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Roy, M. N. India and War. Lucknow: Radical Democratic Party, 1942.
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Roy, Samaren. In Freedom’s Quest: A Study of the Life and Works of M. N. Roy. Calcutta: Minerva Associates, 1998.
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Roy, Tathagata, My People Uprooted. Kolkata: Ratna Prakashan, 2001.
Ruttledge, Hugh. Everest, 1933. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1934.
———. Everest: The Unfinished Adventure. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1937.
Sanyal, Hirankumar, ed. Twenty Years of Parichay and Other Memories [Paricha-yer Kudi Bacchar o onyano smritichia]. Calcutta: Papyrus, 1978.
Sarila, Narendra Singh. The Shadow of the Great Game. New Delhi: HarperCollins India, 2005.
Sarkar, Sumit. The Swadeshi Movement in Bengal 1903–1908. New Delhi: Peoples Publishing House, 1973.
Sarkar, Susobhan Chandra. Essays in Honour of Professor S. C. Sarkar. New Delhi: Peoples Publishing House, 1976.
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———. That Untravelled World: An Autobiography. New York: Scribner, 1969.
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Snow, Edgar. People on Our Side. New York: Random House, 1944.
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Science, “Announcements.” Vol. 81, no. 2106 (May 10, 1935): 443–70.
Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society
Female Poets of the First World War
Marcela de Paiva Abreu, “India as Creditor: Sterling Balances”
Independence Day Resolution passed by the Indian National Congress in 1930
Legacy of Midnapore: Freedom Movements at Contai
Indian Parliament: Constituent Debates (Proceedings)
Wings over Everest
Tilman’s Everest Southside Reconnaissance, by Mark
The index that appeared in the print version of this title does not match the pages in your ebook. Please use the search function on your device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.
aerial photography
aerial photogrammetry. See photogrammetry
Aghil Range
Aghil Pass
Ahmed, Muzzafar
Aircraft Operating Company (AOC)
Air Ministry
Air Raid Precautions (ARP)
All India Muslim League
Amery, Leo (Leopold Charles Maurice Stennet)
Anand, Mulk Raj
Anderson, Hedli
Anderson, Sir John
Anglo-Gurkha War (1814–1816)
Anschluss of Austria
Anti-Cow Slaughter League
AOC. See Aircraft Operating Company
ARP. See Air Raid Precautions
Ascent of F6, The (Auden/Isherwood play)
Atlantic Charter
Auden, Constance Rosalie
Auden, George Augustus
Auden, John Bicknell: analysis, on British rule; childhood; Calcutta life; and M. J. Carritt; conversion to Catholicism; death; Everest hopes; fears of impotence; final return to Calcutta; and Great Calcutta Killing; GSI, work in the Hindu Kush; hydroelectric projects; and investigation of 1934 earthquake; last Englishman employed by; work in the Ranigunj; work in the Son River Valley; and the war; and H. House; Himalayan work, Garhwal; Himalayan work, Karakoram; Krol Belt; marital prospects; marriage to M. Marshall; marriage to S. Bonnerjee; passage to India; relationship with W. H. Auden; relationship with S. Datta; relationship with N. Sharp; and World War II
Auden, Sheila Bonnerjee
Auden, W. H. (Wystan Hugh); China trip; death; GPO Film Unit; Iceland visit; India visit; and Munich crisis; “Palais des beaux arts;” Poems of Freedom; relationship with J. B. Auden; relationship with S. B. Auden; relationship with L. MacNeice; relationship with M. Spender; relationship with S. Spender; relationship with N. Sharp; sexuality; and Spanish Civil War; and World War II; with U.S. Strategic Bombing Survey. See also The Ascent of F6 (Auden/Isherwood play)
August Offer
Austen, Jane
Azad Hind. See also Freedom India broadcasts
Bahadur, Maharaja Juddha Shumsher Jung
Bengal: 1905 partition of; 1947 partition of; Bengal Renaissance; Bengal famine of 1943; Bengalis; cholera outbreak; Midnapore unrest; Provincial Assembly
Berlin, Sir Isaiah
Bismarck, disappearance of
Boggins, Betty
Bonnerjee, Anila
Bonnerjee, Bharat
Bonnerjee, Minnie. See Emmerson, Minnie Bonnerjee
Bonnerjee, Protap
Bonnerjee, Ratna
Bonnerjee, Sheila. See Auden, Sheila Bonnerjee
Bonnerjee, W. C. (Womesh Chandra)
Bose, Subhas Chandra
Bradley, Ben
Bradshaw-Isherwood, Kathleen
British Gazette (newspaper)
British Raj
British Union of Fascists
Britten, Benjamin
Brownell, Sonia (Euston Road Venus)
Bryant, Dan
Burma, fall of
Café Royal, London
Calcutta: 1934 Nepal Bihar earthquake; bombing of; capital of Bengal province; cultural riches; English contempt for “baboos;” Great Calcutta Killing; mercantile class; nightlife; partition of 1905; partition of 1947; physical appearance and climate; social life of Bengali bhadralok; social life of colonial English; Special Branch of Police activities; unrest; wartime
Calcutta Flying Club
Cambridge Mountaineering Club
Cariappa, Field Marshall Kodandera
Carritt, Gabriel
Carritt, Michael John: as Assistant District Officer in Bengal; during Blitz; friendship with J. B. Auden; friendship with H. House; as ICS Special Officer; underground work with Rev. M. Scott
Central Legislative Assembly
Chamberlain, Sir Arthur Neville
Chanda, Apurba
Chatterjee, Bankim
Chomolungma. See Mount Everest
Churchill, Sir Winston Spencer; on aerial bombing of Greek Resistance; on aerial bombing of Hamburg; and Air Ministry; and Sir John Anderson; anticommunist views of; Atlantic Charter and India; and Sir Stafford Cripps; on Czechoslovakia’s isolation after the Anschluss; Die Hard views of; and Dunkirk; on general strike of 1926; on the 1935 Government of India Act; on Hindu-Muslim tensions; and Adolf Hitler; and Rupert Brooke; and Viceroy Linlithgow; on sterling debt to India; as subaltern; views on India; writing style
Clutterbuck, Lord Peter and Lady
Coldstream, Nancy. See Sharp, Nancy
Coldstream, William (Bill)
Communist Party of Great Britain
Communist Party of India (CPI)
Confessions of a Nazi Spy (film)
Congress Party. See Indian National Congress
continental drift, theory of
Cotton, Sidney
Coward, Noël
Crevasse Glacier
Cripps, Sir Stafford
Criterion (journal)
Curzon, Viceroy George
Daily Mail (newspaper)
Dalai Lama, His Holiness the
Dalmia, Ramkrishna
Datta, Dwarkanath
Datta, Sudhindranath: work for ARP; friendship with J. B. Auden; death of; depression; family; and Bengal famine; feelings about M. Gandhi; and Great Calcutta Killing; and L. MacNeice; Parichay; Parichay adda; relationship with S. Bonnerjee; on R. Tagore; on women novelists; youth
De Sahib (Special Branch informer)
Die Hards
Direct Action Day (August 16, 1946)
dominion status. See India Dominion Status
Dunkirk evacuation
Dutt, Michael Madhusudan
East India Company
East Rongbuk Glacier
Eisenhower, General Dwight D.
Eliot, George
Eliot, T. S. (Thomas Stearns)
Emmerson, Lindsay
Emmerson, Minnie Bonnerjee
Eurasian Plate
Evening Standard (newspaper)
Everest, Sir George
Everest Committee. See Mount Everest Committee
Fast, Howard
All-India federation
Finch, George
Fleming, Peter
Forster, E. M. (Edward Morgan); A Passage to India
Freedom India broadcasts. See also Azad Hind
Freud, Sigmund
Gandhi, Mohandas; assassination; and Comintern; 1947 fast unto death; and Great Calcutta Killing; 1943 hunger strike; and India National Congress; and Linlithgow; on mass civil disobedience; in Noakhali; Non-Cooperation Movement; nonviolent tactics; Quit India Movement; Salt March; support for England; untouchability; on village-based industry
Gangotri: region; Gangotri glacier; Gangotri (temple town); Jogin peaks
Garhwal district
Gaumukh; pilgrimage to
general strike of 1926 (U.K.)
Geological Survey of India (GSI)
George V, King of Great Britain
Ghosh, Ajay
Ghosh, Shyamal Krishna. See secret diarist (Shyamal Krishna Ghosh)
Gide, André
Gorky, Maxim
Government of India Act (1919)
Government of India Act (1935)
GPO Film Unit
Great Barrier Reef
Great Calcutta Killings
Great Game
sp; Great Indian Arc of the Meridian
Great War. See World War I (1914–1918)
GSI. See Geological Survey of India
Haarmann, Erica. See Spender, Erica Haarmann
Hamburg, bombing of
Hartz Mountains
Hemming, Major Harold “Lemnos”
Hess, Rudolph
Hillary, Edmund
Himalayan Club
Himalayan Journal
Himalaya tectonics
Hindustan Times (newspaper)
Hinks, Arthur L.
Hitler, Adolf
Hooghly River
Hope, Victor Alexander John. See Linlithgow, Marquess of (Victor Alexander John Hope)
House, Humphry; and I Spy with My Little Eye
Houston, Lady Poppy
India and Democracy (Schuster)
India dominion status
India Empire Society
Indian independence
Indian National Congress: and S. C. Bose; relations with Communist Party of India; and Cripps negotiations; Declaration of Independence; and fall of France; relations with Jinnah and Muslim League; relations with Linlithgow; and Non-Cooperation Movement; postwar period; regional elections of 1937; relations with M. N. Roy; and Quit India Movement; and Willingdon
Indian Plate
Invasion Warning Sub-committee
Irvine, Sandy
Isherwood, Christopher. See also The Ascent of F6 (Auden/Isherwood play)
Jinnah, Muhammad Ali
John, Augustus
Joshi, P. C. (Puran Chand)
Journey to a War (Auden/Isherwood)
Joyce, James
Jung, Karl
Kallman, Chester
Karakoram expeditions, 1937; 1938
Keynes, J. M. (John Maynard)
Knights of the Flying Carpets
Krol Belt
land records
League Against Imperialism
Lenin, Vladimir
Linlithgow, Marquess of (Victor Alexander John Hope): and L. Amery; and W. Churchill; and declaration of war; and 1937 elections; on famine; and federation of Indian states; and M. Gandhi; Nehru on; on self-rule; viceroy of India
Lloyd George, David
London bombing
London Gazette (newspaper)
Macaulay, Thomas Babington
MacNeice, Louis: 1947 trip to India; and J. B. Auden; and W. H. Auden; and general strike of 1926; marriage to H. Anderson; and M. R. Anand; relationship with N. Sharp
Madras Weekly (newspaper)
Main Central Thrust (Himalaya fault)
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