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Abducted for his Pleasure

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by K. Lyn

  Abducted for his Pleasure

  ~K. Lyn~

  Beau to Belle Erotic Romance

  Copyright 2011-01-29: Beau to Beau Books

  Beau to Belle Stories

  ISBN: 978-1-4524-3673-9

  All rights reserved


  Included in: Abducted for his Pleasure

  1. Openers

  2. Introduction

  3. Abducted for his Pleasure



  When Melissa’s agency selects her as the only young woman to work for a very wealthy client in a foreign country, she cannot wait to begin her dream career. The arrival of Melissa has been greatly anticipated by the influential client, and the arrangements for her visit carefully planned. The bright-eyed young Melissa is greeted warmly and shown to her suite of rooms by a very nice man, a man whose intentions may not be as nice as the man himself.

  Abducted for his Pleasure:

  Melissa Wynette Wallace had finally realized her life’s dream. She was the only model who had been chosen to live and work in the castle of one of the wealthiest men in the world. Everyone had assured Melissa that she would be the model selected for this once-in-a-lifetime assignment, but how could a small town girl from Alabama ever hope to live her dream life in a foreign and exotic country.

  At first, Melissa was unsure about the agency that had insisted on her and only her for this most prestigious assignment. Her fellow models had chosen to sign with one of the more well known agencies, but Melissa was a trusting soul and had leapt at the chance to sign with the Agency L’atre when they had asked specifically for her.

  On Melissa’s first day with the agency, she immediately envied the women whose photographs covered the walls. They were all breathtakingly beautiful, and although the majority of the models had been photographed wearing only lingerie, Melissa thought that the pictures were very tasteful. The woman who owned the agency welcomed young Melissa with open arms. “Melissa, my dear,” she said. “You have been chosen for a most special assignment. You will wear garments of the finest silk and dine with the most successful and wealthiest men in the world.”

  Melissa was so excited that she boldly hugged the woman who she had just met.

  “One more thing, Melissa. We must change your name. Melissa Wynette Wallace sounds a bit formal. Mmm, let me think. Melwyn sounds nice.”

  Melissa thought that Melwyn sounded horrible, but when she tried to protest, the woman quickly silenced her.

  “A car is waiting for you, Melwyn. Here are your papers of introduction.”

  Melissa was quickly escorted to a black stretch limousine, and it was not until she was seated in the back of the car and well on her way to the airport in New York City that she had an opportunity to glance at the papers in her hand. Melissa was shocked. Her name had been changed long before she had been informed of it. The name “Melwyn” was printed in bold letters at the top of each page. Melissa flipped through the six pages searching for her last name, but it was nowhere. “I guess I’m just Melwyn,” she mumbled.

  When they arrived at the airport, the limo driver handed Melissa’s bags to a man who Melissa had never seen before. The two men spoke in Arabic, or so Melissa thought, and then the limo driver gave Melissa her step-by-step instructions for boarding the private jet. She thanked the man and smiled, but the man did not smile back at her. He disappeared into the limo and was soon out of sight.

  Melissa did as she was told, eager to begin modeling for her influential and wealthy client. She did not recognize the symbols or the words on the airplane, but Melissa knew no language other than English. “I hope it’s someplace really exotic, like Italy or the South of France,” she said to no one as she boarded the plane.

  “Welcome, Melwyn,” a young man said, and quickly escorted the young Melissa to the most beautiful accommodations that she had ever seen. “I have never been inside a private plane,” she said. The young man simply smiled and nodded, and then left her alone. When he returned, he offered Melissa a glass of wine and set a platter of small sandwiches on the table beside her. “Thank you,” she said, politely. The young man smiled and nodded, but he then left Melissa alone once again.

  Melissa settled back in her seat and closed her eyes. It seemed like a very long flight and Melissa was unaccustomed to flying. She had hoped that the young man would come back and keep her company, but he left her alone.

  She must have fallen asleep, because the next thing that Melissa felt was the plane landing on the ground and none too smoothly. Melissa held tightly to the arm rests until the plane came to a complete stop. “Are we here?” she asked the good looking young man when he returned to her again.

  “Come with me,” he said, and Melissa dutifully followed the young man.

  Expecting to see a palace when she stepped off the plane, Melissa was surprised to be escorted to a yacht. “It’s beautiful. Is that the Mediterranean Sea?”

  The young man smiled. “Yes,” he said, but made no further comment.

  The young man joined Melissa on the yacht, voiced a stern, “Come”, and led Melissa away from the spectacular view that she had been enjoying and escorted her to the lower level of the yacht.

  A large room with a bar awaited Melissa on the lower level of the yacht. This is beautiful, too, she thought. If the palace, or castle, is anywhere nearly this beautiful, I will be happy to stay there forever. She turned to ask the young man where they were going, but he was gone.

  Melissa sighed. She hated being alone. “What time is it, anyway?” She looked around the big room. “Is there no clock anywhere?” Melissa hated wearing a watch, but decided that that was the first thing she would buy with all the money she was going to make modeling.

  A loud piercing sound and a sudden jolt signaled to Melissa that she would soon be in her new home. She nearly fell into a chair as the ship came to a jerking halt, and Melissa desperately tried to keep from getting sick. Fortunately, it was not long before the ship came to a complete stop, and the young man once again came for Melissa.

  “Come,” he said, and Melissa followed the good looking stranger once again, wondering if his English was as limited as it seemed. I’m not a dog, she thought. “Come, sit, stay,” she mumbled, and giggled softly.

  Once Melissa had reached the upper deck, she looked all around her. It was hot and the sun reflecting off the blue water was blinding. When she turned her head, Melissa saw the most spectacular castle that she had ever seen. Not even in photographs had Melissa seen such a place as this.

  “Excuse me,” Melissa said to the young man who she assumed was her guide.


  “What country is this?”

  The young man lowered his head, and then he looked up at Melissa with an icy glare. “Come,” he said again, and Melissa stifled a giggle.

  A shiny black limousine was awaiting Melissa, and the young man surprised Melissa when he stepped into the enormous vehicle after she did. She had assumed that she would be alone again.

  The car sped away, but it was only a few minutes until it stopped again and the young man took Melissa by the hand and helped her out of the car. He offered his arm to Melissa, and she was escorted to the palace doors.

  Melissa looked up, but she could not see all the way to the top of the palace. It was massive. The doors to the palace opened and Melissa was escorted by the young man into the grandest of places she had ever seen.

  “Wow!” she exclaimed.

  The young man turned to Melissa. “Silence,” he said, his eyes daring her to say anything more.

  Melissa was immediately silent. She wanted
to know where she was, but dared not ask.

  A door opened and a well dressed man appeared. He appeared to Melissa to be a businessman, and a very wealthy one at that. Melissa knew fashion better than she knew anything, and she knew designers as if they were members of her own family. That suit is an Armani original, she thought, and nearly gasped. The man was very handsome, with black hair highlighted with just the right amount of silver.

  “Stay,” the young man once again ordered Melissa, and once again Melissa stifled a giggle.

  The young man walked up to the older gentleman, handed him the papers that Melissa had been given by the modeling agency, and he then returned to Melissa’s side. He placed his hand on her back and gently pushed her toward the older gentleman who was now seated. The two men spoke briefly to each other in what Melissa thought was Italian, though she was not sure. The young man then left the room, leaving Melissa alone with the older gentleman.

  “Welcome, Melwyn. We are thrilled to have you with us.” The man spoke slowly, as if uncertain of his words. Melwyn mumbled a polite, “thank you”, and then waited. “Let me show you to your quarters, Melwyn. My name is Eduardo.”

  Eduardo took Melissa’s hand, which surprised Melissa, and he led her to what he referred to as her suite of rooms. “This is where you will live, Melwyn. This young woman is your maid in waiting. Her name is Ida.”

  “Hello, Ida,” Melissa said. Ida looked too young to be working, but Melissa was too busy admiring her suite of rooms to think much about the girl. This was much larger than Melissa’s apartment in New York and much nicer. The bedroom was huge with a bed that was bigger than a king-sized bed, a smaller room that appeared to be a sitting room, and a bathroom like none that Melissa had ever seen.

  “I will return later, Melwyn. Ida will see that you are ready for me.”

  Melissa turned and said, “Bye”, and then hurried into the bathroom. I could live in here, she thought.

  When Melissa came out of the bathroom, Ida was waiting for her. “Oh, I didn’t know you were still here,” Melissa said.

  “Yes, Miss, you must put these on. Mister will be here soon.”

  Melissa took the silky negligee from the young woman and looked at it. “It’s very pretty, but are you sure this is what I am supposed to wear?”

  “Yes, Miss, this is for your first night with Mister.”

  Melissa shrugged, and Ida left her alone.

  Melissa filled the big bathtub and lost all track of time until she heard the door open.

  “Miss, you must hurry,” Ida said sternly, when she walked in on Melissa still in the bathtub.

  Melissa tried to cover herself, but Ida was here to stay. She watched as Melissa dried herself, and then Ida sprayed the most exquisite smelling perfume behind each of Melissa’s ears, and then she sprayed perfume across the top of Melissa’s pubic hair.

  “Ida!” Melissa exclaimed, in shock. Melissa had wrapped the towel firmly around her body, but Ida forced it open completely to spray the light scent.

  “I will return in the morning, Miss.”

  Melissa just stood there after Ida left, not believing what the young girl had done. She quickly slipped into the slinky negligee that came just to the top of the matching thong. It was not what Melissa would have called an outfit, but it was definitely beautiful. She ran her hands down along the silky camisole and then just as Ida had instructed, Melissa slipped into the bed and leaned against the pillows which Ida had set up perfectly for her. There were two glasses of wine on the table next to the bed, and Melissa took a sip from one of them.

  Eduardo entered the room just as Melissa was setting her glass of wine down. He was dressed in a robe that Melissa thought had surely cost a fortune. It was gorgeous, Eduardo was gorgeous, and Melissa thought he looked like a Greek god. The robe that Eduardo wore was open in the front and the same black hair speckled with just the right amount of silver that was beautiful on Eduardo’s head also covered his chest.

  As Eduardo stood at the foot of the bed, Melissa stared at his hair covered chest. Then her eyes moved lower to where the robe was tied loosely about Eduardo’s waist and Melissa could not keep herself from looking down further to where Eduardo’s full package was hidden from her inside the robe. She wondered what he looked like inside the robe, what his full package looked like, and what his full package felt like. Melissa was not very experienced in matters of a sexual nature, but she was no longer a virgin either. None of the young men she had been with looked anything like Eduardo. They were little boys compared to this man.

  Melissa heard Eduardo say something, but she had not been paying attention to his words. She immediately looked up into Eduardo’s eyes. “I’m sorry,” she said.

  “Have you ever been with a mature man, Melwyn?” As Eduardo spoke, he untied the robe and let it fall to the floor.

  Melissa’s mouth fell open and she stared at Eduardo. He was completely naked, and it had happened so quickly. He had a hot body and Melissa couldn’t help but stare. She was dying to know Eduardo’s age. She needed to know Eduardo’s age. Whatever the man’s age, Eduardo looked damned good.

  Melissa’s eyes drifted downward to what she had been wondering about from the moment that Eduardo had walked into the room. He was at least half erect. He had to be. No man could be that big completely soft.

  “I, um, yes,” she stuttered, finally responding to Eduardo’s question.

  Eduardo’s eyes were fixed on Melissa’s beautiful body covered by the slinky negligee, her breasts perfect with the nipples forming even more perfect peaks as they pressed against the fabric.

  Eduardo placed one knee upon the bed, his erection resting against his leg. He stood there poised as if modeling for Melissa, but all Melissa could do was stare at the erecting penis that seemed to be staring back at her.

  Eduardo stepped back and walked slowly around to where Melissa was seated on the bed. He handed the glass of wine to her and then drank from his own. “Drink,” he said, and Melissa took a big gulp.

  Eduardo set his glass down and then took Melissa’s glass from her hand and set it down also. He leaned down and kissed Melissa gently on the lips. Eduardo then stood up, his body so close to Melissa that she could smell his cologne, a scent that had no doubt been specially formulated for him. The black and silver hair that led to Eduardo’s hugeness was so close to Melissa that when she breathed, the beautiful strands moved.

  “Look at me, Melwyn,” he whispered, his manly voice making Melissa wet. She looked up to meet his eyes.

  “I can please you, Melwyn. I can please you like no other man can.”

  Melissa said nothing. She was stunned by his words and mesmerized by his body. The man certainly had a body made to please, but Melissa wondered why he was saying all of this to her. Was he trying to convince her?

  Eduardo climbed onto the bed and placed one leg over Melissa and squeezed her thighs together with only the strength of his legs. Melissa could feel her heart beating, and her eyes could not seem to leave the man’s oversized cock that was right in front of her. She wanted to touch it, hold it, and she wanted the massive rod to fill her.

  Eduardo’s hands were on Melissa’s face, tilting it upward. Melissa gasped from the shock of it all and from the very thought of Eduardo. Eduardo kissed Melissa’s young soft lips, opening her mouth and sliding his tongue along the inner edge of her lips. She wanted his mouth on hers.

  When Eduardo’s lips finally met Melissa’s in a full and passionate kiss, she wrapped her arms around him and slid her body down onto the bed, forcing his knees apart to allow her body between them. Eduardo lowered his body to hers, untying the slender straps of Melissa’s negligee until it lay open, her breasts fully exposed, her nipples ripe for the lips that were now on her own lips. Eduardo pressed his body into Melissa’s, his cock hard against her flesh, and he held her face in his hands. He kissed her again, this time only briefly, and then he kissed her neck and her chest.


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