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Hustle Him (Bank Shot Romance #2)

Page 20

by Jennifer Foor

  I ran my hands up my abdomen and my breasts. I was so turned on by his passion. His focus went to my most sensitive spot. As his tongue made contact with my clitoris, I could already feel my body beginning to shake. The harder his tongue pressed against it, the more my body began to jerk. I grabbed his hair again, making a fist within it as he brought me to bliss. Even after he knew what he’d done, he continued licking it, forcing the extension of yet another bout of euphoria. My head fell back against the pillow due to my losing control of all of my senses.

  I felt Ramsey kissing his way back up my body. I was still trembling every time his lips made contact with my skin. He wiped off his face with the sheet before kissing me. I could still taste myself and I think he knew it. He groaned when our tongues met.

  When I tried to flip myself on top of him, he stopped me, shaking his head. “You asked me to make love to you, Vessa. That’s what I’m doing. Please let me please you.”

  I fell back down on the pillow, unable to control every emotion I was feeling for him. He slid his body and teased my entrance with his hard erection. As it slid over my swollen bud, I wanted to scream. I was still hot for more, waiting to be filled with his love. When he started to penetrate me, I took a deep breath and focused on every inch of him being inside of me. He moved slow, savoring the way it felt as it moved in and out.

  He looked down, in between us, and watched himself moving. I saw him biting his lip and concentrating on my body. Then he dropped back down and kissed me passionately, while taking my hands and lifting them both above my head and interlocking his into mine. I don’t know what it was, but it was the most intense sexual experience that I’d ever felt.

  We were connected, in every way possible. His intentions were motivated by his love for me. I felt overwhelmed again, but this time it was pure ecstasy. I clenched both of his hands and let go of all the pain. At the same time, I felt him tightening up. I wrapped my legs into his , locking us together and he just froze.

  When I opened my eyes, I knew something was wrong. He was breathing heavily and I knew that he had finished, so I couldn’t imagine what had happened. He let go of my hands and reached down to my legs, pulling them off of his. Then he sat up and let his feet fall off the edge of the bed. I sat up and wrapped my arms around the front of him, kissing his shoulder. “What’s wrong?”

  He sort of laughed and shook his head. “After our first time, when I disappeared, I spent time at the cemetery.”

  I leaned my head on his back. “You told me.”

  “I felt like I cheated on her, Vessa. It wasn’t fair to you if I couldn’t move on. I just needed to know it was real.”

  I was starting to get scared. “What are you saying?”

  “You may not believe this, but I begged her for a sign. I begged her to let me know that it was okay to love again and it started to rain. There wasn’t a cloud in the damn sky and it rained. I know it seems stupid, but I felt like it was her. Then after all that time being away from you, and after we got together, it just felt so right. It felt like I had loved you forever. I didn’t know if it was because I just longed to feel that again, or it was something else. After you said you might have to leave me, I’d made my mind up that I wanted to do whatever I had to do to keep you. Even with all of the shit that’s happening, all of the things trying to stand in our way, there’s no place that I’d rather be.”

  I climbed off the bed and kneeled between his legs. “Then why are you upset?”

  He pulled my hair out of my ponytail and smiled. “I guess I just wasn’t prepared for what just happened.”

  “I felt it too. I’ve never felt a connection like that.”

  He leaned over and kissed the top of my head. “It wasn’t just that. Every time we’ve been together I get lost in you. Please don’t take this the wrong way, because I’m not thinking of it the way that you’re going to think I am. When I was with Jules, she used to do this thing. I’d never had it happen before.”

  I closed my eyes and looked away, trying to bite my tongue. “The thing with my legs?”

  “It’s not what you’re thinking.” He was trying to assure me.

  “What then? I feel like you’re comparing me.”

  He smiled and grabbed my hands and kissed them at the same time. “That connection that we were both feeling, well, it was so intense. When you did that thing with your legs, it was just another sign for me. It didn’t make me think about being with her, Vessa. It freaked me out because I know without a doubt that this is exactly where I’m supposed to be. I feel like you know me better than I know myself. How is it even possible to feel like I’ve always loved you? I’ll never forget my girls. A part of me will always love them, but this connection goes way beyond anything I’ve ever had. Do you feel it too? Am I crazy? I mean, I’ve lost my mind before. I gave up on life and shit. It’s possible I am crazy.”

  I looked up at him and saw the intent in his eyes. I appreciated that he was so honest. I ran my hand across his face. “No. You’re not crazy. You’re amazing.” I ran my fingers down his muscular arms. “You’re brave and strong. You keep me safe and want to take care of me. It was never hard for me to love you, even when I didn’t even know that’s what it was.”

  “So, just to be clear…you’re not leaving, right?”

  I shook my head.

  “And, you don’t care who tries to tear us apart?”

  I shook my head again.

  “And, you definitely want to be with me?”

  This time I shook my head and leaned in to kiss him. “Definitely!”

  Chapter 23


  I’d found my place again, thanks to Vessa. The next few weeks weren’t easy, but I stayed by her side the whole time. It took her a week to tell the kids that their dear aunt wasn’t coming home. Asha, being the oldest, took it harder than Logan. He still believed that super heroes were real and heaven was a place you could visit on weekends.

  Sue passed away on a Monday. She ended up getting pneumonia and couldn’t fight anymore. We’d had her moved to hospice and kept her as comfortable as possible. The place was less scary and the kids came every day after school. Vessa kept the bar closed and postponed our pool league due to what was going on.

  I think we were both surprised at the amount of people that came out to pay their respects at the funeral. That day was especially hard for me. After I lost my girls, I swore I never wanted to attend a funeral again. Just knowing how much Vessa needed me changed all of that. I stood by her side, even when she broke down completely. Watching her was like seeing myself all over again. I had to force her to eat. I stayed at the house and fed the kids, microwave dinners and pizza, since I couldn’t cook at all.

  For two days after we laid her aunt to rest, she stayed in bed. She needed time, but we needed her. On the third morning, I was determined to get her out of bed. I picked her up and carried her into the bathroom, sticking her directly under a running shower. She screamed and fought me, but I kept her in there. Then, as she began to cry, she rushed over to the toilet and started getting sick.

  My clothes were soaked from dealing with her. I grabbed us both a towel and covered her up. “You sure this is just depression?”

  She shrugged. “What else could it be? Nothing hurts but my stomach. I just feel so tired from everything.”

  I stopped trying to dry myself off and looked right at her. “I just remembered that I have to run into town to my office. Are you going to try to get up, because the kids can’t survive on what I’ve been feeding them?”

  She actually laughed and stood up. I kissed her and saw myself out.

  My ride into town was full with anxiety. I couldn’t believe that she didn’t think about it. I needed to know. If there was even a slight chance for it to be possible, I just had to know immediately.

  I got weird looks at the pharmacy when I bought the test. Everyone knew who I was. They were going to talk and I finally didn’t give a shit what they said. I smiled as I hande
d the cashier the money and nodded to everyone standing around with their mouths open.

  It was time for everyone to know about my secret relationship.

  It was a good thing that Sue had planned ahead and had a will drawn up. Since Vessa was her only living relative, she left the house and everything in it to her. Vessa now had her own house to raise her kids. What shocked us both was when that lawyer named who she left the bar to. She didn’t just leave it to her niece. My name was listed as co-owner.

  We were both shocked at first. She’d had the will drawn up a month before Vessa moved in with her. It was when I was just someone she saw a few times a week and knew nothing about. If so many things had happened to me personally, I never would have believed in fate. Vessa and I were meant to meet. If it hadn’t been for that accident, I would have met her later anyway.

  I kept teasing her about how she would have hustled me out of my ownership. I could see her playing me for the deed and pretending she couldn’t play, then coming back and taking me for everything. If anyone in the world was going to hustle me, I wanted it to be Vessa. That woman had my permission to do whatever she wanted with me.

  I got back to the house about an hour later. Vessa was in the kitchen, doing the dishes. She was wearing a pair of my pajama pants and a little t-shirt. I could tell that she got back in the shower, because I could smell her shampoo when I walked into the room. She smiled when I came in, like she had been doing every day since we made the decision for me to move in.

  It was the kid’s idea at first. They said they were scared. Then it just seemed like the right thing to do. I was still moving my things over. Most of the furniture wasn’t mine. I had my deputy help me bring over the pool table first. Me and Logan had been spending a lot of time cleaning up the basement. It was going to be our man cave.

  Vessa put the rag down and walked over to me. “What’s in the bag?”

  I smiled and put it behind my back. “Promise you’re not going to get mad?”

  She rolled her eyes and reached around to grab it. “Just let me see.”

  I handed her the brown paper bag and stood there watching her face as she pulled out the little white box. She sat it on the table and looked up at me. “You’re crazy. I’m not pregnant.”

  I slid it closer to her again. “Appease me. Take one of the tests. Prove me wrong.”

  She stood up and grabbed it with an attitude. “Fine, but I think I would know my own body.”

  I followed behind her, eager to see the result, even if my gut feeling was wrong.

  She opened everything up and sat down on the toilet and started laughing. “I can’t pee if you’re watching me.”

  I turned around. “Sorry.”

  “Or standing there!”

  “Damn, Vessa, I’ll wait outside.” I only waited until I heard the toilet flush before walking back in to the bathroom.

  The little stick was sitting on the sink. I grabbed it and ran into the bedroom, locking her out. She ran after me, beating on the door. “Let me in! You’re being ridiculous. It’s not going to be positive.”

  I put the stick on the dresser and stared at it. I didn’t buy one of those cheap ones with lines or crosses. This one said pregnant or not pregnant. The directions called for three minutes, but in less than thirty seconds, I had my answer.

  I just stood there, wondering if I was disappointed or relieved. Vessa already had two kids and after losing Katie, her and I hadn’t even talked about having kids. I looked at the stick one more time before taking a deep breath and unlocking the door. She held out her hand and I placed the stick in it. “Here! Know it all!”

  She rolled her eyes and smiled until she looked down at the stick and saw that she was wrong.

  “Say something.”

  She looked up at me and was already crying. “Is this okay?”

  I pulled her into my arms. “It’s better than okay, Vessa.”

  “Really?” She seemed unsure, like I was just saying it to make her feel better.

  “When can we tell the kids?” I wanted to tell everyone. I wanted to call that damn newspaper and tell them.

  “After I see a doctor.”

  I couldn’t help it. I pulled her into my arms and started to cry. She held me tight, knowing what I was thinking about. I’d never want to replace Katie, but I loved being a father and having a baby with Vessa brought the whole family together.

  I didn’t care what anyone said. This was where I was meant to be. Even for a person who never believed it, I knew it had to have been some kind of divine intervention.

  We waited three weeks to be able to tell the kids about our news. Vessa was so nervous, but I assured her that we all needed some good news. We took them out to dinner to the fanciest place in the area.

  They got dressed up in church clothes and knew something special was happening. Vessa ordered them both t-shirts. One said “I’m the big brother” and the other said “I’m the big sister.” We let them open each of their packages and figure it out themselves. Of course, Asha got it right away. “Mommy, really?”

  Vessa grabbed her daughter by the hand. “Are you upset?”

  She shook her head. “No way. Can I help out?”

  “Of course. I’m going to need help.”

  Poor Logan was still staring at the shirt. “It says that you’re going to be a big brother.” They already had a little sister, but since they never saw her, we figured they would get what the shirts meant. Still, Logan just looked confused. “Buddy, your mom is going to have a baby.”

  “Do you get to be the Dad?”

  “If it’s okay with you.” I realized that I probably shouldn’t have offered a child a chance decline.

  “Will it be a boy? Will Mommy get fat? My teacher is fat is she having a baby?”

  We all started laughing. “Whatever it is, we’re going to love it.”

  I think Vessa finally started to relax after the kids were on board. The old farm house that we lived in had plenty of rooms in it, especially once I was allowed to officially share a room with Vessa. We took things slow, never taking the kids feelings for granted. I didn’t mind as long as they were all happy.

  Since Vessa was pregnant, it was important for me to make sure she had the proper medical care and insurance. In order to do that, she had to be married to me. Once their separation wait time was met, she filed the papers for divorce.

  With all the trouble he was already in, Gavin didn’t fight her on it. He probably would have if he knew she was carrying my child, but it wasn’t his business. In some ways, I almost wanted to thank him for treating her so terribly that she had to leave him. It was what led her right to me and I was grateful.

  We didn’t do anything fancy to get married. After we had our license, we went up to the court house and did it. Later that day, we were at the bar, painting, like it was just a normal day.

  After much consideration about the future of the business, we had decided to convert the bar to a family restaurant with a lounge and billiard area. My job was pretty easy. As long as I had my phone and my truck, I could be anywhere and respond to a call. Since construction was so expensive, we did all the work ourselves. Vessa could only help when it was safe for the baby. I wouldn’t let her carry anything or paint if there was going to be fumes.

  We didn’t have a mortgage on either of the properties, so most of our income was put into savings. It was funny how I had worked so hard before to make ends meet and now we had more than either of us could ever ask for.

  I was going to continue working as a sheriff until I could retire. Vessa would run the restaurant and we would hire people so that we could spend time being a family.

  After several postponements, due to Gavin’s other legal matters, the charges against me were dropped. It seemed that after hearing Gavin on my recording, confessing to everything, he didn’t want to represent him anymore. I think it made it worse that I was in law enforcement myself.

  His girlfriend never did testify against him
, but it didn’t matter. The drug charges were enough for a judge to never allow him to take the kids from us. Vessa wanted him to still see them. It just wasn’t going to happened until he got help.

  The kids talked to him on the phone and even the computer, so it wasn’t like they lost him in their lives. He just had to be straight first, before Vessa was going to give him another chance.

  I loved her being pregnant. Not only was she beautiful, but it bonded us closer together. One Sunday, after church, I took the kids outside and told them what happened to my first family. They were sad. I could tell it affected them, seeing me get emotional as I told my story and talked about Katie. I showed them a picture of the three of us and Logan grabbed it and disappeared in the house.

  At first I thought the worst. We went into the kitchen to check the trash first. Then we saw him walking out of the living room. “I put them where they go.”

  Vessa looked worried. I crouched down. “Where’s that, buddy?”

  He grabbed my hand and pulled me into the living room, then pointed to the mantle. Next to all of our new and old pictures was the picture of me and the girls. I couldn’t hold back my emotions that day. That boy, who was already so special to me, had added my girls to the people he considered family. It wasn’t just special for me to see them up there. It made it all real. They weren’t ever going to let me forget them. They’d be there everyday with me. Logan went running back outside to play with his sister.

  Vessa grabbed my hand as I stood there looking at that picture. “I’ve wanted to put that picture up there for weeks, but I was too afraid to ask. I can’t believe he did that.”

  “It’s perfect. Thank you so much,” I kissed my beautiful wife and put my hand on her stomach. “For showing me how to love again and giving me a second chance to do it.”

  “I got something out of it too, you know.” She kissed me softly, letting her puffy lips linger on mine.

  I took her by the hand and led her down the stairs. Mine and Logan’s man cave was coming along. We had sports memorabilia on the walls, a flat screen television and I’d even got him his own pool stick. I handed Vessa a stick and started racking the balls. She chalked the tip and blew on it. “What are we playing for, Mr. Towers?”


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