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Drawing Bloodlines

Page 31

by Steve Bevil

  Out of the dark passageway stepped a very tall man, dressed in a long black trench coat. It was very similar to the coat worn by Jordan and Monique. He appeared young in the face, but his muscular build and height was fit for a mature man. He towered over the woman he shoved in front of him, like a harrying giant.

  “Leah!” Nathan shouted. He had to refrain himself from bolting toward her.

  “Bring her to me, Titus,” said Charles. Titus continued to push Leah forward. She appeared more alarmed after she spotted Malick carrying Lafonda.

  Titus guided Leah to Malick’s grandfather, and stopped her short of Jordan and Monique. “What is this?” asked Charles, reaching for the medallion around Leah’s neck. She attempted to back away from his grasp, but Titus’s enormous hands firmly held her forward.

  “Let go of her!” yelled Nathan. He felt a burning sensation in the palm of his hands.

  “Calm down, boy,” responded Charles, with a grin. He released a slight chuckle. “Trust me, you left the worst behind in the maze.” In a melodramatic fashion, he raised his arms in the air while looking around them. “There’s no harm here. Just answer a few questions and I’ll let her go.”

  “Really?” snapped Nathan. “Then why are you holding Leah hostage? And why are members of your Vanguard attacking us?” He shook his head while raising his hands dramatically. “No harm here? Tell that to Dr. Helmsley. Tell that to Lafonda! They both appear to be lying in a coma!”

  A moment of silence fell over the area. Malick’s grandfather spoke abruptly. “Shall we begin?” he asked. His eyes were wide with excitement, as if he were a little kid in a candy store. “I think it’s best that we start with your name.”

  I know this guy didn’t just ignore me, thought Nathan with a frown. He stared blankly at him. I’m not answering any of his questions until he answers mine.

  “Very well,” said Charles. With a nod, Titus swiftly drew his sword and pressed it against Leah’s neck.

  Nathan and Malick gasped.

  “Now, this is why I have your friend,” said Charles. His sharp gray eyes appeared to be bearing down on them. “Over the years, I’ve learned it helps to have a little insurance when I need people to cooperate. Now, where were we?”

  “My name … my name is Nathan Urye,” Nathan said, promptly. He felt a lump creep up in his throat at the sight of the shiny silver sword so close to Leah’s neck.

  Nathan turned to look at Malick. He couldn’t believe this man was his grandfather.

  “Nathan, Nathan Urye,” repeated Charles. “As in Michael Urye? I didn’t know he had a son.…”

  He knew my father, and my mother? Nathan thought.

  “But Michael Urye had no Pneuma abilities to speak of,” said Charles, apparently thinking aloud. “And he was definitely not a part of the Order. So, tell me, Nathan Urye, who is your mother?”

  Suddenly, and without warning, three pulsating balls of blue energy hurled toward the commemorative statue. The first two hit Jordan and Monique square in the chest, knocking them to the ground. The last one slammed against Titus’s sword arm, causing him to drop his sword.

  “Don’t answer that,” said a familiar voice. “You don’t owe this man anything.”

  “LaDonda!” shouted Nathan, sounding relieved and surprised. She continued to walk toward them; another blue energy ball perched in her hand. She had emerged from the same dark passageway from which Jordan and the others had appeared, earlier.

  “Ah–ah–aaah, Charles,” said LaDonda. She pointed the energy ball at him and then at Titus. “Don’t you even think about moving. Come on, Leah. Come from over there.”

  “LaDonda, LaDonda, LaDonda,” repeated Charles, playfully. They both watched as Leah successfully made her way over to them. “I would say I’m surprised to see you, but we both know when there’s any talk about the Firewalker, you’re never too far behind.”

  “I didn’t come all the way to London to hear your nonsense, Charles,” said LaDonda. “Nor am I going to get into why you’re holding these children hostage. But what you will do is hand over the phone that you took from them, and we won’t have to address this with the High Council.”

  “Well, look, it’s Master Percy,” said Charles, looking at the tall dark-haired man with oval glasses. He stepped out of the same passageway and, to everyone’s surprise, Jonathan hobbled out with him. “I’m sure it’s just a fancy coincidence running into you tonight. Just taking a midnight stroll through the maze, are you?”

  “Charles!” shouted Master Percy. “What is the meaning of all of this?” He helped Jonathan over to Nathan and the rest of them, and then stood close to LaDonda. “LaDonda said you’re holding property of theirs? And who authorized Liz and her line to attack these kids today?”

  “Well, first of all,” said Charles. He paused. Monique and Jordan were back on their feet and he quickly gestured for Titus to put his sword away. “First of all … we are dealing with a matter of trespassing….”

  “Trespassing?” blurted Nathan. “You’ve got to be kidding me! All the trespassing they have been doing? Breaking into offices, private homes, and not to mention, assault, battery, and the list goes on.”

  “You both know very well there are rules!” shouted Charles. Master Percy and LaDonda drew quiet. “And I know it’s been a long time for you LaDonda, but as a former member of the Vanguard, I’m sure you remember there are rules.” There was a slight grin on his face as if, internally, he reveled in the sudden silence. “Only skilled members of the Order, with direct supervision and permission, are allowed inside the maze. They’re not even members, and they’re not even permitted on the grounds!”

  “Everyone out here is connected to the Order in some way,” said LaDonda. “Whether it is through bloodline, or through a family member that has directly served the Order.”

  LaDonda paused to look at all the faces looking back at her. She appeared to lose some composure after she saw Lafonda.

  “And even if they didn’t,” she continued, after taking a deep breath. “It is quite clear they’ve all performed some form of Pneuma Novo skillfully today. Otherwise, they wouldn’t have made it this far into the maze or, from the way I see it, effectively handled your Vanguard.” She looked back at Nathan, Leah, Jonathan, and Malick. She smiled. “They belong here just as much as anybody, and if you still differ, you know we can take this to the High Council.”

  “LaDonda, LaDonda,” repeated Charles with a patronizing grin. “As Grandmaster, violations of this nature are left up for me to judicially handle on my own. Oh, but I wouldn’t expect you to know anything about that, since no one in the Devaro bloodline has ever served as Grandmaster.”

  “What about Liz?” shouted Monique. Her face softened for the first time, since hearing of the accusation.

  “And what about my brother? He practically mutilated him,” said Jordan, through gritted teeth. His eyes appeared to tremble as he stared at Nathan. “Ms. Pam wasn’t even sure she could completely heal him. She said he might be scarred for life!”

  “From what I understand,” said LaDonda, pausing, nonverbally confirming with Jonathan. “Liz was supposedly operating under orders to attack Dr. Helmsley and Dr. Colvers, to do whatever was necessary to prevent them from finishing their research. Which happens to be on the phone they took.” She checked with Master Percy before zeroing in on Charles again. “And since none of the Masters seem to know anything about these orders … I have no other choice but to conclude that these orders came from you, Grandmaster — the commander-in-chief over the Vanguard.”

  “Oh, LaDonda,” said Charles with a sigh. “Are you using your powers again?” He paused to make sure the collar to his dark gray pea coat was still flipped up, and then strode haughtily in front of the commemorative statue. “I thought you would have learned, from the last time you bought accusations against me, that your Dream Walker abilities aren’t quite reliable.”

  “I don’t need to be a Dream Walker in order to see the trail of lie
s and deceit that you leave behind in your wake,” said LaDonda.

  “It sounds like to me, you really are itching to have a trial again, LaDonda,” said Charles, boisterously. “Because accusations of this nature, especially ones brought against the Grandmaster, would have to go before the High Council.”

  “I’m not accusing you of anything,” responded LaDonda, defensively. For the first time, she appeared nervous. “I’m just stating the obvious….”

  “Well, after all these years, I’m sure now that you have a family, and after everything that has happened, you don’t want to repeat the past,” said Charles with a sly grin. “Nor do you want to bring more shame to your family.” He turned to look at Malick and Lafonda. “You know, if it turns out once again you have presented more false allegations.”

  LaDonda followed his gaze, allowing her eyes to settle on Lafonda. She remained silent.

  “Therefore, as Grandmaster of the Order, since these are not official accusations and just your opinions,” announced Charles, triumphantly. “I will take note of your observations and, exercising my judicial discretion, will choose, based on my findings, whether or not to conduct an investigation. And, until further notice, the circumstances surrounding Liz’s death, this business about the seizure of the cell phone, and the alleged attacks, will remain confidential. They have now become the official business of the Order.”

  “What?” blurted Nathan. He turned to look at Jonathan, his eyes pleading with LaDonda.

  “And, since you are no longer a member of the Order,” continued Charles, “it looks like we are done here. But this should be easy for you, LaDonda. You’re used to leaving, or should I say walking away, after you’ve stirred things up.”

  “What’s going to happen to Jonathan’s cell phone? All of his research?” demanded Nathan.

  “That’s now confidential, Nathan Urye,” said Charles. He eyed LaDonda and then smirked. “Only privileged to certain members of the Order … now if you would excuse me, it’s extremely late, and I trust you can find the exit.” He pointed to the dark passageway. “The same way you made it in, is the only way out.”

  Nathan looked desperately at LaDonda again, but her head hung down low. She shook her head.

  “Come on, Stephen — or Malick,” said Charles. “I don’t know why you insist on going by the family name. I guess it could be worse, or something damaging to the family.” He headed toward them and then shrugged. “Hand the girl over to Master Percy. He’s apparently familiar with LaDonda. Let him carry her out.”

  There was a sad look in Malick’s eyes as he looked down at Lafonda. He then walked over to Master Percy.

  “What!” shouted Nathan. “U–uh, Malick, what are you doing?”

  “I’m sorry, Nathan,” he said, gently placing Lafonda into Master Percy’s arms. He moved a lock of hair from her face before walking away. “He’s my grandfather.”

  “Blood is always thicker than friends, and blood is family,” said Charles to Nathan. He paused, as he appeared to remember something. “My grandfather taught me that.”

  “Now, go run along and catch up with Monique and the others,” said Charles to Malick. “I’m sure you’ll have a hell of a time trying to soothe things over with her, which is quite understandable, considering the circumstances.” He then leaned in close to LaDonda and whispered. “Who’s going to believe all your fear-mongering about me, and the Firewalker bloodline, now that my own grandson is a Firewalker.”


  That looks like a rabbit, Nathan thought. And that, definitely, could be a woman’s face, maybe….

  Nathan continued to stare at the wisp of clouds that passed by, down below. He had hoped his mind would ponder elsewhere if he concentrated intently on something else. Even if it was just imagining images and shapes in clouds, outside of an airplane window.

  I can’t stop worrying about her, he thought with a sigh. I can’t stop thinking about Lafonda.

  There was a sudden jolt in the airplane, causing him to sit back in his chair. He then turned to check on Leah, but she was still fast asleep.

  Nathan unfastened his seat beat and carefully pulled his arm across himself, to stretch his shoulder. After the maze, Angela had healed him and Jonathan upon returning to Black Manor.

  Besides the stiffness in Nathan’s arm, and the crack in Jonathan’s glasses, everyone was almost back to normal. Everyone except for Lafonda.

  Damn it, Lafonda! He thought, angrily. Without thinking, he punched the back of the seat in front of him. Alan, who appeared confused, turned around.

  “Sorry,” said Nathan, apologetically. Alan just looked at him with a blank stare, before returning his attention back to his cell phone.

  Still feeling frustrated, Nathan allowed his head and body to fall back, hard against his chair. Why does she always have to tag along? He complained to himself. Why does she always have to be right in the thick of things, in harm’s way … helping me, protecting me?

  If it wasn’t for LaDonda forcing us on a plane back to Cahokia Falls, insisting that we return for school, I would still be there. He tilted his head toward the aisle, closer to Leah, so that he could catch a glimpse of Angela’s seat across the way. Apparently, except for Malick, I know we would all still be there … I can’t believe he left us.

  There was a jolt in the airplane again, causing him to sit back into his seat. At least Jonathan is still there, he thought. Even though he would also have to start classes … he would still be there. And hopefully, together with his father, they can figure out what Malick was talking about, and free Lafonda without actually hurting her.

  Nathan looked around the plane and noticed that only four of the seven that had traveled with him to London were returning. Even though Alan and Angela returned with him, it felt like it was just him and Leah. For whatever reason, they weren’t talking to each other.

  Well, at least we got everyone cloaked, he thought to himself. He checked his pocket for the items he had cloaked at Madam Esmeralda’s. And soon, Jonas and Bobby will too.

  He felt movement next to him. “Hi,” said Leah, groggily. She yawned, sitting upright in her chair. “Sorry, I must’ve fallen asleep.” She wiped her eyes and then pointed teasingly at Angela and Alan. “Looks like the Fwoobies are pretty much divided on the return trip. Angela said that after she told LaDonda where to find us, Alan just started acting weird.”

  “Fwoobies?” he asked, appearing confused. He suddenly grinned. “Oh yeah … friends of the Firewalker.”

  “Not according to Alan,” whispered Leah with a grin. “More like his groupies.” She reached into her pocket, pulling out her cell phone.

  “The Fwoobies,” mumbled Nathan. He thought about his friends and then about Angela, Lafonda and Jonathan’s abilities. “And he will be known by those around him; the healer, protector, teacher, traveler, and guide.”

  “What?” asked Leah.

  “Oh, nothing,” said Nathan, shaking his head. “Just something Jonathan said to me.”

  Nathan turned to look out the airplane window again, but his pants’ leg vibrated. He reached into his pocket to retrieve his cell phone and it was a text message from Jonas.

  OMG! Hurry home, Nathan.

  Something just happened.

  Chief Rosales called…

  And now, Roy and Argus are acting strange.

  They’re freaking me out!

  “Leah,” said Nathan, nudging her. She immediately turned to look at him. “I just got a weird text message from Jonas.”

  “W–what did it say?” she asked.

  Suddenly, Leah’s cell phone vibrated in her hand. As she looked down to see who it was, there was a long and loud buzzing sound coming from the seat in front of them.

  “I just received news from the Cahokia Falls Media Alert!” blurted Alan. He had placed his knees in the seat of his chair, so that he could look down at them from over the top of his chair. “I haven’t read it all, but it’s huge! There’s been a murder.”

/>   “I have a text from Erin Rosales,” said Angela, walking over to them. Alan turned to greet her, but she promptly snubbed him. “Her dad left the house in a hurry; they just found a body out on Route 7, which is….”

  “Right outside of Grimm Cemetery,” said Nathan.

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