Tales of the Feisty Druid Omnibus (Books 1-7): (The Arcadian Druid, The Undying Illusionist, The Frozen Wasteland, The Deceiver, The Lost, The Damned, Into The Maelstrom)
Page 110
Arryn gasped, frozen as a debilitating and warring mixture of both fear and pure, unrelenting hatred took hold of her. She had no idea where to move, who to save as she saw the swords lifting higher and ready to swing down.
She could feel her magic deep inside her, but she still couldn't touch anything, even with the raging emotions flowing through her.
There was nothing she could do. She was about to watch all of them die, knowing they would kill her after.
But then, Corrine yelled. She heard the girl’s voice echoing loud and strong through the area, but it didn't sound as terrified or fearful as a child her age should have sounded in her situation.
It sounded pissed.
Arryn looked at her, realizing Corrine had taken her lesson to heart as the little girl’s eyes glowed vibrant green. Her hands flew out in front of her, and a wave of warm energy washed over Arryn as Corrine healed her.
The heat swept through her entire body, immediately dissipating the effects of everything they had done to her with the smoke and the tea. And because she had been trying so hard to touch her magic before, once she was healed enough to reach it, her eyes immediately flashed black and green.
A deep, ominous crack of thunder exploded overhead in the sky and clouds began to roll in. Both Chieftains’ eyes widened as fear shot through them.
They had made a very grave mistake. They hadn't thought to poison the girl whom they believed had no real magic.
Jerick immediately let go of Corrine. The weakened girl fell to her hands and knees, but she was safe and alive.
"Do it! Do it now!" Aeris shouted as he came through the crowd. "Kill them all before she gets up!"
Arryn felt the shift of energy around her and turned just enough to see the swords began to swing down. Her entire body tensed as she flexed, a barrier exploding on either side of her to protect both Dana and her father.
The wind began to pick up as she slowly stood, and the nearly black clouds in the sky began to twist and turn. The first druid ran at her with a sword, but she twisted out of the way before jumping on his back and snapping his neck.
"Take her now!" Alaric shouted as she stood again.
She turned and pointed at him, smiling. "I'm coming for you next."
She threw her hands straight out in front of her and spun, and the resulting blast of wind sent dozens of dark druids flying backward.
She ran to her right, jumping and planting a foot hard in the gut of one and using the momentum to kick another before landing on her feet again. She picked up a sword and took the head off one druid before severing the arm of another.
They came at her and came again, but she was too fast. She heard that familiar voice—Aeris’ voice—shouting as he tried to pull his sister free. She lifted her hands and a bolt of lightning crashed, killing several dark druids and scattering the rest.
She wouldn't last much longer at the rate she was going, but she would do everything she could to save her family.
The druids began to run in different directions, and she tried to find the Dark Chieftains. She couldn't see them in the crowd, but she did see one of her targets, and quickly located the other.
Raising her hand to the sky, she began to walk forward. "Oh, Aeris," she said in a singsong voice.
Somehow, her voice carried over the loud wind, and he stopped dead in his tracks, turning with wide eyes to face her. Her eyes turned an even darker green as she looked to the sky at the twisting clouds beginning to take shape.
"Get inside!" Arryn shouted to her father, Dana, and Corrine.
They jumped up and ran toward the cave as the swirling clouds began to drop. Jenna and Aeris ran in opposite directions to stay with the fleeing crowd, but it did no good. The thin but powerful funnel cloud touched down and pulled several inside, including Jenna and Aeris.
She took a deep breath, feeling the incredible energy sapping out of her. She dropped her hand, and the funnel cloud dispersed, throwing everyone inside in different directions.
Arryn picked up a sword from the ground, praying to the Bitch she could make it to them. She first found Jenna and placed her foot on the dark druid’s neck. The girl was only barely alive at that point, but still lively enough to hear Arryn speak to her one last time.
"You nearly took Cathillian from me that day outside the city. I've been waiting for this moment ever since," Arryn said, her voice icy.
Jenna wrapped her hands around Arryn's boot as she tried to swallow and choked out between breaths, "You were never good enough for him, Arcadian."
Arryn laughed as she bent to look her in the face, her foot still on the girl’s throat. "That's where you're wrong. He is everything I need, and I’m that for him, too. You never stood a chance, and you tried to kill him to prove it. This is for him—for my Cathillian."
Arryn straightened again, lifting her boot and bringing it down hard to crush the woman's throat. Aeris, whose back had broken when he fell from the twister, screamed loudly as he saw his sister die and tried to drag himself to her. Arryn stood in his way.
"And you!" Arryn exclaimed with bitterness and absolute hatred. "I wish I could kill you a thousand times. You are just as bad as Adrien. You spent a decade torturing my father. I would love to spend twice that repaying you for what you've done, but he taught me better than that. Alexander taught me better than that, too."
He laid there crying as he stared at her.
She sighed and shook her head. "I suppose only one death will have to suffice." And with that, she lifted the sword and brought it down on his neck, ending his life and her father's torture with it.
Arryn heard someone screaming her name, and she turned to see her family running toward her. She took a few steps, smiling like a little kid before her eyes rolled back in her head and she dropped to her knees, unconscious.
Everyone had gathered around the firepit as they always did after a hard day. Arryn was still exhausted, even after sleeping the whole way back to the safest secluded parts of the Dark Forest. She yawned as she left her house and began the short walk to join them.
"Need some company?" Cathillian asked before pinning her against a tree and placing his hands gently on either side of her face as he kissed her.
She moaned a little as she returned the kiss, wrapping her arms around him and hauling him even closer. After a few moments, he pulled away and exhaled heavily. "Wow. I wasn't expecting all that."
She smiled. "Well, I'm just glad to be back and have the opportunity."
He quirked an eyebrow at her. "What? That almost sounds like you like me."
She shrugged. "Maybe just a little."
“Mmhmm. Let’s not forget, the moment you saw me you wrapped your arms around me and called me your Cathillian. I sure won’t forget it.”
She rolled her eyes. “I was delirious and half-conscious. And trust me, I know you won’t ever forget it.”
Cathillian looked at her incredulously.
She sighed. “Okay, okay, so I might have called you ‘my Cathillian’ just before I killed Jenna. Clearly, I was dreaming about it.”
He smiled and kissed her again. “Boy, look at you. So clingy. Gross!”
She pinched his side, and they both laughed. Pulling away, she groaned at the loss of the heat and comfort in his eyes, and pouted at him for good measure. He extended his hand, and though she took it, she didn't seem happy about it.
"I just want to go back to sleep," she said.
"Well, I wasn't going to tell you, but we have a surprise," he said with a smile. “And maybe afterward I’ll give you a massage.”
Her left brow raised as she looked at him with curiosity. "You had me at surprise, but massage? Absolutely.”
He gave an exaggerated nod. "You've been asleep for the past three days, and the Chieftain and my mother have both been working on your father. Zoe has as well. He still has a long way to go, but he wants to see you."
Arryn's eyes lit up and a smile spread across her face. She
had wanted to see her father for the last few days, but he hadn’t been ready for her.
He had felt embarrassed that he couldn't keep his mind straight, and now all he wanted in the world was to have a coherent conversation with his daughter.
He had asked the Chieftain to help him get better. He wanted to look at his daughter and see who she had become, not the little girl he still saw because his mind had been frozen in time.
And Christopher wanted her to see her real father, not the mess he had been with the dark druids.
He still didn't understand exactly how he had managed to be lucid the day she had freed them, but everyone guessed it was from the spike of adrenaline caused by laying his eyes on his baby girl—a daughter he hadn’t even been sure was alive any longer.
Cathillian nodded. "I've been hanging out with him, and he's an amazing guy. You know, I never imagined meeting someone who loves his family as much as we do here, but he sure as hell does. After all this time, your dad's back."
She sighed, smiling. "Does this mean I have to quit telling dick jokes?"
Cathillian laughed. "No, it's fine. I've already prepared him a bit. I told him what you did with Chippy and Nutty. He seems to think you're hilarious.” He sighed and shook his head. “I don't know why. You’re just mean."
She chuckled and playfully punched him in the arm. "Wouldn't it be funny if I got that quality from him? I bet a lot of my sense of humor came from him. This could be great."
He groaned. "Great indeed. Now I'll have two of you instructing the squirrels to fill my house with nuts."
Arryn saw her father at the firepit talking to the Chieftain and Elysia. He stood so much taller now. His hair had been cut, and he had shaved. He looked just as he had years ago.
"Dad?" Arryn said cautiously.
Christopher turned to her, his eyes almost twinkling in the firelight as his smile grew. He rushed to his daughter and wrapped his arms around her, holding her tightly.
"You are everything your mother and I hoped for. I couldn't have specified anyone better if I had tried. I love you so much," he said, tears in his voice.
She breathed through her own emotion and when she inhaled, he smelled just like he used to when he hugged her. He smelled like home, somehow exactly the same, and it brought on a wave of emotion she wasn't sure she was ready for. She welcomed it anyway.
"I love you too, and I'm so happy to have you back. Welcome home," she said, feeling an overwhelming sense of peace for the first time in a long time. Everything was exactly as it should be—minus the impending war, of course.
She pulled away, and wiped away her tears, turning to look at the Chieftain and Elysia. "I know I should be the last person in the world to want to talk about this right now, and really, I am. But it doesn't change the fact that it needs to be discussed. Alaric and Jerick got away, and so did most of the dark druids. How are we going to deal with this?"
"Maybe we can help with that," a young woman said from behind them as another one climbed down from her back.
Everyone jumped into a defensive position and each woman lifted her hands in the air, signaling peace.
"Who are you, and what do you want?" the Chieftain asked.
The one who had been carrying what was obviously her twin sister smiled. "I'm Bast, and this is Cleo. Long story short, we come from far away, and when we reached Arcadia, we met Amelia. She said we needed to come here and ask someone named Arryn for help."
"She also said to mention that I damn near died saving a rearick named Ren, and you guys know him," Cleo said.
Arryn looked at Samuel , who had started paying close attention after that name was mentioned. Ren was one of his close friends, and Cathillian had spent quite a bit of time healing Ren and his men after they were attacked by remnant.
Arryn took several steps forward, separating herself from the crowd. "I'm Arryn. Amelia sent you to me?"
Cleo nodded. "She said you have a war brewing just now, and that we should hang out in Arcadia and wait until it passed." She smiled as she looked at her sister and back at Arryn with confidence. "I told her, ‘Fuck that!’ We need your help, but I'm sure as hell not gonna ask for it if I don't offer you something in return."
Arryn's eyes narrowed as she looked her over. She could see a few spots of blood on her shirt, though it didn't look terrible. "And what do you have to offer us?"
"Like we said, we think we can help. Only thing is, I have a big gash from shoulder to rib that I need healed before we fight anyone. Your guard boys are out there on horses racing here right now. My sister not only jumped over your fancy little fence, but outran them on foot with me on her back, so I'm pretty sure we’re qualified. Interested?"
A smile spread across Arryn's face as she looked over her shoulder. The Chieftain and Elysia both looked rather impressed, and they nodded.
Arryn turned back and gazed at them speculatively, her arms crossed over her chest. "Sure. Let's see what ya got."
Author Notes - Candy Crum
Written November 17h, 2017
Well, look at me! Forgetting to do author notes!
Right now—well, until Steve reminded me about doing this important part!—I’m editing the first book in a BRAND NEW Age of Magic series! The author’s name is P.J. Cherubino, and I’m in love with the lead character, Astrid. I really think you guys will get into it. Plus, the book, well—said in Deuce Bigalow style—it’s a huge bitch! So, lots to enjoy.
Other than that, I’m watching my three-year-old niece playing with my brand-new kitten.
A bit about kitty: He is fucking adorable—a cute, chubby, fuzzy-as-hell, long-haired black kitten named Buford. I also call him Baby Boombalatti, after my much larger also black, also fuzzy, twenty-pound cat, whose real name is Korra, but I enjoy nicknames, in case you didn’t figure that out by reading about Monsieur Buttpuff (the snow rabbit) in book three.
I love my tiny little black kitten, but I must say I’m not a fan of his murder-toes… He likes to use them to climb up my leg. *Screams*
Back to the niece: She stayed the night with me last night, and she’s just precious. She’s also quite the trouble-maker (just like her mother). I watch her play now, and listen to how smart she is, and see how funny she is already, and all I can think is…
“Oh, shit… It’s another Amanda… She’s going to be a master prankster, and I’m never going to feel safe again.”
Her mother, my loving BABY sister, is the type who will drive thirty minutes out of the way to grease your door handles, or use her spare key to take something out of your house that you were supposed to be watching for her, so she can deviously watch you sweat a bit while thinking you lost it…
I love my niece. BOTH of those girls. Aside from my boys, they are my absolute everything.
And onto book stuff!
Here it is, the start of Arc Two—which will only be two books, by the way. Then on to bigger stuff! I can’t believe that I started this journey back in March, and I just couldn’t wait to get the first one out. It was another four months that I had to wait to do it because the start of my series required the first Arc for Chris and Lee to wrap up, but look at us now!
I have already outlined and started on the next book, and I am super excited about it.
Oh! And speaking of excitement… It’s November 17th right now, twenty-five days post The Deceiver release date, and it’s STILL at 100% Five Star reviews…
Uh—fuck yes! Thank you! I’m always grateful for the wonderful reviews that you guys leave, but seeing that all those reviews are positive just totally makes it all worth it.
Speaking of those reviews—I always ask you a question and ask that you leave the answer in a review. It gives me an idea of who you are and what you’re like. Some of you I see responding consistently, and that’s awesome. I love the opportunity to read a little about you, too!
So, last time, I asked if there was someone in your life that really pushed you toward your dream. I received a
lot of replies and learned a lot of you had amazing support and love from family/friends, and I even learned what some of you aspired to be.
*Opens The Deceiver Amazon page to name drop*
- Kelly O’Donnell: I’m glad your granny supported you so much! They seem to have a way with it a lot of times, and its special for sure. You and I have talked a bit, and you are amazing—so I definitely think she would be proud. *winks*
- Dan Coursen: Singing is awesome! I used to want to be a singer, too! When I told my grandmother, she tried to support it however she could. Like yours, my parents weren’t too supportive of it, but hey, it never stopped me! I’m glad that never stopped you either—even if neither one of us made a career out of it.
And Finally, Pam Moore: Engineering school! That’s so awesome! Pam said, “My mother drove me to go to engineering school, which I did. Loved the field and retired from it. My dad helped me through school, and I was able to thank them both.” – That is just awesome.
It’s shocking how many kids have to put themselves through school (and I don’t mean financially—that’s very common these days here in the States—but they have no emotional support). My oldest son is CONSTANTLY bringing me new things he drew/wrote in his comic books, and I keep telling him that I’m going to send him to art/film/graphics school one day. Whatever it is that he chooses out of those, I’ll find a way. Somehow, it’ll happen.
He will never be the business school type. He will never be the management type. He’s an artist! Brandon has displayed interests in art, movies, video games (and their creation—his comic books are actually for his “game” he’s designing at eleven years old), and even robotics and architecture. So, I’m already expecting to spend a lot on either art school of some kind or engineering.
Thanks so much for the reviews, please keep leaving them. Not only do they help the books (mine and others) but I truly do enjoy reading and learning about you guys, which is why I like to share things with you about myself as well!