Mallik, Basanta Kumar
Mallory, George
Marshall, Margaret
Marx, Karl
Mason, Kenneth
Meerut Conspiracy Case
Mexican Communist Party
Mirajkar, S. S.
Morning Post (newspaper)
Mosley, Oswald
Mountain Club of India
Mount Everest: “mountain of destiny;” and J. B. Auden; expeditions, 1920s; 1933; 1935; 1936; flight over; geology of; mapping of; and Tibet
Mount Everest Committee
Mukherjee, Hirendranath (Hiren-da)
Munich Agreement
Munich Crisis
Muslim League. See All India Muslim League
Mussolini, Benito
Nagumo, Admiral Chuichi
Naidu, Sarojini
Nanda Devi
Nanga Baba
Nanga Parbat
Naval Intelligence
Nazi-Soviet pact
Nehru, Jawaharlal; and communism; Congress deadlock; and Great Calcutta Killing; and Government of India Act (1935); and Indian independence; on Linlithgow; and idea of Pakistan; Quit India campaign; and M. N. Roy
Nehru, Motilal
Nepal-Bihar earthquake of 1934
New York Daily News (newspaper)
Non-Cooperation Movement
Norgay, Tensing
Normandy landings
Nyonno Ri survey
Orwell, George; Road to Wigan Pier
Owen, Wilfred
Pakistan; Nehru on; J. B. Auden and
“Palais des beaux arts” (Auden)
Parichay (journal)
Parichay adda
Passage to India, A (Forster)
Peddie, District Officer James
Poems of Freedom
Pound, Ezra
Progressive Writers’ Association
Purna Swaraj. See also Indian independence
Quit India Movement and uprising
Radcliffe, Sir Cyril
Radhakrishnan, Sarvepalli
Ranigunj coalfields
Records of the Geological Survey of India
RGS. See Royal Geological Society
Robinson, Edward G.
Roosevelt, Eleanor
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano
Roy, Jamini
Roy, Kitty
Roy, M. N. (Manabendra Nath); views on W. Churchill; and J. Nehru
Roy, Ramohan
Royal Flying Corps
Royal Geological Society (RGS)
Russian Revolution (1917)
Ruttledge, Hugh
Saint-Exupéry, Antoine
Salt March (1930)
Sarkar, Susobhan
Sarpo Laggo Glacier
Schuster, George Ernest
Schuster, Hilda (Granny)
Schuster, Violet. See Spender, Violet Schuster
Scott, the Reverend Michael
Sea Customs Act (1878)
secret diarist (Shyamal Krishna Ghosh)
Sepoy Rebellion (1857)
Set, the (Anglo-Bengali elite; bhadralok)
Sharp, Nancy: ambulance work; art interests; background; death; marriage to W. Coldstream; relationship with J. B. Auden; relationship with L. MacNeice; relationship with M. Spender; relationship with W. H. Auden; suicide attempt
Shipton, Eric; aerial photography; Everest expeditions, 1933; 1935; 1936; 1938; 1952; 1953; Karakoram expeditions, 1937; 1938; relationship with M. Spender; as surveyor; and B. Tilman
Sinclair, Elinor
Sinclair, Sinbad
Singh, Juin
Sino-Burmese Frontier Commission
Slade School of Fine Art
Smythe, Frank
Son River Valley
Spectator (newspaper)
Spender, Alfred; The Changing East
Spender, Christine
Spender, Erica Haarmann
Spender, Edward Harold
Spender, Humphrey
Spender, May (Aunt May)
Spender, Michael Alfred: aerial survey in Greenland; and The Ascent of F6; and J. B. Auden; and W. H. Auden; on British Empire; childhood; death; Everest reconnaissance (1935); and general strike of 1926; Great Barrier Reef survey; His Master’s Voice Gramophone Company (HMV) work; Jungian analysis of; Karakoram expedition of 1937; Karakoram expedition of 1938; marriage to E. Spender; photographic intelligence work; relationship with N. Sharp; and E. Shipton; and S. Spender; stereographic survey work; surveying and mapmaking; views on prewar Germany; on war in Europe
Spender, Nancy. See Sharp, Nancy
Spender, Stephen Harold; childhood; communist activity; on general strike of 1926; on homosexuals; on India’s independence; relationship with M. Spender; at Oxford; on painting; on the war; writings
Spender, Violet Schuster
Spitfire airplanes
Stalin, Joseph
Statesman (newspaper)
Steevens, G. W. (George Warrington)
stereographic surveying
sterling debt between Great Britain and India
Strategic Reconnaissance Wing
Stravinsky, Igor
“Structure of the Himalaya in the Garhwal, The” (J. B. Auden)
Suhrawardy, Shaheed Huseyn
Suhrawardy, Shahid Hassan
Survey of India
Tagore, Dwarkanath
Tagore, Rabindranath
Tatler (magazine)
Tendrup, Dawa
Tensing, Ang
Tilman, Harold William (Bill): death; Everest expeditions, 1935; 1936; 1938; Karakoram expedition; on modern way of life; postwar expeditions; Nanda Devi ascent; and E. Shipton
Time (magazine)
Times of India (newspaper)
Times of London (newspaper)
Trial of a Judge (S. Spender)
Tsering, Ang
Tsering, Nyima
U.S. Strategic Bombing Survey
Vindhya Range
Wager, Lawrence Rickard (Bill): and J. B. Auden; on Everest; on exploration; photographic intelligence work; on H. Ruttledge; on M. Spender
War Cabinet
Wegener, Alfred
Weimar Germany
Wescott, Bishop Foss
Westminster Gazette (newspaper)
Wien, Karl
Wild A5
Wild phototheodolite
Wild stereoautograph
Wings over Everest (film)
Woolf, Virginia
Workman, Dr. William Hunter and Mrs. Fanny
World Bank
World War I (1914–1918)
World War II (1939–1945); declaration of; German invasion threat; Japanese invasion threat; mobilization of India; Operation Gomorrah; Parichay adda views on; portents; VE Day
Yeats, W. B. (William Butler)
Younghusband, Sir Francis: on Mount Everest; in Karakoram
Zeiss stereoplanigraph
DEBORAH BAKER is the author of Making a Farm; In Extremis, which was shortlisted for the Pulitzer Prize for Biography; A Blue Hand; and The Convert, which was a finalist for the National Book Award. She lives in India and New York.
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