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The Ultimate Erotic Short Story Collection 23 - 11 Steamingly Hot Erotica Books for Women

Page 12

by Kim Wilkerson

  “Hey, Roger! What’s up, man?”

  “Not much”, Roger mumbled.

  “Listen, I got a special offer. Hear me out. The magazine needs a man of your talent. The festival in Rio needs people from all around the world to make up scripts for the event. So, since you were so down, and available, I thought of you. All expenses paid, food and drinks included. You can score drugs on your own. I just need a confirmation by the end of the week. What do you say?”

  “Well, thanks man, I’ll think about it. I’ll phone you by the end of the week.”

  “OK Can’t wait to hear from you. Take care, man.”

  “Thanks, you too.”

  “Oh my God, I can’t believe this!” Roger said very thrilled. “Free accommodation, a nice vacation, people, booze, this is fucking great. I think I’m going to call him tomorrow. I should get some booze.”

  The next day, Roger called Michael to tell him that he was on board. He was told to go to the magazine office to sign some papers and discuss some more about the project.


  He left for Rio about two weeks later, taking an eleven hour flight. He landed at the airport, and was given specific directions to find a girl which held a sign with Corrupção Express written on it. He entered the airport nervous, searching for the girl with the sign. He saw a lot of security guards carrying semi automated weapons, a feeling which made him uneasy. He took a seat in the waiting room. Suddenly, a girl came up next to him, scanning him from top to bottom.

  “You American, eh?”

  “Yes, yes I am. My name is Roger Tanker. Are you the girl from Corrupção Express?”

  “I guess I am, or maybe I’m not. My boss asked me to escort you to the hotel, but first, you have to take a preliminary interview.”

  “Well, I’m kind of tired, but I guess I could do it. Where is this interview held?”

  The girl gets up, and gives him a signal to follow her. He conforms, and they move out of the waiting room, down the hall, and head towards the bathroom. Roger suddenly stops.

  “So, like, is there a hidden office around here, or are we lost?”

  “The only person who is lost is you, boy. This is where the interview is held. Go on, get in!”

  “This sure is strange.”

  Roger and the girl enter the bathroom. She grabs him by the shirt, and pushes him on the toilet. The toilet seemed pretty messy and dirty, but Roger was so mesmerized, he didn't mind. She sits on top of him, grabbing his cheeks.

  “You seem shy, young writer. And tense, we can’t have you working under these conditions.” She started to laugh.

  “I see. Well I am a bit tense, maybe I should rest. The flight was pretty tiresome.”

  “I should help you out.”

  The girl takes down Roger’s pants, and pulls out his flaccid penis. She starts to jerk it off, slowly giving rise to a steady erection. Roger soon gets rock hard, and looks deeply in the girl’s eyes as she starts sucking him.

  “You’re great. Please don’t stop! It’s been some time since…”

  “I know, I’ve seen you. People cannot be good at what they do if they’re not satisfied. I can handle you.”

  She resumes sucking his cock, playing with his balls and maintaining eye contact, since he enjoyed it so much. After a few minutes, she signals him to cum, by pointing at her mouth. He cums and makes a noise to suggest relief.

  “I hope you enjoyed it. We call this a Brazilian Welcome!”

  Roger gets up, and the girl escorts him outside the airport, and into a taxi. The taxi drives them to Rio, where the passengers are left at the hotel. The girl pays for the fare, and takes Roger by the hand, signaling him to take his bags. The two enter the hotel, and the girl rings the bell on the reception desk. A man shows up, greets the girl and signals Roger to come to the desk. Roger heads over there, to see a bunch of forms waiting to be signed.

  “Aww, maan!” he sighs.

  “Mr. Roger Tanker, you are our honored guest, thanks to Corrupção Express. The forms won’t take long.”

  A few minutes later, Roger finishes signing the papers and hands them over instantly.

  “All done. Now, can you show me where my room is? I’m sleepy and need to rest.”

  “But of course. Would you like some escorts to help you get to bed early? Maybe some of our finest marijuana?”

  “No thanks, no escorts. But you can send some weed and whiskey. That’d be great!”

  “Will do.”

  Roger is lead by hotel staff to his room. He gets his supplies delivered, grabs the whiskey bottle and takes a big sip, and instantly falls asleep. Meanwhile, at the reception desk, the girl is having a discussion with the hotel manager.

  “Don’t give him so much alcohol! We want him to stay as healthy as he can be for his trip.”

  “I understand. We could say we ran out, but that would just buy us a few days.”

  “Nonsense! I will take care of this myself! I can ban him from drinking, if I can fill his schedule. Just follow my instructions. Is that clear?”

  “Yes. We will do what you ask. Just make sure the job is done at the end!”

  “Have no fear.”

  Roger wakes up the next day, feeling refreshed and ready to get to work. He puts his clothes on, and hears a knock on the door. He looks through the peephole and sees the girl so he opens the door and greets her.

  “Hello, I just woke up.”

  “A, very good! I know yesterday was on the rush, but you were tired, and needed the rest. I am Angela.”

  “So you have a name? That’s cute. So, what’s on the agenda for today?”

  “Well Mr. Writer, the team involved in the project will meet in the hotel lounge, in 1 hour. I came to give you the news. Hope you are ready. Wear something nice.”

  “I will… thanks.”

  Roger opens his suitcase and tries to find a decent shirt to wear at the event. He pulls out a yellow shirt and a brown tie.

  “This could work. I should pour myself a drink.”

  He heads out of his room and starts looking left and right for Angela, but she is nowhere to be seen. The hotel manager walks down the hall, seeing Roger confused.

  “Let me help, sir. Follow me.”

  “Where are we going?”

  “A conference room. Our largest. Mr. Alvaro Ramon, your employer, has a few words to say to you.”

  “That sounds important. Just point me to the place.”

  The two cross the hall and head downstairs. The manager stops in front of a huge door. He opens it, revealing a big conference room with men in suits sitting in the crowd in front of an empty stage, awaiting the speaker.

  “These are all the writers required for this project. As you can see from their name tags, they are from different countries and backgrounds. Ah… I almost forgot, here’s your name tag. Take a seat wherever you please, Mr. Alvaro will join you shortly with his speech.”

  “Thank you.”

  Richard takes a seat near a fat man from China, and a very creepy looking Russian. He starts to look around and discovers that all the people in the room seemed as confused as he was. Most were sitting in silence, others would socialize and ask people about the circumstances they were brought in. The question on everybody’s mind was; who is this Alvaro Ramon?

  Meanwhile, backstage, Alvaro Ramon watches over his spectators. He smiles, thinking about his speech and actions, and decides to keep them waiting just a few more minutes. He's a tall middle aged chunky man, with thin hair and a big black Latino mustache. Upon gazing himself in the mirror, he grabs his female assistant, a thin blonde with pony tails and glasses.

  “I have an appointment for you, Consuela. You must fuck me, so I don’t fuck them.”

  “Mister Alvaro, I know you helped me through school and all, but I can’t do this. Plus, I have someone. He cuts trees for a living.”

  “Really? Does he have any political influence? Does he have as much cash as I do? I don’t think so. You probably have trouble w
ith money. I can tell. Don’t worry, you do something for me, I do something for you. That’s how it works. What have you done for me lately?”

  “I make lists and appointments. I handle all your schedules and visits. Everything is in order.”

  “My cock isn’t in order. You must take care of it. Now, show me how you play with yourself. But do it slowly, I get hard slow.”

  “If my mother finds out…”

  “Your mother is old, and carefree. She use to be a bigger slut than you, and look how good you turned out! It’s great. Now, take your underwear off!”

  The girl takes her pants down, then her underwear, looking very embarrassed. Alvaro pulls out his dick and opens up her legs. He starts penetrating her with lust, putting his hand on the back of her head and starts screaming.

  “This is what I like. Speech warms up!”

  He flips her over and starts fucking her from behind. She takes off all of her clothes, and proceeds fucking in a doggy style position. Alvaro gets up, and starts giving her head, while she strokes him. Things get very intense, and Alvaro moves Consuela near the stage, putting her on the ground and fucking her there, with her head under the curtain, for people to see.

  The crowd gets excited and starts cheering. They see the head of a woman that is clearly being fucked from behind, and start to ask her name, her phone, her marital status, while having a laugh. Roger enjoys this as well.

  After a few minutes her head gets pulled back in, and Alvaro jerks off on her face, cumming on her neck. The crowd of script writers is left in silence. Then, the curtains open and people see Alvaro Ramon, dressed up all nice in a red suit with a black tie. He has an interesting look on his face, gazing at his employees.

  “Did you hear the woman?” he asked.

  “We sure did!” answered a few men.

  “Good. Good. The first rule of our country, at least this part of the country, is that sex is the simplest and most necessary commodity. It is always there to give, or to be given. It’s just a matter of asking and receiving. But, since you are new here, you were each given a gift upon arrival. Hope you enjoyed it! By the way, my name is Alvaro Ramon, and I am the owner of Corrupção Express, the only magazine in Brazil that brings hot news regarding our corrupt government. Your job is to create various scripts for this year’s Summer festival, a place which clearly needs some creativity from foreign minds. Almost each year there’s just a transsexual orgy on the streets. That’s it. We’ve had it!”

  “So, there’s so many of us. Just one festival? How could all of us help just by writing?” Roger wondered.

  “All in due time. There is plenty of work for everyone. No one is left behind. The person who picked you up at the airport, is the person designated to take you to the next activity of our collaboration, so anything you do or want to, report to them. As things unravel, I will come a second and third time, to give necessary information required for your activities and work. Thank you, and enjoy the hotel bar and services!”

  Everybody grabs a drink at the bar in the conference room and start to chit chat. Roger meets all sorts of writers from around the world and starts topics about style of writing and other vice related subjects. After an hour of discussion, the conference door opens, and thirty escorts, one for every writer, show up.

  Angela approaches Roger. She grabs a drink and escorts him to a table. He complies and grabs two drinks from the bar.

  “You shouldn’t be drinking that much. We need you for our project. We need you rested and fully functional. Starting tomorrow, you will work. Also, tomorrow you need to proceed through medical examination. Brazil has a lot of diseases.”

  “OK, I get it. But what is this all about? I’m confused. If I work, I need to know what I’m involved in.”

  “I know. All you writers are the same. You just want a topic and paper. It’s not that easy here. It’s a bit complicated, since the Rio Festival is the main concern. I am not at liberty to discuss your actions and involvement, I can only guide you to the next step. Do you understand?”

  “OK, cheers!” Roger said lifting the glass.

  “Cheers!” Angela lifts her glass as well.

  “Ooooh! I feel kind of tipsy, even though I only had one drink. I just need to freshen up, in the bathroom,” Roger said.

  Rogers gets up from the table, looking around, everything spinning and turning, and tries to walk to the bathroom. He takes the first step, then the second and before making the third, falls down.

  “You sure went down easily. Not a heavy drinker after all,” smiled Angela.


  Two hours later, Roger wakes up sitting in a chair, in an abandoned old house. Around him, in a circle pattern, are the other writers sitting in the same position. A military commander walks by and starts to hit each writer with the barrel of his rifle, to wake them up. A door opens, and Alvaro Ramon walks in, wearing a commando suit.

  “Before I discuss today’s activity, I just want to apologize about the inconveniences you all suffered. A basic reason I did this was that most of you didn’t want to comply to our medical examination, so we did it without bothering you. Another reason was to show you our ways to take you to remote places.”

  “ You can’t do this to us! This may be Brazil, but we’re not your slaves. This isn’t writing anymore. I’m leaving!,” a British writer blurted out.

  “Now, now. Are you sure you don’t want to stay? This is just a procedure for our festival. You will not be harmed.”

  “Fuck you. I’m leaving!”

  “Very well, Mr. Ferreira, would you please escort Mr. Saget outside? We will ready his things and accommodate him to leave as soon as the first flight departs.”

  “Yes, Mr. Alvaro.”

  “Did I mention I was going to offer a compensation of 2,000 dollars for the writer who does his job the best? I think not. Now, I brought you here, in an abandoned house, in the Favela near Rio, to show you what our lifestyle is all about. You will witness how women are treated here, and must write a script about women being treated worse in your country. Is that clear?”

  “Women are treated equally in my country, you want to show us how a woman is treated nicely in this dump? This is stupid!” said a Swedish writer with glasses.

  “Mr. Larsen, you are disqualified. Your prejudice about our country makes me think you are not fit for this competition. Mr. Ferreira, escort him out and to the airport first thing tomorrow.”

  “Will do.”

  “Any other objections?”

  Silence fills the room.

  “I think not. Well now, since we got that out of the way, let’s bring in the ladies.”

  Mr. Ferreira opens the door and three ladies enter the room, two Caucasian and one black. They get in the middle of the circle where the writers are, and start to walk by each writer, touching them as they pass. Looks are spread all around and the ladies start to touch and kiss each other. As things heat up, Alvaro and Ferreira join them, pulling their cocks out. The girls start so suck them off, while the writers watch, being eager to see more and maybe join in.

  “This is how women are treated here. Equality, respect, and love, much love! This is your theme. Write the best script and you will not leave this country empty handed!”

  The two men start to fuck the two Caucasian girls, while the black girl masturbates. After that they switch partners, while one girl masturbates and watches the writers stare, almost drooling. At one point, the men double penetrate the black woman, to show how it’s properly done, then do the same thing with the other two Caucasian women, since they all couldn’t get enough. They gather the chicks all together, and spray them with cum.

  “That’s how you do it. Intense, consensual and free. Remember this!” Alvaro said proudly.

  “So now what?” Roger wondered.

  “Now, sleepy time.”

  A battalion of commandos rushes into the room and put black bags over the head of the writers, injecting them in the neck with some sort of tranquilizer. Hou
rs later, Roger wakes up in his room, first thing seeing Angela at his bedside.

  “This is some fucked up shit! I don’t know if this is worth it. This is fucking abuse!”

  “Now, Roger, you didn’t think this was going to be all politically correct, did you? It’s Brazil. All of the writers selected come from a poor background, similar to yours. This wasn’t by accident. Although all the writers posses nice suits and ideals, they are pretty broke and desperate. So, are you going to accept the challenge, or go back to Chicago and be broke?”


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