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Just a Taste [Merricks, Montana 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 16

by McKinlay Thomson

  Tank had taken off into the bush to do some reconnaissance, since he was already dressed in fatigues and full camo. The rest sat around and waited for him to come back with his report. Hawk almost wished he was a smoker, just so he had something to do with his hands.

  “We will get her back,” Wolf told him. “It’s not like we haven’t been in this situation before.”

  Hawk looked up at his friend and partner. Wolf looked calm on the outside, but Hawk knew that he would be seething on the inside. He hated to not be in control of any situation, and they were far from running things now. Mistress Savannah had the upper hand and it would be killing Wolf.

  “It was different then,” Hawk replied. “We didn’t have such a personal stake before. But this is Emily, our Emily. I haven’t even told her I loved her yet.”

  “She knows you love her,” Wolf said. “Just like she knows I love her. We didn’t need to say it with words. You have shown her your feelings since the day we met her.”

  “Thanks,” he said. This was one of the reasons their friendship was so strong. They both picked each other up when they needed it. Even though Wolf was hurting, too, he said just the right thing to make Hawk feel better. He was still worried of course, but he felt better thinking that Emily knew his feelings for her.

  “Tank’s back,” Blake said. Hawk jumped out of the car and joined the others standing by the perimeter fence. They couldn’t see the house from there, which meant that whoever was in the house couldn’t see them either.

  “The blue van is parked out front of the house,” Tank said. “There is no security to worry about. The house appears empty, but there is an old barn. I didn’t want to get too close, just in case.”

  “We need eyes in that barn,” Wolf said. “Brock, did you bring any of your equipment?”

  “Never leave home without it,” Brock replied. “I can take someone to watch my back and get you your eyes.”

  “Okay,” Blake said. “Wolf, Hawk and I will watch the front exit. You take Tank with you. James and Grayson can go around back and watch the back exit. Chase and Jarrod can hit the front of the house, and Trace and Cole can take the back. We need to hit the house at the same time as barn. There might be others inside that we don’t know about.”

  “What about us?” Austin said, referring to Emily’s three brothers.

  “I want you to stay by the vehicles,” Blake said. “You three are far too emotionally involved. You could compromise the mission and Emily could get hurt.”

  “And Wolf and Hawk aren’t emotionally involved?” Tyler asked, his voice rising in anger.

  “Wolf and Hawk are ex-military,” Blake explained. “They can handle it.”

  Hawk couldn’t agree more. Emily’s brothers were ranches and didn’t have any military training, and while that often didn’t matter around these parts, it would in this case. They were far too involved and didn’t have the training to distance themselves and get the job done.

  “That’s bullshit,” Ryan said, getting in Blake’s face.

  “My point exactly,” Blake told them.

  “Settle down, Ryan,” Austin said. “We will stay by the vehicles.”

  “Okay,” Blake said. “Let’s armor up and get going. Put your radios on channel three.”

  With that settled they all moved to their vehicles and grabbed their weapons. Hawk grabbed his favorite weapon, a Colt 45 and slipped it into the waistband of his jeans. He also slipped a small knife into his boot and a larger one went onto his belt.

  When they were all ready, Blake led them closer to the house before they split up. Hawk sank into the long grass with Blake and Wolf at his side and watched the closed barn door. It would take a while for Brock to get into position and set up eyes inside the barn. It was lucky they had the long grass to hunker down in and wait.

  “In position.” Brock’s voice crackled through Hawk’s earpiece. “I’ll be up and ready in two.”

  Hawk knelt patiently in the grass, not bothering to look at Wolf or Hawk. He was in his zone and it surprised him how easily he slipped back into the role. He had been out of the marines for more than five years, but apparently it never left you.

  Admittedly he liked to keep his skills honed and often spent time at the firing range or sparring with other soldiers, but it had been a while since he was in a mission. He didn’t count the few rescues he had gone on. Hawk had played a minor part in each, leaving it up to Blake and the men at CUSS to take the lead.

  Hawk’s head snapped to attention at the pain-filled scream that filled the air. It had come from the barn and was definitely a woman’s scream. As much as he wanted to run in there, Hawk forced himself to stick to the plan.

  “Settle,” Blake said. “We can’t go in there all gung ho.”

  When another scream filled the air, Hawk wasn’t going to stand and listen as someone hurt his Emily.

  “Fuck this,” Hawk said and pulled the gun from his waistband. He stood and ran toward the door.

  “Hawk, get back here,” he heard Wolf call. “Fuck.”

  Wolf ran up behind him as his back hit the barn wall next to the door. He opened it a crack and peered inside. It main part of the barn was empty. There must be another room. They slipped inside and kept to the shadows, making their way toward a smaller door at the back of the barn.

  “We have eyes,” Brock said through the radio. “It’s not good. They don’t know we are here. You can take them by surprise. Emily is in the center of the room and her assailant is behind her facing the door. Candy is in a cage in the corner of the room, right-hand side of the door.”

  When another scream came through the closed door, Hawk decided it was now or never. He looked back at Wolf and Blake and gestured to move back a little.

  “I’ll take out Mistress Savannah,” he told them. “Wolf, you get to Emily, and Blake can take Candy. Agreed?”

  “Agreed,” Wolf and Blake whispered.

  Hawk put his hand on the door.

  “On my go,” he said, whispering. “Go.”

  Hawk slammed open the door. He took in the room with one quick glance. Mistress Savannah froze on their entry, her arm raised back, ready to bring the flogger down on Emily’s back once more.

  Hawk growled in his throat. Mistress Savannah face filled with a dark look. Hawk raised his gun and pulled the trigger, shooting her in the knee. The flogger fell from her hand as she hit the floor cradling her injured knee and cried out in pain.

  “Clear,” he called to let the others know he had disabled the threat.

  Walking over, he kicked the flogger away and pulled a set of cuffs from his back pocket. He didn’t care that Mistress Savannah was bleeding and in pain. He rolled her onto her stomach and wrenched her arms behind her back, snapping on the cuffs.

  “Good work, Hawk,” Blake told him. “I thought you were going to kill her for sure.”

  “I want her to suffer for what she has done,” Hawk said. “Death would be too merciful.”

  “Go,” he said. “I have it from here.”

  Hawk walked over to where Wolf had Emily untied and wrapped in a towel. Candy was free from the cage and crying in Cole’s arms. The small room was filling up fast, but his main concern was Emily.

  “Let’s get out of here,” he said. Wolf lifted Emily into his arms and they walked from the barn.

  “She’s bleeding,” Wolf said. “Her back is all cut up.”

  “I’m fine, Wolf,” she said. “Really. It barely hurts.”

  Hawk doubted that. Emily was gritting her teeth, her face was pasty white, and she was sweating. He wouldn’t be surprised if she passed out. Relief should be flooding his system, but he was still worried about her. She needed to see a doctor. God only knew what germs that old flogger had.

  “We need to get you to a hospital,” Hawk told her. “They can give you painkillers.”

  “I just want to go home,” she replied. “I was really scared. She said she has killed people. She killed her uncle and a bunch of inno
cent woman.”

  Hawks heart clenched at the sobs coming from his woman. She was in more than just physical pain and he didn’t know how to take away her burden. She was his everything and it killed him to see her hurting.

  “It’s okay, kitten,” Wolf said. “You just cry. You are safe now. I’ve got you.”

  “I thought…I thought,” she stammered. “I thought that I wasn’t going to get to tell you something.”

  “Later,” Wolf told her. “We have all the time in the world.”

  Hawk looked at her tearstained face where it rested on Wolf’s shoulder. They had almost reached the vehicles and Hawk knew her brother would be waiting.

  “But I want to tell you know,” she said. “Please.”

  Wolf stopped walking and looked down at their woman. Hawk moved in until they surrounded her with their warmth.

  “What is it, sweetheart?” he asked.

  “I love you,” she said. “I love you both so much, and when Mistress Savannah took me, I thought I’d never get the chance to tell you.”

  “I love you, too, kitten,” Wolf replied. “I may have needed a push in the right direction, but loving you wasn’t the problem. You mean so much to me and I want to spend the rest of my life telling you.”

  Emily pulled Wolf close and Hawk watched as they shared a sweet, loving kiss. When they finally broke apart, he lifted his hand and brushed the hair from her face.

  “I love you as well, babe,” Hawk said, pulling her from Wolf’s arm into his own. “I thought I would go crazy when you were taken.”

  “I knew you would come,” Emily said. “I never gave up hope.”

  “We would never have stopped looking,” he told her.

  Hawk lowered his head and took her mouth with his. He poured all his love into the one small kiss and let the feel of her soft lips under his set his mind at ease. She was alive and relatively uninjured and he had the rest of his life to hold her and kiss her and love her.

  “Let’s get you to that doctor,” he said and started walking toward the vehicles and their future, Wolf at their side.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Emily stood in the changing room at Silk Ties, Kate, Sarah, and Holly at her side. They were getting ready to go and meet their Doms and Emily was excited. It was re-opening night at the club after they closed to fix the damage from the fire.

  Wolf and Hawk had been living at her small apartment since they rescued her from Mistress Savannah. It was cramped and they drove her insane coddling her, but she had loved having them at her beck and call and had shamelessly used it to her advantage.

  It had taken Wolf a while to get over his guilt at her kidnapping. He blamed himself once he found out the reason behind it, and despite Emily’s reassurance that she was fine and he wasn’t to blame, that Mistress Savannah had a troubled upbringing and was completely loopy, he was going to torture himself.

  She had spent some time in hospital after being rescued, getting tested for diseases and infections she might have caught from the flogger, but they all came back negative, much to everyone’s relief.

  “Ready to head out?” Kate asked Sarah, who was tying up the strings of her corset. She had chosen to wear the purple corset she had worn at the auction and a little black miniskirt. She didn’t have any panties on, just as her Doms had ordered and she had bare feet.

  “Yep, done,” Sarah replied. “You look beautiful, Emily.”

  “Thanks,” she replied, smiling. Her friends had visited her often while she was recovering from her ordeal and she had never felt closer to them.

  Emily had chosen to close the bakery for a couple of weeks until her back wasn’t so stiff and she could move easily again. Caroline had taken a much needed holiday, and the day they had started back together, they had both been thankful for Hawk’s presence. They had both since exorcised the bakery’s demons and settled nicely back into work.

  The strangest thing about the whole ordeal was the morning Candy came to visit. She had apologized for her role in the incident and Emily had assured her she wasn’t to blame. She had suffered just as much, if not more at the hands of Mistress Savannah’s craziness and had the scars to prove it.

  Emily had spent a bit of time with Candy since that day and Emily was convinced she was a changed woman. The old Candy sometimes slipped back in, but Candy could now see the signs and either apologized for or rectified her mistakes. Emily was proud of her and hoped she came by tonight.

  “I’m ready,” Emily said.

  They all shut their lockers and walked out into the main room of the club. Emily spotted Wolf and Hawk by the bar immediately and went straight over and sank to her knees.

  “Very nice, kitten,” Wolf said, his fingers running through her hair. “We have a private room booked tonight and a very important questions to ask you.”

  Emily was intrigued. What could they possibly want to ask her? Maybe they wanted to collar her personally. Or take her away on a small vacation. She really couldn’t take the time off at the bakery.

  “Come with us, babe,” Hawk said and helped her to her feet. Taking her hand, he gently pulled her along toward the large wooden door at the back of the club. Wolf moved forward and opened it and Hawk tugged her through. They made their way to the private rooms and Emily followed them inside.

  “This is the harem room,” Wolf told her. He walked over to the enormous bed in the center of the room, as Emily looked around. The bed was big enough to fit an orgy and was covered in brightly colored covers and silky pillows. More colored pillows were scattered around the floor of the room, along with fur rugs and the occasional palm tree. She could see why it was the harem room, it had a very Middle Eastern feel.

  “You look very beautiful tonight,” Hawk told her. “But this is going to have to come off.” Emily felt him loosening the ties on her corset that had just taken Sarah a good ten minutes to tie. She almost rolled her eyes, but knew her Masters didn’t like that.

  The corset fell to the floor with a thump and Hawk went to work on her skirt. That soon followed and Emily was completely naked. She was used to being naked in front of her men these days and often spent hours of the day at home without a stitch on.

  “Come over here,” Wolf said. “Sit on my lap.” He patted his knees as Emily made her way over to him and plopped down in his lap. Hawk sat next to them and pulled her feet onto his lap, just like he always did.

  “Emily,” Hawk said. “Wolf and I have been talking. You know we love you and you love us, so we wanted to know if you would give up your apartment and move in with us.”

  “Oh,” Emily felt slightly disappointed. She thought they were going to ask her something much more serious, but maybe they weren’t ready for that. “Yes, I’d love to live with you.”

  “Good,” Hawk said, smiling.

  “You need to know,” Wolf told her. “If you do move in with us, it won’t be as our girlfriend.”

  “It won’t?” Now she was confused. What else would she be?

  “No,” he said. “You will be our wife and our collared submissive.”

  Emily felt the smile crack her face. They had been teasing her. She still often didn’t get their humor, but she was learning.

  “Is this your way of proposing?” she asked.

  “Yes, kitten,” Wolf said. “Will you make us the luckiest men on the planet and be our wife?

  “Yes,” she said. “A hundred times, yes.”

  Emily didn’t care about protocol in that moment and threw her arms around Wolf’s neck and dragged his face down to hers. Her lips met his and she plastered them together. It wasn’t long before Wolf took control and deepened the kiss.

  Her mouth opened and his tongue slipped past her lips to tangle with her own. She moaned into his mouth and her legs slipped open of their own accord. Her breasts were plastered against his bare chest and she tugged on his hair with her fists.

  “Fuck,” Wolf said. “I can’t wait. I have to be inside you.”

  “Yes please,
” Emily replied. She almost moaned the loss when Wolf pulled away, but then she remembered the pleasures to come and slipped from his lap.

  “Go and straddle Hawk, kitten,” Wolf told her. “He is going to take your pussy while I fuck your ass.”

  Emily didn’t need to be told twice. Hawk had moved to the head of the bed, his chest resting on a pile of colorful pillows, and he was already naked. She wasn’t sure when that had happened, but she could guess.

  “Hi babe,” he said as she threw her leg over his and wrapped her arms around his neck.

  “Hi yourself,” she replied. “Shut up and kiss me.”

  Emily sucked in a breath when she felt the sharp slap land on her naked ass. Hawk didn’t say anything, but he did lower his mouth and kiss her like she was a drug that he couldn’t live without. Her toes curled and her pussy flooded. She rubbed her hard nipples on his chest and soon had him groaning along with her.

  She felt Wolf join them on the bed and his hand on her back pushing her chest down flat against Hawk.

  “This will be cold,” he said, and Emily felt cool liquid hit the crack of her ass and run over her puckered hole. Wolf massaged around her back entrance and then slipped one finger in through her tight ring of muscle. It felt weird but good, and soon Emily was pushing back against him.

  “I’m going to add another finger,” he told her. Emily broke the kiss with Hawk and sucked in a sharp breath. One finger felt good, two made her ring burn and tingle and she was loath for a third.

  “Maybe I’m not ready,” she said. “It feels really full already.”

  “Nonsense, kitten,” Wolf said. “We have used plugs bigger than this. You can take me. You were made for me.”

  “You always have your colors, babe,” Hawk said. “Do you need to use them?”

  Emily didn’t want to use her colors or say her safe word. She wanted to take both her Masters at the same time. She didn’t want to disappoint them either. They had been looking forward to this for a long time.

  “No,” she said. “I’m good. I’m still green.”


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