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Hustle Him (Bank Shot Romance #2)

Page 18

by Jennifer Foor

  I turned to wash my hair and felt his hands running up the sides of ribs. When he got to my breasts he didn’t stop. His lathered up hands ran over my nipples. The soapier the suds got, the more he rubbed over them. I leaned my back against his and let him kiss my neck. He drug his teeth over my ear and pulled it gentle.

  I put my hand over his and let it slide between my legs. He let me control his hand and where it was touching me. The slipperiness made it even feel better as it slid over my sex for the first couple times. The more he kissed the back of my shoulder, the faster I moved his hand over my wet sex. He was both washing me and pleasing me at the same time. I let go of his hand and let him take over, knowing he was just getting started. “Turn around and look at me.”

  Slowly, while he held onto my waist, I turned and faced him. Just looking into his dark eyes was enough to feel weak in the knees. Ramsey took the back of his hand and ran it over my mouth. When it opened, he leaned in and kissed me, taking his tongue and running it along my lower lip. I closed my eyes and felt him kissing me again. He licked my lips again, while taking both hands down from my ears to the base of my neck. He grabbed the back of my hair and pulled my head to the side. I could feel his chin sliding up, tickling me.

  When he got to my breasts, I was already under his spell. I let this man do anything to me. “Watch me,” he said before taking my breast and licking the tip. I licked my lips and tried to not close my eyes when he took his tongue and started doing circles around my nipple. Then he bit it with his teeth and pulled it. We may have been in the shower, but it wasn’t hot water between my legs that was making me burn for his touch.

  “I want you,” I whispered, while looking into his eyes. He sucked once more and shook his head.

  Ramsey slowly pushed me back against the shower wall. He kissed down to my navel, the whole time massaging my ass with his hands. He grabbed one of my legs and lifted it on the edge of the tub, causing my legs to be spread. I heard him growl before his head disappeared between my legs. Nothing compared to feeling his tongue sliding over my hot sex. I ran one hand through my wet hair and the other I bit down to prevent myself from screaming out in pleasure.

  His fingers entered me. I could feel him spreading my lower lips and licking my entire pussy. His thumb was what kept my clit throbbing, while he continued licking my bare skin. Every time I looked down at him, he was watching me. When my body started to move against his tongue, he used both hands and spread me open. With only his tongue, he licked over my clit until I finally did scream out.

  While still panting, he kissed his way back up to my mouth and kissed deeply. I wrapped my arms around his neck and let him hold my weight. With his strong arms, he lifted me up and pushed me back against the shower wall. His tongue hadn’t gotten tired. No, he kept kissing me matching my movements. Knowing that his hands were holding me up, I reached down between us and positioned his hard erection at the base of my sex.

  The water made his kisses taste sweet. We moved slow, prevented us both from slipping. When it got too hard to maneuver, he carried me all the way back to the bedroom. Avoiding any egg mess that was still on the floor, our wet bodies met in the center of the bed. The second time he entered me felt exactly like the first. Every inch of him filled me and gave me pleasure that I wanted. Our matched strides increased as our hunger for that blissful release grew. We were both working for the same result. We need it, after the stress of everything that was standing in our way of happiness.

  I sat up and held onto his stomach while riding him. I loved when he reached up and squeezed my nipples at the same time, like he was doing. I rocked harder, knowing that if I came again, so would he. I could feel it growing. That little tickle was increasing. The hot box of ecstasy was opening. I dug my hands into chest as I still my body for a second and then started rocking again ferociously.

  Ramsey couldn’t hold it any longer. He closed his eyes tight and held my body so that I couldn’t move. I fell down on top of his chest and kissed all over his chin. “You win. You can go with me to pick up the kids.”

  He laughed. “Yeah, I thought you’d change your mind.”

  Chapter 21


  I didn’t know what was going to happen now that Sue only had a short time left. I knew Vessa wasn’t going to leave her and it gave me time to convince her to stay. I don’t know what I was thinking when I volunteered myself to go with her to get the kids. It was a bad idea.

  I knew it.

  She knew it.

  Except, there was no way she was going alone. To make sure she didn’t leave without me, I slept with her body tangled up in mine. There was no way she could crawl out of bed without waking me.

  I could tell she was nervous when we got dressed. It didn’t help that she had to wear my clothes, which she swam in. “If you had clothes here, you wouldn’t have to look like you’re homeless.”

  She tossed her shoe at me. “Shut up!”

  I was beyond standing back and letting her make the decision to stay. This was my life too. If I was willing to take her and the kids in, then I wasn’t about to let her make the decision to walk away all by herself. I was going to fight for her, whether she liked it or not.

  “The only way I’m ever going to get eggs and bacon is if you start staying the night. I’m just saying that it would benefit both of us.”

  She walked past me and went into the bathroom. I leaned against the door and watched her using my toothbrush. She knew what I was going to say and just shook her head. “Don’t even. I have to brush my teeth, you know.”

  “Yeah, I can see that. What if I don’t want to share my toothbrush?”

  “What if I don’t want to share a bed?” She spit and rinsed the toothbrush before handing it to me.

  “Oh, I see how you are.” She laughed as she exited the bathroom. Once I was finished, I joined her in the living room. We put on our shoes and she tied back her hair. “You ready?”

  “I guess. I just want to get back to the hospital.”

  “Let’s hit the road then.” She let me hold her hand as we walked to the truck. I don’t even think she understood that every minute that I spent with her made me fall more in love. If she left me I don’t think my heart would survive. This wouldn’t be like losing Katie and Jules. No, Vessa would still be out there somewhere, living her life like I never existed.

  Okay, maybe she wouldn’t just forget me, but it would still be the same to me.

  I wanted to be the one to take her pain away. She was the reason I changed. She brought me back to life. I owed her everything. Vessa gave me a purpose. She made me love again.

  Losing. Her. Could. Not. Happen.

  We set out on our morning venture to pick up the kids. I couldn’t help but start teasing her, even though I knew how serious the topic was. “So, maybe I should have brought older clothes in case Gavin wants to go for round two.”

  Her eyes were wide when she turned and looked at me. I loved that she took me so serious. She was finally getting to know the old me. “So help me God, Ramsey.”

  I patted her leg. “Calm down. I won’t leave any noticeable marks. This time I’m going for bones.”

  She slapped me. “Would you please stop. I’m so nervous that I need a valium.”

  “Or a shot. Although, I don’t know of any liquor store that’s open at seven in the morning.” She wasn’t getting a shot, or a valium. Everything was going to fine. She needed to relax and I needed to shut my mouth.

  “So, what kind of wedding do you want?”

  She put her hands over her face and shook her head, sighing loudly. “Oh my God. I am still married. Do you really want to talk about this?”

  I held my hands up. “What? It’s a long ride.”

  “Well, my only family is in the hospital and my best friend is you, so that’s my list. I know what you’re doing. Stop making me crazy!”

  “My parents are going to love you.”

  Vessa brought her legs up to her chest and hid
her face. “I give up.”

  I reached over and rubbed her back. “I’m sorry. I’ll stop,” I said as I laughed again.

  “They are going to look at my arm and shun me.” She didn’t realize that she was saying we were going to be together.

  “Nah, they’ll just say shit behind your back.”

  She pushed me again. “What is with you today? You’re like a comedian or something.”

  “I guess I’m just happy. I know you aren’t used to it. It’s probably all these antidepressants I’ve been taking.”

  “What? You’re taking medicine? Is that why you haven’t been drinking?”

  We didn’t have time for it, but I pulled the truck over. “Seriously, Vessa, I can see why you keep your hair blonde. I’m not on any medicine. My doctor prescribed it, but I haven’t felt like I needed it. Well, the other night I could have used some, but other than that, nothing. As far as my drinking, I guess I did that to drown the pain. With you by my side each day hurts less than the one before it. No bullshit either. I mean that.”

  “Please stop putting me on this pedestal. I’ve never been anything to be proud of. You act like I’m some saint. I hustled you in pool to try to get to know you. I let you think I was your wife, just so I could kiss you. Your job is in danger because of me.”



  “We shouldn’t be bickering. It always ends the same.” I raised my eyebrows and got back on the road.

  After driving a ways, she sat up and started giving me directions. As we pulled onto the street, I could tell she was getting nervous. “Ramsey, promise me that you won’t fight with him. You’re still on probation and this could hurt your trial. You probably shouldn’t even be near each other.”

  I grabbed her hand and squeezed it. “Chill out. We’re going to get the kids and leave. No big deal.”

  I would have liked for things to go smoothly.

  They didn’t.

  When I pulled up into the driveway, it was full of cars. Vessa looked over at me and shrugged. It was still morning, so it wasn’t likely to be a gathering or party. “Does he have roommates now?”

  “Not that I know of. I was just here the other day.” We both got out of the car. She gave me a look but I followed behind her anyway.

  When we got close to the door, we could hear yelling. Vessa didn’t waste any time knocking. We stood there waiting and nobody came to the door. She ran down the steps and pulled me with her. “Where are we going?”

  “To look for my kids.”

  I didn’t understand until she climbed on the air-conditioning unit and looked in a window. I saw her waving and soon Asha was at the window. She was crying.

  I stepped in front of Vessa I held out my hands. She ran away from the window and came back with a baby and Logan. I grabbed the baby and handed it to Vessa, while lifting her two out, one at a time. The screaming was getting louder and with someone’s baby, we couldn’t exactly drive away.

  I pulled out my phone and called the police, then handed her the phone to give the address. We got the kids in the car, including the baby. She was asleep and oblivious to what was going on. When something came flying out the window, I reached for my gun, instinctively. Of course, it wasn’t there. It was laying on the floor in the pool table room. I had another gun locked away in the back of the truck, but there wasn’t time. The screaming was louder and we could hear thing being thrown. Vessa looked petrified. She ducked back in the car and checked on the kids.

  I ran up to where the broken window was and put my cell phone down to record it. If that bastard wanted to screw me over, I was going to play my own.

  When I saw Vessa coming toward the window, I yelled at her to get back in the truck. The screaming in the house stopped. All of the sudden the front door flew open. Gavin stood there looking at the both of us. He pointed at me. “What the fuck is he doing here?”

  I’d been around enough people to know he was drunk or on something. His eyes could barely stay open. “What’s going on in there?” I asked. “Is everything alright?” I didn’t want him to know we had the kids.

  He started laughing. “Are you for real? Get the fuck off my property, before I claim self defense again and shoot your ass.”

  I almost wanted to smile because I was recording him, but I could tell that something else was going on. “Where are the kids?”

  “Fuck you, cop. I’m not telling you shit. Get off my property.” He could barely stand up.

  “Look, I didn’t come here to start trouble. Why don’t you calm down and tell us what’s going on. We only came to pick up the kids. Vessa’s aunt is in the hospital.” It wasn’t his business, but I needed to get in that house. Something wasn’t right.

  Vessa just stood there looking at him with a shocked look on her face. I couldn’t tell what she was thinking, but it couldn’t be good. “Hey, get in the car, honey.”

  Yeah, that was a dick move. I didn’t care. He needed to know that she was mine.

  “You can just turn around and go home. The kids aren’t going anywhere with you. Ask your honey about our agreement.” He started laughing and waving his head around. “You can’t have her,” he sang.

  I rolled my eyes, still waiting to hear the police sirens.

  Gavin came down two of the three steps on the porch. He looked from me to Vessa and then back to me again. “You want a piece of me, man?”

  It would have felt real good to beat his ass again. I shook my head. “Not here for that. Who’s in the house Gavin?”


  I knew he was lying.

  I could see someone moving around in the window. “Who’s in there?” I called into the window.

  “Get away from my house, dude.” He took another step and was on the sidewalk.

  The sirens were in the distance, but they weren’t close enough to help me with this situation. “Where is your girlfriend?”

  “She’s sleeping.” He laughed again.

  I looked at Vessa and she returned my concern. “Did you hurt her?” She asked.

  He laughed and started walking back in the house. “That little bitch is fine.”

  I waited for him to get in the house and I handed Vessa my truck keys. “Take them down the street and stay there until I come for you. No matter what, you promise me that you’ll stay here.”

  She took the keys and nodded. “What are you going to do? He’s never acted like this before, I swear.” She followed me to the back of my truck. I grabbed the carpet and opened up the hidden panel where my gun and vest were. She pushed the small box out of my hands. “No! You can’t!”

  I leaned my head in the truck. “Asha, I need you to tell me what is going on in the house, sweetie. Can you tell me what you saw?”

  She looked at her mother and then back to me. “They were fighting. She gave me the baby and told us to hide. Some other people came and she never came back in the room again to get us. That’s when you came.”

  “Good girl.” I pulled Vessa away from the truck. “You and I both know he has a handgun. Get the kids out of here. The police will be here any second. There could be someone in trouble inside. This is what I’m trained to do. I won’t hurt anyone if I don’t have to.”

  She was crying again. I put my vest on and put my gun behind my back. Vessa climbed into the truck and started it. She leaned out the window and let me kiss her. “Please be careful.”


  I imagined Gavin coming out with his gun firing. That’s how a cop movie would play out. Instead, it was much like every other domestic situation I dealt with. Until we talked to everyone involved, we had to be prepared for the worst. Whatever came out of the house, I didn’t want Vessa or the kids around it.

  I put my back up against the house and listened for movement.

  I could hear him yelling. “What do you mean the kids are gone? Well, look again. They didn’t just run away with a baby.”

  A couple minutes passed. “Gavi
n they aren’t in there. We need to get out of here. You know they called the cops. They can’t arrest you for anything if we leave.” It was a female’s voice.

  “I can’t leave without my kids. Find them!” I heard screaming again. “Tell me where they are? You sent her here didn’t you? I knew you’d fuck this up for me. I never should have fucked you!”

  The girl continued to cry.

  More muffled sounds were close to the window. I ducked to the side, just in time for him to peek his head out. Without my badge, I could put myself in harms way. I saw them pulling in and around to the side of the house. I waved down the officers and they came over to meet me.

  “My name is Ramsey Towers. I’m a sheriff in West Virginia. Look me and my girlfriend showed up to pick up her kids this morning. They were hiding in a room, with a baby. We managed to get them out of a window, but…”

  “Wait. Are you dating Vessa?”

  I shook my head. “Yeah.”

  “So Gavin’s in there. Is she in there, too?”

  “No! She took my police vehicle and got the kids out of here. I was just waiting for you to get here.”

  “Any idea what’s going on?” Since he knew Vessa, he seemed to be comfortable enough to believe that I was a cop.

  “I know he’s under the influence. I didn’t get close enough, but his eyes were messed up. His words are slurred and he seems unstable. I could hear things breaking and a female screaming. Vessa thinks more than one other person is inside based on the vehicles. Also, she said he has a handgun.”

  They both looked at each other and then back to me. “She should have took it when she shot up the house. He tried to press charges on her, but I kept losing the paperwork. Gavin’s an asshole. The best thing Vessa could have done was left. I’m going to call for backup and then we’ll go in and figure out what the hell is going on this time.”

  “This time?”

  “We were here last week and last night. All he does is party. He’s got that baby in there and I don’t think his girlfriend is even twenty one.” He grabbed his radio. “Five one five six I’m going to need backup at my location. Can you have officer Tanger respond?”


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