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The Goldsworth Series Box Set

Page 23

by Davie J Toothill

  “What a mess,” he laughed, looking at the overflowing ashtrays and half-finished bottles that stood side-by-side with empty baby bottles and bibs.

  “I tried to tidy up, but I gave up in the end,” Aurora admitted, and Clint turned and smiled at her.

  “So where’s the baby?” Clint asked.

  Aurora motioned down the hall and Clint followed her into the small lounge where she’d set-up the bottle of wine and two glasses on the coffee table, and where Sienna lay in her cot, gurgling contentedly.

  “She asleep?” he asked, eagerness in his voice that made Aurora smile to herself.

  “No, but Zoe said she hasn’t had a nap in a while, so she should go to sleep soon.”

  “Okay,” Clint sighed, “Is this for us?”

  He motioned towards the bottle of wine and glasses, as he sat down on the sofa and took off his parka.

  “Yeah,” Aurora said, suddenly worried that Clint would assume that she had brought the alcohol because she needed to be drunk to sleep with him.

  “Cool, I should have remembered something romantic like that,” he said, sounding embarrassed.

  “It’s fine,” Aurora smiled. “I stole it off my mum, so it wasn’t any trouble. And you’re here, so that’s all that matters.”

  Clint smiled up at her, and Aurora was sure that he was blushing slightly.

  He patted the space beside him on the sofa, and Aurora gratefully sat down next to him, and leaned into him as Clint put an arm around her shoulders. With the other hand, he flicked the remote and the television came on.

  With Sienna still in the room, Clint turned down the volume in the hope that Sienna would go to sleep sometime soon, and chose a music channel, before lighting a cigarette.

  “Shit, is it okay to smoke here with the baby?” he asked, suddenly looking worried.

  “Zoe says it’s fine,” Aurora replied, laughing at the relief that spread over his face.

  She stood up and went over to the cot, where Sienna lay with her eyes closed, her breathing gentle and rhythmical. She was asleep.

  “She’s asleep,” Aurora told Clint. “I’ll take her to the bedroom, so the television doesn’t wake her up.”

  “Good thinking,” Clint said, stubbing out the cigarette, suddenly looking sheepish.

  Aurora lifted the cot gently and carried it out of the lounge. Zoe’s bedroom was dark, but Aurora didn’t dare turn the light on in case it woke-up Sienna. She put the cot down by the bed and paused on her way back to the lounge.

  Now was the time, and her heart was pumping fast.

  She pushed the lounge door open and closed it gently behind her. Clint was standing by the coffee table, looking awkward, but he smiled when she came in and looked at him. Clint walked towards her and put his hands on either side of her face and kissed her. Their tongues brushed and Clint leant into her, and Aurora pressed against him, suddenly feeling all her resolve melting away.

  Clint moved his face away from her, and looked her in the eyes.

  “Are you sure you want this?” he asked, his voice soft.

  Aurora found that she really did.

  She nodded, and Clint smiled again, before moving his lips back to hers.

  * * *

  The music was blaring around the club, but Brandy didn’t feel as happy as she usually did. She watched as Zoe and Sasha sashayed across the dance floor towards her, having been to the bathroom. Eyes followed them across the floor, but Sasha didn’t seem to be paying them any attention, which was unlike her. Brandy knew the reason for the sudden change. Wright was still on the scene, and Sasha clearly wasn’t inclined to pay any attention to what she had to say about it.

  “I got the drinks,” Brandy said, passing a tequila shot to each of them and taking her own.

  “Here’s to a good night,” Zoe cried out, and they all downed their shots.

  Brandy licked her lips, relishing the burning sensation that spread through her body. Zoe and Sasha were both wiping their own lips, when Sasha’s phone went off and she began rummaging through her bag to find it.

  “Must be important,” Brandy said, “I’ve never seen you that keen to get to the phone.”

  Sasha smiled, “It’s probably Wright.”

  Brandy saw Zoe frown slightly, but she didn’t say anything. So that meant that Zoe already knew that Sasha was still in contact with him, Brandy thought. And she hadn’t thought to let her know. Well, it just went to show how spineless Zoe could be.

  “You’re still seeing him then?” Brandy asked, raising an eyebrow at Sasha.

  Sasha nodded, “Why wouldn’t I? I like him and he likes me.”

  “You know, there are plenty of other guys that like you,” Brandy said, smiling, “In fact, that guy over there’s had his eye on you all night. You should go for it.”

  Sasha didn’t even bother to turn around and check the guy out.

  “Listen, I don’t know what your problem is with Wright,” Sasha said, leaning forwards, her voice uncharacteristically harsh, “But we’re together, so just drop it.”

  Brandy was surprised by Sasha’s tone. It was so unusual for Sasha to stick to one guy, and Brandy felt her fists clench at the thought that Sasha had fallen for the one guy that she really shouldn’t have.

  “If you let me explain -” Brandy began.

  “No, I won’t,” Sasha interrupted, “I’m meeting him tonight, and you can’t stop me. You’re supposed to be a friend, you’re not my fucking mother, Brandy.”

  Zoe looked increasingly uncomfortable, and Brandy knew that she wouldn’t jump to her defence. Maybe she had already taken Sasha’s side, Brandy thought with distaste.

  “Tonight? This is supposed to be a girl’s night out.”

  “Yeah, well, it’s not like a girl’s night out has ever stopped you from sneaking off to meet Troy, has it?” Sasha retorted.

  “That’s different,” Brandy snapped, “We’re serious.”

  “So are me and Wright. Now, I think I’ve had enough of this shit.”

  Sasha hauled her handbag over her shoulder and turned to Zoe.

  “Sorry, Zoe, I’m going, but have a good night,” Sasha said, kissing her on the cheek.

  “Sasha, stop being such a twat,” Brandy groaned, “Let’s get another shot.”

  “Fuck off,” Sasha responded, “I’m going to see Wright.”

  With that, Sasha turned on her heel and strutted out of the club without looking back.

  “What was all that about?” Brandy asked, turning to Zoe. “She has some serious issues.”

  Zoe was quiet, but Brandy knew she wanted to say something.

  Brandy caught the barman’s eye and ordered another shot each. When they came, she placed the shot in Zoe’s hand and they downed the tequila in one.

  “Come on, Zoe, what’s with the silent treatment?”

  Zoe shifted uncomfortably, but remained quiet.

  “Zoe, you’ve got to talk to me,” Brandy said, her temper rising, “I don’t need you going mental and all.”

  “Why did you have to do it?” Zoe suddenly asked.

  “Do what?” Brandy asked, bewildered.

  “Start that row with Sasha,” Zoe replied. “You know she likes Wright, and he might not be perfect or whatever, and it probably won’t last, but you can’t judge. It’s up to her.”

  “So you’re on her side?”

  “It’s not about sides,” Zoe continued, “You’re both my friends, but Sasha’s done nothing wrong and you had a go at her for no reason. I’m happy for Sasha.”

  “It’s just your hormones,” Brandy sighed.

  “No it fucking isn’t,” Zoe said, her voice rising, taking Brandy by surprise. “I’m just sick of you getting involved in everything. First with Aurora and Clint, now with Sasha. Can’t you just keep you’re fucking nose out, it’s not like you’ve got a perfect relationship, is it?”

  Brandy was stunned, unable to speak. Zoe had never spoken to her like that before, or to anyone, for that matter. Brandy lo
oked into Zoe’s face expecting to see instant remorse, but Zoe’s face was determined.

  “You run round like you own the place,” Zoe persisted, her voice slowly rising, “But you don’t. Just because your boyfriend’s in a gang doesn’t make you anything special and you got no right to treat everyone like shit. You made such a big deal about Aurora, but she’s actually a really nice person, only you’re too stuck-up Troy’s arse to realise it.”

  “So you’re mates with Aurora now, are you?” Brandy asked, her own temper rising now.

  “Yeah, I am actually,” Zoe replied. “We’re mates. In fact, me and Sasha were with her earlier tonight, laughing at you and your own stupid self-importance.”

  “You’re pathetic,” Brandy sighed.

  “No, you’re the pathetic one,” Zoe retorted. “Aurora’s a better friend to me than you ever were. She actually has time for her friends, whilst you only care about Troy.”

  “That’s stupid, I don’t just -”

  “Really? It’s always about Troy with you. I don’t even know what you see him, he’s nothing but a -”

  “Nothing but a what?” Brandy hissed, leaning closer to Zoe. “Funny, you lecturing me on relationships. Coming from the single mum.”

  “I’m going,” Zoe said, clutching her bag, “I can’t be arsed to party with you anymore.”

  “Good, get fucked you stupid bitch,” Brandy sneered.

  Zoe turned around, but paused. Hah, Brandy thought. Zoe knows that nobody else will take her out.

  “I was going to say,” Zoe said softly, turning to face Brandy, her eyes narrowed, “That Troy is nothing but a murderer. Plain and simple. And you both make me sick.”

  Before Brandy could say anything, Zoe had disappeared into the crowd, leaving Brandy alone at the bar, mouth wide in astonishment.

  * * *

  Aurora kissed Clint and felt the warmth emanating from his body. They were pressed against the wall and with each passing moment Aurora could feel the passion rising between them, could feel the heat rising and her own body responding as she knew Clint’s was.

  “You okay?” Clint asked, looking at her inquiringly.

  “Yeah,” Aurora managed to stammer. “You?”

  “Never been better.”

  Aurora watched with rising excitement as Clint slowly stripped off his clothes. The shirt and the vest, then his tracksuit bottoms, until he was standing in just his boxers. He hesitated, and Aurora moved closer to him, resting a hand on his shoulder, brushing against his smooth chest. Clint smiled at her, but she could tell that he was nervous.

  Slowly, Aurora turned around, and Clint slowly unzipped the back of her dress. Aurora turned back to face him, and slid each strap over her shoulder slowly. She pulled it down over her body, and saw Clint’s eyes sharpen and lips moisten as she stepped out of it and stood there in her underwear.

  Then, Clint was closing the distance between them and kissing her, his arms wrapped around her, their skin pressed against each other, and Aurora imagined steam coming off them, although there was nothing but lingering cigarette smoke from Clint’s earlier cigarette.

  Clint unhooked her bra and let it drop to the floor, touching her breasts with warm hands. She groaned as he rubbed each nipple gently, teasing her. She ran her hands over his body, eventually reaching the top of his boxers. Her fingers lingered, tracing invisible lines on his skin, and Clint began to slow down. His breathe caught when her hands slipped under the material.

  Clint pulled down his boxers and kicked them across the floor. He took Aurora in his arms and lay her down on the floor, before slowly working her knickers down her legs and threw them over his shoulder. Aurora saw them land on the coffee table and couldn’t help but smile to herself.

  Clint pressed his body against hers, and Aurora nodded, kissing Clint, willing him to go on.

  He retreated to his jeans, which lay on the floor, and fumbled in the pocket for a condom. He found one and ripped the package open, and Aurora found herself wondering how many other girls had seen Clint like this. She pushed the thought from her mind. Even if he’d only had one before her, it was more than she’d had.

  “I’ll be gentle,” Clint whispered, as he pressed his body against her once more, “I promise.”

  Aurora nodded but she hadn’t needed his whispered reassurances. She knew he would be gentle. She had always known. Now her earlier doubts seemed ludicrous. This was all that she wanted. Clint was everything she needed.

  As Clint slowly entered her, Aurora gasped and focused on his face. If she’d ever had any doubts about him, they were vanished now. She knew with all her heart that she loved him.

  * * *

  Brandy crossed the road and ignored the angry hooting of a driver she’d cut in front of. She didn’t care what some idiot who thought having blue neon lights under their car was cool thought about her. She was too angry.

  The evening had not gone in anyway how she’d expected it to. Get drunk, bitch about Aurora, then return home to Troy for a night of good drunken sex. That had been the plan. And now that was all shot to shit. Stupid fucking Sasha and Zoe. And Aurora, who everyone thought was some kind of goddess except for her, Brandy thought. What did they see in her? She was just some dumb-ass virgin who Clint happened to have a thing for, but it would pass, and so would Aurora. In a few months, she would have been completely forgotten. Pah, Brandy thought, she’d seen prettier girls that Aurora be chucked by Clint after he got bored.

  As the waves of anger slowly subsided, Brandy began to feel the ache in her feet. Her stupid heels. She’d stormed out of the club a few minutes after Zoe had and walked all the way back, her rage numbing her to any other feelings, but now she was calming down, she felt the beads of sweat under her armpits and on her forehead, and the sharp pain of blisters on her feet. Shit, Troy wasn’t going to want to fuck her tonight if she turned up in this state.

  She could go to her mother’s flat, Brandy pondered, but quickly pushed the thought from her mind. She wanted to spend the night with Troy. And she definitely didn’t want to see her mother spread-eagle on her back, surrounded by dirt and scum, with one of her random boyfriends who just used her for sex. No, Brandy was too dignified to turn up there.

  As she turned the corner into the Goldsworth, Brandy noticed the tell-tale signs of a Saturday night on the estate. Crushed cans, a few more needles, and patches of vomit littering the concrete. Well, more than usual, anyway.

  A few more steps and Brandy felt her pulse quicken. Two guys were hanging around, leaning against a wall, directly in her path. She recognised them immediately. One of them had been with Wright the night he’d propositioned her and Sasha, and she’d seen the other one around as well, acting as if he was God’s gift to women. They both worked for Jayden Healy.

  Shit, Brandy thought. What if they tried it on with her?

  Then she shrugged off her worries. She was practically in the Banks family, so they wouldn’t dare. Even Jayden Healy wasn’t that fucking insane to mess with her.

  As she neared the guys, they turned to look at her, checking her out. You can look, bitches, but you can’t touch, Brandy thought to herself.

  One of the guys, the one who had been with Wright, suddenly registered recognisance all over his face. Brandy faltered, but managed to force her legs forward. They were whispering something now, and Brandy was in no doubt about whom they were talking. She passed them and a few moments later felt brave enough to quicken her pace.

  “Oi, you off to see your little boyfriend?” one of them shouted after her.

  Brandy ignored them and had to force herself not to break into a run. She wasn’t weak like other girls. She could handle herself.

  “Don’t think she likes you, Sam,” another voice laughed, “Maybe she’ll like me better. What you say? Want to go for a spin?”

  Brandy was nearing the corner, and from there she would run up the stairs to Troy and finally be rid of these stupid jokers. She heard footsteps behind her and quickened her pac
e. The footsteps quickened as well and then a hand grabbed her shoulder.

  Heart racing, Brandy threw the hand off her as she spun around to face them. They were smiling, one showing a few golden teeth.

  “You didn’t answer me, bitch,” the one she’d seen with Wright said, eyes flashing angrily.

  “Yeah, me and Sam asked you something,” the second one added, “It’s not nice to ignore us, especially when there’s two of us and only one of you.”

  “So, you up for a ride?” Sam asked, and they both chuckled.

  Brandy grimaced. How pathetic some men were.

  “No, I’m off to my boyfriend’s flat,” Brandy replied, her voice level and cold, “But even if I wasn’t, I wouldn’t fuck you if you paid me.”

  The two guys looked at each other, shock on their faces. Women didn’t speak to them like that. Especially not some jumped up slag who thought she was better than everyone else.

  “You that Troy Banks’ girl?” Sam asked, sniggering. “You think he can take us on?”

  “He’s a loser, man,” the other one laughed, “Bet he wouldn’t even say anything if we fucked his girl right in front of him.”

  “Why wait for him?” Sam asked, “We could just have some fun with this bitch before he even turns up.”

  Brandy felt panic rise in her chest, but managed not to show it when she interrupted them, in a voice that she hoped was authoritative.

  “Listen you fucking ponces, I don’t know who the fuck you think you are,” Brandy began, “But you lay one fucking finger on me and I’ll get your heads kicked in, get it?”

  The two guys simply laughed.

  “You don’t scare us,” Sam grinned, closing the distance between them, backing Brandy against the wall. “We could fuck you right here and there’s nothing you could do about it.”

  “You want a bet?” Brandy said, her voice shaking. “Let’s see then, shall we?”

  She reached into her handbag, hoping her mobile was near the top, but Sam snatched the bag from her and threw it on the floor.

  Brandy pushed him in the chest and he staggered slightly, but before she could get to the bag, the other guy had hit her hard in the face with his fist, sending her flying against the wall. She felt the cold bricks on the back of her head and groaned with pain. A dull ache rang through her head, but she remained on her feet.


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