by Ilan Stavans
El grupo de Barranquilla, 8, 65–6, 70, 120, 132, 152
See La langosta azul (The Blue Lobster)
Guadalupi, Giovanni, 135, 138–9
Guerra de los Mil Días (the Thousand-Day War) (1899–1902), 21, 23, 52
Guevara, Ernesto (“Che”), 90
Guibert, Rita, 95, 127, 153, 167
Guillén, Nicolás, 90
Guimarães Rosa, João, 156
Harper & Row (U.S.), 7, 61, 103, 111, 171–2, 175
Harss, Luis, 133–4, 153
le hazard objectif, 110
Hemingway, Ernest, 51, 117, 129
Henry, O., 20, 133
El Heraldo (Barranquilla), 7, 43, 59–60, 62, 73, 120, 140
Hernández, Felisberto, 49–50
Hogan, Randolph, 77
El Hogar, 48
La hojarasca (Leaf Storm), 11, 20, 23–4, 53, 60–5, 79
“Un hombre muy viejo con unas alas enormes” (A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings), 16–17, 111
Hopscotch, 156, 170
Horia, Vintila, 99
The House of the Spirits, 141
Hoyos, Ramón, 121
Iberian culture, 2, 5, 79–80, 96, 102, 107, 148
If This Be Treason, 173
Iglesia de San José of Aracataca, 16, 34
Iguarán Cotes, Tranquilina (maternal grandmother), 16, 23–4, 29–30, 35–7, 49, 148, 181
El llano en llamas (The Burning Plain, 1953), 129
immigrants, 3, 19–20, 23–4, 45, 62, 67, 118
Imprenta Luis Pérez, 132
In Evil Hour, 17, 91, 113–14, 131–2
incest, 3, 41, 64, 112, 130, 147
“La increíble y triste historia de la cándida Eréndira y de su abuela desalmada” (The Incredible and Sad Story of Innocent Erendira and Her Heartless Grandmother), 111, 132–3
El Independiente (Bogotá), 7, 84, 87
Ingermina (1844), 54
Into the Mainstream, 153
Invisible Work: Borges and Translation, 48
Irving, Washington, 64
Isaac, Alberto, 127
Isaac, Jorge, 54, 127
Italian Neorealism, 120
J. Walter Thompson, 115
James, Henry, 5–6, 123, 168
Los jefes, 155
Jiménez, Juan Ramón, 48
Jiménez, Pérez, 87
“La Jirafa,” 120, 140
Jones, James, 104
A Journal of the Plague Year, 62
journalism, 5, 7–8, 57–9, 71–91, 117, 167, 181
See Elite; El Espectador; El Heraldo; El Independiente; The Story of a Shipwrecked Sailor; El Tiempo; El Universal
Joyce, James, 60–1, 69, 96–8, 133
Juegos peligrosos (Dangerous Games, 1966), 127
Kafka, Franz, 48–50, 97, 106, 109, 112, 140, 169
Kahlo, Frida, 109, 116
Kaplan, Martin, 133
Kazin, Alfred, 64–5
Keith, Minor C., 19
Kennedy, John F., 91
Kenzaburo Oe, 98
Kiely, Michael, 177
Kristal, Efraín, 48
“Kubla Khan: or, A Vision of a Dream,” 142–3
Kurosawa, Akira, 120
Lam, Wilfredo, 107
La langosta azul (The Blue Lobster), 65–6, 120
Latin American literature, 47–8, 53–4, 57, 63–4, 70–1, 86–7, 93, 97–112, 127–30, 133, 139, 141, 151, 156–8, 168–72, 176
See El Boom; literary agents; literary capitals; magic realism
Latin Americans, 95–6
Leal, Luis, 109
Leonard, John, 176–7
Leopardi, Giacomo, 170–1
Leslie William, Raymond, 54, 179
“Letters to Mother,” 157
Lezama Lima, José, 53, 156
Liberal Party, 22, 25, 52, 54
Librería Ramón Vinyes y Cía, 67
Liceo Nacional de Varones de Zipaquirá, 43–4, 82
Lisman Baum, Samuel, 61–2
literary agents, 99–100, 102–4
literary capitals, 100–2
See Latin American literature
Living to Tell the Tale, 25, 30, 32, 46, 69, 72, 121, 140–1, 146
Lizardi, José Joaquín Fernández de, 99
Lola de mi vida (Lola of My Life), 126–7
López, Alfonso, 44
López-Meza, Nereo, 66
López Escauriaza, Domingo, 71
López Tarso, Ignacio, 130
Lorenz, Günther, 149
Love in the Time of Cholera, 23, 32, 34, 47, 62–3
“Luvina,” 129
Macedo, Rita, 125
Macondismo, 9, 139
Macondo, 7, 9, 10, 33, 50–2, 72, 92–3, 112–14, 124, 135–9, 145–6, 151, 157, 176–7, 181–2
Mafia: Historias de caleños y bogotanos, 57
magic realism, 9, 12, 18, 40, 78, 104–13, 129–30, 169
Mahfouz, Naguib, 98, 106
La mala hora, See In Evil Hour
Mallarino, Gonzalo, 57
mamar gallo, 65
“A Man Has Died a Natural Death,” 117
Manguel, Alberto, 135, 138–9
Maqroll el Gaviero (Maqroll the Lookout), 41
“El mar del tiempo perdido” (The Sea of Lost Time, 1961), 133
“La maravillosa tarde de Baltazar” (Balthazar’s Marvelous Afternoon), 88
Márquez Iguarán, Luisa Santiaga (mother), 16, 19, 23–4, 31–2, 34, 37, 150
Márquez Mejía, Nicolás Ricardo (maternal grandfather), 16, 22–4, 29–31, 35–7, 141, 146
Marshall, George, 54
Martin, Gerald, 16, 18, 154
Martínez, José Luis, 122
Martínez, Tomás Eloy, 152, 157–60, 162, 197
Marxism, 44, 47, 82, 97
Masetti, Jorge, 91
Matouk, Antonio, 142
Matta, Roberto, 47
McOndo, 9–10
Mejía Vallejo, Manuel, 54
Melquíades (One Hundred Years of Solitude), 40, 137–8, 145
The Metamorphosis, 48–9, 97, 106, 112
Mexican film industry, 8–9, 92, 117–31, 139, 142
See El gallo de oro; Tiempo de morir
Mexican Revolution, 118, 123, 128
Mexico City, 2–4, 11, 14, 92–3, 100–1, 103, 107, 115–29, 131–2, 142, 155, 161, 180
el milagro mexicano (the Mexican Miracle), 116, 119
Mississippi, 51–2
Mistral, Gabriela, 12 Mito, 89, 124
Modernistas, 80, 96–7, 143
Modotti, Tina, 116
Momento, 84, 87–8
“Monólogo de Isabel viendo llover en Macondo” (Monologue of Isabel Watching It Rain in Macondo), 124, 182
Moreno, Mario (Cantinflas), 119
Morrison, Toni, 106
Mundo Nuevo, 152
Mutis, Álvaro, 8, 41, 73, 92, 121, 125, 144
La Nación, 68, 101
Nazi Germany, 80, 97
Nelken, Margarita, 49
Neruda, Pablo, 12, 20–1, 48, 50, 133, 162–3
New American Review, 111
New Journalism, 73
New Republic, 133
New York, 91–2, 95, 102–3, 105, 131, 159, 171–2, 176–7
New York Times, 176
New York Times Book Review, 64, 177
New Yorker, 49, 77, 177–8
Nieto, Juan José, 54
Nixon, Richard, 88 No One Writes to the Colonel, 89, 95, 98, 102, 124, 127, 130, 132, 169, 192
Nobel Prize in Literature, 11–12, 52, 86, 163, 172
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 80–1
Novedades, 117
“la novela del dictador,” 162
La novela hispanoamericana en vísperas de un nuevo siglo, 109
Núñez, Rafael, 22
Núñez Márquez, Remedios (aunt), 30
Oberhelman, Harley D., 79
Ocampo, Silvina, 48
Ocampo, Victoria, 52, 101
“La odisea literaria de un
(The Literary Odyssey of a Manuscript), 126, 152–3
Oedipus Rex, 150
Of Love and Other Demons, 47, 72
Ojos de perro azul (Eyes of Blue Dog) (1973), 61
Los olvidados (The Young and the Damned), 122
“One of These Days,” 129
One Hundred Years of Solitude
and the banana boom, 20–1
and the banana massacre, 25–6
and the Bible, 3, 9, 41
and Don Quixote, 2, 42
English translation of, 168–76
See Gregory Rabassa
inception of, 4, 142–3
and incest, 3, 41, 147
inside jokes, 147–8
literary landscape of, 97
narrator, 112
New York reviews, 176–8
and plagiarism, 149–51
plot, 112
publication of, 154, 158–60, 168
and el sabio catalán, 8, 67, 69–70
sales of, 159–60
translations of, 167–73
writing of, 2–3, 140–54
See Buendía family; Melquíades; Rebeca; Remedios the Beautiful; Wandering Jew
The 1001 Nights, 40
“Operación Verdad,” 90
Orlando, 79
Orozco, José Clemente, 116
Ortega y Gasset, José, 49, 107
Ospina Pérez, Mariano, 54–6
Otero, Miguel, 162
“La otra orilla de la muerte,” 68
Oveja Negra, 86
Oz, Amos, 98
Pachuco, 119
El País, 100, 126
The Palm Trees, 52
Palomares, Luis, 103
Papillon, 149
Para matar el tiempo (To Kill Time), 28
Paris, France, 79–84, 90, 131, 149, 152
Partido Revolucionario Institucional (P.R.I), 116
Patsy mi amor (Patsy My Love, 1969), 127
Paz, Octavio, 80, 95, 122–3
Paz-Soldán, Edmundo, 10
Pedro Páramo (1955), 129–31
PEMEX, 116
La perla, 120
“Pierre Menard, Author of the Quixote,” 150
Pigafetta, Antonio, 51
plagiarism, 149–51
plagues, 3, 62–3, 79, 112
Playboy, 82, 111
“Los pobres traductores buenos,” 170
Poe, Edgar Allan, 110, 156
“Polonia: verdades que duelen” (Poland: Painful Truths), 83
Poniatowska, Elena, 123
Pope Pius XII, 81
Porras, Cecilia, 61
Porrúa, Francisco (“Paco”), 153–4, 157
Pound, Ezra, 96, 105
Pour un art révolutionnaire independent, 109
Premio Rómulo Gallegos, 164
Prensa Latina, 90–1
Preston, Andrew W., 19
Primera Plana, 157, 160
Pritchett, V. S., 1, 177–8
Producciones Barbachano Ponce, 122
Proust, Marcel, 97, 133, 170
Puig, Manuel, 156
“Punto y aparte,” 71–2
The Pursuer, 6
Quinn, Anthony, 180
Rabassa, Gregory, 4, 7, 9, 61, 64, 89, 113- 14, 168–76
Ramírez MacGregor, Carlos, 88
Rebeca (One Hundred Years of Solitude), 36
La recherche de l’absolu, 149
Regeneration, 22
La region más transparente (Where the Air Is Clear), 123–4
El reino de este mundo (The Kingdom of This World, 107
Remedios the Beautiful (One Hundred Years of Solitude), 3, 30, 131, 145
Restrepo, Enrique, 68
Revista Mexicana de Literatura, 124
Revista de Occidente, 49, 107
Reyes, General Rafael, 22
Ricardo Masetti, Jorge, 90–1
Ripstein, Arturo, 127–8, 145
Rivera, Diego, 109, 116
Roa Bastos, Augusto, 156, 162
Rodríguez Monegal, Emir, 50, 105–6, 152, 163
Roh, Franz, 106–7, 112
Rojas Pinilla, General Gustavo (1953–57), 1, 16, 63, 74–6, 83, 87
Rojo, Vicente, 158–9
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 173–4
“Rosas artificiales” (Artificial Roses), 88
Rosi, Francesco, 28
Rossellini, Roberto, 120
Royal Spanish Academy, 124
Rulfo, Juan, 8, 98, 109, 122–3, 128–31, 162
Rushdie, Salman, 106
Sáez, Galo, 49
Saldívar, Dasso, 16, 88, 142
Salgari, Emilio, 41, 51, 185n2
Samper, Daniel, 165
Sandinista revolution, 125
Santa Evita, 152
Santos, Jaime, 35
Sarmiento, Domingo Faustino, 99
Seberg, Jean, 125
Seix Barral, 100
Shapiro, David, 168
Shaw, George Bernard, 46
Siempre!, 124, 151
“La siesta del martes” (Tuesday Siesta), 16
Social Realism, 97
socialism, 25, 44, 63, 82–6, 90–1, 168
Solotaroff, Ted, 111
Soviet Bloc, 81–6, 97
Soviet Union, 63, 80–1, 85, 92, 97
Spanglish, 119
Spanish Civil War, 101, 116, 125
Spanish Golden Age, 44
Steinbeck, John, 120
Stevens, Wallace, 64
The Story of a Shipwrecked Sailor, 8, 15–16, 73–8
Stolbov, Valeri, 168–9
Street of the Turks, 36, 62
Styron, William, 104
Sur, 101, 150
surnames, Latin, 10–11
surrealism, 47, 66, 109–11, 121–2, 125–6, 178
Swift, Jonathan, 110, 135
Symbolism, 80
“La tercera resignación” (The Third Resignation), 49, 52–3, 61
El Tiempo (Bogotá), 7
Tiempo de morir (A Time to Die), 8–9, 128, 144, 128, 211
Time magazine, 178
Tolkien, J. R. R., 135, 177
Torres, Camilo, 89
Tras las claves de Melquíades, 28–9
Treaty of Neerlandia, 22
The Trial, 97
Trilling, Lionel, 168–9
“The Triple Champion Reveals His Secrets,” 121
Trotsky, Leon, 109, 116
Truffaut, François, 120
“Tubal Caín forja una estrella” (Tubal Caín Shapes a Star), 53
“Tuesday Siesta,” 129
Tusquets, 76
Ulysses, 97–8
“Un día después del sábado” (One Day After Saturday), 79
Unamuno, Miguel de
United Fruit Company, 17, 19–21, 23, 25, 176
United States, 63, 80, 82, 87–93, 116–19, 168
El Universal (Cartagena), 7, 60, 71, 120
Universidad de Cartagena, 57–8
Universidad de Ingeniería, 165
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 123, 125, 129
Universidad Nacional in Bogotá, 46–7, 54, 57, 85
Updike, John, 77
Uribe Uribe, General Rafael, 21–3, 145
Uslar Pietri, Arturo, 109
Valdés, Germán (Tin Tan), 119
Valencia Goekel, Hernando, 152
Valenzuela, Luisa, 156, 162
Vallejo, César, 80, 162
Van der Walde, Edna, 139
Vargas, General Cortés, 25
Vargas Cantillo, Germán, 59, 61, 65, 67–9, 132, 152
Vargas Llosa, Mario, 5, 8, 11, 80, 100, 133, 139, 141, 152, 154, 155–7, 162, 164
Varo, Remedios, 126
Velasco, Luis Alejandro, 74–8, 86
Velo, Carlos, 130
Venezuela, 87–9
Venezuela Gráfica, 88–9
Venice Film Festival, 81
Ventura Cassalíns, Juan, 42
Verne, Jules, 41, 135
De viaje por los p
aíses socialistas (Journey through the Socialist Bloc), 85
De viaje por los países socialistas: 90 días en la “Cortina de Hierro,” 86
El viaje a la semilla, 142
El viajero inmóvil (The Unitinerant Traveler), 163
Vian, Boris, 37
Vicens, Luis, 66
Vidal, Gore, 21
Villa, Lucha, 130
Villar Bordo, Luis, 85
Vincens, Luis, 103
Vinyes, Ramón, 8, 67–70
La Violencia, 54–7
“La viuda de Montiel” (Montiel’s Widow), 88
Voces, 68
“Vuelta a la semilla,” 32
Wandering Jew (One Hundred Years of Solitude), 40, 79
Warsaw Pact, 81
Welles, Orson, 120
West Germany, 80
Westphalen, Adolfo, 152
Western culture, 98, 105–6
Wilde, Oscar, 50, 101
Williams, Raymond Leslie, 179–80
Woolf, Virginia, 60–1, 79, 96, 101
World War I, 67–8, 110
World War II, 80–1, 97, 116, 118
Yoknapatawpha County, 51, 93, 132
Zalamea Borda, Eduardo, 53, 62
Zapata Olivella, Manuel, 71, 141