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First Time: My Best Friend's Little Sister Romance

Page 6

by Lauren Wood

  When I saw his sister and dad come around back and into the open. I knew I was in for a world of hurt. What the hell was going on and why did I get the feeling that I was in for it? It felt like a trap and I knew that I had to get out, but I was hesitating a little more than I should have. Who could have blamed me though? They were all highly trained killing machines. I’d worked at a factory for the last decade. Now I owned it, but I would most likely never be as hard core as they were. It was a family of bad asses and I was in for a ride, I just didn’t know what kind of a ride yet.

  Chapter 12


  “You didn’t tell me that your friend was going Marshall. I thought this was just going to be a family thing? Now you got this guy who is going to slow us down. How are we going to get to the summit early enough to catch dinner?”

  Marshall tried to calm me down and tell me that everything was going to be okay, but he had no idea how wrong he was. It wasn’t going to be fine. It was never going to be okay again. I couldn’t spend the next two nights in the woods with my dad, my brother and his friend that I fucked the hell out of not even twelve hours ago. It would be too much, and I was not looking forward to it at all. Not at all. I wanted to forget all about it. It was nice, but that didn’t mean that I wanted to spend the weekend with him and my family. I was even more thankful now that my mom hadn’t decided to come out. That would have made it just too embarrassing to endure. She would pick up on that sort of thing and I’m glad she wasn’t around to figure it out.

  “I thought you guys got along?”

  “We do, it’s just….” I was grasping at straws really because the real answer was echoing off into my head, but I knew that I couldn’t actually say it out loud. “I thought it was going to be a family thing.”

  I’d said it before, it sounded lame, but that was literally all I had to say.

  “It’s going to be fine Aria. David isn’t as soft as he looks.”

  I agreed in my head. David was not the soft rich boy that I’d thought at first. He was incredibly hard… This is why I didn’t want him to be here. It’s not that I thought he would hold us back, but that I was going to be thinking about him the whole time in a way that wasn’t going to help me any. I wanted him, needed him even and the more I thought about it, the harder it was going to be to deny. I really need to pull myself together.

  “You’re right Marshall. I just didn’t know he was coming was all.”

  Marshall looked at me weird and I didn’t add anything else to it. I was babbling. That’s what it felt like and before long I was ready to get in the truck and get going. I tried to sit in the front seat next to dad, but Marshall took that seat and I was left to sit back in the backseat with David. This was going to be harder than I’d ever anticipated and when we were on the highway and I felt his hand on the outer side of my thigh, I knew that David was going to make it worse on purpose. He liked to watch me squirm and when I moved his hand away and gave him a dirty look back, warning him with my eyes of the passengers in the front, he grinned and put his finger to his lips.

  I was in trouble. That much was clear.

  He wouldn’t stop messing with me and I was worried about how long the drive was going to be. It was an hour to get to the beginning of the trail and the ten minutes that had passed felt like forever. I wanted to say something to get David to stop, but he refused to. He kept smiling at me as I moved his hand. When he pushed it in between my thighs and squeezed one, I whimpered as quietly as I could. I still remembered all too well what he’d done for me before. He didn’t owe me anymore though.

  The radio was on and my dad and brother were talking amongst themselves. They weren’t paying us any mind and I was thankful for that because it meant that they couldn’t see what David was doing. I’d opened my legs for some reason and he was sliding higher up my thigh. As he had done my thighs in the beginning, he cupped my womanhood and squeezed hard. I made a sound of need and I wasn’t sure what to say or what to do. I wanted him, badly, but this was one of the worst possible places for it.


  I mouthed the words and he grinned back at me as if I was telling a joke. Maybe it was a joke, because there was no way that I wanted him to stop. I don’t even know why I was saying it. Maybe I was afraid of what was going to happen. This wasn’t going to stop with a little touching. It wasn’t going to be like it was when he’d done it in my parent’s living room. No, David was cut from a different cloth and he was going to push it all the way, right here, right now and I’m not sure if I’m going to be able to tell him no. It was a scary feeling and I didn’t like it one bit.

  “Do you really want me to?”

  He asked it with such an air of confidence that I told him I did just to get that look off of his face. He moved his hand a little too quickly for my taste and I was instantly regretting the decision I’d made. This wasn’t what I wanted at all. I wanted his hands back on me, right now. It was all I could think about and the ride was going to be excruciatingly long if I wasn’t able to get his touch back.

  David sat back like he wasn’t bothered, but I could see that he was. He was hard as could be and there was something about the way it was throbbing between his legs that made me throb between mine. It was a feeling that I wasn’t able to push aside.

  I didn’t say a word, I just grabbed a handful of his cock and started to rub on it. His eyes closed, and I could tell that he was just as needful as I was. It wasn’t like we hadn’t both fucked each other’s brains out the night before. We shouldn’t be so ready to go at it again, but we were. I know that I was ready for it and as I started to unzip his pants. He didn’t stop me. That was all the consent that I needed, and I pulled him out, admiring the way he looked in my hands. It looked engorged and I was dying to get a small taste of him in my mouth.

  Looking up at the front, my brother had dozed off and my dad was watching the road. I wondered how much he could see from the rearview mirror and I scooched out of the mirror’s sight, hoping that it meant the same for him. if I couldn’t see him, then he couldn’t see me, right?

  I looked back to the hard meat in my hands and started to tug on it in rhythm. I know that David liked it hard and a little rough, but I wasn’t going to give him what he wanted. He wanted me to squeeze hard and stroke him quickly, but I wasn’t going to do that. It wasn’t what I wanted. I wanted to tease him a little. We had time if nothing else and I was finding it far more entertaining than I probably should have.

  His hand wrapped around mine to get a tighter grip and I chuckled as his cock moved in my hand. It was frenzied and if I didn’t know any better, he was going to lose it. I didn’t want that to happen, so I stopped and waited for him to settle down. I’d moved his hand from mine and he growled low in his throat. The sound alone flooded my panties. It was one of the best sounds that I’d ever heard.

  “Well, I think we should get some gas and grab some drinks before we get there, don’t you?”

  I wasn’t able to speak for a moment and David was busy covering up his erection with his jacket that he’d taken off when we were in the car for a minute. He crunched it up in his lap and looked out the window. If I wasn’t so afraid of being caught, I would have found it hilarious.

  “I don’t really need anything. I haven’t touched the water, but if you think we should stop.”

  Dad agreed, and he looked back and smiled. I feared that he would know what was going on, but he just turned back and put his blinker on to get off the interstate. Somehow, he hadn’t seen David’s cock out and he hadn’t felt the tension in the air. I don’t know how, but we hadn’t been caught, thank goodness.

  When we stopped at the quick stop, dad and Marshall got out and David said he was good as well. It left us alone for a few moments and before I knew what was happening, David was pulling me onto his lap, the second that they were away, bitching about the fact that I had pants on.

  “Why can’t you ever wear skirts?”

  “I’m not that kind
of girl.”

  He unbuttoned my pants and yanked them down enough in the back that I could feel his hot meat on my ass. It was pulsating underneath me and I loved how hot it was against my flesh. I was so damn turned on at the moment, knowing that we could be caught at any moment.

  “I really wish you were at the moment Aria.”

  He sunk in and I gasped. Fuck that felt good and I was far too wet to deny how turned on I was. Instead, I just told him to hurry up and fuck me. We didn’t have long, and I was ready to come.

  “Grab the back of the seat and hold on Aria. I’ve been thinking about this since I saw you, how bad I needed to get back into you.”

  I couldn’t answer because I was lifted up and he slammed in from below. I could no longer think. My brain was going to mush and once again, David was giving me more than I could handle.

  He was moving so fast inside of me and I was on the brink. I cried out and he muffled my sound with his hand. I wasn’t able to cry out any more, but it didn’t matter, the feeling was still there. The more that I tried to hold it in, the more impossible it became.

  Just as quickly as it started, it was over. David was pushing me off of him and then putting me down in the seat next to him. He was stuffing his cock in his pants and I knew then that he hadn’t finished.


  “Your brother is coming up. I can see him through the mirror.”

  “Oh shit. I totally forgot about him.”

  Chapter 13


  She may have forgotten that we were riding up to the camp spot with her dad and brother, but there was no way that I was going to forget, especially knowing what the two of them were capable of. I didn’t want to think about that and I let down the window to make sure that the smell of sex I could smell was just in my mind. I didn’t want the two of them getting back into the car and knowing something was up. I wanted to make it back from this trip.

  While Aria said that she wasn’t worried about them, she sure was getting her pants up pretty quick when she could hear Marshall coming up from the back. The pump shut off, the tank full and he grabbed it out before setting it back in its holder. “You sure you guys don’t need anything before we head out? There isn’t a store up there. This is it until we park.”

  Aria piped in that she had to go to the bathroom and I needed a drink, my mouth dry all of a sudden. Marshall just shook his head and told us to hurry up. I walked far away from Aria as we were going in. I didn’t want her brother to think anything. I was still trying to figure out what the hell had gotten into me. I was playing with fire and I didn’t really seem to care all that much that I was going to get burned from it. That was a problem. I had to get my head back into this or I was going to make life hard on myself. That wasn’t something that I really wanted to do.

  I got a drink and tried to remember what the hell I was thinking, going on this trip. It was too late to back out now and it wasn’t because I didn’t want to go. It was more because I knew what was going to happen if I did go camping with them. I was going to try in every way to get into Aria’s panties. It was going to be dangerous and we might get caught. But even knowing that, I was already thinking about messing with her a little bit more the rest of the way there. I wonder if I could get her off in ten minutes before we get there? She’s primed, and I think I really have a shot. As I thought it, I knew it was madness, but something in me just didn’t care.

  After everybody was back in the vehicle, I noticed that Aria was keeping her distance. When I touched her thigh, still hard as hell and ready to get back inside of her, she smacked my hand and glared at me. This time she wasn’t just teasing, and I didn’t know if I should push it or not. What happened if she said something out loud and I wasn’t able to silence her. I’m sure her dad would kill me on the spot and Marshall would help him get rid of the body.

  “Come on.” I mouthed the words and it got a smile out of her, but Aria still shook her head to tell me that it wasn’t going to happen.


  She gestured to the people in the front seat. I just shrugged. It hadn’t mattered a few minutes ago, so why did it have to matter now? I should care what was holding her back. I really should.

  I tried to touch her thigh again and run my hand up it to get back in her panties, but she smacked me a little harder and I relented. I don’t know if she was just messing with me or what, but I was going to take the hint. This wasn’t a good time. I’m sure that there would be better places and times to take advantage of real soon.

  Aria dampened my mood, but not enough to soften what parts of me were stiff. It was going to have to take a whole lot more than that to get me off her trail. I didn’t mind a little work to get my way.


  It wasn’t long before the vehicle was stopping, and I realized that we were in the middle of nowhere and about to go miles deeper into the woods. I didn’t have an idea what we were supposed to do out here and I could almost guarantee that I didn’t have service out here this far. I should have told someone that I was going to be gone for a while. When I left this morning, I’d thought that it was going to be for a few hours, not days. I hadn’t been thinking of that though. All I’d been thinking about was how badly I wanted to see Aria again. I got my way, but I hadn’t really thought of the consequences of this choice. Callie was going to be pissed off when I got back. I was supposed to be traveling for the company and I had meetings scheduled that I didn’t even cancel.

  “Well, come on kids, let’s get to hiking before we lose too much daylight.”

  It was the first thing that her father had said to us in an hour and his booming voice made me jump a little bit. I was thinking too hard or something because I wasn’t easily rattled usually. Though it could have just as easily been the fact that I was banging his daughter in the back of his car not too long ago.

  “Sounds good Sir. I have the wrong shoes on for this. I didn’t realize that this is what we were going to be doing.”

  Marshall told me that everything was fine. “I always bring back-ups. I have some in the back. Size 12 will work, right?”

  I said that they would and another excuse to get out of this was just knocked down. It was hard to figure out what was supposed to happen, but it was going to happen one way or another. I wasn’t going to be able to get out of it. It was just that simple and the sooner I came to that conclusion, the better off I would be.

  Getting out of the SUV, I looked over to Aria and our eyes met. She grinned at me, this secret little smile that melted my heart and made it beat just a little bit quicker. This was going to be an interesting weekend if nothing else. That much was for sure and I was looking forward to it.

  When I got to the back, Marshall was handing me a large backpack, as well as the shoes that he’d mentioned before. I thanked him and went to the back trunk area to put them on. They were a little big, but far better than the shoes that I was wearing at the moment.

  They felt weird on my feet and it was another reminder that I was a guest, his friend and I should be staying a mile away from his sister. I wasn’t going to of course, but it made it all the more real what I was doing. I was more nervous that I was afraid because I should have been. I had seen Marshall in action before the military fine-tuned his aggression.

  “You are spaced out David. You alright? You not worried about the hike, are you? I promise that we will go slow for you.”

  He was giving me shit and I had a feeling that it was about my money again. While everyone else tried to get a hold of it, Marshall just used it as a way to rib me and make fun of me because I wasn’t like I was before. Before I was hungry for money and power. Now I had it and he thought that I had gotten soft. I hadn’t. I was sure I hadn’t, and I was going to show him that he didn’t know what the hell he was talking about. I was the same guy as I was last year before that fateful day that changed everything. It had changed my bank balance, but it hadn’t changed me.

  “You don’t have to go slow.
I used to beat you on the track.”

  “Yeah, but you’ve gotten soft around the middle I bet.”

  “Speak of yourself family man.”

  He blew out a breath and I knew that I had gotten to him. Marshall had changed a lot too and he was living a different sort of life. I patted the man’s stomach and I felt a little softness there. He slapped my hand away, but it was enough to get me laughing.

  “Come on guys. You can do whatever it is you’re doing later. We got to get moving.”

  Marshall made a face at his sister, but her reminder was valid, and he followed behind her and his father as they started towards the trail. I had a moment where I knew that I should get the hell out of here. No matter what they thought, it would most likely be a whole lot better than the truth. Aria was a temptation that I wasn’t going to be able to say no to.

  “You coming?”

  Aria was looking at me with this expression that I didn’t understand. She did that a lot, looked at me in a way that was unfathomable. What was going on in her mind? I truly wanted to know.

  “Yeah, I’m right behind you. Just trying to get this backpack on right.”

  “Do you need help?”


  I said it louder and faster than I wanted to, and she stopped in her tracks. She had been walking towards me but stopped. “Okay. Geez. Just trying to help buttercup.”

  Marshall started laughing and I groaned inwardly. What the hell was I doing? It was all for Aria, just for the chance to push inside of her again. It was all I could think about and even as I shivered, the thought kept me warm inside.

  Chapter 14


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