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Just a Taste [Merricks, Montana 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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by McKinlay Thomson

  Even hungover and miserable looking, Sam could still look feminine and dainty. That was the only way she could describe her elegant friend. Sam looked like she belonged in another era, and despite her curvy, full-figured body, she always came across as ladylike and graceful.

  Sam had blonde hair that she styled in the curly way woman wore in the forties and fifties. She was always wore skirts and dresses, her makeup impeccable and her long nails painted different colors to match her clothes. Emily often wondered how long it took her friend to get ready every morning.

  It didn’t help that she felt like a bull in a china shop, standing next to her. Emily had a darker shade of blonde hair. She would describe it as a dirty blonde. It fell straight to half way down her back and didn’t have a wave to it. Emily often wore it in a bun, more for work than anything else.

  Her hazel eyes lacked the sparkle of Sam’s light green eyes and Emily never wore makeup or had her nails done. But she was happy with her appearance and her larger size.

  She had become a lot more feminine than when she was a kid. Having three older brothers, she tended to wear their old clothes and tear ass around the ranch trying to keep up with them.

  It wasn’t until she hit puberty that Emily had started to notice the changes in her body, and it wasn’t until early high school that she started to appreciate those differences, wanting to attract boys’ attentions.

  “Okay,” she said. “Spill.”

  “I met someone,” Sam replied, looking forlorn.

  “But that’s a good thing, isn’t it?” Emily asked.

  “No. You know how I have been taking the classes at Silk Ties as a Domme?”

  “Yeah,” Emily replied. She thought she knew where this was heading. Sam had been taking one of the club’s classes that train Doms and Dommes, from beginner’s classes for people new to the lifestyle, all the way to advanced classes for people who needed training in specific areas.

  Sam was still new to BDSM, but Wolf’s classes had given her the knowledge and courage that she needed to move forward as a successful Domme. She was to be paired with a single training sub next week for their first scene inside the club.

  “Well,” Sam said. “I met a man in the class and I really like him. Only problem is that he is a Dom and I’m a Domme.”

  “That’s not the end of the world,” Emily told her. “You can still have a relationship and have a submissive. There are all kinds of D/s relationships.” Emily knew a man who was a Dom, married to a Domme and a collared submissive.

  “Yes,” Sam replied. “But I always pictured having a sweet, yet strong man who was my submissive and this has thrown a wrench in my plans.”

  “So you’re pouting?” Emily asked.

  “Yep.” The door jangled and Emily watched as the first customers of the day walked in. Caroline greeted them and took their order before they sat down.

  “How would you feel if Wolf and Hawk turned out to be submissive?” Sam asked.

  “That is silly,” Emily replied. “The whole world knows those two are dominant all the way to their bones, but I get where you are trying to go.”

  The door jingled again and more customers came in. Emily stood and looked down at her friend.

  “You’ll figure it out, Sam,” she told her. “Enjoy your coffee. I have to get back to work. We will talk later.”

  Emily walked behind the counter and smiled at the owner of Stephie’s Bar and Grill. Chris was here to pick up their bread order for the day, so Emily went out back to grab it.

  Sam needed to take a step back and assess the situation before she lost her head. She could only have known this guy a couple of weeks at best, but that was all it took her to set her heart of Wolf and Hawk.

  They had entered her life with the force of a freight train and no other man had been able to compare. Emily had researched BDSM ever since she had met them in hope that they would be attracted to her as well. She had yet to go to the club, but had asked Sarah, Kate, and Holly everything she possibly could about the place.

  Emily sighed and grabbed the bread trays off the counter. Sam wasn’t the only one with man troubles. Emily just chose not to wallow in her misery and get on with her life. She had to find a way to get Wolf and Hawk to notice her. She would figure it out eventually, even if she had to turn up to the club stark naked with a sign that read “Spank me, I’m yours.”

  Chapter Two

  Wolf looked down at Candy in front of him. She was on her knees in the slave position and begging him to forgive her. She had talked one of the younger, less experienced Doms into a scene with his little submissive that the young man never should have considered, let alone preformed.

  Fire play, or in this case fire fleshing, could be highly dangerous if the Dom didn’t know what they were doing, and putting their sub at risk was unacceptable. The young Dom had just lit his design and singed the hair on the submissive’s back. She had screamed out her safe word and the Dom covered her with a fireproof blanket.

  Luckily the dungeon monitors had gotten to them before any of the damage was done. The submissive was now traumatized as well as sore and Wolf had to clean up the mess.

  He had given Candy a life ban from the club after she had attacked one of his friend’s submissives in a bathroom. It hadn’t taken him long to lift the ban and let her back in the club, and he knew he shouldn’t have done it. Life ban meant forever after all, but he was determined this time to sort out her behavior, but after this he had to wonder if she could ever change.

  He sighed loudly and ran his fingers through his black hair. He was sick of dealing with Candy’s bratty and sometimes downright dangerous behavior. She was always testing his limits and he wasn’t sure how many times he had banned her from the club overall.

  He knew that she had done it to get his attention. As an uncollared submissive in his club, it fell to him and the other club dominants to punish her behavior. She had set this whole thing up in hope that Wolf would be the one to punish her.

  He had no intention of going anywhere near her and would pass the job of her punishment onto the monitor that had discovered the incident. It would piss her off, but he didn’t care. She was nothing to him and it was about time she learned that lesson.

  Wolf seriously needed to consider banning her altogether again, but he was worried she would move on to another club. One that wasn’t as well managed or simply didn’t care what its patrons got up to, and she might cause herself or others real harm.

  “Did you honestly think that your little game would work?” he asked her.

  “I—” she started.

  “Don’t speak,” he snapped. “Eyes down. I am over these games. Cole is the monitor on duty. He will deliver your punishment.”

  “But Master,” she said. “I wanted—”

  “I know what you wanted,” he told her. “You will remain here in the lounge until he comes to collect you. You are not to move or speak to anyone. If you don’t want to accept your punishment, you may say your safe word, leave my club, and not come back.”

  “Please, Master Wolf,” she begged. “I don’t like Cole and he doesn’t like me. Can’t you punish me?”

  Wolf saw the sexy, heated look that passed over her face. She had absolutely no idea what he wanted in a woman and submissive, if she thought she could say him with her come-hither looks and skinny body.

  Not only did he think she was the least attractive woman in town, she wasn’t anywhere near submissive enough for his dark tastes. She only played at being submissive and often tried to control the Doms she played with. She was willful, petulant, and mean, and he would never touch her.

  “Cole doesn’t have to like you to punish you,” he said. “Take it or leave it, Candy. It matters not to me.”

  Wolf could see her grit her teeth in anger and knew she was struggling to hold back words of spite.

  “I will take my punishment, Master Wolf,” she replied.

  “Good.” Wolf turned on his heel and left the submissi
ve lounge. Now he had the injured party to deal with. He would make sure they understood that nothing would go unnoticed in his club and that Candy would be punished accordingly. Then he would make sure they took the required classes so this didn’t happen again.

  Owing your own club had its ups and downs, but Wolf loved it. His club was everything he pictured it to be and more. He had everything built to his exact specifications. Wolf had planned everything from the building itself all the way down to the toilet paper they used.

  Wolf had divided Silk Ties into two sections. The front of the club was tame and for relaxing and preparing for play. It had a dance floor in the middle of the room that sat between a long bar and the stage. It had a dominants lounge in one corner and an unattached submissives lounge in the other.

  Booths lined one wall, and female and male changing rooms sat on either side of the reception and coat room at the entrance. A dark heavy door sat at the back next to the dominants lounge and led to the darker part of the club.

  Private rooms were at the back of the second half of the club, as well as the theme rooms and dungeon. But on the main floor of the room was where the equipment was located. Spanking benches, Saint Andrew’s crosses, chains, torture devices, and rope pulleys were scattered strategically around the room. There were viewing areas for people who wanted to watch, and privacy curtains for people who wanted a little more privacy.

  The only thing he had given up control of was the bar. His partner and best friend Hawk had planned the layout of the bar and the style of bar that fit the club. They had discussed the limited alcohol they would serve to ensure a safe environment, but Hawk had taken the lead.

  Hawk had always played a big part in Wolf’s plans for the future. When Hawk had decided to leave the service he had talked of owning his own bar and settling down to start a family. Wolf had given him the opportunity to be a partner in his club, run the bar, and one day work toward another bar of his own.

  Starting a family was a dream they both shared, and on lonely nights deployed on missions, the friends had talked about a small town in Montana where friends shared their women in ménage relationships.

  The more they talked about it, the more they liked the idea of a permanent ménage relationship together. They had shared females before when on leave and had enjoyed the close bond that had developed between them.

  They had never wanted each other sexually, but they had survived death and intense situations together and it created a closeness few could understand. Sharing a lover only strengthened that relationship, and it wasn’t long before they had decided to move to Merricks at the end of their conscription.

  Wolf took his time talking to the dominant that Candy had deceived and went through the different programs that the club ran to help their members. The young Dom had jumped at the chance to train with more experienced dominants and learn the fine art of fire play.

  Satisfied with the outcome of the potentially serious situation, Wolf walked toward the bar and his best friend. He needed to fill Hawk in on Candy’s latest attention-grabbing attempt and check that Hawk had ordered the extra food for the auction next week.

  This was to be the club’s first annual slave auction, and if the number of single submissives that had signed up was any indication, it looked to be a successful one.

  “Candy causing trouble again?” Hawk asked as Wolf took a seat on one of the vacant bar stools. “Elise, Damien’s sub told me.”

  News certainly travelled fast around his gossiping subs. Though sometimes the Doms were just as bad.

  “Yes,” Wolf replied, sighing. “I feel she might have gone too far this time. Innocent people could have been seriously hurt.”

  “Having Cole punish her was a good decision,” Hawk said. “Her efforts to get your attention have become increasingly more reckless. Maybe it is time to ban her for good. Not sure why you lifted her life ban in the first place. I know you have your doubts about where she might end up, but she is causing trouble and the other subs are starting to notice your lenient behavior.”

  “I can’t understand why,” Wolf told Hawk. “I haven’t been encouraging her affections, but I have been reluctant to take a hard line. If she ends up in one of the less reputable clubs, she might get into serious trouble.”

  “And you would blame yourself,” Hawk said, and Wolf knew it wasn’t a question. They had discussed Candy at length on more than one occasion and Wolf did feel responsible for the woman, despite his lack of romantic attachment.

  She was crying out for attention and help, and Wolf knew there was a Dom suited to her needs out there somewhere, it just wasn’t him. Candy needed someone with a firm hand and a shitload of patience, and while he had both those things, his heart was already taken.

  Not that he had any intention of perusing the object of his affection. She had caught his eye from the first moment he saw her, but she wasn’t in the lifestyle and was way too sweet and innocent for his taste.

  The day he had meet Emily would stick with him forever. She had taken him by surprise and his heart had hammered rapidly in his chest and his cock had hardened to impossible proportions.

  Her sweet smile had him wanting to throw her over his shoulder and carry her off. She had smelled like pastry and jam and he wanted to lick her body until she came screaming his name.

  He knew Hawk had taken a liking to the little baker every bit as much as he did and it had only made him want her more, but he could never touch her. It didn’t stop him from fantasying though.

  Wolf had pleasured himself on many occasions picturing her tied to his St. Andrew’s cross, naked and vulnerable. Her sweet moans and cries of pleasure and pain would fill his dungeon as his favorite black and silver signal whip striped her lily-white flesh.

  Wolf felt himself getting hard and drew his mind back to the present. He needed to store those images away for late at night when he was alone in his bed and in need of fulfillment.

  Emily could never be his. He could never drag her into his world. He was a hard man. War had left his heart cold and his mind a mess, and he couldn’t take the only good thing he saw left in this world and corrupt it. He had nothing to offer her but misery. He had no soft side left.

  It was about time he took that hard line with Candy as well. He had let her make a fool of him and his club long enough.

  “Oh no,” Hawk said. “I don’t like that look on your face. I pity the person that is on the receiving end of whatever is going through your mind.”

  “We will discuss it later,” Wolf replied. “I have plans to make.”

  * * * *

  Hawk wiped down his mahogany bar and wondered what had gone through Wolf’s mind. He had let down his guard and Hawk had been able to read pleasurable thoughts on his face before it had darkened, his expression turning almost sinister.

  He wouldn’t want to be on the receiving end of that thought. Whatever Wolf had planned, it wasn’t going to be fun and he almost pitied the person. Hawk had a feeling he knew who was about to cop the brunt of Wolf’s anger, and it was about time.

  Candy had been running circles around Wolf for months, and it was making Wolf look soft. Hawk knew that Wolf needed to take a hard line with the bratty submissive and he would support him in every way. It was more than time to clean out the club’s trash.

  He understood why Wolf had let Candy’s behavior go with only mild punishments and hadn’t banned her from the club altogether, and the one time he did he had lifted it, but enough was enough and Wolf couldn’t be responsible for her any longer.

  Wolf was a hard, ruthless man. He was Hawk’s commander in the marines and had always been a strict and firm man. He needed to be. The lives of his men and of innocent civilians were his responsibility.

  Wolf didn’t act without careful thought, but once his mind was made up, he was as stubborn as a mule. He always planned everything down to the finest detail and needed to be in control of all parts of his life.

  He was a very strict dominant and only
wanted to play with very obedient and well-trained submissives. Wolf wanted to settle down and live the life of master and slave. He wanted a woman that was totally devoted to them 24/7. Someone like that would have to be so deep in the lifestyle and willing to let Wolf and Hawk control every aspect of her world.

  Hawk wasn’t after a woman like that and wanted a woman that was submissive completely to him in the bedroom, but only wanted his advice and guidance out of it.

  He understood that Wolf had a deeper need and was willing to take on the woman of Wolf’s choice, which was probably why they remained single. Wolf was picky and nobody had reached Wolf’s high standards.

  The only problem was that Hawk thought that they had met the woman that was for them, and Wolf didn’t want anything to do with her. Emily was everything he wanted in a woman, he just needed to convince Wolf of that.

  She was beautiful, sexy, and had curves in all the right places. She made his dick hard just looking at her. She was strong-willed and independent, and running a successful business on her own.

  Emily wasn’t in the lifestyle, but Hawk was bursting to introduce her to some sweet, loving discipline. He wanted to see her round ass jiggle and turn red under his hand. Hawk wanted to dress her rosy nipples in clamps and see her wiggle as they pinched and pulled her hard buds.

  Emily might never get to the level that Wolf had in mind for his submissive, but Hawk was confident that she would make them happy. She already made Hawk happy in so many ways and they weren’t even in a relationship yet.

  Hawk knew she was interested. She had shyly flirted at first, but Wolf managed to put a stop to that with his dark scowls and his sharp words. When Hawk was alone, Emily and he would share small jokes and he gently let her know of his interest.

  He had told Emily not to take Wolf’s attitude to heart and that he was like that with everyone, which was true. She had assured him that she wasn’t offended by his stand-offish attitude and gruff demeanor, but the more time that went on, the more Hawk was worried that Wolf would turn her head in another direction.


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