The Fabulous Bouvier Sisters
Page 30
Onassis, Jacqueline, ed. In the Russian Style. New York: Viking Press, 1976.
Pottker, Jan. Janet & Jackie: The Story of a Mother and Her Daughter, Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2001.
Radziwill, Carole. What Remains: A Memoir of Fate, Friendship, and Love. New York: Scribner, 2005.
Radziwill, Lee. Happy Times. New York: Assouline, 2000.
———. Lee. New York: Assouline, 2015.
Reeves, Richard. President Kennedy: Profile of Power. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1993.
Richards, Keith, with James Fox. Life. New York and Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 2010.
Salinger, Pierre. With Kennedy. New York: Doubleday & Co., 1966.
Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr. Journals, 1952–2000. New York: Penguin Press, 2007.
———. A Thousand Days: John F. Kennedy in the White House. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1965.
Smith, Sally Bedell. Grace and Power: The Private World of the Kennedy White House. New York: Random House, 2004.
Solway, Diane. Nureyev: His Life. New York: William Morrow, 1998.
Strong, Roy. The Roy Strong Diaries, 1967–1987. London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1997.
Terenzio, RoseMarie. Fairy Tale Interrupted: A Memoir of Life, Love, and Loss. New York: Gallery Books, 2012.
Theodoracopulos, Taki. Princes, Playboys, & High-Class Tarts. Princeton, NJ: Karz-Cohl Publishing, 1984.
Thomas, Evan. Robert Kennedy: His Life. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2000.
Vidal, Gore. Palimpsest: A Memoir. New York: Random House, 1995.
Warhol, Andy. The Andy Warhol Diaries. Edited by Pat Hackett. New York: Warner Books, 1989.
Wilson, Edmund. The Sixties: The Last Journal, 1960–1972. New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1993.
Retrievals, Online Interviews, Blogs, and Documentaries
Capote, Truman. Interview by Stanley Siegel, The Stanley Siegel Show, June 1979.
“Jackie Kennedy Onassis: In a Class of Her Own.” Biography, A&E, 1996.
Radziwill, Lee. Interview by Larry King, Larry King Live, March 27, 2001.
———. Interview by Sofia Coppola and Deborah Needleman, T: The New York Times Style Magazine, February 17, 2013.
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À la recherche du temps perdu (Proust), 246–248
Agnelli, Giovanni, 94, 109–110, 294
Agnelli, Marella, 94, 110, 147, 247, 294
Alderman, Ellen, 270
Allen, Barbara, 219
Allure (Vreeland), 237
Alsop, Joseph, 89, 120, 127–128
Alsop, Stewart, 93
Ambassador’s Journal: A Personal Account of the Kennedy Years (Galbraith), 106
Americana Hotels, Lee’s design work for, 232–233
America’s Queen (Bradford), 256
amphetamines. See Jacobson, Dr. Max (“Miracle Max”)
Amram, David, 40
Andersen, Christopher, 208, 223, 272, 277
Andreadis, Alexander, 211
Answered Prayers (Capote, unfinished), 190, 247–251
Anthony, Carl Sferrazza, 132–133
anti-Semitism, of Hugh Auchincloss, 256, 261
Arata, Larry, 100–101
Archer, Jeffrey, 229
Architectural Digest, 99, 233, 253, 254
Armani, Giorgio, 254, 260, 284
Armstrong, Bess, 51
Aronson, Steven M. L., 99, 189
Arthur, Chester A., 98
Ashcombe, Baron, 185
Astor, Vincent, 44
As We Remember Her (Anthony), 132–133
Atlantic, 288
Auchincloss, Hugh D. (stepfather)
anti-Semitism and, 256, 261
background of, 19
death of, 235–236, 256
Jackie’s marriage to Onassis and, 168, 169, 177
Kennedy’s assassination and, 125
marriage to Janet Bouvier, 19–20
Nina Vidal and, 7, 245
personality of, 20–21
as stepfather, 8, 20, 23–24, 26, 42, 46, 49, 52
Auchincloss, Hugh D. “Yusha” (step-brother), 20, 198–199, 222
on Jackie, 39–40
Jackie’s illness and, 272
Jackie’s will and, 2, 264
Janet in old age and, 263, 264
Auchincloss, James (half-brother), 20, 26, 209, 269
Auchincloss, Janet (half-sister), 20
Auchincloss, Janet Lee Bouvier (mother), 26, 37
aging of, 262–264
background of, 261
death of, 264, 271
divorce from Bouvier, 18–19, 58, 96
Jackie and, 12, 14, 16–17, 37, 40–41, 102
Jackie’s marriage to Kennedy and, 57
Jackie’s marriage to Onassis and, 168, 169, 170, 177
Kennedy’s assassination and, 125
Lee as favorite of, 16–17
Lee’s acting and, 155
Lee’s early trip to France with Jackie, 31, 32, 42, 47–48
Lee’s marriage to Canfield and, 54
marriage to Auchincloss, 19–20
marriage to Morris, 235–236, 263
as mother, 13, 16–18, 23–24, 29, 36
Onassis’s death and, 209
personality of, 15
trust fund for Lee, 262–263, 274
Auchincloss, Louis, 227
Auchincloss, Nina (step-sister), 20, 264
Auchincloss, Thomas (step-brother), 20
Bacon, Francis, 139, 200, 245
Baldrige, Letitia “Tish,” 76, 84, 85, 87, 91–92, 202, 222, 271
Baldwin, Billy, 131, 181
Balzac, Honoré, 295–296
Bankhead, Tallulah, 147
Bardes, Monsignor George, 272
Bartlett, Charles, 55
Bartlett, Martha, 118
Baryshnikov, Mikhail, 225–226
Baudelaire, Charles, 33
Beale, Edie Bouvier, 59, 201, 205–208
Beale, “Little Edie,” 170, 205–208
Beard, Nejma, 293
Beard, Peter, 224, 237, 242, 290, 293
on Lee, 282–283, 291
Lee’s affair with, 178–180, 185–186, 199, 219
Lee’s personal documentary and, 203, 204
Mayles and, 205, 206
on Onassis, 201
personality of, 188–189
Warhol and, 186–187
Beaton, Cecil, 64, 65, 108, 132, 144, 147, 159–160, 249
Beindorf, Ray, 217
Benchley, Peter, 216–217
Berenson, Bernard, 44–46, 85
Bessette, Carolyn
death of, 270, 276–278
marries John Kennedy Jr., 276
Bessette, Lauren, 69, 277, 278
Bibb, Porter, 188, 205
Biederman, Jay, 277–278
Biko, Lillian, 222
Billings, Kirk LeMoyne “Lem,” 89, 95, 125
Bishop, Jim, 133, 137
Black and White Ball, of Capote, 146–148, 249
Blake, Sylvia Whitehouse, 26–27
Bland, Alexander (pseudonym), 70
Boston Herald Traveler, 165, 166
Boudin, Stéphane, 84, 100
Bouvier, Danielle, 86–87
Bouvier, Jacqueline. See Onassis, Jacqueline Lee Bouvier Kennedy
Bouvier, John Vernou III (father), 1, 8, 59
daughters’ affection for, 3, 4, 8, 17, 21, 283, 295
divorce of, 18–19, 21, 96
as father, 11–12, 17, 28–29, 58
financial insecurity of, 13, 19, 20, 57–58
illness and death of, 58–59
Jackie and, 14, 35, 41
Jackie’s wedding to Kennedy and, 56–57, 213
Janet’s memories of, 264
/> Lee on, 11, 12
Lee’s marriage to Canfield and, 54
personality of, 11–12, 15
Bouvier, John Vernou Jr. (grandfather), 9, 12, 15, 18
Bouvier, Kathleen, 86
Bouvier, Lee. See Radziwill, Caroline Lee Bouvier
Bouvier, Michel (cousin), 86
Bouvier, Michel (great-grandfather), 36
“Bouviers of Mirandole Farm,” 86–88
Bouviers: Portrait of an American Family, The (Davis), 85
Braden, Joan, 109
Bradford, Sarah, 256
Brandon, Mabel, 228
Brodsky, Joseph, 225–226
Brown, Andreas, 225
Bullwhip Days (Mellon), 189
Bundy, McGeorge, 112, 113
Bunyan, John, 225
Burch, Eva, 225
Burn, Barbara, 224
Burton, Richard, 167–168
Butta, Mario, 232
Callas, Maria
death of, 214–215
Onassis and, 158, 169, 177, 199, 202–203, 208, 213–215
Onassis and Jackie and, 119, 158, 163, 164–165, 180, 182–184, 201–203
Onassis and Lee and, 116, 117
Onassis’s death and, 199, 208, 213–214
Onassis’s marriage to Tina Livanos and, 115, 164
Call the Darkness Light (Zaroulis), 224
Canfield, Cass, 53
Canfield, Michael Temple, 53–54, 275
marriage to Lee, 3, 53–55, 57, 60–61, 62, 105, 114
Capote, Truman
Black and White Ball of, 146–148, 249
Cope and, 244
decline and death of, 246–247, 252
Jackie and, 144–145, 146, 165
“La Côte Basque 1965” from Answered Prayers and, 247–251
on Lee, 6, 14
Lee and, 66, 67, 142–144, 146, 190
Lee on, 143–144
Lee’s acting jobs and, 148–155, 191
S. Radziwill and, 199
Tufo and, 238, 240
Vidal and, 244, 245, 253, 275
Carlyle Hotel, 75, 76, 141, 164, 242
Caron, Leslie, 62
Carson, Joanne, 252
Carter, Graydon, 267
Carter, Mary Reed, 166, 182
Cassini, Igor (Cholly Knickerbocker), 25, 28, 79
Cassini, Oleg, 26, 75–76, 78–79, 88, 95, 97, 106
Cavafy, C. P., 221
CBS, Lee’s interviews for, 215–217
Cecil, Mimi, 17
Chanel, Coco, 6
Chaney, John, 262
Chapin School for Girls, 14, 22
Charles and Diana, prince and princes of Wales, 280, 281
Chase-Riboud, Barbara, 224
Chavchavadze, Helen, 20, 76
Clark, Dr. Kemp, 123
Clarke, Gerald, 143–144, 145, 146
on Capote, 190–191, 192, 194, 247, 250
Cohn, Roy, 195
Colacello, Bob, 207, 218, 258, 261
Coles, Robert, 216
Collingwood, Charles, 101
Condition Humaine, La (Malraux), 84
Connally, John, 192
Cooper, Wyatt, 250, 251
Cope, Newton, 239–240, 242–245
Coppola, Sofia, 285, 291–292
Cosmopolitan, 172, 222
“Côte Basque 1965, La” (Capote), 247–251
Cowan, Jill, 96–97
Coward, Noël, 90, 127
Coward, Susan, 37
Cramer, Doug, 259
Cross, Sally Smith, 23
Cuban Missile Crisis, 111–114
Cushing, Minnie, 179
Cushing, Richard Cardinal, 170
Dachau, Jackie’s visit and reaction to, 39–40
Daily News, 239
Dallas Morning News, 124
Danseuse (Jackie’s horse), 14, 18, 22, 27, 37
Davis, John H. (cousin), 258, 295
on Jack Bouvier, 58
on Jackie, 15, 29, 85, 86, 87
on Lee, 3–4, 10, 61, 90, 154
Davis, Maude Bouvier (aunt), 141, 162
Death of a President (Manchester), 121, 137
Debutante of the Year
Jackie as, 14, 25, 28, 79
Lee as, 28, 79
de Gaulle, Charles, 56, 83, 125
de Renty family, 37–38
Diaghilev, Serge, 33
Di Genova, Mario, 232–233
Dombasle, Arielle, 290
d’Ornano, Countess Isabelle, 235
Doubleday, Jackie as editor at, 229–230, 236–237, 271
Dreaming in French (Kaplan), 36
Drew, Lisa, 229
DuBois, Diana, 179, 192, 210, 241, 253, 281
Duchin, Peter, 18–19
Dudley, Lord and Lady, 61
Dugger, Bob, 123
Du Pont, Henry, 98
Dylan, Bob, 194
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 55, 98, 99
Eisenhower, Mamie, 51, 98
Eisenstaedt, Alfred, 223
Elizabeth II, queen of England, 89
Emerson, Gloria, 177–178, 204, 222
Ertegun, Ahmet, 194
Esquire, 103–104, 217, 247, 248
Esther (Jack Bouvier’s housekeeper), 58
Evans, Peter, 202
Face of Lincoln, The (Mellon), 189, 224
Faithfull, Marianne, 66
Farrow, Mia, 147
Feminine Mystique, The (Friedan), 227
Fenston, Felix, 200
Figure Turning (Bacon), 139, 200, 245
Firebird and Other Russian Fairy Tales, The (Zvorykin), 224, 225
Fitzgerald, James, 237
Fonteyn, Margot, 67, 172
Ford, Charlotte, 234
Forger, Alexander, 243
4 Buckingham Place (Radziwill London home), 62, 64, 66, 73, 89, 125, 151, 234
Fox, Joe, 126, 249–250
Freeman, Tom, 278
Friedan, Betty, 227
Frigerio, Ezio, 265
Gage, Nicholas, 158, 164–165, 196, 202
Galbraith, John Kenneth, 66, 105, 106, 108–109, 128, 190, 216
Galella, Ron, 160–161
Galitzine, Princess Irene, 110
Gallagher, Mary, 131
Garbo, Greta, 142
Georgakis, Ioannis, 165, 198
George, Duke of Kent, 53
George magazine, 269–270
George Washington University, 40
Ginsberg, Allen, 256
Goldman, Milton, 148
Goodson, Mark, 238–239
Good Son, The (Anderson), 272
Gosling, Maude and Nigel, 70
Goulandris, Peter, 211
Grace and Power: The Private World of the Kennedy White House (Smith), 20–21
Graham, Billy, 120
Graham, Katherine, 128, 147
Greek Way, The (Hamilton), 130, 136
Grey Gardens (documentary), 205–208, 231
Grosvenor, Rose, 26
Grunwald, Louise Melhado, 249, 250
Guest, Cornelia, 249
Guinness, Gloria, 142–143, 144, 201
Guinness, Loel, 201
Guinzburg, Tom, 222–223, 229
Halston, 216
Hamill, Pete, 148, 236
Hamilton, Edith, 130
Hammersmith Farm (Auchincloss estate), 8, 20, 56, 254
in Jackie’s will, 2
in Janet’s will, 264–265
Hampton, Mark, 141, 232, 234, 239
Hannah, Daryl, 268, 270
Happy Times (Radziwill), 11, 111, 283, 289
Harper’s Bazaar, 53, 284
Harriman, Averell, 131
Harriman, Pamela, 142–143, 144
Haslam, Nicky, 65, 290–291, 293
Henry, Buck, 281
Herrera, Carolina, 44, 255, 292–293
Herrera, Reinaldo, 44, 165, 293
Hersh, Seymour, 80
Herter, Solange, 17
Hill, Clint, 90, 110, 122
Hill, James Jerome, 179
/> Hitchens, Christopher, 288–289
Hopper, Hedda, 36
House & Garden, 232
Hoving, Tom, 224
Huntington Hotel, Lee’s interior design and, 239, 242–243
Hurok, Sol, 67
Husted, John G. W. Jr., 52, 55
Ieronymos, archbishop of Athens, 197
In Cold Blood (Capote), 142, 146, 148, 192, 247, 249
In Our Defense: The Bill of Rights in Action (Alderman and Kennedy), 270
Interview magazine, 8, 207, 218
In the Russian Style (Costume Institute), 224
Isaacson, Walter, 269
Jackson, Michael, 237
Jacobs, Marc, 285, 290, 293
Jacobson, Dr. Max (“Miracle Max”)
crew of The Philadelphia Story and, 150
elixir of, 81
Kennedy and Jackie and, 80–81, 89
other patients of, 81–82
Jagger, Mick, 66, 192, 194
Jaipur, Maharaja and Maharani of, 106, 147
Johnson, Lady Bird, 170
Johnson, Lynda Bird, 147
Johnson, Lyndon, 95, 123
John XIII, pope, 105
Kaplan, Alice, 36, 37, 38
Karamanlis, Constantine, 91
Katz, Karl, 175–176
Kauzov, Sergei, 211
Kaye, Nora, 260, 262, 279–280, 282
Keith, Slim, 142–143, 147, 191, 248
Kennedy, Arabella (still-borne daughter), 57, 118
Kennedy, Caroline, 78, 187, 213, 231
education of, 141, 171, 173, 180, 204, 222
first child of, 262, 264
in Greece, 163, 167, 168, 169, 175, 179
Kennedy, Caroline
in Ireland, 152
in Italy, 109
Jackie’s illness, death, and funeral, 272, 273
Lee’s personal documentary and, 203–204
mother’s estate and, 276
Onassis’s death and, 209
protection of Kennedy reputation, 269–270
Radziwill cousins and, 78, 187, 204, 231, 273, 274, 276, 279
wedding of, 255–258
Kennedy, Edward “Ted,” 269, 272, 277
Archer’s book about assassinating, 229
Caroline’s wedding and, 256, 257
Jackie’s illness and death, 272, 273
Jackie’s marriage to Onassis and, 163–164, 165
Onassis’s death and, 209
Kennedy, Ethel, 129, 272
Kennedy, John F., 20, 88–89, 225, 256
Bouvier’s death and, 58–59
Cuban Missile Crisis, 111–114
Jackie and, 110–111, 119, 174
Jackie’s engagement to, 55–57
Jackie’s trip to Greece and, 92–93, 118–120
Jacobson and, 80–81, 89
moon landing and, 173
Onassis and, 116, 117, 119, 158–159
paramours of, 76–77, 96–97
Paris visit and, 80, 83, 86
Stas Radziwill and, 71–72, 78, 114, 235
Vienna Summit and, 80, 88
Kennedy, John F., assassination of