My Vampire: A Vampire Fae Urban Fantasy Romance (My Supernatural Boyfriend Book 1)
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My Supernatural Boyfriend 1
E.E. Everly
My Vampire
Copyright © 2020 by E.E. Everly
All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without written permission of the author except for the use of brief quotations in book reviews and articles.
For information email E.E. Everly.
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.
Front cover image by Sanja Gombar—Book Cover For You
First edition 2020
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For Lucy Elizabeth. Bravery is about the choices you make when faced with tough decisions—even when they hurt.
Table of Contents
(A sneak-peek excerpt)
Her smell isn’t human.
And that surprises me.
I lean against the wall, tipping my head back as her sweet scent drifts across the dance floor and fills my nostrils. The aroma is laced with sugar and cream, as if she sweats them from her pores. Among all the chaos—of the music throbbing around me and the intermingled odors of the dancers—her scent is what stands out.
She doesn’t smell like the other supernaturals in the club either. Her natural fragrance is so irresistible, so new and mouthwatering. It entices a feral urge deep inside me.
I work to ignore the sensation as it races up my neck and into my throat, which burns with the need to drink.
How does she have this effect on me when I’m able to deny the thirst from other human women?
What is it that makes her unusual?
Thoughts of consuming her in more ways than one flash through me. A typical male would be aroused while watching women pulsate with their partners, but my urges are much more.
Her scent speaks to me in a completely different way.
I must push my desires back, but I’m too intrigued.
I’m not the only one who has noticed either.
The enigmatic woman waves to the music, sandwiched between two vampires who are quite into her. Her raven hair falls stark straight and brushes her lower back. The blond vampire behind her keeps dipping low to inhale her scent.
His eyes flash black—vamp mode—and I catch the pointed tips of his canines slipping past his smile.
She has no idea how thirsty he is or how alluring her scent is.
Her girlfriends take turns sliding against the vampires, but the vamps have no interest in the bouncy blonde and brunette girls.
Only for Miss Saucy Scent.
“Killian?” Someone grabs my hand. Lauren. She finally found me lurking in the corner. Her broad smile and her golden ringlets shine in the DJ’s lights. “Dance with me.”
So much for skulking in the shadows. I glance at the woman on the floor and wish I’d claimed her first. Her arms are lifted above her head, and one of her vampire dance partners slides his fingers down them, eliciting a squeamish giggle from her, while the other presses his hips against hers.
I want to maim them. They should not touch her like that.
Lauren follows my venomous glare. “Ah, is she your new candidate? Are you going to make her your new groupie?”
I flash my eyes black before leaning in to smell Lauren’s neck, giving her the attention she desires.
Disappointment wriggles my nose. Apparently I’m not craving Lauren tonight. Saucy Scent has ruined my appetite for the mundane.
“Killian, we can do this now”—the jealousy creeps into Lauren’s voice even though she knows my habits—“or are you too distracted?”
On nights like this I’m usually looking for a new freshie, a woman who’s willing to supply a once a month donation in exchange for a bit of sexual rapture, achieved solely by my drinking her blood. Lauren and I have a standing arrangement every fourth Tuesday.
Sometimes more if I need her.
My need is why I’m always looking for more freshies, to keep my girls from getting faint.
“Forget about a drink. Let’s dance.” Lauren slips my leather jacket off, and it falls to the floor.
Still gazing at Saucy Raven Locks, I let Lauren pull me into the sea of dancers. She rubs against my thigh and threads her fingertips into my hair. She’s beautiful, and her eyes meet right at my eye level. Usually I allow myself to become caught up in her charms.
“Eyes here, Killer.” Lauren turns my face toward hers when my eyes roam across the floor. “You’re really aching for that little vixen, aren’t you? Suck it up. She’s taken.”
I press Lauren into my body and tickle her neck with my lips. She throws her head back, and I trail my tongue from her clavicle to her jaw before stopping and bruising her skin with a few gentle sucks.
Her moan is a purr. “Do it, Killian. Drink.”
I jerk my chin up, still pressing Lauren’s body to mine. Raven Locks’s scent has moved. She’s over by the bar, sipping a ginger ale and fanning her face. I zoom in on her lips as she pulls the glass away.
“I’d rather have ice cream,” the shape of her mouth says.
I amp up my vamp hearing, which I’ve been suppressing due to the loud music.
“There’s an ice cream shop just a block from here,” one vampire says. “It’s open as late as the club is.”
“We can take you,” the other adds.
Raven Locks looks at her dancing friends. “Yes. Yes…” She trails off as if she’s debating. “I really need some ice cream. I don’t think they’ll mind.”
Ice cream? Why?
“We’ll bring you right back.” The blond vampire places a hand on hers.
Don’t do it.
Raven Locks smiles as she takes his hand. “Let’s go.”
I twitch in Lauren’s arms, restraining my urge to rush after them. Saucy Scent is theirs. As long as she consents.
But I want her to be mine.
Lauren blows a frustrated puff of air into my face. “This isn’t happening tonight, is it?”
I grunt, somewhat acknowledging her.
I’m thirsty. My throat burns from not having drunk all week. I ha
ve a drink right here. Forget Saucy Raven Locks. Forget that intoxicating aroma that will snake into my dreams. My body is tense with longing, tense with wanting to know the mysteries of this girl and her unusual pull that has me salivating.
Lauren nips my earlobe with her teeth. I grin at her, trying to show I’m interested. When I skim my hands down Lauren’s back, her pheromones fill my senses. My eyelids flutter as my canines lengthen.
“That’s it, my wicked man.” Lauren pulls my face toward her neck. The club is packed, and the colored lights flash ad nauseam, so no one will notice when I bite her. The supernaturals who might know she’s my freshie are too busy with their own to care. Most humans will assume I’m seducing Lauren, especially if she lets out her usual moaning gasp when my fangs sink into her.
My canines graze her throat. I can almost taste her.
The slightest rustle of air rouses me as the club’s rear door opens. The air’s so thick inside that it takes vamp senses to even register the change. As the door slams closed, Saucy Raven Locks’s scent finds me again, along with her alarmed oof. I envision the vamps pushing her against the outside brick wall of the club, and rage slashes up my veins. Ice cream parlor, my ass.
I flinch away from Lauren. In two seconds, I blur across the room and pound the alley door open, ignoring Lauren, who calls after me.
The vampires have Raven Locks pressed between them, at the far end of the alley. Her back’s to blond guy’s chest while the dark-haired one sinks his teeth into her throat. All I notice is the shocked look on her face that melts into a stupor as her body goes limp.
Consent, like hell!
No freshie has ever acted like that with me. As I blur forward, ready to tear these fiends off, the blond vampire pushes his buddy away so he can have a taste.
As his buddy’s mouth breaks suction, the smell of her free-flowing blood coils up my nostrils, blocking my sinuses so I’m breathing her and nothing else.
I’m caught under her spell.
Insanity itches under my skin. The word deranged flashes through my thoughts. Yes. Deranged—because I want her… and to rip the blond vampire’s head off when his mouth descends on her punctures, where he drinks in earnest.
She’s mine.
After reaching them, I fling the dark-haired vamp to the asphalt just as he’s about to make new bite marks in Raven’s wrist. I turn to the blond vamp and yank his head back so hard that blood flies from his mouth and sprays her across the shoulder. As she slides down the wall, limp, the two vamps engage me, hissing and snarling with bared fangs.
I wipe saliva from my chin as I send a vamp flying with a punch. My brain tells me not to kill them. My brain also tells me we’re being irrational, that her blood is doing this to us.
Dark-haired vamp jumps on my back and bites my shoulder. I throw myself backward, snapping the bones in his ribs on the wall. He slumps to the ground. Blond dude punches my gut before I ram him in the stomach with my head, and we fall. I smash his skull over and over into the asphalt until he loses consciousness. I’m not too worried. They’ll both heal, eventually.
As I fight for sense, I take a deep breath. Her scent boils through me. But something else lingers with the enticing bits. Her fear. I curse, and then swallow, as I stand and squeeze my eyes shut for the briefest second.
I have control—take control.
I shake my inner monster off and turn in her direction. Her fear will goad me back into beast mode if I’m not careful. I have to help her, calm her. Damn it. She’s dripping blood like a sticky slushy machine.
I hold my palms out to her and crouch. I can’t bring myself to utter words. In her delirium, she mutters something about chocolate chip cookies and pokes my palm with her finger.
I shake my head and do the only thing I can think of.
I scoop her into my arms.
As her head drops onto my shoulder, more curses escape my mouth, because her blood immediately soaks into my T-shirt. The moisture clings to my skin. I stop breathing. I don’t need the air. I don’t need to breathe her in, but then I realize I need to find out where she lives. I swear as I draw breath to speak.
“What’s your address?” I’m startled by how coarse my voice sounds. “I’ll take you home.”
She mumbles the words campus and dorm. I catch a house name and a room number, and then she falls silent. She’s a delicate, floppy rag doll in my arms, and I need to get her home before I’m tempted to drink from her.
I’m down the alley and traversing the few blocks to her home in minutes. I keep repeating the same thing to myself. Don’t breathe. Don’t drink.
Her hair tickles my chin where her head’s tucked against it.
Don’t breathe. Don’t drink.
My steps quicken.
She didn’t want this. Had she wanted the vamps to bite her she would have enjoyed it. She would have found it rapturous… unless it was her first time and she was nervous. That’s always a possibility. But no. Her fear now and her brashness with the vamps while dancing screamed of her naïveté. She didn’t understand what was happening to her. She assumed they were nothing more than humans wanting a good time.
What a foolish girl.
I locate her dorm and sprint up the steps to her floor. Her door’s locked. I don’t bother asking my unconscious damsel for a key. I kick the wood, and it splitters around the knob. When I push the door open, I’m relieved the room is empty. I deposit my treasure on a bed.
Her long hair is mussed around her face. Her arms are flopped open and her legs are bent and angled oddly. I straighten her body and then lean in closer to her bite. A growl rolls up my throat, and my fangs slice through my gums without hesitation. She’s still bleeding freely. The venom from the bite will keep the wound open until either her blood flushes enough of it out of her system or vampire saliva closes it.
I pull my blood-soaked shirt away from my chest as I stare at the red fluid gurgling out of her with each heartbeat. I have to close the wound. I can’t leave her like this. Besides, the fire in my throat demands a taste.
Drink her. I must know why she’s so alluring.
The animal inside me takes control. And like a creeping predator, I climb onto the bed and crawl over her body, feeling her cold legs against mine, dipping low so my stomach presses to hers. Touching her feels so incredible it forces an ache through my core. Yes, the little devil in my head croons. I brace myself over her, my limbs as good as a cage. Should she wake, she’d have nowhere to run.
I trace my nose from the blood on her chest all the way up to the bite. Just one taste. I’ll taste her when I seal the wound anyway. Don’t fight it.
Her skin’s so buttery. I want. Spit pools in my mouth, forcing me to swallow. My lips drop over her bite. The warmth fills me. Her blood is rich, velvety. It flows with a molten smoothness that anchors itself in my core. As I take her blood in, a vigor enlivens my senses. Power builds in my muscles. My undead body feels more than supernatural.
And then I can’t stop. I suck with ferocity, gulping and gulping, wondering why I can’t get enough, wondering why I’ve never tasted anything so intoxicating.
Her blood is an elixir, a deep magic, I realize.
She’s not human.
What is she?
She’s special. A secret—that’s all mine. I must stop before I kill her, but I can’t.
And then a high-pitched scream slams into my eardrums. The room’s light flicks on. I hiss as I pull myself off Raven Locks and whirl around. The two girls from the club have found me. One of them picks up a baseball bat, and the other continues to screech, her face turning purple.
I snarl at them in full-on vamp mode. I wipe my chin and glance at my hands. I’m coated in blood. Her blood—Raven Locks’s blood. It doesn’t look good to the girls. How could it?
The girl with the bat elbows the other. “Call the police.” She thumps the bat against her palm and glares at me. “I’m going to kill you, you disgusting freak. Who do you think you are? A freaking v
ampire, you sicko?”
She doesn’t know how right she is. The irony makes me cackle.
My laugh jars her, and she rushes me, with the bat poised to strike. My arm blocks the hit. It was a solid blow. It would have broken any human’s arm, but I’m more than fine. The girl continues to pound me. I halfheartedly block her, too interested in my girl on the bed, who’s still bleeding. I didn’t lick her wound before I pulled away. The other roommate’s on the phone, talking the paramedics through what she sees. Her other hand locates the source of the blood and adds pressure.
Raven Locks might be okay if the ambulance gets here soon enough.
“Why won’t you go down?” my attacker screams. “What kind of drugs are you on?”
I’m stunned by my calm but mortified by my actions—because of her blood… Never have I ever tasted… I shift my focus to the bat striking my arm, which is probably black and blue by now. The girl hasn’t adjusted her blows to compensate. She could try hitting my midsection or legs, but she’s lost to her adrenaline and not thinking clearly.
“Sasha!” the roommate with my girl yells. “Sasha, can you hear me?” The roommate shakes Raven’s shoulder.
Sasha. Saucy Raven Locks is Sasha. I hone in on her heartbeat. It’s thready, but with her roommates here, I’m confident Sasha will get the help she needs.
I grab the bat. The girl lets go and retreats, fear rounding her eyes. I chuck the makeshift weapon to the side and blur from the room, well aware of sirens drawing closer.
Sasha. Her taste is still on my tongue as I slink off into the night. So creamy. So sweet. So innocent. How could I have hurt her? My stomach clenches. I stop down an alley before climbing a fence, wishing her blood wasn’t already a part of me. Wishing I didn’t want more. I grip the metal links and rip them apart. A mournful wail tears from me.
I am a monster. A bloodthirsty freak, and there’s no escaping it. If it were possible, I’d do anything to be human again. Anything.