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Lost Girl (Soul Bound Book 1)

Page 16

by E. M Jefferson

  I felt like a fool for wanting this possessive man that through he could own me without having me. Who does he think he is! “Dante! I do not belong to you, if a man chooses to ask me out on a date then it is up to me to make that choice. Not you!” I said in outrage.

  “I don’t think so Belle” His tone had a bite to it as if to warn me I belonged solely to him and no one else.

  “I don’t belong to you; you have no control over me” I said for once in a strong voice. Not after what happened with Beast will I let another man take advantage of how naive I could be.

  “You see, that’s where your wrong as you work in this club which makes you one of my girls. And when your one of my girls, it means I own you”

  “I am not one of your girls nor am I anything to you. YOU. YOU” Struggling to find words I watched as dark amusement tilted his very kissable lips.

  “You. You. You.” He mocked me in a cruel way, making my blood boil

  “You arrogant, self-absorbed asshole!” I screamed at him red faced with arms flapping about.

  “I wouldn’t-“

  I cut him off unafraid of the repercussions “NO!” Poking him in the chest I let loose. “You don’t get to lay claim to me when we are nothing more than acquaintances at best. You are nothing but a bully and a big fucking asshole! You need to be taught a lesson in fucking respect!” That had me mentally patting myself on the back as my inner bad ass put her thumbs up with how strong I sounded.

  “Really?” I should have listened to how dark his voice turned but I was lost to the argument at hand.

  “Yes! It isn’t like you have asked me out on a date or even taken interested in me so you can drop this jealous possessive look! Why do you even care if another man took interest in me?!” Floor swallow me up now! I can’t believe I just said that! Like he would ever ask me on a date as I’m so out of his league.

  “One I don’t date ever. Two I’m not jealous sweetheart.”

  “Really? Then way are we having this conversation” I needed to get away before I embarrassed myself any further.

  “Because……. Every man and women here will soon learn you are no longer available” He whispers down to me but one where everyone could hear due to their unnatural hearing.

  I was scared to ask but needed to know “And might I ask how you will do that?”

  “Your about to find out” was the only warning I got.

  “What-“ I never got to voice my next words as Dante swooped down and claimed my lips with more passion then I expected. Grabbing my hips, he pulled me close into him like he could merge us both together! The little breath I had was taken away the moment his lips landed on mine. This wasn’t a gentle kiss as he was demanding, brutal in fighting for control. And I let him, giving into his sweet temptation where his wet and hot tongue invaded my mouth, tangling together. He tasted like fine whiskey and fire, one where I might just get burned. I know I should put a stop to this but something primal inside begged me to let him have control over me. So, I did. I gave him full control over my mouth and body one where he devoured me completely. My body betrayed the words I had said.

  I quivered under his touch where I could feel his claws digging in which only added to the storm of emotions I felt. I never wanted this to end as it seemed my obsession wasn’t only one way. I could feel it in his touch, the way he claimed my mouth for all to see and the way his claws pierced into my flesh.

  I could have died a happy woman at experiencing my first real kiss and the pleasure it came with. A suppressed moan escaped my mouth which only fuelled him more. Letting out a growl of his own, he wrapped one solid arm around me where the other one entangled within my hair in a bruising hold.

  “Fuck!” He pulled back roaring out like a beast claiming his prize. Instead of letting me go he growled out in a possessive gesture at the men around us before reclaiming my lips. One that was soul consuming where reuniting lovers had finally found each other.

  But where did that come from?

  Before I could think any more on the strange though his tongue thrusted in deeper trying to taste the very essence of my soul. Almost like he was branding my taste to his memory but more importantly marking me as his.

  Just from this simple kiss alone had lit my veins up with untamed desire. Waking up the women instead me that had never experienced the touch of a man. I felt needy and wanton with the perform we was putting on. I was ready for him to take me right here and right now with everyone as a witness to what this man could do to me!

  But like all good things. They must come to an end. That’s when I went from pure bliss to utter humiliation.

  He pulled back removing his tongue where I let out a whimper of protest at losing contact. His large hands had framed my face where he tilted my head back. I watched as the desire in his eyes faded away and was replaced with cruel intent. That’s when I realised, I was only here for his entertainment.

  “Now you see Belle, every man here knows you belong to me and me alone. No one will dare touch you now after this……Performance.” He paused to run his mouth along my neck where my mind tried to process his cruel words. “By the Gods! It was a performance for all the watch and envy.”

  “But you… kissed me? Don’t that mean anything to you?” I tried to prevent my voice from breaking, but I had failed. How could I have been foolish enough to let his happen?

  He snorted down at me like he couldn’t believe the words he was hearing. “A kiss is just a kiss. Nothing more, nothing less. Don’t let that pretty little head of yours think it was anything special” With those parting words Dante turned around and left me standing on the dance floor. My face had turned scarlet as I took in the crowd watching.

  I could feel the whispers around me. Feel eyes watching me, waiting for me to crumble and break down. With what little dignity I had left I held in the tears that threatened to fall and made my way back behind the bar.

  Alice tried to speak to me, but I shook my head at her and kept silence until I could break down in the safety of my room. I felt utter humiliated as some people pointed and laughed at me. Like I needed to be made a bigger fool then I already felt!

  I wanted to curl up in a ball in the corner and wish it all away, wish he never kissed me. As now I can’t get it out of my head nor can I ever unhear his cruel words. I touched my lips from how swollen they were and every time I did. I could hear his cruel words once more.

  Every time Ty looked at me, they held pity which only doubled my shame. What was worse was that Jay wouldn’t come near me or make eye contact. It felt like every man was afraid I might bring the wrath of Dante down upon them! How could my obsession lead to an unforgettable kiss that had led to this embarrassed and shame? I couldn’t wait till my shift was over. As the whole night Dante was make sure the view between us was kept clear. He would cause a commotion to make me look where a cruel smile would greet me. I was terrified and scared of what he would do next. But even worse was the way he would make me watch as other women would run their hands all over him.

  I would feel jealous when I had no right to, I would feel ashamed at how my eyes burned with envy! How my green-eyed monster wanted to go over there and rip them away from him. But at the same time, I wanted to hide away from the way people would comment on putting on another show for their entertainment! As if I was a show girl here for their amusement!

  I knew I was naive and stupid at times but never have I felt so…

  Embarrassed. Shameful. Pathetic. But mostly Clueless.

  Clueless at thinking that Dante would ever be more than the cruel man he is. Clueless at thinking the Beast would have wanted me for me.

  Who would want a clueless woman with no background or story to tell?

  I know I wouldn’t.

  Chapter Seventeen

  A Rabbit. A Tiger. A Fae. Oh My

  “Again” Max shouted at me as I hammered into the punching bag before me. Putting in every bit of anger and hurt I could into each punch. It felt great pictu
ring the bag as Dante’s head as it was my driving force.

  “Take a break!”

  Halting the attack, I walked away were I could drink some water and take a break. I had been doing really well in my personal self-defence classes. Spending nearly every day at the gym had helped develop my muscle and confidence. Becoming stronger was my current goal as it kept my mind away from Dante and the Beast.

  I was exhausted from fighting them both within my dreams where they wouldn’t leave me alone. The Beast tried to apologies for the other night and for taking my memories away. No matter how many times I told him to leave me alone, he would not. He wouldn’t let me forget about him for more then two days before he would try again. Driving me insane as every time I looked at him, I could still hear his words. Hear him say how he was waiting for me to become who I once was. How did he expect me to become someone I once was? I will never know but what I do know is how much I wanted to forget about him.

  But he wasn’t the problem. Dante was.

  Seeing Dante over the last few days was like a knife into my heart. His perfect cruel face would look over to me as I walked behind the bar. He would smirk at me before turning to the beauty he had next to him. Giving her his attention as he trailed his long fingers down her neck before kissing her. It was a simple fuck you to me where my green-eye monster would come out.

  I didn’t want to be jealous! But since that kiss. My God what a kiss it was! It had burned into my very soul where I couldn’t get his lingering essences out of me! I was stuck between wanting to kill him and wanting him to take me. It was frustrating to say the least! He would taunt me at every chance he could, reminding me that I belonged solely to him. He took great pleasure in this where he would pin me against the wall and whisper his sweet cruel words. Telling me how he would enjoy taking me in front of everyone just to prove it was his right. And every time it would turn me on and make my blood boil at the same time.

  My hands would clench without meaning to every time I would think of him. He made me burn with shame and anger where I wanted to punch him and rip him a part. I knew it was a fools hope as I couldn’t best him but it didn’t mean I wouldn’t try as I dedicated most of my free time working on perfecting my technique. The shame at how my body reacted burn through my veins every time I had to endure working.

  I ran my hands down my face in frustration as I think it was time to change jobs. But somehow, I knew that it wouldn’t matter, as he had done what he promised. He had marked me, when his claws had dig into my flesh that night, he had scarred my hips in such a crude way that I avoided looking at them in the mirror. Two words were craved into my hips which spelled the words MINE and DANTE. They were not easy to cover as they also went onto my lower back.

  “Ready to face me darling?” Max said breaking me out of my throughs.

  “Sure thing. I’ve been training everyday” My smile widens as Max looks taken about with how much I have dedicated my time.

  “Then this should be fun” His tiger was peeking through at the challenge presented.

  Getting up I cracked my neck as I approached Max in a stance. Time stood still until he made the first move with a quick jab that I ducked. Swiping my foot out I took him to the ground where it became a battle to make the other submit first. It was exciting to see how much I had got better as I could keep up with Max.

  But most of all it kept my mind away from Dante and how tonight would play out. As I dreaded what he would do tonight as it would always be different. If he wasn’t pinning me against the wall, then he would drag me to his table and make me sit in his lap. I felt like a fucking dog! One whose lead would come in the form of a large hand wrapped around my neck! No matter what I did he wouldn’t let me go, but it was better than him humiliating me with putting on a show.


  “Fuck!” I roared out as a fist connected with my face. the force of the blow had made me fall sideways as my eyes closed from the shooting pain that exploded around my face. It felt like my ears were ringing where I couldn’t hear a sound let alone what Max was saying. Opening my eyes, I could see I was on the floor. Max was moving his lips, but I couldn’t hear what he was saying as he tried to hold me down. But the power behind the blow left me dazed as my eyes wouldn’t focus on anything.

  Maybe next time I would not get lost into my own mind, as fuck me Max had a killer punch. Thank fuck I wasn’t human.

  “Belle. BELLE” Max screamed above me.

  “Please don’t scream my head hurts” I whinnied putting a hand to my head where I found warm blood steeping from the wound.

  “Lets get you up so I can take a better look” His soft eyes stared down at me with guilt in them. It wasn’t his fault.

  “Ok” Pulling me up. My legs were shaky as I wobbled towards the seats on unsteady legs. Sitting down Max left before returning with a first aid kit.

  Letting my head fall back I watched through half closed eye lids as Max began to clean my wound. “Shit Belle, I’m so sorry”

  “Its fine don’t worry about it. How bad is it?” Could I use make-up to cover the bruise and hide it?

  “Err, you might need to stay home in case of a conscious or get checked out at a local hospital” He grimace as he dapped against the flesh wound.

  “No. I have work tonight and heaven forbid if I miss a shift with how controlling Dante is being” Great! This night is already off to a great start. I snorted internally.

  “Chick I hate to tell you this but it’s a real shiner and doesn’t look pretty” This only caused him to look more guilty.

  “Could I cover it with a bit of make-up?” Maybe there was some hope.

  Max snorts out a laugh. “How about try wearing a bag on your head as the lump is massive and the bruising is swelling up your left side”

  “Brilliant” I said sarcastically. Pushing his hands away I attempt to get up but soon slump back into the seat “Looks like I’m not going anywhere soon”

  “Come on I’ll take you home but…. You need to call up and tell them you can’t go into work” Max looks a little worried as he thinks about the repercussions coming our way.

  “I’ll call Ty, but I will tell him that I had fallen down the stairs or something” I don’t need Dante thinking someone had tried to hurt his possessions.

  Fucking asshole.

  “I would appreciate that but one problem….. You can’t lie and you suck at half-truths” A small smile curved his lips, but I could still see the fear in his eyes.

  “Yeah your right” I winced. My gut told me Max just might not make it to the end of the week.

  Max helped me towards his car but as we made it outside my skull began to start pounding like a war drum. Winching in pain I leaned against Max for support as I could feel my body wanting to give out.

  I just needed to get to the car and into my bed and forget this had happen. Can’t believe it took one punch from Max to send me down to the ground. I will give it to Max, he has one hell of a wicked punch. Now if only it didn’t hurt so much.

  As the pain became excruciating, my tummy started to turn as I felt sick. “Max…. I think I might be sick”

  “Hold on were nearly at your apartment” The car launches forward picking up speed, but it only makes me feel worse. I don’t even remember getting in the car let alone putting my seat belt on.

  A loud ringing had broken the silence where I picked up my phone without looking. “Hello- “

  “WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU?!” Dante roared down the phone making my head pound to the point where tears threatened to fall.

  Here goes nothing.

  “I’m on my way home, I won’t be- “

  “you will get your fucking ass into work came rain or snow woman! Or have you forgotten already who you belong to?!” He barked down the phone

  “That depends if you want a passed-out barmaid on the floor” I said softly as I couldn’t care what he thinks of me right know.

  “I don’t tolerate drugs or drunk workers! So, I suggest
you get your ass here before I drag you!” He threatened.

  “Please Dante. I’m not drunk or- Pull over” I shout at Max dropping my phone were the car comes to a screeching stop. Jumping out I throw up all over the floor in an ally way as I empty the contents of my stomach. But what’s worse is the fact I can barely stand as I begin to fall forward.

  “Shit! Belle you need a hospital” Max said.

  “No. I want to follow the dancing Rabbit” I laugh. Seeing a rabbit dressed in a tutu dancing around the streets. Beckoning me to follow. Black fur which looked so soft that I wanted to run my hands through it.

  “Belle that’s not a rabbit! That’s a Jackalope” Max says like his underwater. But when I look at him, he has his tiger ears out. Its really a funny look that I can’t help the giggle that comes out.


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