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Beautiful Mistake: 2 (Royal Pride)

Page 29

by Nancy Corrigan

  Being able to hold his shit together was the only reason he hadn’t lost his life. The day he’d clawed Josh, he’d been too far gone to tamp down on his primal drives. He couldn’t blame it on blood lust or call it an accident. He’d wanted to hurt Josh for touching Mira. He just hadn’t meant to take it as far as he had.

  “How did you find out about it?”

  “I hear things.” Vader shrugged. “Don’t worry. I didn’t take my knowledge to the Council. Your secret’s safe.”

  The cocky grin on the male’s mouth brought a growl to his lips. “For now, right?”

  “Depends on your answer. Lena is my…” He cleared his throat. “Lena is important to me. I want to make sure she’s going to be safe with you.”

  “What the hell is with everyone analyzing my actions today? With Lena in my life, I’m in control. What happened a couple of months ago is irrelevant. And what happened with Lena was an accident. It won’t happen again.”

  “You sure?”

  “Yes, I’m sure. I had an episode.”

  “You’re blackouts aren’t a good enough explanation.”

  Devin fisted his hands to avoid ripping Vader’s head off his shoulders. “Not good enough, huh? How about this one? I’m a fucked-up shifter who should’ve been put down as a child.” He leaned close so they were inches apart and spat, “Is that one better?”

  Vader studied him for a long moment while Devin stood there vibrating with frustration. “You love her?”

  The change in topic hit him like a splash of cold water in the face. Or maybe it was the topic itself. “I’ve known her, what…a few days? Love doesn’t happen that fast, even for shifters who act on their instincts. I want her. Hell, I crave her. But love?” He gave a half-shrug. “I will make her love me. It’s the only way to keep her by my side. Once she finds out how messed up her male is, I’m going to need all the help I can get convincing her I’m worthy of her.”

  “You can’t force love.”

  Devin chuckled. “Maybe, but I can keep her so damn sated she’ll crave me.”

  “Sex isn’t the same thing as love, cat.”

  No, it wasn’t but he’d been the first male to mark her womb. Once he finished their bond, he’d have an eternity to convince her it was the right choice. She’d love him, dammit. He wouldn’t stand for anything less.

  * * * * *

  Maggie kept staring at her and the scrutiny drove Lena nuts. She’d listened silently to Maggie’s assurances that everything would be okay. Maggie had finally stopped trying to comfort her. Now she sat and watched her. Lena ground her teeth. Without taking her eyes off the edge of the trees bordering the property, she asked, “What?”

  “That’s a handsome young man you have.”

  Apparently, she hadn’t ignored Maggie enough. Lena bit back her curse, knowing that Maggie’s insistence on starting a conversation was her way of dealing with the worry over Gwen. Maggie liked to talk. It comforted her. Lena, though? She liked to fight. There was nothing better than winning an argument to make the pain go away. Or to at least give her a reason to pretend like it didn’t matter.

  She sighed. “And?”

  “He seems quite taken with you.”

  Lena turned and studied the older woman who was more a friend than elder. In her sixties, Maggie was a beautiful woman. She embraced growing old with a flourish that amazed her. To Maggie, the gray hair was distinguished, the wrinkles a sign of a happy life and the arthritis distorting her knuckles a reminder to take things slowly. She accepted everything with a serenity Lena envied.

  “He’s infatuated. There’s a difference.”

  Maggie continued to quietly study her. Lena crossed her arms then immediately dropped them when Maggie raised a brow. “We hooked up. That’s it. You know how these things work.”

  Maggie had gone through four marriages and several affairs before finding her true love on an Alaskan wildlife tour several years ago. The woman thought she was an expert on happiness now, always wanting to discuss Lena’s feelings and her pathetic love life.

  “We might not be blood related but I know you, child. Don’t forget I’ve had my share of lovers too. I know the difference between infatuation and love. And while that boy wouldn’t admit to it, he’s head over heels in love with you.”

  Lena rolled her eyes and this time when she crossed her arms defensively around her chest, she left them there. “And you came to this conclusion after seeing us together for fifteen minutes?”

  She smiled. “I came to that conclusion after the first minute. His eyes sparkle when he looks at you.”

  “That’s his kitty-cat eyes, Maggie.”

  Maggie laughed and Lena let her hands drop and walked across the room to join the older woman on the couch.

  “All the more reason to support my words. Cats bore easily. The boy is focused on you.”

  “Boy? You do realize he’s probably older than both of us combined?”

  Maggie waved her hand, dismissing her observation. “Age is relative. Devin acts like any young man I’ve known over my life. He’s finally found love and doesn’t know what to do with it. Actually, the poor thing probably doesn’t even realize he is in love with you.”

  She tucked a leg under her bottom and focused on the other woman. “Do not bring up the L word. That dirty word is not used in any conversation involving me and a man.”

  Maggie grinned and her eyes twinkled. “Ahh, but Devin isn’t a man.”

  Loophole found. She knew it. “Exactly! He’s a cat and cats aren’t monogamous.”

  With a click of her tongue, Maggie said, “Now that’s not what the little feline shifter who lives near here told me. He said all shifters, no matter the type, mate for life. Something about it being a mystical bond, sanctified by their gods.”


  Maggie’s pale blue eyes lit up. “Yes! Do you know him?”

  “I’ve heard of him, but is little the right description for him? I’d always thought Vader was big until I met Devin and Kade. I’d say the bigger the animal they can shift into, the bigger the man.”

  A blush crawled up the other woman’s face. “Well, he is quite large but he is just the sweetest thing…well, once you get used to him, that is. Last month, he came by just to say hi. Brought flowers for me and a new fishing lure for Earl.” Maggie’s grin turned wicked. “And speaking of big…”

  “Don’t even…”

  “How big is little Devin?”

  Her skin burned and she squirmed uncomfortably. “I am not even answering that question.”

  Maggie patted her knee. “That’s okay, darling. You just did.”

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Devin gripped the edge of the doorjamb and studied the angel asleep on the bed. Maggie had convinced Lena to lie down for a bit with the promise she’d be woken the minute one of the other shifters returned. He was glad the older woman had. It gave him the chance to admire his chosen mate, one of his new favorite hobbies.

  Lena was the most beautiful female he’d ever laid eyes on. Every time he looked at her, he found something new to appreciate. Like now. The sunshine spilling over the bed brought out the highlights in her hair, a range of hues from blonde to dark brown.

  Drawn to her, he closed the door and ambled to the bed. Lena lay on her stomach, silky strands spread over her back. He ran his hand over the russet and wheat strands. A wave of calm swept through him and all it took was a simple touch. Amazing. He gave in and lifted a lock of hair to his nose. Coconut and Lena. His personal heaven.

  Eyes closed, he took a moment to enjoy the peace and sanity she restored. Soon he’d experience this forever. Gods, he never thought he’d have a mate, a female to share life with—the good and the bad. Someday she’d bear his babes too. Another miracle he wouldn’t have believed possible a week ago.

  He opened his eyes and studied the small female. He couldn’t imagine life without her. Hell, he’d walk through fire, a minefield, anything if it kept her close. Was this
intense connection he felt with Lena the same thing as love? Or was it simply gratitude? Or his damn possessiveness rearing its ugly head? Would he even know the difference?

  He pushed the anxiety away. There was no sense worrying about figuring it now, not when heaven lay close enough to touch. The bed dipped under his weight. She didn’t wake. It would be best if he let her sleep until Dante and Xander returned, but he needed his female one more time before reality came crashing back and drenched them in misery.

  With a slight caress, he traced the slope of her spine, loving how she arched into his touch. Her firm bottom lifted. He took the offering and rubbed the rounded cheeks.

  “Devin,” she moaned in a sleepy voice.

  He never got tired of hearing her say his name. He kissed each silk-covered globe. “Gods, you please me.”

  She turned her head and glanced at him. A lazy smile graced her plump mouth and half-lidded chocolate eyes focused on his. “You really mean that?”

  He toyed with the lacy edge of her bikinis. “More than I can ever express.”

  Her eyelids fluttered closed and a soft sigh fell from her lips. He slipped his fingers under the cloth. She tensed. He stilled and glanced at her face for a clue as to her apprehension. The blush and first hint of embarrassment tainting the air around them answered his question.

  Shame filled him. He should’ve made sure Lena understood what was happening between them. Another damn mistake. “Lena, look at me.”

  She peeked at him from under a few wayward strands of brown hair.

  “Do not feel guilty for desiring me. It’s natural, as normal as the sun rising each day.”

  “Maybe, but not now. I shouldn’t want this.”

  He pulled his hand out of her panties, laid his palm over the base of her spine and considered what to say.

  “You’re my one, Lena. This bond we’re forming is…” Mystical, greater than any other. He held the words back, too worried the scope would frighten Lena away. “It’ll pull us together no matter what is happening around us. Stopping it will hurt you, physically and emotionally.”

  She frowned. “I don’t understand.”

  “The gods want their sons to mate and continue the species. Once we find potential partners, we’re drawn to them. The more time we spend with our females the greater our emotional tie.” He debated whether he wanted to admit why their relationship had taken the fast track but decided against it. The why no longer mattered.

  He rubbed soothing strokes over her spine. “You need my touch so your soul doesn’t ache for me and you don’t feel abandoned or unwanted.” Without it, you’ll go into withdrawal and suffer both physically and emotionally.

  Her eyes widened. “Is there a way to stop this?”

  There it was, the question he didn’t want to answer. He sighed and inclined his head slightly. “Distance.”

  The guarded expression that slid over her features tensed his muscles.

  “I see,” she whispered.

  “I don’t want to stop this, baby.”

  He waited for her response. She gave none. Taking a chance, he slid his fingers down her panties again. He waited a moment more for her to deny him. She didn’t. She watched him over her shoulder, lust hazing her eyes. Using an extended nail, he slit the cotton barrier guarding her sex. With his gaze on her face, he trailed a finger down the center of her bottom until cream met his fingers.

  He peered at her expressive face. “You’re ready for me.”

  Her angelic eyes held his for a long breathless moment. “Always.”

  That’s exactly what he wanted to hear. The noose around his chest eased. “Let everything go and give yourself to me.” He traced her drenched cleft. “I need this. I need you.”

  She blinked a sheen of wetness away. Propped on one elbow, she reached a hand toward his chest, covered his heart. “Oh god, I need you too, Devin. I need this. Please make it all go away, just for a little while.”

  Her pain washed over him. He took her hand, kissed it and let it fall. An urgency he couldn’t explain seized him. He didn’t fight it.

  Grasping her hip, he pushed her onto her back. She widened her legs, the invitation one he couldn’t resist. He plunged two fingers into her core. She cried out, the raw sound exciting him more. He fucked her with sharp, quick thrusts until she panted. Adding a third finger tore a rough sound from her throat. Her gaze flicked to his. He held it until the last of her uncertainty faded. Lust and yearning replaced it. He planned to keep her focused on those emotions, not her anxiety and pain.

  He pressed as deeply as his fingers would go then rolled them in a scissoring action, stretching her and stimulating every pleasure point. Muscles quivered around his digits with her impending orgasm. He stilled and allowed Lena to fuck herself on his hand. She screamed, the frustrated sound compelling him to give her what she wanted. He waited. There was only one way he’d give her the relief she craved.

  With her hands fisted around the sheet, she writhed on the fingers impaled inside her. He didn’t counter the thrusts.

  “Ask me nicely.” He needed her to make the choice. It seemed as essential as the compulsion urging him to join their bodies… To finish this, the thought came out of nowhere.

  She whimpered. “Please, please. Oh god, Devin. Fuck me. Fuck me. Fuck me.”

  With a swipe of his claw, he tore his pants enough to free his dick. He slammed home and cursed as Lena’s sheath turned into a viselike grip. Her clasping hold threatened to milk his cock before he had the chance to move. He bit the inside of his cheek and kneaded her hips as he rode out her orgasm. The intense waves finally eased and he moved, thrusting shallowly.

  She trailed the tips of her fingers down his abs. “You feel so good inside me, like you’re the piece of my heart I’ve been missing.”

  He paused the steady rhythm of his pistoning hips long enough to nuzzle her, the lust and growing affection blending into an emotion he couldn’t name.

  “My Lena,” he murmured against the column of her neck.

  He propped on his elbows to watch passion consume his female as she raced toward another release. With flushed cheeks, lips parted on a soft moan and eyes unfocused, she was so damn gorgeous. He dropped his gaze to his bite mark. Feline fangs descended, his cats demanding they finish claiming their mate. Now.

  Gods, he wanted nothing more, but he couldn’t, not until they were home and safe. He pushed his willful cats back with the promise that he’d finish the claiming soon and fit his fangs to the entry points. Just the slight touch took Lena back to the precipice. She trembled beneath him, yet he resisted sending her over. He wasn’t done with her. In one quick move, he pulled out, flipped her to her stomach and rejoined them.

  He rolled his hips with a forward thrust and ground the head of his cock against her cervix. She cried out. “Yes, please. Do that again.”

  He chuckled at the plea that sounded more like a command but didn’t deny her. He wanted the same. Rough, deep entries followed by the slow drag of his hard cock gave her what she demanded. Each pass stimulated her sensitive sheath and made the breathy moans he loved come quicker. With his mouth locked over his bite, he flicked his tongue and took her higher.

  The wet fist gripping his shaft rippled with the first hint of her orgasm, but he kept the pace up, not willing to lose the sensations assaulting him. She fit him so damn well every inch of his rod was massaged. It was awe-inspiring and reinforced his belief that she was the gods’ gift to him. His salvation, created for him alone. His one.

  With his stomach pressed to her back, he felt the tremors racking her body. Pride filled him that he could make this woman lose control. Every moan encouraged him, spurred him to give her more. She was his to pleasure, his to bring to ecstasy, his to treasure. Faster, he pounded. The desire to give her everything beat at him. He wanted her to love him, desire him, freaking need him above all others.

  “Soon, baby, soon. Make you mine forever.”

  His voice, rough and guttural, b
etrayed how close his cats were. They added their growing devotion to his. His cock thickened, pushing the limits of what his little female could handle. She accepted him and took him deeper with a cry of pure joy. His skin tingled. His inner animals rose as close as he’d allow. They waited for their joint orgasm so they could experience a glimpse of her soul. She was theirs too, well her soul was at least.

  A chuffing grunt crawled up his throat, his primal instincts growing with each breathy pant that fell past her lips. He slid an arm under her, securing her body to his. Her moans turned into one long groan that echoed around him, a reward for his efforts.

  Sweat slickened his grip. He tightened the locked arm, pulling her closer. Her rapid breaths and the thump of her racing heart echoed in his ears. This was real—his female loving him, accepting him, despite the frustration he sensed she felt toward him over his crazy need to keep her close. The realization left him raw.

  He scraped massive fangs against her vulnerable throat. She moaned his name and came, pulling him along with her. Pleasure rolled through him as he filled his female with his seed. Unconsciousness claimed Lena but the smile on her lips let him know he’d satisfied her.

  With shaking hands, he tucked his precious female into the shelter of his body. Dread threatened to destroy the wonderful experience they’d just shared. The peek into her soul his animal spirits had gotten when he’d shared release with Lena showed what he’d both longed for and feared—the tether linking Lena’s soul to her god was broken.

  She’d severed it herself.

  He rested his ear against his bite. The steady beat of her heart resounded in his ears. It should’ve comforted him, reminding him she was healthy and safe, but it didn’t.

  It sounded like a damn ticking bomb. And he couldn’t shake the fear that time was running out.


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