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Lost Girl (Soul Bound Book 1)

Page 14

by E. M Jefferson

  I could remember that day like it was yesterday.

  As vivid as it was, I remember the first time I had encountered a mermaid. They weren’t beautiful as many believed them to be. No. They were horrid to look at. Tails that had dark green scales which changed colours to keep them hidden. Gruesome spine bones that pointed outwards was running down the side of the tail. Wide black eyes that reminded me of a cat except from the unnatural blue slit. The only indication that they had pupils. Their skin was clear of any webbing or scales however, it was pulled tight over their bones like they were anorexic. But they weren’t as many people had been eaten and spat back out. If you go by the news reports.

  Flashing lights appear woven into their hair as they moved. Every time the light had flashed on, I could see the cruel and hateful look she would give me before baring her sharp teeth.

  I wasn’t afraid at the time of the creature before me when I though mermaids were soft, beautiful looking and kind. How wrong I was as they are deceitful, cruel and monstrous cannibals.

  She swam towards me like a torpedo, forgetting I was under water I tried to scream. Instead I ended up with a mouthful of water where I expected to drown. Her face filled with delight at how easy her food became as she began to circle around me like a shark would with killer instincts.

  But instead of drowning I soon found myself breathing under water. But that didn’t stop her from attacking me, aiming to serve my head from my neck.

  No. it was the fact I could talk underwater and what was most shocking was that she could understand me.

  “NOOO” I screamed out as her claws where raised to attack and fangs were bared. The moment she heard my voice she stopped her assault.

  “What are you?” She said in a surprising pleasant voice as she looked at me in bewilderment as I watched her hoovered in front of me. studying my every move as I kept sinking.

  “I….. How?...... How is this possible?” Shock was evident in my voice as I was just as confused as she was.

  “A land creature that can breathe underwater…….. Now I have seen it all” She tilted her head as she watched me. “Do you even know how to swim?” She looked at me in a thoughtful way as it occurred to her I might not know how to swim.

  “No. it’s the first time I have been in the water……. Will you help me?” I was unsure if asking was a bad idea, as I tried to kick my legs and move my arms. But I only made me descend downwards faster making me go around in circles. At this point I couldn’t tell which way was up or which way was down.

  Musical laughter rang out as she wrapped her hands around my arms before pulling me in an upright position. “If you don’t know how to swim then why come here at all?” She asked puzzled as her webbed hands wrapped around my arms.

  “I didn’t mean to! I tripped and fell in” I must have blushed ten shades of red as she giggled at me.

  “Silly land lover! Lets get you out” She said.

  She moved gracefully through the water as she swam, moving with such speed that we soon broke the water in no time. I was relieved to that as I was no longer drowning..... Or sinking.

  I opened my mouth to take in lungs full of oxygen as my body demanded it. Breathing air in was a natural response for me as I watched the mermaid look at me in fascination before dipping her head under and reappearing. I didn’t know if I should be worried or freaked out.

  No one had told me of the creatures that live here! Alex never warned me of what lived in the River Thames. There should have been a label or a big warning sign! Beware of the monsters in the river! That would have been nice I through sarcastically.

  I didn’t know how to approach her or what to do. Should I run? Or should I be polite to her as she didn’t eat me? So, like the clueless girl I once was, I shoved my hand out towards her. “Thank you, my name is Belle” I said in an over girly voice which sounded like it was animated.

  “You are a strange creature Belle” she smiled at me showing off a full set of fangs.

  “Do I not get your name in return? Its only polite” she looked at me strangely staring into my eyes as she couldn’t believe how naive I was. Neither could I.

  “Ariel” she said before taking me to the steps nearby. I never got the speak to her as she disappeared once more. But what was most strange was how I used to walk along the riverbed. I would see her swimming next to me, watching as I passed her by. Eventually I wanted to know more about her and her world. Being brave or foolish I had jumped in next to her.

  Ariel was cautious about me at first until curiosity got the better of her as it did me. Soon enough she taught me how to swim and navigate the water. Where we would travel up and down the banks exploring and racing each other. She would always win. But I enjoyed spending time with my fish friend.

  We may have lived on opposite sides, but our friendship was worth it.

  “Hey girl, what are you doing?” Ariel asks as she swims alongside me.

  “Waiting for the beast to leave before I can go home” Floating under the water I have no direction insight. I need to wait him wait.

  “That might be a problem as he is currently trying to get into the water” I already knew this as I knew he wouldn’t just let me disappear.

  I wonder what he would have done if he knew I could breathe?

  “I know, but hopefully he will go soon” I hope he does as I really don’t fancy spending the night in the water. I mean I know I can breathe and survive but I haven’t tested out how long I could go without oxygen yet.

  “I doubt it as it sounded like his called reinforcements” She tells me as she twirls around before flickering her tail.

  “Any chance you know who was on the other end or what words was said?” Maybe if I could learn who his friends are. I could get them to hide me away or know who to trust.

  “No idea as it was spoken in another language but……” They way she said “but” was done in such a way that I knew it was about to get worse. “I did see broken builds and boats smashed against the walls. Also, some of the debris had fallen down onto the floor” She pouts her lips before frowning above.

  Doesn’t take a genius to figure out it was him. But why would he lose his temper that bad if he was just waiting the day, I became the women he once loved?

  It doesn’t make sense. Nothing about him makes sense. How could one hope to reclaim a love lost if they don’t exist no more?

  He talked about my past memories soon returning and how it would change me. But I didn’t want to be someone else! I liked who I was now.

  “What else could go wrong tonight?” I mutter to myself, but Ariel must have heard as she giggled around me.

  “Well a pack of Kelpies could be worse” Ariel says shrugging her shoulders.

  “Please don’t jinx it. I do not want to deal with them! They are bitchy and cruel!” I kicked my legs out and back stroked as Ariel swam next to me. We were swimming in circles as I needed to wait and see when he left. If he leaves any time soon.

  “Well I’m just-“Ariel never got to finish as a large flash of light lit up the water where I could just about make out Beast. It felt as he was staring straight at me. I watched as he tried again but this time, he sends a blast of magic out into the water. Sending fish and creatures alike into the air where some landed on the ground. He tried in vain as once more the water managed to keep him away. But I could see it beginning to weaken. It won’t be long until he penetrates the water.

  Running my hands over my face I let out a loud groan. What would happen once his managed to break through? Will he drag me away kicking or screaming?

  I didn’t want to find out but at the same time, I had nowhere to run. If I left the water, then he could easily take me like he already did. But if I stay until whatever magic weakens then I know he will soon have me once more.

  “Belle. I suggest you make your way home before he waits up the guardian” She says in a small voice as if just the words were enough to summon him.

  That would be all I need.
/>   A run in with guardian and I might as well give up now. No one knows if it is a male or female. All I know is from stories Ariel has told me. She said the guardian is like a giant serpent that lives on the very bottom of the floor and travels up and down the Thames. How a giant serpent got here? No one really knows but it is quick to get angry and attack without remorse.

  “Your probably right however there’s one small problem to that suggestion” I say as I watch sea creatures begin to scurry and turn tail. Trying to escape the larger threat that was approaching.

  “And that would be?” Giving her a small smile I watch as a large shadowy figure comes into view.

  “His already here” I tell her. Watching as fear riddles her face and body goes stiff.

  I watched as the guardian moved through the water, swimming like a snake on the hunt. It has dark navy-blue scales that looked like armour to protect it against any attacks. White beady eyes looking around for the one who had disturbed its rest. A stillness had taken over as Ariel began to pull me with her trying to prevent it from seeing me. For most of the creatures here knew and accepted me. But the guardian would not. I was not born in the sea or ocean.

  “You need to get onto land before his attention changes to you” Ariel warns me as she pulls me into the direction of stairs that would lead to the streets above.

  I watched as a fork like tongue had come out of its large mouth reminding me of mythical sea dragons as it tasted the water. The creature tightened its body like a spring before looking up. It was just like pulling on an elastic band as it shot through the water. Going upwards at the noise from Beast. I could see the underbelly was a soft grey colour. The belly looked to be its most vulnerable part as it didn’t have any scales to protect it.

  I didn’t know whether to be afraid of what was about to happened. Or be relieved that it was the perfect chance to get home.

  “Go Belle! This is your chance, get out while you can” Ariel hissed out as she pushed me onto the steps. Climbing up them my feet slip from how wet they are, but Ariel is quick to keep me out of the water. On steadier feet I begin to climb up and soon I’m out of the water and heading up another set of steps that would take me to the top.

  Turning around I made my way up the steps where a loud cry pieced the night. It sounded like a loud screeching noise that was so high pitched that I had to cover my ears. Gritting my teeth and curling over as the noise became unbearable.

  It felt like someone was standing next to me with an airhorn and blasting it. I could feel a wet substance come out of my ears. I knew it was my own blood as it was warm and smelled of cooper. I didn’t need to look at it to see as I could feel it running down the side of my neck.

  I felt like it had gone on for hours until the sound died off. Looking over my shoulder I could no longer see the sea serpent nor could I see beast. A part of me was worried he would die. That he has been taken below. But my worry was short lived as he exploded from the water like a demonic being full of vengeance.

  He stayed suspended in the air as he looked around, looking for me. That was when I knew it was time to get the hell away from here. Straightening up I ran up the last few stairs trying to avoid tripping over as fear and panic waged war.

  I ran like road runner from lonely tunes. Running as fast as my legs could take me. While the rain pelted against my face as I struggled to see where I was going. I couldn’t let him get his claws on me. I needed him to think I was dead. My wet feet pounded against the cobbled pavement as I ran across the road. My hair stuck to my face as it was damp and wet making it harder to see.

  A loud car horn sounded at me breaking me from my mind as I realised, I had run in front of them. I swear I could see the driver giving me the middle finger with a few colourful words. But I didn’t slow down. I didn’t apologise as my primal instincts told me to get to safety. But was it really safe if he knew where I lived? Or would he be searching the bottom of the Thames trying to find my body?

  I just needed to get home and wrap myself under the blankets. Maybe it was time to tell Alex about the beast from my dreams. Maybe he would know how to get rid of him. Just as I managed to get to the apartment building, I could hear a loud roar screaming into the night.

  There was so much anger, so much pain in that one roar that I couldn’t help but look over in the direction It had come from. However, it didn’t stop me from finding solitude in him believing I had vanished.

  Now I just need to let him think I was gone.

  Chapter Fifthteen

  Dairy of tales

  After running from the Beast last night, I had stayed within the apartment in case he abducted me again. It wasn’t one of my most brightest ideas but then again I never said I was smart. If I was smart, then I would have called Alex back home and asked him to stay with me.

  But I never did.

  I truly felt like there was another person living inside of me and sharing my body. This feeling only increased as whenever I had the balls to call him. A part of me would talk me out of it, convince me that I shouldn’t be a bigger burden on him.

  I didn’t want to keep living like this.

  But it was only made worse when I received a message from Alex to say he was staying out again tonight. Which meant I had another night to myself. He was an obsession that I wanted to run from but at the same time I wanted to stay locked in his embrace.

  My mind couldn’t choose which one it what as I both feared and crave him. An obsession that I never agreed to but yet I was obsessed none the less. But he wasn’t my only obsession as I craved the touch of Dante as well. The Beast was scary looking, gently when he wanted to be but had a foul temper and was stealing my memories which are precious to me.

  Whereas Dante was a wet dream that could sell even the ugliest clothes. The way his body and presences dominate the room with an unimpressed look every time he scanned the room. I don’t know if it was me after our last encounter that made him have a sour look. Or if it was the fact that he was growing bored of the place. I hoped he wasn’t as I haven’t had my fill of watching him. I tried not to every time I was working. But like a person addicted to drugs I just had to look, just one more glance to satisfy this need. A need where I was sure it would get me killed.

  But I was stuck between wanting the Beast and wanting Dante. I couldn’t choose between them as half of my soul felt like it belonged to Beast while the other half wanted Dante. It was vicious with how it craved them both. It was at these throughs that I realised that I was falling for them both which should have been impossible as they were two different beings. But the hearted wanted what it couldn’t have.

  I needed to escape my mind and put all throughs of these two out of it. I felt like it was becoming crammed with them both where I had no space for myself no more. I needed to do something. Anything to escape the way their eyes haunted me.

  I knew I had some paper in my top-drawer and through I could watch a film and doodle. That might help me escape from my mind and reality. It sounded like a good plan to me as I knew Alice was working so I couldn’t talk to her and so was Ty.

  With this idea in place I made my way into the bedroom where I knew I would find paper in my top-drawer. So, image my surprise when I find a notebook full of writing. Writing of names and stories. Taking the journal out I skimmed the pages to see what is was about before closing the drawer.

  The first few pages were about a girl called the Silver Witch, Davy Jones, Dario and Durante. It was like a journal one I don’t remember writing. I was curious to read them. Taking the notebook with me I went into the kitchen where I turned the kettle on and made myself a coffee. I wanted for the kettle to finish boiling before pouring the water into my cup. Taking both my drink and journal I took a seat on the sofa. Making myself comfortable as I opened it up to the first page. It was written like a story one that was begging me to read it. So, I did.

  “I made a deal with the devil this time. One that came in the name of Dario. I pleaded with him to help me escape
the clutches of Durante. At first, he laughed at me. Told me it was impossible. Not wanting to believe him we played a game of souls. One that would give the winner control over an immortal soul. This bet was made on a game called liar’s dice. This was a game of chance and deception where we would buff the dices numbers. I needed to win as I couldn’t keep living like this.

  For once more Durante had hunted me through the ages until he found me. Always chasing me down until I would fully submit to him. I couldn’t do it anymore. I couldn’t take the pain that would always be our ending. The fates had cursed us both with eternity where one was destined to always die. It was cruel and barbaric the way my life would start over. Losing everything I had just for him. But no more. No more will I be controlled and forced into this. He may have forced me into a marriage I never wanted. But he won’t ever have my soul for I plan to lose it. Give it away to another that could finale end this suffering!


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