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Beautiful Mistake: 2 (Royal Pride)

Page 13

by Nancy Corrigan

  “Why start this if…” Her throat squeezed, trapping the words inside. He’d been so eager to fuck her until he rolled her to her back.

  And got a good look at my body.

  She covered her chest with one arm and tried to roll away. He stopped her with a hand on her shoulder. “Where do you think you’re going?”

  “You just said—”

  He swallowed her words with an all-consuming kiss that made her forget why she’d been embarrassed. Her muscles relaxed. She moved her arm from hiding her breasts to holding Devin close while he twined their tongues. He groaned his approval and rolled his hips. The length of his cock stroked along her lower lips. She arched into him, but when he lined the head to her entrance a second time, reality set in.

  She pushed firmly against his chest. “Devin, stop.”

  His confused expression was even sexier with lust hazing his kitty-cat eyes and the tips of fangs denting his lip. “Why? Did you change your mind? Don’t you want me?”

  “Yes. Oh god, I want you, but you need a condom.”

  He grinned. The sensual lift to his mouth showed off those pointy canines.

  God, he’s gorgeous.

  “We’re not fertile yet and I don’t have any diseases. You’re safe with me, baby.”

  She believed him but a sudden wave of nerves left her hesitant to take this further. She traced his pecs and tried to voice her fear. “I’ve never had sex without any protection.”

  He shifted his hips slightly so the head of his cock slipped between her swollen lips. His eyes rolled back in his head. When he gazed down at her, an odd look was stamped on his features. Pride maybe? Excitement?

  “Good. My seed will the first and last you’ll ever take, love.”

  With that promise, he thrust home and she gasped. The burn in her muscles confirmed what she’d already suspected. Devin’s cock was the largest she’d ever had. She wrapped her arms around his neck and held him close while her body adjusted. The pain eased, pleasure replacing it.

  He propped himself on bent elbows and nudged her cheek with his until she focused on his face. His breathtaking eyes locked to hers. He held her gaze and withdrew, dragging his shaft through her sheath. With her inner muscles quivering, she clutched his biceps and waited for his rod to reconnect her to him. But he didn’t rejoing them. He only watched her with a small smile playing on his lips.

  Desperate for him and knowing what he waited for, she begged, “Please, please, Devin, need you.”

  He grinned and slammed back in, the force shifting her up the bed. He fucked her with long, sure and steady strokes, the pace slower than she would’ve liked, but it was all her tender core could handle.

  The deep thrusts loosened her muscles and encouraged her to open to him. With his fresh, woodsy scent filling her lungs and the silken-steel shaft parting her muscles, it was impossible not to accept him fully. He became her world.

  She drank in his perfection, searing his image into her mind. She never wanted to forget the way Devin looked at her right now. Hunger. Lust. Appreciation. Each powerful emotion mixed with the rawness stamped on his face.

  Her heart skipped a beat. Butterflies took flight. She tried to stop it. It was too dangerous to allow softer feelings to rise. Sex. The physical act. That was what she had to focus on, but with the deep look of awe in her lover’s eyes combined with the carnal desire stamped there, her resistance crumbled.

  Part of her couldn’t believe this was happening, that a man as wickedly hot as Devin would wear such an expression of reverence for her. Needing to touch him and remind herself this was real, she laid a hand against his smooth cheek. He turned his head and flicked his roughened tongue over her flesh.

  “Oh god.” She shivered. Hoping to stop the swell of feelings, she dug her fingernails into his ass. “Faster, Devin. Faster.”

  He sat back and lifted her legs, snarls falling from his mouth. The frightening sounds didn’t dim her excitement. They should have, except the man who made them filled her more completely than any other. That seemed much more important than the full set of fangs in his mouth or the inhuman eyes watching her.

  Seated fully, he stilled and nibbled on her ankle, giving her the chance to adjust to this new position. The tiny sting of those sharp teeth sent shivers down her leg.

  “Feel good, baby.” He rubbed his cheek against her calf. “Ready for more?”

  “Yes, please. Want all of you.”

  “Then you can have me.” A pleased smile settled over his face. “And I get you, Lena. Forever.”

  The possessiveness in that one word planted a seed of doubt about what they were doing. He didn’t give it a chance to take hold. He tightened his grip on her legs and drove his cock into her.

  Her breath escaped on a gasp. The anxiety faded as lust took over.

  She moaned his name as the wet sounds of sex filled her ears and the scent of their loving stimulated her senses. Her gaze followed the length of his body. Everything about Devin excited her. The bulging arms gently locked around her legs. The way his tree-trunk thighs flexed to drive his erection into her. And his abs. Oh god, his ridged stomach bunched with each stroke. She couldn’t tear her eyes from him.

  He was strength and power, a male in his prime. Hers. Right in this moment, he was hers. She tightened her inner muscles, eager to hold him close.

  He groaned. “So damn tight. So hot.”

  With her ankles gripped in his hands, he held her open and gazed down at the spot where they were joined. She did too. The sight of his thick erection captured between her lower lips tore a whimper from her throat. Slowly, he pulled the rigid length back. He stilled for a long moment then seated his rod on a hard thrust.

  “You’re fucking perfect.” His churning yellow and green eyes focused on her face. “Knew you’d be my one.”

  The praise tripped something inside her, a compulsion to bring him as much pleasure as he gave her. She dug her fingers into his thighs and used the leverage to raise her bottom. He filled her completely in this position. Vibrations whipped through her womb. He drove her higher and higher, her muscles coiling with each stroke.

  A wicked glint shone in his eyes and a lift to one corner of his mouth showed her how much he loved her response. It only spurred her on. She squeezed her muscles with each thrust and groaned as he pulled back. Over and over, he stroked her from the inside out, proving his earlier words right. His cock could stimulate her more than his fingers ever could.

  Every time she cried out, he adjusted his thrusts to hit her trigger points. Whether her responses guided him or his own experience, the result was the same. Sheer ecstasy, more than she’d ever known.

  “Devin, more…more, more, more.”

  He released her legs, letting them drop to the side, and grabbed her hips. Fingers bit into her flesh. She thrashed her head, wriggled to get away. The tiny bite of pain meant nothing, didn’t cause her to squirm. It was the loss of movement that made her desperate and the loss of control that made her heart race. She bucked, pushed at him, but couldn’t move him.

  Baring huge canines, he growled but never slowed the pistoning of his hips. The animalistic sound stilled her frantic thrashing. Her focus returned to the man fucking her. She sucked in a rough breath as she studied the emotions displayed on his face. The softer ones she’d seen moments ago were gone, replaced by a primal mask she couldn’t even come close to deciphering.

  This was more than sex. He was imprinting himself on her. She’d never be the same.

  Sweet Jesus,she had to get away. But there was no escaping. He wouldn’t let her retreat from his claiming.

  He pressed his palm against her lower belly, holding her still for his possession. The counter pressure to his thrusts was too much, yet not enough. Sensations whipped through her. The push and drag. The wonderful feeling of fullness, of completeness. Each stroke tamed her until she gave herself over to him. Resistance was no longer an option, not when he made he feel so alive, so damn good.

  Releasing his firm grip on her hips, he covered her body. Their slick stomachs touched and the rubbing of his chest over her breasts pebbled her nipples, made the points ache. She squirmed helplessly under him, stimulating herself more while trying to get away.

  “Devin,” she begged, not sure what she was asking for, only knowing she needed something else from him.

  He kissed her in answer, a tender brush of lips that left her weak. She wrapped her arms around his neck and held him close. He made love to her mouth and the rolling thrusts of his tongue matched his driving cock. The perfectly choreographed dance they shared was one she’d never experienced with another. They moved together so well it was hard to believe this was their first time. Over and over, he stroked until the muscles under her hands tensed. He stilled with his erection lodged deep.

  “Oh gods, yes,” he grunted as hot blasts of his seed filled her womb.

  The jerking of his cock threw her into an orgasm strong enough to seize her body. Every muscle clenched. Her cry got stuck in her throat. Time stretched as she hung somewhere between heaven and earth, Devin and reality. Her name groaned in his rough voice yanked her down. Waves swept through her body, rolling from where they were joined to her fingers and toes.

  The seed filling her heated her womb, the sparking fire adding to the experience. She wondered for the briefest of moments if the sensation was normal. The thought got lost in the rise and fall of the crests. They slowed as she came down from the high. Her eyelids fluttered closed. With her body sated from the intense release, she reached the blessed darkness. His snarl ripped it away.

  He pulled out and flipped her to her stomach. She let out an ‘oomph’ and automatically scrambled to get away, some instinct telling her to run. She didn’t get far. He dragged her hips up and rammed his cock back into her sheath. His entry sent her tumbling over again. She screamed while his fingers massaged her hips. He held her locked to him, forced her to embrace the intense orgasm when all she wanted to do was close her eyes and sleep. Her muscles quivered, pain and pleasure mixing. She whimpered, wanted to escape the overwhelming sensations. But the lust returned and chased away the satiated languor until she couldn’t get enough of him.

  She pushed up on her elbows and writhed around the hard shaft piercing her. Once the ripples eased, he withdrew slowly and slammed forward. Her breath escaped in a rush. He fucked her hard, each slap of his groin to her bottom making her breasts bounce. She grunted and pushed against him, grinding her hips to his. He took the hint and countered her so each drive became a rolling thrust.

  “Devin, so good.”

  A growled moan met her praise. He tightened his hold on her hips and took her roughly. This time, the loss of movement excited her. He controlled her body’s responses. And after experiencing the rapture orgasming around his thick cock brought, she didn’t care that he directed her desire. She wanted to feel everything he could give her. Never wanted to forget a second of this ecstasy.

  He pounded into her and the thumps built a different kind of orgasm, one centered deep in her lower belly. She moaned from the sheer bliss of the sensations whipping through her. The muscles of her sheath tightened. He shortened the thrusts, hitting the end of her womb over and over.

  Ripples of pleasure traveled out from her cervix. They built, one on top the other, until the peak loomed in front of her. So close, so far away. Each driving stroke pushed it further out of reach.

  “Please, please. More. Need to come.”

  He murmured his approval against her neck. The praise wrapped around her and warmed her as much as accepting his release had. She wanted to hear more and didn’t care that she gave him exactly what he’d promised she would. How could she if begging was what it took to get what she wanted?

  He kissed his way down the length of her throat and latched his mouth over his bite mark. She bent her head, encouraging him to nibble there. Fangs dented the skin. And the memory of the passion she’d experienced the last time he nipped her there sent her over the edge. He thrust once more and filled her. Her core clenched tightly around his shift, milking him dry.

  She whimpered from the pure joy of being with Devin. She relished the sensation of his teeth holding her still, of his erection spilling his pleasure deep inside her. Heaven. But the wonderful feel faded. Pain overtook the sweet rapture of her orgasm. She screamed and he kept biting, grinding the tips of his canines into her shoulder.

  Fire raced in her veins. Tears filled her eyes and agony whipped through her. She panicked and dropped to the bed, his fangs pulling free.

  She clamped a hand over her shoulder. Something warm met her touch.

  Blood. Her blood.

  “Oh god, of god, oh god,” she sobbed.

  His cock slipped from her core and he laid a hand on her lower back. “Lena?”

  She scrambled away from him. The world swayed but she used the headboard to pull herself into a sitting position. Distress showed on Devin’s expressive face. She ignored his wide, concerned eyes.

  “You bit me!”

  He crawled toward her. She slid her bottom over the bed until she reached the edge of the mattress. He stopped, sat back on his bent legs and fisted his hands at his side. ”I know. I…I got carried away.”

  She stared at him wide-eyed. “You got carried away?”

  He cursed and pinched the bridge of his nose. “Orgasming inside you triggered my instincts. I couldn’t help biting you. I want—”

  “Sex does not involve biting, you crazy man!”

  He crawled toward her. She scooted farther away and fell off the bed. Her ass hit the floor, but Devin landed next to her and swept her into his arms before she could get away. She squirmed and shoved at his chest but couldn’t budge him.

  He tightened his grip, curled her closer so his hot chest pressed against her cheek. “Dammit, Lena, calm down before you hurt yourself.”

  “H-hurt my-myself.” She fisted her hand and blew out a breath. “You already took care of that!”

  “I’m sorry, baby.” He nuzzled against the top of her head. “It doesn’t hurt anymore. Does it?”

  Did it? She closed her eyes, tried to focus. She couldn’t concentrate. Each beat of her heart echoed in the wound, worse than it had before.

  He climbed onto the bed and sat with her cradled in his lap. She snuggled against his chest, needing to be close to him. The compulsion didn’t make sense. He’d just bitten her. She should not want to be anywhere near him. But she did. Couldn’t imagine being anywhere else. He stroked her arms and she relaxed under the soothing caresses.

  “It thumps,” she finally said.

  He gently lifted her hand away and lowered his mouth to her shoulder. She tensed but he stilled with his lips a hairsbreadth away from the bite. The warmth of his breath lessened the thudding.

  “Be calm, my little wildcat. You’re safe with me”

  She snorted but when she opened her mouth to deny him, she couldn’t. She did feel safe in his arms. She also couldn’t lie to him. The words got stuck in her throat.

  With flicks of his tongue, he licked the blood away. Desire returned, more intently than before. She leaned back to give him better access. Each rough swipe sent sparks down her spine. She squirmed under the delicious sensations.

  His fangs pressed into her skin and her womb clenched. All thoughts of getting away faded, replaced by a craving she couldn’t ignore. She yearned to feel his shaft filling her with his seed.

  Oh god, what is wrong with me?

  She grabbed fistfuls of his hair and tugged his head away. Her response to him angered her. After what he’d just done, she shouldn’t still want him.

  “Stop, no more biting. I’ve had quite enough pain for one day.”

  He licked the spot once more and eased back so his lips brushed the wound. “Am I hurting you?”

  The butterfly caress of his mouth sent another whipping bolt of lust through her body that settled low in her belly. She scrambled out of his lap. He reached for her and s
he held up a hand to warn him off.

  “Dammit, I didn’t know getting bitten was a part of fucking you.”

  Fire flared in his eyes and the corner of his mouth lifted to reveal one of those huge canines. “I told you, I got carried away. Being inside you made me want to finish claiming you.” He waved to her shoulder. “I didn’t mean to bite you again.”

  Her heart raced. He didn’t mean to do a lot of things. She scooted farther back. “Look, Devin, I wanted to fuck you, not be claimed by you!”

  He stared at her with completely yellow eyes for a long moment before grabbing her hand. He tugged her against him. She struggled helplessly. With his arms banded around her chest, he tumbled them to the bed.

  “Stop freaking out, Lena. You need to listen to me.”

  She panted and forced herself to calm down. “Fine. I’m listening. Start talking.”

  “I made a mistake by allowing my instincts to rule but it doesn’t change anything.” He pressed his nose to the spot below her ear. “You will be my mate.”


  The word triggered a memory she didn’t want to recall but it came back to her anyway. Rick handing her a small velvet box and grunting, “Here you go, babe. Your dad expects me to give you a ring and make you my wife since I won’t let you go. Don’t know why. To a shifter, only a mate counts and you’ll never be mine.”

  Rick’s blue eyes faded and Vader’s heated brown eyes stared down at her. “You know what this means, don’t you, lover? I get to mate you now. Once I do, I’ll never let you out of my sight.”

  Feared rushed up. Not again. She couldn’t deal with another possessive shifter. “I don’t want to be your mate. I only wanted—”

  He cut her words off with a kiss. While he ate at her mouth, he slid his fingers into her core and fucked her with them. The invasive rolling thrusts didn’t give her the chance to deny him. He took her up so quickly the orgasm didn’t build. It crashed over her and she screamed her pleasure against his mouth. Colors faded and the waves kept rippling through her until darkness swept over her vision.


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