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One More Chance at Forever (The Chance Series Book 5)

Page 10

by K. B. Andrews

  I nod and move to look at the floor plan. “I’m waiting to see if the owner is going to accept my offer. I should know within a few days.”

  He claps his hands together. “Perfect. Is everything here to your liking?”

  I glance over everything again. “It all looks exactly how I pictured it.” I take a step back. “I just wanted to stop by and see what you’d mapped out, but it looks like you have it all taken care of.”

  He nods. “Don’t worry about a thing. Everything’s taken care of,” he promises.

  “I’ll be talking to you in a few days then.”

  “I look forward to it,” he says, holding out his hand.

  As I’m walking out, I notice Tony pulling into the bowling alley. I quickly jog over and approach him as he’s stepping out of the car.

  “Hey, Mr. Reynolds. Something I can help you with?”

  “You working today?”

  He nods. “Yeah, only for a couple hours though. What’s up?”

  “You fish?” I ask, shielding my eyes from the early morning sun.

  “Um, no. I never had anyone to take me,” he answers.

  “Come by the shop when you get off. I’ll take you out.”

  He smiles widely. “Really? You’re not going to try and drown me or anything, right?”

  I laugh. “No, I’m not trying to make Em mad. She’s ruthless.” I wink as I walk back across the street.

  It’s going on noon when Tony shows up at the shop. He’s standing tall, but his eyes tell me he’s nervous. I send him down to the boat with two poles while I go to grab the tacklebox from my office.

  “You cutting out early today to go fish?” Trent asks.

  “Yeah, finally getting Tony alone. I couldn’t ask him shit without Lennox jumping down my throat.” I grab the tacklebox from behind my desk and turn for the door.

  “Oh, I gotta see this.” He’s smiling and rubbing his hands together.

  I stop dead in my tracks and turn back to face him. “You’re not going.”

  “Come on, man. We can do good cop, bad cop.”

  “I already played that with Len,” I say, pushing through the door.

  He follows after me. “I don’t want to hear about your fucked-up bedroom games. I just want to fish.”

  I laugh and shake my head. Leave it to Trent to turn something completely innocent into something dirty. “No, Trent. I need to bond with this kid. See what’s going on between him and my daughter.”

  He grabs ahold of my arm and turns me to face him. “I have a daughter too, you know? I know a few tricks.” He crosses his arms over his chest and smiles.

  I roll my eyes. “Fine. Let’s go.”

  We finish our walk down the dock, and I hand the tacklebox over to Tony while Trent and I untie the boat from the dock.

  Once we’re finally out in the ocean with our reels cast, I start up the interrogation. “Tony, don’t hate me for being a little forward here, but can I ask you something?”

  He looks over at me and swallows. “Uh, yeah I guess.”

  I lean up, resting my elbows on my knees. “What’s your plans for the future? I mean, Emma is leaving. Are you two going to try the long-distance thing or what?”

  He thinks it over for a minute. “To be honest, we haven’t really talked about it yet.”

  “Why not?” Trent asks, and I roll my eyes.

  “I think at first, neither of us wanted to jinx anything by making plans for the future. But now, it’s more like we’re avoiding the future because we know it won’t last. Our relationship has an expiration date.”

  “Do you love my daughter?” Asking this question makes me think of the time when Lennox’s dad asked me that same question. I wasn’t ready to admit it. Let’s see if Tony is.

  He lets out a nervous laugh. “I’m not sure, sir.”

  One of my brows lifts as I give him a questioning look.

  “It’s just that… I don’t know. I care about her deeply. I want her happy. I mean, when she smiles, it feels like time freezes for me. We haven’t been together long, so I think love is jumping the gun a little.” He runs his hand through his blond hair. “It’s more like we’re laying the foundation. I can see myself falling in love with her very easily, but I’m trying not to because I know she’s leaving.”

  Trent looks over at me. “Want me to throw him overboard?” He gives me his evil grin.

  I laugh and smack him on the back. “No, let’s fish.”

  Chapter Fourteen


  Dad left for work early this morning, so Mom and I spend the day shopping for things for my dorm room. We drive to the city and buy a new comforter set, rug, mini fridge, small tv, and school supplies. We stop and have lunch, and then she insists I need school clothes.

  Going back-to-school shopping is always something we love to do together, and she isn’t going to miss it this year just because I’m not going to be home. We spend most the day together and don’t get back home until 5:00 P.M. I’m beat from all the shopping, but I want to go see Tony. He sent me a text when he got off work, but I haven’t heard from him the rest of the day and that’s weird. We usually spend all our free time together.

  After everything is brought inside, I’m back out in my Jeep, driving toward his apartment. I knock on his door a few times, and he finally answers wearing a pair of long basketball shorts. His chest is bare with little drops of water running down each defined muscle.

  “Sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt your shower,” I say, leaning in for a kiss.

  He closes the door behind me. “I was just stepping out. I didn’t want to smell like fish.”

  I flop down on the couch. “Like fish?”

  He pushes his wet hair back. “Yeah, I went fishing with your dad and Trent today.”

  My heart starts pounding in my chest. “Oh, God. Why?”

  He shrugs. “I thought it was nice that your dad wanted to get to know me. I mean, most dads would just threaten and tell me to stay away from their daughter, but your dad seems nice. He just wants to make sure I’m not going to hurt you.”

  My fingers twist together in my lap. “And what did you tell him?”

  “That we haven’t talked about the end of summer yet.”

  I take a deep breath and let it out slowly. “Is that something you want to do? I’ve been trying to avoid it.”

  His dark eyes lock on mine. “I’ll do whatever you want to do, Em. Hell, I’d go with you if I could.”

  “You would?”

  He smiles and nods. “Yeah, if you couldn’t tell… I’m sort of obsessed with you.”

  I laugh as I plant myself on his lap. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I pull his lips to mine. When I break the kiss, I look into those dark eyes. “I’m sort of obsessed with you too.”

  He closes the distance between us, pressing his mouth to mine. My fingers tangle in his wet hair, trying my hardest to anchor him to me.

  The kiss turns passionate and rushed as his hands begin traveling my body. I break the kiss and with my nerves going through the roof I say, “I want to.”

  He stops all movement. “You want to… have sex?”

  I nod.

  Something about him changes. “Right now?”

  Again, I nod. I know it’s soon, but something deep inside of me wants this. With him.

  He shakes his head clear. “I don’t know, Em.”

  I lean back on his lap. “You mean, you don’t want to?”

  “No, I want to. I just don’t want to do anything too soon. I don’t want you to regret it.”

  I slide off his lap onto the couch beside him. “You think I’ll regret it?”

  He takes my hand in his. “I just don’t want to rush this with you. I want to go slow.”

  I roll my eyes. “How slow can we go after the other night?”

  He grins. “There are still plenty of firsts we can have.”

  “Really?” I smile at the idea.

  He nods as he stands in front of me. He
bends down and picks me up, cradling me to his chest as he walks down the hallway.

  He kicks open a cracked door and walks us into a dark room. I’m confused when he places me on a soft bed. “I thought you didn’t want to…”

  “We’re not. We’re just going to see where we end up but still stopping before that happens.” He pulls down his basketball short, leaving him in only his boxers.

  My face heats up as I pull my shirt over my head and my shorts down my legs. He lies down next to me, and I place my leg over his hip. His hand lands softly on my lower back.

  “Are you nervous, lying here with me like this?” he asks, running his fingertips up and down my thigh.

  “A little,” I answer.

  “Even though you know we’re not going to have sex?”

  I nod in the darkness, but now that our eyes have adjusted and a little light streams in through the open door, we can see one another.

  “Why? Are you afraid I’ll change my mind?” he asks.

  “No. I’m afraid that I’ll want to, and you still won’t.”

  He lets out a soft chuckle. “You know I’d never leave you wanting.”

  “I want you,” I say softly.

  “I can’t give you that, blue eyes.” He rolls us over so he’s lying between my parted legs. “But I can make sure you get what you need.” He leans forward, pressing a soft kiss to my lips while his hand slowly rubs up my thigh. He thrusts against me, and even though we’re wearing our underwear, I see stars from the pressure he’s applying against my core.

  A gasp from me breaks our kiss.

  “You like that?” he whispers, rolling his hips against me again.

  I can’t speak. I nod my head with my eyes closed.

  “Do you want me inside you right now?” Again, another roll of his hips.

  “Yes,” I whisper, finally finding my voice.

  His lips land on mine more forcefully this time, and his movements don’t stop. He’s pressing against just the right spot, causing pressure to build up inside of me. My nails dig into his back, desperately trying to show him how badly I need him, but he doesn’t stop. He keeps grinding against me, each time applying more pressure until my release rises and shatters over me. I call out for him just as he lets out a soft moan and goes still on top of me.

  We’re both breathless, and my heart is pounding so hard it feels like it will beat right out of my chest. He rolls to my side, his chest heaving. “Is that a little better, blue eyes?”

  I curl up against his side. “Much. But you know, sooner or later, the clothes are going to have to come off.”

  He turns his head to lock eyes on mine. “I’m counting the days.” His hand lands softly on my cheek as he brushes away my hair. “I just want to be sure that you’re completely ready when the time comes.”

  I smile. “I think I am ready.”

  He shakes his head. “No thinking. I want you to know. I don’t want to be a regret for you.”

  When I get home, Preston is mowing the yard. Inside, the house is quiet. My mom and dad are on the couch watching tv. I say hi as I pass through the living room on the way up to my room.

  I open the door and fall down on my bed, completely happy. I can’t stop smiling when I think about Tony. My heart starts beating rapidly, my body breaks out in goosebumps, and my stomach ties in knots. I think I’m falling in love.

  Pulling my phone out of my pocket, I look at the pictures we’ve taken together. I look at the one from the day we went to the beach. We’re both lying in the sun with big smiles on our faces. The sun is reflecting in his dark eyes and mine are a shining baby blue. We look like complete opposites: he’s blond with brown eyes and I’m brunette with blue eyes. We complement one another without even meaning to.

  Chapter Fifteen


  “Where are we going?” I ask as Mason leads me out the back door, covering my eyes.

  “Shh. It’s a surprise,” he whispers, his lips skimming my ear. His hot breath blows against my neck and sends a chill down my spine.

  I giggle as I hold my hands over his for balance. “Are we there yet? God, I feel like we’ve walked across the whole yard already.”


  We walk a few more feet before he pauses. “Okay, are you ready?”

  “Yes! Let me see.” I practically bounce.

  He removes his hands from my eyes, and I look before me. Next to the pond is a blanket laid out across the grass. There are two candles in the center, a bottle of wine with two glasses, and a picnic basket.

  I turn and look at him. “You didn’t have to do this,” I gush. “This is so sweet. Thank you.” I press my lips to his. He willingly opens for me, and his tongue dances with my own while he places his hands on my hips and pulls me closer. My body is flush with his, and his heat sinks into me. It eases away all my fears about what tomorrow brings.

  His hands travel up my sides until he’s holding either side of my face. He pulls away slightly but keeps me close. “I love you, Lennox — more than I could ever fucking explain.”

  My eyes tear up as a small smile spreads across my face. “I love you too, Mason.” I pull him back in for one more quick kiss.

  When I pull away, he uses his thumbs to wipe away the tears that are threatening to fall. “Let’s eat.”

  I turn and take my place on the blanket and watch as he fills my glass with wine. “How did you manage to cook without the kids stealing it?”

  He laughs as he fills his own glass. “Preston is with Levi, and Emma is out with that boyfriend of hers.” I hear the bitter edge in his voice from having to think about Emma’s boyfriend.

  I let the subject drop while my mind spins off into a thousand different directions. The biopsy tomorrow being at the top of that list.

  “Mason, my will is in the—”


  I take a deep breath. I’ve been trying to tell him this since we found out about the mass. But he doesn’t want to hear it, and I want to tell him while he’s sober, unlike the last time I tried to have this talk. “I know you don’t want to hear it, but this is serious. You need to know these things.”

  “No. You’re not going anywhere,” he says while unloading the picnic basket, refusing to look at me.

  “It’s in the safe in the bedroom,” I quickly blurt out.

  His shoulders fall as he lets out a long breath. My eyes take in every nuance as his jaw flexes, and his eyes narrow at the ground. “I’m not listening to this. This is not going to fucking happen.”

  I know hearing these things hurts him, but I’m not trying to hurt him. I’m trying to prepare him. The truth is, we don’t know how the biopsy will turn out tomorrow. There’s a chance I do have cancer. Hell, there’s even the possibility of having complications once I’m on the table for the biopsy. He needs to be prepared for that. The kids will need him more than ever. “I want Emma to have my wedding dress and rings when the time is right.”

  “Damn it, Lennox.” He rubs his brow and takes a few minutes to cool off. “Do you remember when you came back from California, and we were finally able to be together?”

  I’m confused by the direction this conversation is going, but I say, “Of course, I do.”

  “I swore I’d never let you go again. And I’m keeping my word. You’re not going anywhere — not without me.”

  I cock my head to the side and study him. The anger that was etched on his face is smoothing out to sadness. I reach out and place my palm against his cheek. “Mason, it’s not like that. This is something neither of us has control over. I don’t want to leave you.”

  His head pops up. “Then don’t.”

  Nodding my head, I allow my hand fall and let the subject drop. I don’t want to spend the night before our lives could drastically change by arguing. I want to be as close to him as possible, in every way possible.

  I watch as he places the fried chicken and sides on a plate before handing it to me to make his own.

  We ea
t in silence while staring out over the pond. The moon is full and bright. It reflects off the water, painting a picture of the perfect night. The sky is filled with tiny stars, no clouds in sight. The crickets chirp in the distance, and the slight breeze cools my overheated skin.

  The soft glow from the candles lights up his face perfectly. His chiseled jaw, his perfectly straight nose, and his soft lips are all clearly lit up for me to see. Watching him while he doesn’t know I’m watching makes me shutter. He’s so perfect. He’s gorgeous still to this day — breathtaking. He’s kindhearted, always taking care of everyone else before taking care of himself. He loves deeply, and he’s hurting right now. Anxiety, pain, sadness, and fear fill him. If I could take those feelings away, I’d take them all on myself. I’d do anything to make this better for him.

  With everything packed away into the basket, Mason reaches behind it and pulls out a ukulele.

  My eyes go wide as my smile takes over. “What’s that?”

  He laughs. “Dane’s been giving me lessons.”

  “You’ve been taking ukulele lessons and didn’t tell me?” I arch an eyebrow.

  He shrugs. “I wanted to surprise you.”

  I sit up and cross my legs beneath me, placing my hands in my lap. “Play for me.”

  He’s holding the it in his hands as he looks up at me from beneath his dark, shaggy hair. “Okay, but don’t laugh.”

  Already I’m laughing, and he cuts his eyes toward me.

  I shut my mouth and pretend to lock it and throw away the key. This must pacify him because he looks at the instrument in his hands and starts plucking the strings.

  A quiet rhyme fills the night air around us. I close my eyes and listen to the hauntingly beautiful tune.

  My eyes pop open when his raspy voice fills my ears with the words to “Can’t Help Falling in Love”.

  I’m lost in a trance as I watch him play and sing for me. I can feel my smile form and for the life of me, I can’t make it go away.


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