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The Goldsworth Series Box Set

Page 85

by Davie J Toothill

  She looked around her room at the few things she owned and didn’t feel sad that she had so little, she just thought how easy it would be to pack and get out.

  Aunt Bo would look after Frazer, she was sure of that. If not, she guessed he’d go to social services, but what difference did it make to her? She hadn’t even held him, hadn’t touched him since she’d pushed him out of her, and she had no intention of changing that any time soon. He did her head in with his crying and neediness, and Aunt Bo could give her all the dirty looks she liked, but Brandy wouldn’t be round these parts to see them much longer.

  She unzipped the small suitcase she had taken from her mum’s bedroom. It had never been used. Her mum had bought it when she’d thought she would be running off to Alicante with some guy, and then he’d not called her again and the case had remained under her bed until now. Brandy smiled at the memory of how stupid her mum was. Not that it was stupidity; she was just always too coked up to think clearly.

  Brandy threw her essentials into the suitcase and soon her wardrobe and drawers were bare. She zipped up the case just as there was a loud knock on the door. Frazer’s cries immediately followed and Brandy groaned, eager to be away from the little beast. He was definitely Troy’s baby, she thought – they both caused trouble and did her fucking head in, and she hated them both.

  “You in here Brandy?” Adrianna’s voice called through the bedroom door. She came in without waiting for a response and Brandy saw she was frowning, the fake frown that Brandy knew meant she wanted to get something off her chest.

  “What’s up?” Brandy asked.

  “You know that guy I told you about?” Adrianna said, sitting on the foot of Brandy’s bed and sighing. “I think he’s just using me for sex.”

  Brandy laughed. Adrianna looked hurt.

  “What the fuck did you expect?” Brandy asked. “You wanted a real gangster, you can’t bitch about it when you find one.”

  “But I wanted a relationship,” Adrianna whined. “Like you and Troy –” She hesitated, aware of Brandy’s testiness when it came to any mention of her past relationship. “Sorry,” Adrianna said hastily. “But I didn’t want to be just a – just a – slag.”

  Brandy rolled her eyes.

  “If he doesn’t want a relationship, you can’t force one,” Brandy pointed out.

  “Why not?” Adrianna asked petulantly.

  Brandy sighed. She wanted to get the hell off the Goldsworth, and she really didn’t need this kind of bullshit delaying her.

  “Maybe you can,” Brandy shrugged. “Why don’t you go round and see this mystery guy and tell him how you feel?”

  “You don’t really believe that would work, do you?” Adrianna groaned. “God, no wonder you got so fucked over in your relationship.”

  Brandy held her tongue, temper rising, resisting the urge to grab Adrianna by the hair and throw her out the window.

  Adrianna narrowed her eyes.

  “You ain’t trying to get rid of me are you?” she asked. “You got plans you haven’t told me about or something?”

  “No,” Brandy said, too quickly.

  Adrianna glanced around the room and her eyes fell on the suitcase. Brandy took a deep breath, hoping she wouldn’t question it, but Adrianna turned and glared at her. Her face was set, ready for an argument, and Brandy didn’t have the time.

  “You going somewhere?” Adrianna demanded.


  “What’s with the suitcase?” Adrianna asked. Without waiting for an answer she stood and went to the wardrobe, pulling open the doors. Bare hangers were all that remained. She turned, eyes narrowing.

  “You’re not leaving the Goldsworth are you?” she asked. Brandy swallowed hard, willing herself to stay composed, and shook her head.

  “Having a clear out,” Brandy lied.

  “You’re lying,” Adrianna said quickly, stepping around the bed towards her. “Why would you lie to me? We’re supposed to be best mates, ain’t we?”

  “Look, I’m not leaving,” Brandy said, trying to sound affronted.

  Adrianna considered her a moment. Brandy hoped she would believe her and go on and fuck off. She felt a moment’s hope as Adrianna turned to the door. She walked towards it and reached for the handle. Brandy’s heart sank as Adrianna pushed the door closed, so that Aunt Bo couldn’t hear.

  “Tell me what the bloody hell is going on, Brandy,” she demanded.

  * * *

  Clint followed his mum down the landing and into the lounge. He hesitated in the doorway and Kojo sidestepped him, sitting down on the sofa, at ease in the flat. Sensing Clint’s hesitation, Femi smiled towards him reassuringly.

  “Come on, Clint, there’s breakfast if you want it,” she said.

  “I want some,” Kojo said at once.

  “Ok, I’ll have breakfast,” Clint agreed, sighing.

  “Two coming right up,” Femi grinned.

  “I didn’t want another, but I won’t say no,” Rakhul said from his armchair. Femi hesitated.

  “You want another then?” Femi asked. She smiled, “Well, there should be enough for three anyway.”

  “Three?” Rakhul asked. “You said you were making two. One for Kojo, one for me. Unless you’re having one, and I wouldn’t if I were you, woman, then -”

  “And Clint,” Femi said, voice quieter now.

  “Who?” Rakhul asked, feigning confusion. “There’s only the three of us here, woman. Don’t go confusing yourself.”

  “But –” Femi began.

  “Don’t worry mum,” Clint interrupted. “I can see I ain’t wanted round here. I’ll go back to Aurora’s, have breakfast there. Come on, Kojo.”

  “Fuck off,” Kojo said.

  “Well said son,” Rakhul agreed.

  “I’m not totally invisible then?” Clint asked, raising his voice, unable to resist rising to his father’s provocation.

  Rakhul remained silent, as if nobody had spoken.

  “There’ll be enough for all of us,” Femi said, trying to placate them both.

  “Forget it,” Clint said testily. He turned and left the room, storming down the landing, his mum on his heels.

  “Please, don’t be like this,” she begged him.

  “It’s dad you should be going on at,” Clint insisted. He threw open the door and slammed it behind him, breathing hard.

  He hated himself for losing his patience with his mum, and for leaving Kojo alone with them, but he knew he couldn’t withstand his father’s antagonism. He would hit him, and that would be playing straight into his father’s hands.

  Taking a deep breath, he set off across the estate, trying to quell his anger.

  * * *

  Troy paced his cell and kicked out at the plastic chair, the legs scraping noisily against the floor. He cursed under his breath and continued his pacing, frustration clouding his mind. Tyrese and Trent were taking the piss now. He had sent them a visiting order weeks ago and he still hadn’t had any notification of a visit, no matter how many times he had text them, they seemed blind and deaf to him, except for when their money was at stake and then it was a whole other fucking ball game, he thought angrily.

  The least they could do was show him some respect. He was earning a good wedge for them and all they had to do was let him take the risk and sit back and enjoy the profits. Not to mention, he thought, the fact he was serving time and awaiting trial for the murders he had committed to impress them. It was a fucking joke that they should show him such disrespect after all he had done, and still was doing, for the ungrateful piss-takers.

  He ignored his uncertainty and pulled a small baggie out of his hiding place, tipping some of the white powder into his hand putting a finger against one nostril so he could snort some. He coughed at the strength of the cocaine, but savoured it, closing his eyes and relaxing for a moment.

  The rest he rubbed into his gums before resuming his pacing. The coke was making him agitated, he knew that, but he needed it if he wanted to keep
his resolve. It was hard enough in a place like this without ungrateful brothers who couldn’t give two shits, he decided. It was their fault he was in such a state, not replying to his texts and ignoring him, as if he didn’t exist, as if the money they were probably enjoying right now was appearing from thin air and not being fucking earned by him.

  He spun around as footsteps sounded, but sighed with relief as Dante walked in.

  “You okay?” he asked, looking concerned. “Been on the blow?”

  “Whatever,” Troy shrugged him off. “How did it go? You get some orders?”

  He was agitated and he knew that Dante could tell, but Dante for his part pretended not to notice.

  “Yeah, went well,” he replied. He gave Troy the paper with the orders and Troy scanned the list. He felt his anxiety ease as he realised that Dante had done a good job, hadn’t messed anything up. “Mind if I have a bit of –” He hesitated, but Troy knew what he meant.

  Normally he would have refused him, but Troy was pleased that he had followed his instructions and so he nodded. He retrieved another small baggie of the powder and chucked it to Dante, who smiled gratefully as he caught it.

  “Cheers man,” Dante said, jumping up to his bunk.

  “There’ll be plenty more for you if you keep this up,” Troy said generously. He was a good leader, he thought. He wouldn’t leave his brothers isolated and alone, or maybe he would, he decided, purely as payback for their disrespect.

  “Sure you okay though?” Dante asked. “I don’t mean to bug you, but you look fucking vexed.”

  Troy sighed and shook his head.

  “Don’t worry yourself about it,” Troy said, deciding that it was best to keep his brother’s actions, or in-actions, to himself for now. “You just enjoy yourself.”

  “Yeah boss,” Dante grinned.

  Troy liked the fact he had been called boss. It made him feel powerful. His brothers would soon realise he was a natural leader and then they would wish they had shown him more attention, he was sure of it.

  What the hell, he decided, he deserved a good day today. He got another baggie and resolved to forget his brothers and their disregard as he tipped some white powder out into the palm of his hand.

  * * *

  “So how have you been?” Aurora asked as Zoe put a cup of tea on the kitchen table in front of her and sat down across from her. Aurora wrapped her hands around it, savouring its warmth though the sun was beginning to shine outside.

  Zoe shrugged as she sipped her tea and gasped as it burnt her mouth. They both laughed, and Zoe’s cheeks reddened as she blushed.

  “Sorry,” she giggled. “I’ve been fine, just looking after Sienna. My mum’s been down a few times to see us. Everything’s been good.”

  Aurora smiled, pleased that things were working out for her.

  “How’s the love life?” Aurora asked, raising an eyebrow. “Any guys on the go? I bet they’re queuing up, right?”

  Zoe waved her off, blushing again. Aurora knew that look and opened her mouth in surprise and excitement.

  “Oh my God, you really have met someone,” she said, slapping the table lightly with her open palm. “Come on, you have to spill. I want to know everything.”

  “I didn’t really meet him –” Zoe stammered, getting flustered.

  “You chatting to him online you mean?”

  “No, no, nothing like that,” Zoe replied. She sighed under Aurora’s questioning look. “It’s complicated. We’re friends, sort of. I mean, we have –”

  “Had sex?” Aurora finished for her. “And you’re still just friends?”

  “I guess so,” Zoe said. “I’m not sure. I guess I’ll have to wait and see.”

  “Just don’t wait too long,” Aurora warned her.

  Zoe smiled appreciatively as Aurora let the subject drop. Talk turned to Aurora’s pregnancy and Sienna began to cry from the bedroom. Zoe apologized and went down the corridor to her. Hearing Zoe’s soothing voice, Aurora thought of her own life once her baby arrived and smiled at the thought.

  Checking the time on her phone, Aurora decided it was time to go. She drained the last of her tea and went down the corridor to say goodbye. She saw a pile of letters and envelopes on the wooden table in the landing.

  “I’ll be out in a sec,” Zoe called, hearing the floor creak under Aurora’s feet.

  “No worries,” Aurora assured her.

  She glanced down at the letters and was surprised to see the CPS logo on them. Some of them had been opened, the contents scrunched up. She picked one up, hating herself for violating Zoe’s privacy and already knowing what she would read. She was right. It was the court summons for Troy’s trial. It seemed from the tone of the letter that Zoe had not yet confirmed she would be giving evidence.

  Zoe appeared in the doorway and Aurora jumped, replacing the letter hastily back on the table. She blushed and hoped Zoe hadn’t noticed.

  “I’ve got to get going,” Aurora said, abashed.

  “I’ll see you soon though?” Zoe asked.

  Aurora nodded and they hugged. Zoe opened the front door for her and Aurora saw her glance back to the pile of letters, and she realised that Zoe had indeed seen her holding it. She smiled, hoping to convey her apology, and left the flat. Zoe waved goodbye and the flat door closed with a firm click.

  She shouldn’t be surprised, she thought. Zoe had always been anxious, she was just that type of person. She would turn up, she would do the right thing, she was sure of it.

  Aurora walked from Zoe’s flat along the balcony and wondered if everyone was getting worried about taking the stand. She knew Clint wouldn’t let her down, but what about the others? She thought of Brandy. Her evidence was more certain than anyone else’s to get Troy sent down. Her sister deserved justice.

  Instead of going down the stairs when she reached them, Aurora began climbing them. She knew she had to go and see Brandy and make sure she would be in court to tell the truth. Brandy would not be pleased to see her, she was sure of that much, but she owed it to Shaniqua to make sure that justice was done.

  * * *

  Zoe closed the front door and took a deep breath to steady her nerves. She glanced back at the pile of letters and stepped unsteadily towards them. It made her frightened whenever she thought about taking the stand and telling a courtroom about the terrible night that Troy had stabbed Shaniqua.

  She picked up the letter that she knew Aurora had looked at and wondered if her friend would judge her. She hoped not. She liked Aurora and respected her, and she felt mortified that she had been a cause of her pain, even if she hadn’t had any real part in what had happened to her sister.

  It must linger in Aurora’s mind though, Zoe thought. She knew that Aurora would hope she would tell the truth, and she desperately wanted to do the right thing and get Troy sent down for what he had done.

  She remembered how he had threatened to kill Sienna and knew that someone like that couldn’t be allowed to roam the streets. He belonged in prison, it was what he deserved.

  Zoe couldn’t shake her fear though. The Banks brothers would be furious, and she still wasn’t sure who of her former friends she could trust when it came to this sort of thing. Would Tamar hate her if she gave evidence? If he did hate her, did she even want him to like her?

  Putting a hand to her forehead, she tried to calm herself down. It would nobody any good if she panicked. It was laughable, she wasn’t even in the courtroom and she was already sweating buckets and close to a panic attack, she thought. How would she cope on the stand?

  She let the letter fall back onto the pile and went into her bedroom to be with Sienna, hoping her daughter could calm her nerves, though she knew that she could never really be calm, not until the trial was over and Troy was locked up for good.

  * * *

  Brandy held Adrianna’s glare and the bedroom was silent, only Frazer’s cries and Aunt Bo’s attempts to soothe him could be heard, muffled behind the closed door. Brandy knew how stubborn Ad
rianna could be, and she also knew that she didn’t have time for this. She needed to get off the Goldsworth.

  Would it be easier to tell her the truth? That the Banks brothers had beaten her up, and that she couldn’t risk being a witness in court, which meant she had to flee the estate, go into hiding so she was safe from their reprisals. Adrianna hadn’t even asked about the bruises, perhaps she had guessed the truth, or maybe, Brandy thought, she just didn’t care either way. She could hardly blame her. If it had been the other way around, Brandy wouldn’t care what had happened to her either.

  She opened her mouth to speak, to try and explain, when Adrianna burst into tears and put her face into her hands, her shoulders heaving with the sobs. Brandy was so shocked she wasn’t sure what to do, then relief flooded through her as she closed her mouth and realised she might not have to say anything after all.

  “I’m sorry,” Adrianna burst out, her hands still covering her face. “I don’t mean to get so confrontational. I know you’re just having a clear out.” Brandy was relieved, and went over and taking her by the shoulder, she guided Adrianna to the end of her bed and sat her down. “I’m just emotional,” Adrianna went on, lowering her hands and wiping at her eyes. Her make-up hadn’t run. “It’s this guy –”

  “Right,” Brandy nodded, sitting beside her. “The one you can’t even tell me his name? Come on, what’s the big secret?”

  “He wants to keep it quiet,” Adrianna said.

  “Of course he does,” Brandy said, trying not to laugh. “That’s so he isn’t tied down, so he can go fill his boots and sleep with anyone he wants without having to worry.”

  “You think so?” Adrianna asked, pursing her lips. “Did Troy cheat on you?”

  Brandy was too relieved that Adrianna had dropped the subject of her leaving that she didn’t even mind that Troy had been brought up. She shrugged.

  “Maybe he did, I don’t know,” Brandy said. Thinking about it, she couldn’t remember hearing anything, apart from when he’d got high and tried to rape Aurora. That had been during the bad times, though, and she wondered if perhaps he had been a better boyfriend than she’d given him credit for, at times. “I never heard anything,” she added. “But most guys, well, you know what I’m saying.”


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