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Unmask (Adrenaline Series (Stand Alone) Book 4)

Page 12

by Neal, Xavier

  That's because Merrick had it. Back then I thought it was a terrible thing to have. Now? Now I know it's worth every bit of shit he stirred up to keep it.

  Leaning into the camera he grouses, “If you swing at me, I will not hesitate to lay your ass out.”

  The memory of Merrick throwing a punch at him over Jovi causes me to smile and nod. “Fair.” After a brief pause I add, “Just don't give me a reason to.”

  There's a buzzing sound from behind me. In a calm voice, Melody says, “Say goodbye.”

  “I'll see you in a few days,” I say with a wave.

  The two of them offer me the best nods of solace they can before the screen goes black.

  Turning around to face Melody, I'm surprised by the livid expression that's returned to her face. In a low tone she says, “I don't appreciate how one minute you can say shit like that and treat me like you do, think I'm not like every other female you've ever met, only to do a 180 and constantly wonder am I sleeping with everyone around me. When I told you I had been with one other person it wasn't so you would take pity and screw me. It wasn't a lie to make you feel special if we ever fell into bed together. It was one of the most truthful, more embarrassing things I've ever had to admit out loud. So make up your mind on which side of the equation you want me to sit on, Drew. Am I really someone you think is worth a damn or am I just like everything else that keeps crossing your path, disposable?”

  Not shocked by the content of her speech, so much as the fact she made it, my mouth twitches to respond.

  “I have work to do. If you need something, I'll be in Eden.”

  Melody spins on her heels and turns away without a second glance.

  Was it that out of line to even let that cross my mind? In a world like this can you blame me for being curious every now and again if the sweet routine is an act? I don't think it is. I don't want it to be. When we're together, she feels like she would welcome an escape at the drop of a dime, but she's just given up. Then I look at her and see the way Omar says shit without saying it and can't help, but wonder what's the other side she's hiding? I know it's there. I ignore it the best I can. But I'm not a complete idiot no matter how blind love can make me.


  With another heavy sigh, I scoop the powders together, the assignation mixture, not one of the easier creations I've come up with.

  It's time consuming not just loving these plants, watering, them and insuring they grow properly without killing each other or me, but chemically stripping them into the different healing purposes and death functions The Devil desires. Sometimes I think he considers himself God instead of Satan.

  I seal the small Ziploc bag before wiping off the outside of it. Once any excess residue is removed, I tuck it in the brief case beside the other two mixtures that were requested of me.

  All properly labeled. Don't worry.

  As I pull off my latex gloves I hear the sound of the door opening across the greenhouse. Curious if Omar returned early I peer around to see Drew with a hurt expression on his face.

  It's like looking at a wounded puppy. Ugh. Okay, so I snapped earlier. Maybe a little too harshly considering the fact I know he shouldn't trust me, but it hurts. It hurt to kind of let someone in, to risk your life for them, yet still have them assume every time your turn your back you may or may not be fucking the enemy. Which I'm not. I may be doing my job, less and less well every day, but I'm not screwing The Devil in the aspect recently implied.

  Drew sighs, steps away from me. “I'm sorry.”

  His brown eyes begin to melt my will to stay strong. To keep the guard I just put back up. “Apology accepted.” I turn around and close the briefcase. “I need to shower and change, but if you're hungry-”

  His lips brush the side of my neck. “I am. For you.” When my breath hitches he states, “You're the only thing I've been craving every minute since I've been here.” A long lick slides up my neck. “And you're the only thing keeping me alive.”

  Oh...oh how wrong he is there. In fact...I'm the very thing killing us both.

  Guilt rises in my throat, but is washed away by a warm kiss close to my ear. “Cameras. Where?”

  “Th-there's one by the entrance and one...” my voice trails off at the feeling of his hands caressing my hips and ass. “In the opposite corner.”

  “Where can we not be seen?”

  Glancing over my shoulder, I let our eyes meet. “There's a spot by the first aid station.”

  His eyes that are swarming with desire scream louder than his voice ever could. “Go. There. Now.”

  I nod and casually stroll away from him, past my work station, past the rows of plants mainly used for healing, to the small area I built for tending to the wounds I could receive while I'm in here. The second I reach the destination Drew's body is pressed against my back. Bracing myself I plant my hands firmly on the table.

  The heat from his body almost scorches my own flesh that seems to be burning. In a whisper he asks, “How long do I have you to myself?”

  “Not long,” I whisper back, head falling forward at the feeling of my pants being dragged down.

  “Then I'll make it count,” he declares. Drew's palm pushes me forward, so my chest is against the table before he helps my lower half out of my scrub bottoms. Growling, he runs a finger down the back side of my pussy. “You don't wear underwear with your scrubs?”

  Panting from the simple touch I answer, “Not usually.”

  His hot breath is against the area that can't wait a second longer to experience what it's like to have a tongue on it. “When we keep that fucking habit. Got it?”

  “Got it.” My compliance is rewarded with his mouth clasping onto the stickiness I've already created and allowing my juices to seep into his mouth instead of on my legs. “Oh my God...”

  Drew hums his approval, whether it's of my taste or my response is unknown, and begins to consume the craving he claimed he had. Mercilessly his tongue rolls around, presses against my clit, turns and twists until my knees wobble. My cries of his name are quiet not because I'm afraid of being caught, but because my own voice seems to have been sucked from me.

  Holy. Hell.

  Feeling the end is near, I whimper, “Drew...”

  His tongue pushes at my entrance before the tip teases my clit into submission. In a harsh breath my body trembles on top of his tongue, feeding the brute appetite he seems to have. Without allowing me a moment to catch my breath, Drew's dick invades my still pulsating pussy, in sheer declaration. Arching upward, I grip the sides of the table for leverage as he roughly thrusts repeatedly. Lost in the furor of the sex, my eyes shut and surrender to the pleasure being passed between us. Suddenly my pussy starts to tighten. Drew's cock swells in response. Before either of us can stop, our orgasms erupt causing savage cries and callings to echo in the greenhouse.

  Completely spent, I fall forward again, thankful the table is there to catch me. After my breath starts to settle, Drew slowly pulls out. “Is that how you really apologize?”

  He lightly chuckles. “I don't know. I've never really had to say it often to anyone other than my brothers.”

  Just as my lips turn upward, there's a cloth cleaning the remains of our latest tryst. “You're really good at that.”

  “At what, baby?”

  “All of that.” I giggle. Feeling my pants being pushed at my feet, I step into them as I'm directed. “Like really good.” Once they're securely up, I turn around and question, “How'd you get so good?”

  Drew who's already tucked his dick away replies, “Lots of practice.”

  A brief concern that should've hit me sooner comes to mind. “Should-”

  “Clean,” he cuts me off. “I had a shot of EA the morning I was kidnapped.”

  I was here that morning. Mixing the very thing that's going to tear us apart.

  “What about...birth control?” Drew barely breathes out. “Ya know, little mini McCoys someday might not be a bad thing, but right now-”

  “I'm sterile,” I blurt out.

  The sadness that fills his brown eyes is one I battled in my own for months.

  Any longer and suicide would've been more than just a constant passing thought. Maybe I should've just done it. At least it wouldn't be me killing him, right? I'm gonna stop that. I promise. I just...I have to tell him first and after that, he might actually trust me enough to let me fix the mess I've made.


  “There's a sterilizing shot that I was given when I first got here.” My fingers toy with the end of my braid. “They told me it was for the flu, but I wasn't that stupid. Eventually The Devil explained how it was best in case I ever decided to give in and explore the options around me. He couldn't afford to have me pregnant.”

  Rage replaces the sadness as he nods. “One more reason to kill him.”

  Did we need another?

  “So if we want kids someday-”

  Swiftly my hand lands gently on his cheek. “One step at a time. Let's focus on getting out of this alive before we start discussing the idea of procreation.”

  He smiles against my hand. “Alright.”

  With one more hum and a quick peck, I move past him back the direction we traveled from. I check the contents of the case one final time before shutting it. Once it's closed, I nod my head the direction of the cottage.

  As we enter the house, we're startled to see Rex inside, arms folded tightly across his chest. With an irritated look he snaps, “Where the fuck were you two?”

  “In Eden,” I bite back. “Unlike you I require a little more subtlety for my weapons of pain.”

  “I like to think you require a little more subtlety for more than that,” Rex tries to flirt, which causes Drew to tense beside me.

  “You wouldn't know,” Drew snaps.

  Rex growls, “You wouldn't fucking know either.” His eyes lower to a glare, “And you? Why the fuck were you out there?”

  “Dinner,” he states without missing a beat. “Needed to know if she was cooking before she left or if I needed to fend for myself.”

  “What are you doing here?” I redirect the conversation. “Omar's picking me up.”

  “Yeah. He said he was on his way. I'm here to babysit,” he sneers at me. “So since she's not cooking you can eat shit for dinner.”

  “Maybe you eat what you are, but I'm more a pizza man myself,” Drew's joke gets a smile from me.

  Nonchalantly I point. “There's a frozen pizza in there for you.”

  He nods slowly his eyes getting swept away in mine. Rex clears his throat.

  Shit. We have to stop acting like that where actual people can see.

  Turning back to him I snip, “Maybe if you're nice, he'll share with you.”

  Drew whispers behind his hand, “Probably not.”

  I chuckle and roll my eyes. “Whatever. I have to shower. I'll see you tomorrow, Drew.”

  Rex grunts, poorly hiding his jealousy. “Drew?”

  “Believe it or not McCoy is my last name.” The smart ass remark is proceeded with him shooting me one final smile. “See ya then.”

  Walking away with the briefcase dangling from my grip, I try to hide the glow I'm sure is painted on my face. In my doorway, I give Drew one final glance to see him give me a small eyebrow rise.

  Yup. Definitely have to shower away this momentary joy. The Devil senses happiness even faster than he senses fear. Do me a favor and remind me of that tonight when my brain wanders to its happy place in desperation to forget the person I'm helping him kill at dinner.


  Waking up with Melody just in the house is better than most things I've experienced in my life. As pussy whipped as that sounds it's fucking true. Just knowing I can roll out of bed and see her face within minutes of being awake is amazing, which makes it equally as fucking hard when she's not here.

  I head across the living room for the kitchen passing a snoring Rex. Unhappy to see he's still here, I grunt.

  Honestly, I'm not surprised. I waited up as long as I could last night for Melody to get home. What? Can you blame me? Fuck, I would've snuck into her room and recreated that magic moment she did for me.

  Seeing the two tablets and glass of water for me on the counter causes my heart to sink.

  She was here and left already. Fuck.

  “Take your pills prisoner,” Rex says on a yawn.

  Add him to the list of people I wanna shoot. What! He shot me first!

  After swallowing them, thankful she knew I would probably still be sore, I turn around. “Is Melody the only person that's pleasant?”

  “Don't get attached to her,” he bites. “You're lifespan is much shorter than you wanna believe it is.”

  I bite my tongue.

  “You can't possibly be dumb enough to think you're gonna make it out of this job alive.” When I don't answer he laughs, shakes his head, and closes his eyes. “Pathetic. Almost as pathetic as thinking you'll get to runaway into the sunset with the princess. Grow the fuck up. Even if you had a shot of making it out of this alive, she'd rather kill herself than end up with pathetic street trash like you McCoy.”

  Resisting the urge to throw the glass at him, I place it on the counter, and grab an apple to crunch on.

  Oh his time is coming. Stay cool. We'll handle that motherfucker together.

  The morning seems to fly by quicker than I predicted. I spend most of it working on the custom features for the person we are supposed to be impersonating.

  This dude has some of the thickest fucking eyebrows I've ever seen in my life. It's ridiculous. All together the dude is really fucking hairy. I mean, I wanna buy him a goddamn razor myself.

  My brush carefully fills in another line next to the actual hair as the front door opens. I glance up to see my girl walking in, the sight of her in jeans and a white t-shirt almost as fucking sexy as her in those scrubs.

  I say almost because now I know she doesn't wear fucking panties under that shit. What? No. Eyes up. Don't worry about my hard on.

  She folds her arms at the sight of Rex. “Comfy?”

  His feet fall off the table. “Babysitting is boring.”

  “Well good thing you have a delivery to make,” Melody announces.

  Her eyes don't move my direction. The action makes my body tense. Wanting her attention, but knowing it's not something I should flip out about, I drop my eyes back to painting.

  The sound of them shuffling around causes me to glance up again to see them disappear into her room.

  I really fucking hate that he's in there. I haven't even been in there.

  Uncomfortable with the idea of him alone with her, the idea of rape gnawing at the back of my throat, causes me to shift in my seat in a sad attempt to see inside. Thankfully she strolls out in a hurry straight for the fridge. Casually I let my eyes fall before they notice me watching them.

  “To Nina.” Her announcement grabs my attention unconsciously.

  Nina is the chick that's babysitting Daniel. Is it wrong I hope he's getting to experience at least a little of what I am right now?

  “Straight there, Rex. She needs to give that to him today. Immediately. Do you understand?”

  “Why do you talk to me like I'm slow?” Rex whines.

  She folds her arms across her chest. “Your shoes are untied.”

  He looks down. “Really?”

  “They're Velcro,” she sighs.

  I chuckle under my breath.

  Point proven. He's an idiot.

  “Go,” she rushes him out. “Bag to Nina. Brief case to JJ. Nina first.”

  “I heard you,” he snaps and then looks over at me. “Why aren't you fucking working?”

  “Why aren't you?” I poke back.

  Rex makes a move for me and Mel sharply snaps her fingers. She points like she's talking to a dog that's misbehaving. “Now.”

  He mutters something and stalks out of the cottage. After he slams the door shut I say, “You should get him neutered.” When s
he snickers a little my world seems to align just right again. “I've missed that sound.”

  Melody leans her back against the closed fridge door. “Oh yeah?”

  “Fuck yeah,” I confirm, placing the paint brush down, but not moving.

  “Miss anything else?”

  “Other than the sight of you prancing around this place in scrubs-”

  “I don't prance,” she interrupts on another giggle.


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