Book Read Free

Red Light Special

Page 13

by Risqué

  “What about him?”

  “Do you know him?”


  “Was he a client of yours?”


  They raised their eyebrows. “You are aware that we already know the answers?”

  “My client just answered your question, agents,” Collyn’s attorney said.

  “No, your client just lied,” Agent Jones snapped. “Let’s try this again: did Mayor Kenyatta Smith ever solicit services from Eve Johnson while she worked at Red Light Special?”

  Collyn sat silently. She knew that all of this was bullshit, otherwise they would be charging her with solicitation or whatever shit they could come up with. Besides, if they had the truth in print, then why would they be asking her any questions? “No,” Collyn said, calling their bluff, “I don’t recall ever doing business with Mayor Smith.”

  “And that’s your final answer?”

  “Yes, it is.”


  “So, now that my client has answered your questions, we’re going to ask you if you’re through,” Evelyn said.

  “For now,” Agent West said. “But I can promise you that we’ll be seeing you two again.”

  Collyn and her attorney rose from their chairs. “Evening, gentlemen.”

  “Evenin’, Ms. Bazemore.”

  Collyn crept quietly into her apartment, still shaken from her interrogation by the FBI. She wondered where Bless was and why he hadn’t shown up. She’d called him at least a million times and hadn’t heard from him yet. This was an example of why she’d never wanted to get caught up. She removed her gown, hung it up in the closet, went into the bathroom, and began drawing her bath. As she threw a few rose petals into the water her phone rang. It was security, informing her that Bless was downstairs. Collyn sighed. She hated that her heart wanted to see him more than her mind did, because even as her mind said to send his ass home, her heart demanded that she have him come up.

  Reluctantly she said to Adam, “Send him up.” Turning the water off, she slid into her blue silk robe and walked to the door. As she opened the door, Bless was standing there smiling. He tilted his head to the side and moved his face in for a kiss. Collyn backed away. “Are you serious? Where the hell you been?”

  “I ran late, beautiful.”

  “Whatever.” She walked away. “See, this is exactly why I don’t like to sweat no niggah, because it’s always some bullshit. All of a sudden you’re running late, but when you want some pussy I don’t have a problem looking up and yo’ ass is right there.”

  “Where I’m ’spose to be if I want some pussy?”

  “Is that your attempt at being funny?”

  “I’m sorry, baby.”

  “Fuck your sorry. Shit. This whole day has been a mess. The FBI shows up—”

  “Slow down. What do you mean, the FBI showed up? Showed up and what?”

  “More of Kenyatta’s bullshit.”

  “What happened?”

  “They said they found Eve’s diary and asked if Kenyatta was a client of mine. I don’t have time for that bullshit!”

  “I don’t get it. So what’s the connection with you, Eve, and Kenyatta? Was she one of your girls?”

  Collyn hesitated, “Yeah.”

  Bless paused. “So what did you tell the FBI?”

  “What do you mean?” she said, taken aback. “I ain’t tell ’em a motherfuckin’ thing. They full of shit anyway. The last time they lied and said they had five people who said I knew Eve, so please, I’m not falling for no diary nonsense. They’re too busy trying to get me caught up…And anyway, back to your ass.” Collyn walked toward the door, cracked it open, and said, “Thank you for stopping by, but good night.”

  Bless looked at Collyn and laughed. He walked toward the door and closed it. “I ain’t going nowhere, ma.” Bless pulled Collyn toward him by the ends of her robe’s belt. “I’m sorry, my baby. You’re right. I should’ve called and been more considerate. My fault.” He began kissing her from her earlobe down her neck. “I promise that if there’s a next time, I’ll call.”

  Collyn turned her head away and resisted Bless’ attempts to kiss her. “Oh, you don’t wanna kiss me?” He untied the belt on her robe and kissed her from the base of her neck down to her breasts. “I know what I can kiss and it won’t turn me away.” Collyn winced as he bit her nipple. “Hurt?”

  “A little.”

  “You forgive me?”


  “Aw, my baby.” He continued to suck and lick, apologizing with every stroke of his tongue.

  He worked his way down, French-kissing between her thighs. “You know I’ma kiss you until you forgive me?” He licked all over her shaved middle.

  Afterward he took her hand and slid her fingers along with his into her heated vulva, smearing her wetness on her clit and then licking it off her fingertip. “You forgive me.” He dipped her fingers back into her slit and sucked her dripping candy off the tips again. “Damn, this shit is so fuckin’ sweet.” He opened her up and her wetness glistened like diamonds.

  Collyn looked down at him as he took her hand and held one side of her pussy open while taking the other hand and playing with her clit. Bless was so close that his nose was practically buried in it. Collyn pumped in and out of her slit while he sucked her coated fingers and licked her pussy’s pinkness. Just when her body started to electrify, she took her right thigh and threw it over his shoulder. He took her fingers and said, “I want you to play with your pussy in my face until I can catch the cum with my tongue.”

  Doing as he’d asked Collyn stroked her clit in a circular motion, over and over again, until the orgasmic high climbing her hooded mountain reached its peak and her cum began to seep from between the lips.

  “It’s dripping, baby.”

  Bless didn’t say a word, instead he opened her up, curled his tongue at the base of her pussy, and her erotic liquid drowned his tongue and flowed like a waterfall into his mouth.

  “You forgive me?” he laid her on the floor.

  “Maybe.” She watched him undress. “You’re forgiven.”

  “I better be, how you gon’ be mad at me?” Bless lay on top of Collyn, and as she opened her legs and welcomed him home, she kept her eyes open and attempted to look into his, while his eyes quickly became Asian slits. Collyn studied the deep cappuccino color of his face and wondered when did she fall in love with him. Had it been on one of the nights they sat up until the dawn, watching old Bruce Lee flicks…But then again, maybe that wasn’t it…maybe it was when she told him about her desire to one day have children but not being sure if she wanted to pass her family business on to them. But then again, what about that…said love?

  Maybe…maybe…it was the foot massages he gave her, the back rubs, the Chinese food he brought every Wednesday and Friday night. Or maybe it was the no-frills peanut butter choke sandwiches they confessed to each other they both liked. It could’ve been because she was a Delta and he was a Q, and they both remembered their fresh-steppin’ moves. And what about the time he was sick and she ran her business from home to take care of him…and the next week she caught whatever he had and he in turn did the same. Somewhere in there…in the midst of all of that, love crept up and, in true love fashion, caught her off guard and was now showing its ass. And at this moment Collyn could no longer see what her life would be without this man.

  Collyn pushed Bless slightly on the shoulder, turned over and she began to ride him. Her breasts bounced in the air and in and out of Bless’ mouth.

  As Collyn turned around and began to ride him backwards, cowgirl style, he watched her luscious ass rotate like a whirlwind across his dick.

  He could feel her pussy contracting. “Oh damn…baby…shit.” Bless placed his hands on both sides of Collyn’s ass and squeezed it like a sandwich. He lifted her ass just a bit and watched her cream drip from her slit onto his dick. “Look at that shit.”

  “You’re so nasty.”

  “You m
ake me nasty.”

  He flipped her over and now he lay on top. He looked into her eyes, pressed their lips together, and said, “I love you.”

  Collyn’s heart fluttered a thousand times, as she felt Bless’ strokes speeding up, forcing her hips to lift slightly off the bed.

  “I love you too.” She said as she placed her arms around his neck and he freed himself into her flesh.

  As time passed Kenyatta became even more undone. He couldn’t eat, couldn’t sleep, had lost weight, and the nightmares that he prayed would go away now crept up on him in the day.

  He and Monday spent most of their time communicating through silence and eye dances. Him looking at her when she didn’t know and her looking at him and trying not to show it. Sometimes they succeeded and at other times they didn’t. Monday spent most of her time around him wondering and desperately trying to remember if they’d ever really been more than this. Or if they only survived the last ten years because of their superficial dreams, which once fulfilled, limited what they really liked about each other.

  “Can I ask you something, Kenyatta?” Monday said standing beside the bed, fully dressed for the day.

  “Monday,” he said, obviously aggravated, while sitting on the edge of the bed with one hand on the phone and the other massaging his left temple. “I really don’t have time for the desperate housewife shit. Or any other nonsense. So please don’t ask me anything that’s gon’ make me cuss you the fuck out.”

  Monday swallowed, “I wasn’t looking to get into a cussin’ match, I really wanted to have a heart-to-heart with you.” She hesitated. This was her last attempt at seeing if she were having a sentimental meltdown or preparing a matrimonial eulogy. “Lately, I’ve just been wondering if you still love me.”

  “Love you?” Kenyatta jerked his neck back. “Do I look like I want to discuss that? What the fuck? Yeah um hmm…I love you, but what does that mean? Hell,”—he stood up and hunched his shoulders—“you ain’t never done shit for me—”

  “Kenyatta—” she gasped.

  “Kenyatta the crack of my ass, do I love you? You’re a selfish ass. I been in the goddamn paper every fuckin’ day. The political career that I worked hard for, that you been ridin’ high on, is about fuckin’ over! I’m holding onto my office by a goddamn string and you wanna discuss being in love? How you even twist yo’ ass to walk in here with some bullshit like that? Here I had to deal with this dead bitch, Eve—”

  Dead? Monday shook her head, his words burned her ears.

  “And where have you been, Monday?” He got in her face. “Huh, do I love you? How about this? Do you love me? Have you treated me the way I deserve to be…?”

  Monday felt pricks of spit flying from his mouth as he yelled at the top of his lungs, yet she tuned him out and thought about the last question he hurled at her. She decided that her answer was ‘no.’ She hadn’t loved him the way she should’ve, because if she did, she would’ve loved his ass from afar.

  While standing here and feeling the heat from his angry words spit into her face, she realized that nothing would change if nothing changed.

  But shit, she didn’t expect this son of a bitch to turn out like this. She didn’t see all of this when she first met him and his smile captivated her. Or on their first date nor the first time they held hands or made love. Who knew that what she thought was perfection would turn out to be so corrupt.

  Yet, there was no way she could run again. So maybe she needed to force this shit and make it fit. And yeah she had a law degree, but no one except Kenyatta knew that she didn’t take the bar. She was too busy being his campaign manager.

  “…You need to be a woman about yours,” Kenyatta continued, “and treat me the way I need to be! Do I love you? That’s a good question, Monday, considering you haven’t done a damn thing to earn it. City Council wants to have a meeting with me and they won’t tell me what the agenda is, but did you know that? Hell no! Because you’re too self-consumed. Well, you know what, Monday? Fuck the feds, fuck Eve, and fuck you!”

  Kenyatta may not have had a razor but he’d sliced every part of Monday’s being.

  Before Monday could attempt to say anything the phone rang. Kenyatta grabbed the cordless receiver, “Kenyatta Smith.” His mood seemed to quickly change as he gave a hardy laugh, “Hudson, you always know what to say to make me feel better.” He walked into the bathroom and slammed the door behind him. The rattling of the door as it slammed into the frame caused Monday to come out of the daze she was in.

  She grabbed her purse and headed down the stairs and out the door.

  A few moments later she was at Bazemore Gallery. She hated looking Taryn in the face, but it seemed today she would have to.

  “Look, Monday.” Taryn twisted her lips as Monday stepped to the counter. “I do not want to battle with you.”

  “I would have to give a damn for it to be a battle.” Monday said dismissively. “Now get Collyn.”

  Taryn cleared her throat as a customer walked up behind Monday. Taryn buzzed Collyn, who was seeing a client in her office. After speaking with Collyn, Taryn said, “Pierre, please show Mrs. Smith to the waiting area in the back.”

  Monday followed Pierre to the customer’s lounge, and a few minutes later Pierre motioned for her to come into Collyn’s office. Collyn nodded at Pierre as he closed the door behind Monday.

  Monday squinted her eyes at Collyn and was surprised by how flushed she looked, her hair was pulled back into a ponytail and she had barely any makeup on. She popped two Advils into her mouth and sipped a glass of water.

  “Damn,” Monday said, “What’s wrong with you?”

  “Flu, maybe. I don’t fuckin’ know.” Collyn said. “But my ass is sick as shit.”

  “Maybe you should go home and lie down.”

  “I have too much work to do. Anyway, wassup?”

  Monday hated to say this. “I think Eve is dead.”

  Collyn popped two more Advils in her mouth. “What? What did you say?”

  “Listen,” Monday paced, “Kenyatta and I were arguing, and he said he had to ‘deal with that dead bitch.’”

  “He had to…,” Collyn said slowly, “deal with that…dead bitch. What does that mean?” her voice drifted.

  “He didn’t kill her if that’s what you’re thinking,” Monday said defensively. “He wouldn’t have done that. He’s not a murderer. But I wouldn’t put it past him to know who is.”

  “What? A murderer?”


  “You don’t think—”

  “He’s not a killer.”

  “You’re awfully defensive.”

  “Because I know him.”

  “Do you really? Maybe it was an accident.”

  “No.” Monday shook her head. “He wouldn’t have done that. I think he knows the truth and he’s hiding it.”

  “Why?” Collyn leaned forward on both elbows, “Why would he do that? Who would he be protecting?” Collyn slammed her fist into her desk, “I swear to God I hate the day I met that motherfucker!”

  Monday flopped down in the chair and held her face in her hands.

  “It’s something,” Collyn said. “I know it is.”

  “But what if Eve isn’t dead?” Monday asked.

  “Then she’s playing one hell of a fuckin’ game with all of us. And if that’s the case they won’t have to look for her because I’ma kill her ass.”

  “I’ll have a Heineken,” Kenyatta said to the bartender as he spotted Bless sitting at the bar, watching the game. “Blessing.” Kenyatta smiled as he shook his hand.

  They were in Short Hills, New Jersey, at the exclusive Grandview Country Club, where Kenyatta was a long-time member.

  During the hour-long drive from Gracie Mansion to Short Hills, Kenyatta was grateful to get out of the city and clear his mind. For the first time in his political career, he was thinking about tossing shit to the wind, saying fuck it, and giving it all up. He was growing tired of the constant attention that he u
sed to welcome. Where he once loved the public’s spotlight and treasured everyone wanting to know him, he now felt on overload, as if he were only seconds away from a political overdose.

  Now he wanted simple shit. No more of this bitch and that bitch all pulling him in a million different directions when all he wanted to give them was dick. No more emotional attachments because they’d fallen for some bullshit-ass line he’d given them. All of that was a wrap, because at the end of the day all he had was some skeeted-ass nuts, an unsolved murder, and a buncha goddamn babies.

  “Mayor Smith.” Bless smiled.

  “Good to see you, Bless. Thanks for coming.”

  “Anytime. I just hope your game is straight.” Bless pointed out the picture window to the greens. He made a motion as if he were swinging a golf club. “’Cause I’m the man.” He popped his collar.

  Kenyatta laughed. “You got on a pink-ass shirt and some khaki pants and you the man? Ai’ight.” The bartender handed him his beer.

  “Oh, you tryna be funny?” Bless cocked his head.

  Kenyatta laughed. “Whatever. Put all that smack in your game.”

  “Let’s do this, then.”


  Kenyatta finished his beer and they headed out to the greens, where the caddie walked behind them. Once they reached the first tee, Kenyatta took his position and swung his club. They watched where the ball landed. Kenyatta turned toward the caddie and said, “Give us a few minutes.”

  “Wassup?” Bless said after taking his swing.

  “I called you out here because this most recent contract we did will have to be the last one like that,” Kenyatta said as they walked toward the balls.

  Bless looked at him, taken aback. “Why?”

  “Because shit is real crazy right now. The FBI is looking at me. You read the papers, and as you can see, I’m in those motherfuckers damn near every day.”

  “Yeah, I know. It’s like they can’t get enough of you. Goes with the territory, I suppose.”

  “Yeah, maybe. But most of it’s stemming from some bullshit.”

  “What bullshit?” Bless asked.


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