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The Usurper: A Shadow Realm Novel (Reclaiming the Shadow Realm Book 1)

Page 8

by Candy Crum

  Kailah looked up. From the bottom floor, the building was wide open with a ceiling that was more than twenty feet up. There was a second, loft-style floor that was wide open so those who wanted to see whatever shows were going on could do so from the balcony. According to Rachel, there was another bar upstairs and private rooms for private dancers.

  Of course, they had seen patrons heading into rooms behind the bar down on the first floor, too. Rachel said that Jeff had once told her those were VIP suites. The more Kailah thought about it, she wondered if VIP didn’t stand for Vampirism In Progress.

  “I have a question, and I don’t want you to get mad.” Rachel nodded for her to continue. “Do you think it’s possible that Jeff is a Vampire?”

  Rachel almost choked on her Coke. She’d opted to be the one who only had a single drink—just in case Kelly had been wrong and Kailah wound up drunk off her ass. The Vampire hadn’t been the one to pour it, though. It had been a rather rude man with absolutely no sense of humor.

  “Are you serious? Jeff?”

  Kailah nodded. “Think about it. He’s been acting strange for weeks. He’s been talking to someone else. He’s been dragging you here. And he knew what those rooms back there were. I’ve been getting some nasty vibes from those back rooms. I think that’s where Vampires go to feed on people.”

  Rachel sighed. “He’s also been asking about you non-stop. He hates you. Just as much as you hate him. Fuck. I mean… I don’t know, but it definitely makes sense. Well, it makes about as much sense as it can right now.”

  “That’s what I was afraid of,” Kailah said.

  Rachel put her hands up for a moment. “I’m already about over all this bullshit. It’s driving me insane. I’ll be right back. I’m going to get a virgin something or other. This is disgusting.” She picked up her Coke and grimaced.

  “What? Did Smilie spit in it or something?” Kailah asked.

  “Ha-ha. Very funny,” Rachel said before leaving.

  There was so much running through Kailah’s mind that she had almost entirely tuned out the music. Khia. Sayen. Taima. Jeff. Whether he was or wasn’t a Vampire, it bothered her quite a lot that he was asking about her. If he was, she was certain nothing good could come of it.

  “Hi,” a deep, accented voice said.

  Kailah turned, unable to keep her eyes from momentarily going wide. Two rather large men stood, smiling down at her. One was easily over six and a half feet tall with dark green eyes. He had thick, shoulder-length, jet-black, perfectly straight hair and a body like a taller Ryan Reynolds—ironically—from Blade Trinity.

  The man next to him was only a couple inches shorter with short black hair and slightly lighter green eyes. Though he was shorter, his frame was built larger. He was more like a Vin Diesel type. Each one was gorgeous, and they looked too much alike not to be brothers.

  Kailah cleared her throat when she realized she was staring. “Uh, hi,” she said back, giving an awkward wave.

  Her anxiety kicked up a notch, and she wasn’t sure if it was because there were two incredibly attractive men standing there talking to her, or if she was sensing something close by.

  God, I hate this, she thought.

  “I’m Aeric Banica, and this is my twin brother, Brett,” the taller one said. “Would it be okay if we sat with you?”

  Kailah suddenly felt panicky. She had no idea what to think or do right then. She wasn’t that great at talking to men and was even worse at it when she had no interest in dating or entertaining. Instead of being rude, she decided to just talk. After all, what harm could that do?

  “Uh, sure. My friend Rachel should be back in a sec. I’m Kailah, by the way. Nice to meet you both.”

  Aeric sat next to Kailah, and she felt her heart flutter. She was about to have a full-blown panic attack, and her friend was nowhere to be seen to keep her calm. When Brett sat across from her, she felt even less calm. She suddenly felt boxed in.

  “Sorry to bother you,” Aeric said. “Are you sure it’s okay? You seem uncomfortable.”

  Kailah forced a smile. “Nope, I’m fine. Thanks, though. Sorry, I’m just a nervous person.”

  He smiled back and placed a hand on her knee. At that moment, she realized it had been bouncing out of control.

  “I can tell,” he said softly, pulling his hand away.

  Desperate for a change of conversation, she said, “So what brings you guys here?”

  “We’re supposed to meet someone, but she hasn’t shown up yet,” Brett said.

  “Oh, I see.” If they’re supposed to meet another girl, why are they over here talking to me?

  “It’s nothing like that,” Aeric corrected. “We haven’t met her before. It’s just a friend thing.”

  Kailah nodded her head once. “I see. So, twins, huh? You guys look alike, but I didn’t peg you for twins.”

  Brett laughed. “Yeah, but I’m older. Also, better looking.”

  “Clearly, you are the most modest, as well,” Kailah said.

  “Ouch!” Brett said, Aeric laughing wildly.

  “Thanks! Someone needed to set him in his place,” Aeric said. “Besides, he’s only the oldest because I kicked his short, stubby ass out.”

  She wanted to laugh because the brothers were funny, but something about them irritated her to no end. They didn’t seem rude or mean, but her insult had rolled out without much effort at all.

  Brett laughed. “Don’t let him fool ya, Kay. He’s not at all the badass that he likes to think he is.” He winked.

  “Oh, Brother,” Aeric said. “That’s exactly what the jealous brother would say.”

  Aeric was truly beautiful, but there was something off about him. She didn’t like either one of them, but Brett bothered her far less. She hated the mixture of annoyance and curiosity. It only made her more uncomfortable.

  Neither one set off the Vampire warning bells, and Aeric had even touched her. That wasn’t it, but there was something she just didn’t like. She needed to get out of there.

  “So, what do you do for a living?” Aeric asked.

  “I’m a nurse and studying for my master’s,” she said in a quick, flat tone. Her leg had taken to bouncing again, and she was getting worried about Rachel, who she hadn’t seen in quite some time.

  “That’s great! Very difficult job, but always one I’ve admired,” he said.

  “Yeah. Nurses are badasses,” Brett said. “They save docs’ asses all the time, even if they don’t want to admit it.”

  Kailah nodded and forced another smile. “Yeah, we try.”

  “When do you graduate?” Aeric asked.

  “I’m not exactly sure anymore. Some things have come up. Next year, hopefully,” Kailah replied.

  She had no more than said the words when a pain shot through her head. Her arms flew out and gripped the first things they impacted with. For her right hand, that was the curved bench seat. For her left, that was Aeric’s thigh.

  “Are you okay?” Aeric asked.

  Kailah squeezed her eyes shut as she tried to will the pain ripping through her skull. Her stomach began to roil, and she suddenly felt as though she would be sick. Something was wrong, and she could feel it.

  Her eyes opened as she heard her glass clanging into the side of the bourbon bottle. It was happening again. The entire building was quaking. She remembered back to the day she’d met Sydney. “Not again,” she said, suddenly realizing it had been her that had caused the quake.

  “Kailah,” Aeric said, his voice calm but stern. His hand covered the one still death-gripping his thigh. “Are you alright?”

  “I’m sorry,” she said quickly. “I need out. Now.”

  Aeric quickly stood, Brett standing as well. Aeric reached for Kailah’s hand, and she took it, allowing him to help her out of the booth.

  “Thanks,” she said before bolting toward the bathroom. She knew she was about to be sick and wanted to avoid an embarrassing mishap if possible.

  The closer to the bathroom sh
e got, the worse the sensation became. Rachel was nowhere in sight. When she entered the bathroom and saw she wasn’t in there either, she became painfully aware something terrible had happened.

  Chapter Nine

  With the stalls full, Kailah stood over the sinks, trying not to throw up. She used every ounce of will she had to force it down. No longer caring about her makeup, she grabbed a few paper towels and wet them with cold water. She squeezed them out and pressed the coldness against her face.

  Just as Kelly had suggested, Kailah couldn’t feel the effects of the alcohol at all. She’d taken many shots, and not one had affected her in the least. Most of the time, Kailah was a lightweight. Two shots had her good and tipsy. Four, and she was good to go for the evening. So far, she’d had no less than eight, and the only dizziness she felt was from the pain in her head and the chills playing hell on her body.

  The paper towels were rougher than she imagined and irritated her already sensitive skin. Her skin hurt as if she had a fever. Expensive ass bathroom with a damn couch. You can sit and relax and then saw your hands off with the paper towels. Totally makes sense.

  She looked in the mirror and saw dark circles showing through her foundation. Her eyes were bloodshot, and she looked pale. A shadow crossed the mirror, causing her to jump back.

  She nervously looked around, hoping no one noticed. One woman gave her the stink eye, but quickly looked away. Turning back to the mirror, Kailah soon saw the distinct outlines of two almond-shaped, dark brown eyes staring back at her. Eyes that were not her own, and with every second, they came more and more into view.

  It was Taima.

  Not now. Not here in front of everyone. Please, just make all this go away! If this is what it feels like to be chosen, then I don’t fucking want it! she thought. How the hell am I going to save anyone when I’m a mess?

  Kailah looked forward, focusing her eyes on Taima. She felt the wind lightly blow through the room, and knew it was him. In the reflection, she saw him lift his hand to the glass, and he smiled warmly at her.

  One girl walked out of the bathroom, and another went into the stall behind her. The only girl left was sitting on the couch, playing on her phone.

  Taking a deep breath, Kailah reached out and touched the glass, placing her hand on top of his. She nodded. “Do it,” she whispered.

  The world around her immediately went dark. She couldn’t see anything, but she could feel intense pain and fear. Her face hurt unmercifully. Her nose felt like it might be broken, and she felt something dripping down her lip.

  She opened her eyes and saw pavement. She was being carried over someone’s shoulder. Her hands were bound, and her vision was fuzzy. As she looked around, she saw the long dirty blonde hair, quickly realizing it wasn’t her at all.

  It was Rachel.

  “Quit moving around,” a familiar voice said. “You should have just come with me. I didn’t want to hurt you, but I had to get you away from Kailah. You don’t need to see what happens next.”

  “She always hated you. She tried for years to get me to see it. Even after you assaulted me the first time we were together, I couldn’t force myself to see it. You had me brainwashed,” Rachel replied, spitting out blood onto the ground.

  She dangled helplessly over his shoulder, unable to do much. Her body felt quite battered, although it was impossible for her to see just how much had been done.

  “Yeah. I wish you still were. That little bitch was the one who poisoned you against me. I had you exactly how I wanted you. But no. She had to come along with her attitude and feminist bullshit and now look. Look what you made me do.”

  Kailah wanted to claw his eyes out. She had never been so angry. She’d always been aware that was how he talked to her, but she had never seen him be quite so harsh. He always saved the best lines for private.

  “Ha!” Rachel snapped. “Feminist. If not wanting to be treated like shit—by anyone, not just people with dicks—is being a feminist, then I guess she is. You’re an asshole. She’s far better than you ever were.”

  “Yeah, well she’s about to die, so I’m going to let you watch that, and then I’m going to finish you off. But first… I think a proper goodbye is in order,” Jeff said, his voice cold and deadly.

  “I wouldn’t touch you with a ten-foot pole,” she said.

  He laughed, the sound dreadful and bone chilling. “I didn’t say you had to like it.”

  He pulled, flipping her back over his shoulder as he knelt in what looked like an alley. Her body hit the ground hard, her head smashing on the concrete below. She didn’t make a sound as the world slowly faded from her vision. Rachel was unconscious, possibly dying from a head wound.

  Kailah gasped, pulling out of the vision. Her eyes locked on Taima’s. “Is that happening right now?”

  He nodded, and that was all the confirmation she needed.

  Kailah ran from the bathroom and back through the club. She made it to the bar but didn’t see Kelly anywhere. “Damn it!” She didn’t have time to worry about it. Jeff needed to be stopped. She couldn’t wait around, even if it was for someone who could take him out in two seconds flat.

  She ran as fast as she could in a building full of people. She delivered elbows and shoves where they were needed.

  “Hey!” Aeric said, grabbing her by the arm. “What’s wrong? Are you okay?”

  She had panic in her eyes. She wanted to say something, but she couldn’t bring herself to do it. He seemed nice enough, but there was something about the twins she just didn’t like and didn’t trust.

  After all, they had come to sit next to her while Jeff abducted Rachel. How did she know that wasn’t part of the plan?

  Doug. She trusted Doug.

  Kailah pushed Aeric hard, once again running for the door. As soon as she got to it, she ran through with all her strength, nearly knocking someone over in the process.

  “Kailah,” Doug said, immediately rushing to her side.

  “It’s Rachel! You have to help!”

  His expression immediately turned fierce. “What is it? What happened?”

  “Jeff. Jeff took her and hurt her pretty badly. I can’t explain how I know, but I do. I think he’s going to kill her,” she said.

  “Stay here. I’m gonna go get help.”

  She grabbed hold of his arm as he ran. “No! We can do this. We have to go now! We can’t wait!”

  Doug carefully took her hand off his arm. “He’s too strong. There are people inside who can help. Rachel would kill me if anything happened to you. Stay right here where it’s safe.”

  “He’s a—” Kailah said, and Doug lifted his finger to his mouth. “I fucking knew it!”

  “We’ll save her. I promise,” he said before running inside.

  The door closed, and Kailah found herself bouncing from one foot to the other in anticipation. A flash went through her mind, blinding pain right along with it. Her eyes closed, and she could see from a third person point of view as Jeff bit hard into Rachel’s neck.

  Kailah opened her eyes, her fists tightening. “Fuck this.”

  She turned to leave, but a strong hand grabbed her. “Don’t go. Doug’s right. Stay here where it’s safe.”

  Kailah turned, her eyes burning with fury. “Get your fucking hands off me. I don’t know much about all this, certainly less than you do, but I get the feeling I’m not someone he wants to fuck with.”

  The man’s eyes widened a bit, and he let go, taking a step back. Kailah ran away, passing all the would-be patrons waiting in line to get in. She wondered how many of them knew the truth.

  Though she had no idea how to use her abilities actively, she focused on what she did know. The closer she got, the sicker she’d become.

  Two blocks down, she suddenly felt the overwhelming need to throw up. Her head felt as though it would split in two, and her stomach twisted. Gotcha, you twisted asshole, she thought.

  Kailah stopped and turned toward the alley, walking slowly and cautiously. She
recalled Jeff telling Rachel that “Kailah is about to die.” She suddenly felt worried this would be a trap set for her, but that didn’t matter. Only saving Rachel’s life mattered.

  Off in the distance, Kailah saw a faint red glow. She focused on it, and it glowed brighter. She immediately remembered the same faint glow had been around Sydney, though hers had been much lighter in color. This one was so red that it was almost black in the darkness.

  Kailah once again ran, knowing that aura was Jeff. She came to a hard stop when she saw him shredding more of Rachel’s clothes.

  “Get off her, you prick,” she ordered in an icy voice.

  He looked up and smiled. “Well, look who it is! The star of the show. I was hoping you’d come, though I was hoping you’d wait a few.”

  She could hear the sound of her teeth grinding. “I bet. You know, I always knew you were a pathetic piece of shit. You’ve always wanted a piece of me. Why don’t you come get it?”

  He laughed. “You’d like that, wouldn’t you? See, I always knew you had a thing for me. That’s why you hated me so much. Because I was with your best friend, and I showed no interest at all in you. Sweet, beautiful Kailah. She doesn’t know how to deal when men don’t pay her attention.”

  It was her turn to laugh now. “You stupid bastard. I’ve been single for years. Because I choose to be. I’ve watched your fucked-up relationship, and I decided school was more important than being treated like shit. You disgust me. You always have. Also, don’t forget that I know what you’re packing downstairs. It’s like smuggling a mini Laffy Taffy, Willy Wonka.”

  Anger flashed in his eyes only a second before he was standing in front of her. She hadn’t really seen him move—only a blur. His hand wrapped tightly around her throat as he lifted her off the ground. Only her toes touched the concrete.

  “I’ve wanted to get my hand wrapped around this throat of yours for years. Do you know how long I’ve waited to choke the life out of you?”


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