, 438
Yemenidjian, Alex, 482
Yerxa, Ron, 33, 42, 79, 456
Yoakam, Dwight, 233
Yoba, Malik, 259
Yorn, Rick, 399–400
You Can Count on Me, 387, 462
Young, Robert M., 16, 20
Young Poisoner’s Handbook, The, 158, 225
Zaentz, Saul, 182, 242–44, 274–77, 401
Zahn, Steve, 361
Zalaznick, Lauren, 109
Zeidman, Marty, 53, 58, 66–67, 81–82, 135
Zeitgeist, 110
Zellweger, Renée, 427, 456, 467
Zemeckis, Robert, 206, 352
Zentropa Films, 240
Zeta-Jones, Catherine, 383, 468
Zhang Yimou, 105
Zinkin, Ben, 134
Zwick, Ed, 327–29, 330, 370, 480
Zwigoff, Terry, 3
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