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Down & Dirty: Books 1-3: Dirty Angels MC Series Box Set

Page 42

by St. James, Jeanne

  Damn, the man could kiss.

  Another surprise.

  His fingers dug into her hair on both sides of her head, keeping her right where he wanted her. With him holding her head and his big body pinning her against the car, she couldn’t escape even if she wanted to.

  Though, the longer he kissed her, the more she realized she didn’t want to go anywhere but inside.

  Their tongues tangled and fought for control, hers pushing against his, trying to take over his mouth instead. But he wouldn’t allow it and when he finally broke away, she was left breathless and every part of her body tingled. Her nipples ached for his mouth and she was pretty sure her panties were completely drenched.

  His mouth remained a hair’s breadth from hers, though, and she flicked her tongue over her lips as she stared into his deep, dark brown eyes. He seemed as shell-shocked as she did.

  And that wasn’t something that normally happened to her. She could safely assume that may have never happened to him.

  He didn’t seem shakable.

  But he was. And that kiss did it to both of them.

  How crazy was that?

  “Oh good lord,” she finally whispered.

  His huge hand pulled out of her hair to cup her cheek. “Fuck me,” he muttered as if in disbelief.

  Her lips twitched. “After that kiss, I have to say yes.”

  He dropped his gaze to her mouth for a second before saying, “Wasn’t a question, babe. But, after that, glad you’re all in.”

  She lifted her hand to wipe away a smudge of her lipstick from his mouth with her thumb. “Do I have any lipstick left?”


  “I was afraid of that. Can we go inside now?” Before I melt into a big puddle in the middle of your driveway with your neighbors probably peeking from behind their curtains?

  “Fuck yeah,” he said softly, then stepped back, snagged her hand and practically dragged her behind him over the concrete walkway to the front door. He dug a set of keys on a Harley keyring out of his jeans and plugged one into the door.

  He pushed it open and guided her through, slamming the pretty door with the decorative stained glass panel shut with a bang and then turned the deadbolt.

  Okay, then. This was really happening. She was going to actually have sex with this man, this... this biker.

  Jesus, she truly lost her mind.

  As she felt his large presence behind her, she thought screw it.

  Then she told herself it’s only one night. One night to let loose before going back to her neat little life of wearing suits, being a successful attorney and fighting for justice.

  She jerked in surprise when her hair was brushed away from the back of her neck and his lips were there. Soft, warm, wet, and... shit... her knees started to buckle, until he wrapped an arm directly under her breasts to help hold her up.

  Oh shit.

  His lips brushed across her skin, then she felt the light scrape of his teeth. His other arm curled around her, though lower... much lower, and he pressed a palm against her lower belly, slowly sliding it down...


  Oh shit, down...

  When he cupped her through her skirt, she thought she might self-combust. She dropped her head to the side as he took gentle bites down her neck, only stopping when he reached her suit jacket. He used the arm under her breasts to reach up and cup one in his hand, then a wide thumb brushed back and forth over her pebbled nipple.

  “This gotta go.” He clearly meant the suit jacket.

  Why yes, it did.

  And, crazy enough, she was ready to shed all of her clothes and do him right in front of the door, right there on the floor.

  He released her only long enough to pull her jacket off her shoulders and toss it on the floor.

  Oh God, don’t look where your three-hundred-dollar designer suit jacket just ended up. Don’t look...


  Large fingers deftly pulled at the top buttons of her blouse until it hung partially open and his hand slid into the cup of her bra. His cock, solid as a steel rod, pressed into her lower back.

  He growled into her ear, “Can’t wait to drive my dick deep inside you,” then he tweaked her nipple hard, pulling a gasp from her.

  She throbbed, actually throbbed for this man. She needed to chalk that up to temporary insanity.

  That seemed to be a reasonable defense.

  As he slipped his hand under her breast and began to lift it out of her bra, he froze.

  Then Kiki froze. Her gaze followed a twenty-something female walking through the living room right in front of them. She had her head down as she did something on a cell phone and had earbuds plugged into her ears.

  Kiki grabbed the edges of her open blouse and yanked it closed, even though Hawk’s hand was still firmly planted inside it.

  A muttered, “Fuck,” came from behind her.

  The young, blonde, very, very, very pretty woman stopped dead in the center of the room, glanced up and froze, too. Then her eyebrows shot up her forehead before a slow smile crept over her face.

  She popped out one earbud. “Hey, Hawk.”

  “Where’s your fuckin’ car?”

  Oh boy, the man didn’t sound very happy at all.

  “The shop. Crash dropped me off.” She ran her eyes over Kiki from head to high heels, only hesitating slightly on where Hawk’s hand disappeared. “Didn’t know you were getting out today. Would’ve made you dinner.”

  She makes him dinner and walks around like she owns the place?

  Kiki tugged desperately at Hawk’s wrist and with a sigh, he released her breast and removed his hand from her blouse.

  She was too old for him to be her father. But too young to be anything else.

  All of her youth was definitely on display with her slender legs that went on for days out of her teal short shorts and perky breasts that were barely contained in a snug pink camisole that had a drawing of an antique motorcycle on the front.

  She gave Kiki a half-assed wave. “Jazz.”

  Kiki opened her mouth but it wasn’t until the second try that she could spit out, “Kiki.”


  Then Hawk moved, bumping against her back with his chest and pushing her forward, deeper into the room. “Yeah, really. Get in your room an’ keep those things in your ears for the rest of the night.”

  Jazz frowned and looked like she wanted to argue.

  “Jazz,” came out of Hawk’s mouth in an unmistakable warning.

  “Shit. Okay. Can I grab a pop and some snacks first?”

  “Yeah, get your shit an’ get gone.”

  After throwing a final eyeball at Kiki, Jazz wore a knowing smile as she headed into the open, modern kitchen right off the living room. “Shouldn’t panic if the house shakes, right?”

  Hawk’s deep chuckle surprised Kiki. “Nope.” He snagged Kiki’s hand as he pushed past her to drag her up the staircase that sat to the left of the entrance. “Don’t disturb us, got me?” he yelled over his shoulder.

  “Got you,” came from the kitchen area.

  “Rather she not be here, but gotta do what ya gotta do,” he said, climbing the steps.

  Gotta do what ya gotta do.

  Kiki lowered her voice. “You still want to...”

  “Fuck yeah, babe. Been locked up forever.”

  “Ten days.”

  “Like I said, forever.”

  Kiki rolled her eyes as they hit the upstairs landing. “You can’t go ten days without sex?”

  “Not willingly. Can you?”

  “Not willingly,” she answered truthfully. Then he threw his head back and laughed.

  Kiki stopped at the top of the stairs and stared. The upper level had a completely open floorplan similar to a suite. A neatly made California King sat against one wall. Dressers, chairs, and a desk filled up the rest of the area. One wall was lined with closets. She couldn’t imagine a biker needing that much space for holey jeans and ripped T-shirts. And fr
om what she could see, there was an en suite bathroom at the back of the room.

  But no bedroom door. Nothing to stop anyone coming up the steps and intruding.

  She didn’t like that.

  “She ain’t gonna bug us.”

  She turned to face Hawk, who was shedding his leather vest and tossing it over a recliner that faced a large flat-screen TV that hung on the wall in one corner of the room.

  “She’ll hear us.”

  “She ain’t gonna listen.”

  “How do you know?”

  “Told her not to.”

  Well, there you go. He told her not to listen, so she won’t. That was laughable.

  “Okay, let’s get rid of the elephant in the room.”

  He frowned as he sat in the recliner to unbuckle and unzip his boots. “Whataya mean?”

  “Who is she?”


  Kiki closed her eyes and took a breath before reopening them. “I heard that. Who is she?”

  “My house mouse.”

  His what?

  She opened her mouth and then shut it with a groan.

  “My house mouse,” he repeated like his words explained everything but to Kiki they meant nothing. Then he shrugged before yanking off his boots, tucking his socks inside them and putting them to the side of the recliner.

  Hawk pushed to his feet and approached her. Surprisingly, she held her ground until he was so close they were almost touching, but not quite. It didn’t mean she couldn’t feel his searing heat.

  Because she could. She swallowed.

  “Ain’t a sweet butt, no worries.”

  And that cleared everything up even more perfectly.


  “Babe, don’t be jealous.”

  Jealous? She shook her head, trying to rid herself of the disbelief that filled it. “You want to explain all that in English this time?”

  “Jazz’s a house mouse. Lives here. Takes care of me an’ the house. Cooks. Cleans. Woman shit.”

  “And what’s a sweet butt?”

  “A bitch who spreads her legs for us brothers whenever we want it.”

  “Aaaaah. Okay. That’s clear as piss,” she said, repeating the phrase he used at the jail the day she first met him.

  He grinned.

  “Let me get this straight... You have women who will just... sleep with you whenever you want?”

  “Not sleep. Fuck. Gotta keep it simple or they get clingy.”

  “And you partake of this yourself.” It was more of a statement of incredulity than an actual question since she was still processing this information.

  He cocked an eyebrow. “Babe.”

  “I’ll take that as a yes. So, tell me... What’s the difference between a house mouse and these...” She waved a hand. “Other women?”

  “Told you what she does. Ain’t repeatin’ myself.”

  “So, no sex?”

  “Didn’t say that.” He ran a finger down the open buttons of her blouse then pushed one side away from her breast, exposing her bra.

  “You have sex with Jazz.”

  “Didn’t say that, either.” He pushed the other half of her blouse away from her other breast. “Gotta get that off you before I tear it off an’ snap the buttons.”

  She grabbed his hands in hers and tried to pull them away before he succeeded in distracting her. To say she was unsuccessful was an understatement. He slid his hands around to her back and undid the clasp. She caught the bra as it fell forward. Though, since she still wore her blouse, it wouldn’t have dropped to the floor anyway. But still...


  “Yeah, babe?”

  “How old is she?”

  He shrugged as he attempted to peel her blouse off her shoulders. She swatted at his hands but he ignored her. “Twenty... somethin’. Twenty-two, maybe. Don’t give a shit. Just care she gets shit done ‘round here.”

  “Do you think it’s appropriate that a college age girl lives with a single thirty-something year old man?”

  “Yep. An’ if I touched her, that grumpy old fuck Grizz would have my hide.”

  But did he want to touch her? “Who’s Grizz?”

  “Jazz’s grandfather. Fellow brother. Old as dirt. Wouldn’t disrespect him like that.”

  “Why isn’t she his house mouse?”

  “He’s got one. But ‘cause he’s got so many grandkids he tries to farm ‘em out when possible to help pay for their schoolin’.”

  “So, she is in college?”

  “Babe, you gotta stop talkin’. Do I need to stick somethin’ in your mouth to get that done?”


  “Babe, I’ll say this once an’ that’s it.” He leaned into her, pressing his mouth to her ear. “Like women. Not girls. Like you. She’s like a niece. Ain’t climbin’ in her bed. But you soon need to get in mine. Got me?”

  All the breath rushed out of her as his deep voice resounded through her.

  “Now... can we get naked?”

  She tried to fight the smile, but it was impossible. Instead, she kept it contained as much as she could. “Yes, please.”

  “That’s it, babe. Like your spunk, believe me. But right now, need to fuck you.”

  Yes, you do, floated through her mind.

  Chapter Four

  Hawk impatiently shoved her shirt over her shoulders and down her arms until it fell free to the floor. Tugging at her loose bra straps, he tossed that aside, then stepped back and stared.


  He should’ve grabbed her briefcase from the car and made her put on her glasses.

  Next time.

  He only recently met her but both times they’ve been together she was dressed as an uptight female attorney would be. Right now, just wearing her tight skirt, stockings and fuck-me heels, she didn’t look so uptight. She looked downright dick hardening, smoking hot.

  He yanked at his erection, adjusting it to a more comfortable position in his jeans before circling her. Brushing her hair to the side, he studied her long, elegant neck. There was something about it that turned him the fuck on.

  He was going to leave his mark on that perfect skin, too. And that mark was going to say: “Hawk was here. Back the fuck off. This is mine.”

  When he ran a knuckle down her spine she visibly shivered. He could imagine that made her nipples pop out into hard peaks.

  His mouth will be on them soon enough. Right now, he had to finish unwrapping the hot-as-fuck package that stood in front of him. He wanted his mouth on every inch of her body.

  And that surprised the hell out of him.

  Sex was sex. Normally, a woman was just a hole to bust a nut into, to get off, to drain his sac. Like his brother Diesel, he didn’t want to be tied down, have some woman clinging to him like she owned him, nagging his ass and wearing him down.

  No fucking way. He liked his freedom and he was his own man. The back of his bike could remain empty forever for all he cared. He didn’t need some bitch dictating to him, rolling her eyes at him, bringing drama into his life.

  That’s why either the sweet butts or Dawg’s girls, the strippers at Heaven’s Angels Gentlemen’s Club, were good in a pinch. Pop a nut, pull up your pants and show them the door.

  This one, though...


  He was actually having second thoughts about bringing her into his home, which is something he never did. Ever.

  She wasn’t his normal fare. Not at all.

  And that fucking kiss in the driveway... For fuck’s sake, it knocked the shit out of him. He had to be the one to pull free before he fell head first down that deep, dark abyss. A place where he’d have to claw his way back out of.

  But now... she stood there, half dressed, tempting him. A tightness pulled at his chest.

  Just a taste, he promised himself. Just a taste, and then she’ll run out the door after she gets what she wants from him, anyway. She’ll go home to her upper-class condo, or whatever, in her car that cost more
than his house and wash him off her so she could continue on with her life like she hadn’t slummed it for a split second.

  He had to remind himself that she won’t be hanging around, getting possessive and clingy. Nope. She was only here to scratch an itch, get some strange, and then get gone.

  He could live with that.

  That was what he preferred, anyway.

  Yeah it was.

  He snagged the tiny zipper at the back of her skirt between his thick fingers but couldn’t get a good grip on it. He grunted with impatience and then her hands were behind her back, slapping his out of the way, grabbing the narrow zipper tab with ease and lowering it until the skirt loosened around her hips. However, it fit so snugly it didn’t drop.

  He decided to help it along and shoved it down. When it fell to the floor, he said, “Step out.”

  She lifted one high-heeled foot, then the other and kicked the skirt out of the way.

  His gaze roamed over her stockings and, fuck him, if he didn’t want to rub his dick all over them.

  He contemplated on what to do with all that slippery material that encased her legs, whether to fuck her with them on, as well as her high heels, or to remove them so he could feel her skin against his.

  That thought stopped him dead. Sometimes he didn’t do more than drop his jeans enough to get his dick out when he fucked one of the women who hung around church and offered themselves up like a Thanksgiving dinner plate.

  Nope. But tonight he planned on some real skin to skin contact. He wanted her completely naked. And he wanted to be also. He needed to feel every line of her curves, every crease, every drop of sweat. He wanted to savor both the salty and the sweet taste of this woman.

  He wanted the full experience.

  A flash of panic swept through him. Was this how Zak felt when he first laid eyes on Sophie?

  If so, he may very well be fucked.

  He squeezed that thought out of his noggin, shoved his hands into the waistband of her stockings and pulled until they tore. He continued to shred them down her legs until he was kneeling at her feet, running his hands over her ankles.

  He pulled off one of her heels then the other, throwing them over his shoulder.

  Then it hit him, neither were saying a word. But he couldn’t miss her rapid, heavy breathing.


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