First Time: My Best Friend's Little Sister Romance
Page 12
“No, I don’t think so.”
That was good enough for me. I was close enough to get her attention and I smiled her way. That was usually enough for most women.
I stopped in front of her and the two other girls that she was talking to. She smiled at me and said hello back.
“Do I know you?”
“No, but that is something that we’re going to have to change.”
“Is it?”
She had a smile on her face and there was a dimple on the left side as she smiled. Her eyes were a light yellowish brown. They looked almost the color of amber and as I got closer, they looked like there was a flame inside of them that was dancing there.
“Yes, we are. Dance?”
Mariss looked to her friends and they made a nod. I didn’t know what that meant, but she agreed, so I was going to take it as they were approving. If they knew my intention they wouldn’t have been so easy to agree.
“So, you are?”
I had her in my arms, moving her around the small area that people were dancing in, mainly guys like me trying to get a feel. I hadn’t even told her who I was, my name, nothing because none of that mattered. What mattered was that she was in my arms and I was able to feel her soft curves under my hands.
Mariss was slim, but when I got my hands on her, I could feel her womanly curves and they went on for days. She was far fuller in some areas than I had first thought. This girl was hot as hell and I was ready to take her upstairs and find a place where we could be alone.
“I’m Cal. You might have heard of me.”
“No, I don’t think so. Why would I hear of you?”
My ego was taking a beating already. “I’m the football captain for UA.”
“Oh, well I don’t really follow sports, so I wouldn’t know that. I just moved here and even when I do start going here, I doubt I will ever go to a game.”
I put my hand to my heart like she was breaking it and I have to say that it was refreshing. I got sick of woman trying to pretend that they liked football because I played it. It was flattering, but kind of aggravating all at the same time because I would take them to a game or something like that and they would totally flake out on me. It was good to know that Mariss didn’t care one way or another. At least now I knew that I wasn’t going to be able to impress her with my standing in the team. That was a shame because that was usually a good way into most girl’s panties on campus. My goal was very clear and that was the results that I wanted.
“I’m sure you have enough admirers. There are three girls looking at you right now. You’d have better luck with one of them. They seem to already be in your awe.”
“My awe?”
She giggled. “Yeah, you know the whole, football captain thing you got going on with the jacket and all of that. I don’t really dig jocks.”
“So, what do you dig?”
“Real men with hair on their chest. I bet you don’t have any.”
“Do you want to see?”
She smiled and told me that she was fine. It wasn’t though. She was toying with me, but I didn’t like it. I took her hand and before she could protest I put it underneath my shirt and let her touch the hairs and the hardness underneath. If she wasn’t impressed with my skill on the field, then maybe I could get her attention by the hardness of my pecs. I was open to new ideas.
Mariss surprised me because she didn’t pull her hand back embarrassed like I thought she would. She started to play with one of my nipples and I was the one that jumped.
“I see you have a little hair. That doesn’t mean you’re a man.”
She was really messing with me now. I was getting all worked up and I grabbed her hand and pulled her up the stairs. Mariss was laughing.
“Where are you taking me?”
“I’m taking you upstairs to show you how much of a man I am.”
She tugged her arm back. “I’m not having sex with you. I barely know you.”
I had a reputation on campus and I was sure that she was going to hear it sooner or later, but I wanted the former and I moved her hand to the hard place between my legs. I was hard as a rock from her teasing and playing around. She was having way too much fun dangling what I wanted above me, just out of reach.
Mariss gasped and again I moved my hand quickly away and hers stayed without me having to do anything. She was grabbing a handful of my cock and she made a soft whimpering sound that set me on edge. It was one of the sexiest sounds that I’d ever heard.
“I see.”
“So, do you want to see what other good qualities that I have?”
Now I had her attention and her hand was still on my dick. She was making it so hard that it hurt it was throbbing so much.
“I’m a show and tell kind of guy. Do you want me to show you what sort of talents I have Mariss?”
Mariss bit her bottom lip and then looked back at the party going on downstairs. “You’re going to give me a reputation before I even get started here.”
“I hope so.”
She didn’t take much to get her to agree to go with me and I was thankful for that. Her light touch and sound had me going a little crazy. I don’t know what it was about this girl, but she had me harder and hornier than I ever remember being before. We got to one of the bedrooms that wasn’t occupied, and I pulled her in, closing and locking the door behind us. I didn’t want anyone to come in and ruin what I was sure was going to be a good night.
When I turned back around, Mariss was lying back on the bed and she had a come hither look on her face. She curled her finger towards me and I was lost for anything else to do but come as she suggested. I moved towards her, not believing my luck.
Chapter 1
“Where is your mind at today?”
“Hell, I don’t know Jesse. I was just thinking about this girl from a long time ago. I saw a woman that looked like her earlier, same black hair and slim build, but it wasn’t her. It got me thinking about her though.”
“Well pay attention. You have a lot to decide on today and Marsha isn’t going to be so happy with us if we don’t get it done.”
“She’s not happy with me most of the time.”
“Then remind me why you two are getting married?”
“Well for one, I asked, and she said yes.”
Jesse nodded and waited for two. This was the tricky part and of course it was the main reason that I was going through with marrying Marsha. She was my boss’ daughter. I knew better back then that Marsha was off limits, but I hated the idea of not being able to have someone, anyone and I had pursued her hard until she’d given me the time of day. It was no small feat.
Now if I walked away like I thought about daily, I was going to have to find another job, not to mention her father would black-ball me from the industry for sure.
“And two, Malcolm.”
Jesse understood my predicament and I didn’t have to explain any further.
“And she does give good head.”
Jesse just grinned. “Well you were always one to make the best out of situation, but damn I can’t believe you’re wanting to get married. I never thought I would see the day.”
“Me either, but it doesn’t matter. Nothing will really change except she will just stay over instead of leaving in the morning.”
My friend shook his head and told me that I had a messed-up view of marriage. He was getting married as well, but it was Jesse that was going first. His marriage was more of love than convenience. We’d been together too long not to marry her, but there wasn’t the sort of love that there was supposed to be. There couldn’t be because I wasn’t in love with Marsha. I was pretty sure that she wasn’t in love with me either, just the money and the status.
Now I was at a tuxedo rental place and I was supposed to pick out a suit that went with her theme. I didn’t care what I wore, if she didn’t complain about it. I wish she would just pick it out herself, bu
t she insisted that I be a part of it. It didn’t seem right, but this was how it was supposed to be. I would have rather been doing anything else than this.
“You think this is bad. Anna’s friend, the one that is going to be the bridesmaid is coming down tonight and she will be staying with us for the next week.”
“What does she look like?”
I was curious because in truth I was always on the prowl.
“I don’t know, but she’s not Marsha, your soon-to-be wife, so it doesn’t matter.”
I sighed to myself. He may understand a lot of things, but he didn’t understand this. Jesse was head over heels in love with his bride to be and they were perfect together. I met some girl years before that I thought would be perfect for me, but then she disappeared without a trace. That was a long time ago, but every now and then I started thinking about Mariss and all the what-ifs. Sometimes it was the idea that if I couldn’t have her, I didn’t want anyone. So, to marry someone I didn’t love didn’t seem like that big of an idea.
“When is Anna going to get her?”
“In a little I must go get her from the station, though I don’t know why she didn’t just fly in. She’s worth a lot. Anna is working, and she doesn’t want Mariss to have to take a cab. I don’t see the big deal, but whatever. You want to ride along with me and keep me company?”
“Are you afraid to be alone with her?”
“No, I just don’t want to go alone. Come on, it will be fun.”
It didn’t sound like it was going to be that much fun. Anna didn’t really like me most of the time. She told Jesse that I was a bad influence on him and maybe she was right. Jesse did seem to get into more trouble with me, but that was because we were around each other a lot. It was bound to happen, and it wasn’t anything wrong with that.
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