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Shameful Influence (Bound for Service Book 7)

Page 7

by Emily Tilton

Judy knew how to take a girl’s please and shape it into an important trainable moment. Eric smiled as he watched the blonde woman’s hand move around Sally’s jaw to stroke the black webbing of the shock collar and, at the same time, the hyper-sensitive back of the naked governor’s neck.

  “I know how hard it is to ask for it, sweetheart. All you have to do is say, Please fuck me. Your master will take care of the rest, and tell Vic to put his hard cock inside you. Vic can’t get you pregnant, and he gets tested monthly, so don’t worry about any of those complicated things a smart, ambitious girl thinks about. You’re not that smart, ambitious girl, now. You’re a dirty girl who has a wise, demanding master. He’s made this decision for you; now you just have to admit that you want it.”

  Sally had kept her eyes closed during Judy’s crucial lesson. As it had continued, Vic had moved his cock just a bit, pressing against her virgin bottom-hole more firmly but also teasingly and without any force that might cause pain. Little sobs rose from Sally’s throat with each renewed reminder of what her master, through Judy, had promised to do—what a naughty, dirty part of her he had reserved for his own enjoyment.

  The yellow line rose just a fraction, then settled again as the blue line of Sally’s vaginal temperature rose by nearly the same amount. Once again, the 10 flashed.

  A message from Nora popped up: Wow. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a girl recalibrate so many times in an hour, let alone ten minutes.

  Eric typed rapidly back: Pretty sure it’s the collar.

  Then he spoke to Vic. “Move down. Right where she needs it. She’s as wet as a waterfall.”

  Sally’s next sob came from deep in her chest as she felt a man’s hardness pressing against the place nature had made for a girl to receive what—it clearly seemed now to the young governor of the great new state of Madison—she needed more than anything else in the world.

  Eric looked down at the control app on his phone, and made certain he had the collar set at its lowest level, where it would only just impinge on Sally’s consciousness. He pressed the red button and held it for a second. Sally cried out, but not in pain—rather her wordless noise held keening animal need, the sound of a puppy desperate for her master’s attention, for his stroking hand upon her neck, her back, her warm belly.

  Eric raised the level, and pressed again.

  Sally’s whole body responded: her fists clenched, her back arched, and her bottom moved up and back so forcefully that Vic had to lean back a little to prevent her from stealing from him the important moment when he entered her for the first time.

  “Oh, God...” she whimpered. “Please... sir... please fuck me.”

  Vic didn’t need any instructions from Eric now. In a single fluid motion he replaced his right hand on Sally’s hip and drove his cock deep inside her. At the same time, he put his left hand atop her back, pressing there to keep her bottom exactly where he wanted it, where her pussy would provide him with the most pleasure.

  Sally moaned, struggled, and found herself held in place. Then she started to come.

  The 10 went red, and the orgasm alarm sounded until Eric silenced it. Vic began to move in and out of the governor’s wet pussy, and Sally just kept coming, while a counter just beneath her arousal number popped up on Eric’s screen to keep track of the number of distinct climaxes measured by her perineal sensor.

  Vic held the girl firmly in position, no truly difficult task given his physical strength but one that required constant attention because just as Eric had anticipated, Sally’s strongest arousal trigger comprised being made to surrender. She had craved that feeling, the feeling of her master having decided she should have a good, hard fucking, without ever knowing it. Now she couldn’t stand to be without it for a nanosecond, and so over and over again she squirmed in Vic’s grasp as he fucked her harder and harder. Each time, feeling herself held in place, positioned just as he liked her, she came again on his huge, thrusting cock, screaming her pleasure and her need to the black padded massage table.

  Judy kept one hand on Sally’s neck, providing a very important, though in appearance slight, extra element of restraint. With her other hand the woman in the white coat took hold of the naked girl’s wrists, laid in front of her on the table. Vic didn’t need any help in holding Sally down, because Sally didn’t actually want him to stop, or to get away from him, of course, but the girl’s climaxes would gain greatly in intensity from feeling the older woman’s hands on her, reminding her of her master’s intentions.

  “Please... please...” Sally moaned, and Vic gave her what she needed and wanted, in the way that made her feel she had to have it—that her master had made the decision for her. The big man moved his right hand from her hip to her shoulder and pulled her back against him even as he pounded her punished backside with his hips, fucking the young governor harder than even the dirtiest girls ever got fucked.

  Sally cried out again and again, as she entered her most extended orgasm yet, the red line of her muscle tension plateauing for long seconds. The lovely, naked frame that Vic moved at his pleasure tensed and stayed that way as he pounded her relentlessly, his cock flashing in and out of her pussy, bearing the creamy evidence of her pent-up need.

  Finally, her muscles relaxed and she gave a final sob, her limbs going limp under Vic, who sensed the change immediately and—trained nymphobus that he was—knew precisely what Eric wanted. He pulled his rigid cock out of Sally’s hot pussy, one hand still on the small of her back as if to reinforce his taming of her body’s wayward movements.

  “Ready to taste your pussy, dirty girl?” he asked, speaking for the first time in long minutes.

  Sally tried to raise herself up, so that she could turn to look at him, but Judy suddenly increased the strength of her grip on the naked governor’s neck and wrists, even as Vic, keeping his hand on her back, stepped around the side of the table so that she could see his huge, glistening cock presented to her and approaching her at the speed Vic chose—leisurely but inexorable, so that Sally knew she could not escape this submissive duty, but would be made to serve the cock in the shameful way her master had decided.

  “Smell it, Sally,” Judy said, rubbing a circle on the back of Sally’s neck, just above the shock collar. “It smells like a naughty girl, doesn’t it?”

  “Oh, no,” the naked girl said, breathing through her mouth. “Please... please, don’t make me.”

  Vic brought the head of his massive shaft within an inch of her nose, now, and Judy spoke in a chiding voice.

  “You know you must obey, by now, don’t you, Sally Donaldson?”

  Smiling, Eric took the capta’s well-delivered cue, and delivered a brief shock, so that Sally whimpered pitifully—the sound disproportionate to the intensity of the sensation, and indicating very clearly how wrapped up in her forbidden, dirty submissive fantasies they had gotten her.

  Vic moved the hand on Sally’s back up, to the crease between her arm and her ribs, so that he could pull her effortlessly across the table a few inches. Judy put her hand over the girl’s mouth.

  “Smell, Sally. Smell your pussy on Vic’s cock, before you taste it.”

  A little sob escaped the lovely governor’s chest, and she took a gasping breath through her nostrils. Her face instantly went bright red at the rich, naughty musk of pussy and scrotum.

  Judy took her hand away from Sally’s mouth, then, and put it back on her neck. Vic stroked the girl’s cheek.

  “You’ve never sucked a cock before, have you?” he asked gently.

  Sally’s face crumpled, brows knitting, and she shook her head as much as she could with her cheek pressed against the padding of the massage table.

  “Just open your mouth, Sally, and stick out your tongue,” he said, “and do what a dirty girl does when her master tells her to.”

  She started to shake her head again, but Eric pressed the red button on his phone, and held it there until with a needy whimper Sally opened her mouth, tongue extended. Her arousal had gone down to 9 for
a moment, when Vic had issued the instruction—doubtless because it had made her think about the practical realities of fellatio—but now it rose to 10 again, and an eager sound came from her throat.

  Judy let Vic take control of Sally’s neck, moving her hand so that she could take light hold of the girl’s wrists in both her own hands. Vic cradled the governor’s head, his fingers twining in her flaming red hair, as he drove the first four inches of his manhood inside her mouth and began gently to fuck her face.

  Chapter Eleven

  The penis tasted dirty. Sally didn’t have any other way to describe it, though part of her desperately wanted to find other words, like salty or earthy. She also kept hearing, at the very back of her mind, a tiny voice saying, Not dirty as in unhygienic—because Vic’s huge shaft tasted clean, too, and although he smelled so manly that it made Sally feel faint he also smelled good, of body wash and aftershave.

  But the deeper the enormous man thrust his hard penis into Sally’s mouth, holding her head in place so that he could enjoy her exactly as he pleased, the dirtier he also seemed to taste. The need in her pussy for more of the mind-expanding climaxes the long, thick cock had forced on her made her hips move lewdly and desperately in invitation: that somehow pressed down the rational voice in her mind and made her moan around the thrusting penis, so much more needily because smart, ambitious, powerful Sally Donaldson had given into her dirty-girl urges.

  “That’s it, Sally,” Vic said in a gentle growl from deep in his chest. He pulled his cock from her mouth and he pressed his scrotum to her mouth.

  No, she had kissed a penis, little pecks, but she had never had one in her mouth, and she had never, never kissed a man’s balls.

  “Oh, no,” she whimpered.

  “Lick there, girl,” Vic said.

  She did, and it tasted even more of clean masculinity, though it felt so filthy that her pussy clenched. As Vic gave a satisfied grunt Sally felt Judy release her wrists, then heard the woman in the white coat moving around the table and the rattle of a drawer behind her.

  Vic pulled his balls away. “Lick up and down the cock, now. Then I’ll put it back in your mouth.”

  Sally felt her forehead crease and her cheeks once again grow hot as she complied, her eyes darting up in hope of seeing that the big, naked man liked using a young governor this way.

  “Eyes down, Sally,” he said, “unless I give you permission to look up.”

  That drew a sob from her chest as she obeyed, dropping her gaze so that she could see only his hairy lap, the arrogant contours of a man whose hardness demanded satisfaction.

  “Good girl,” Judy said from behind her, her voice dispassionate. ¨Vic is going to keep on training your mouth while I wax your pussy and your anal area. I’ll start by using the trimmer to get the hair down to the proper length for waxing.”

  Sally wanted to rise, to turn, to protest. Her limbs tensed, but Vic used a finger at the back of her neck, at the same moment, to tug just a little on her collar. She didn’t need any more encouragement to obey: without even willing the action she opened her mouth and put out her tongue, her body, all by itself, expressing the fervent wish to get what a dirty girl gets, a long, thick penis in her mouth while another woman bares her between her legs.

  Behind her, she heard a click and then a buzzing. A moment later, she cried out around Vic’s thrusting hardness because of how shamefully good that buzzing felt against her pussy as Judy swiftly and skillfully trimmed the red curls that had always made her feel such pride, mingled with shame, when catching sight of them in the mirror upon stepping out of the shower.

  Now her master had decided they should be taken away, just as he had decided she shouldn’t be allowed panties and had her whipped for disobeying... just as he had decided a big, strong man should fuck her pussy and use her mouth as he pleased.

  Sally tried to make her mouth soft and enjoyable, little sobs emerging from her throat as the clipper took her to the edge of orgasm and wouldn’t let her fall over it.

  “Good girl,” Vic murmured, the sound rumbling in his chest and seeming to travel through his body into hers. Sally’s eyes watered, and her jaw ached a little, but still the man to whom her unseen master had given her thrust in and out.

  The buzzing stopped, and Sally whimpered in need. Vic began using her mouth more tenderly. He kept his left hand on the back of her head, to ensure she stayed in place for his pleasure, but he stroked her neck with his right, running a gentle finger along the top of her shock collar and under her chin so that she shivered and moaned.

  Something warm, now, down below, spread quickly. Sally sighed at the feeling. Then, only a moment later, Vic suddenly held her head very still and pushed his penis in deep, holding it there. At the same moment, Judy ripped something away, where the warmth was. Sally yelped around the cock in her mouth, and a jolt of simultaneous discomfort and pleasure traveled from her pussy all the way into her chest and her throat, so that the feeling of sexy filthiness grew and grew.

  “That’s it,” Vic said. “Just like that. It will be over so soon, and then you’ll be nice and smooth for Master Eric.”

  Desperately she sucked and licked Vic’s huge, hard cock, while Judy alternated the warm feeling with the painful ripping. The pain itself, down there, didn’t feel good, of course, but somehow—especially when the older woman started to bare Sally between her bottom-cheeks—the idea of it seemed so dirty and naughty that she found she couldn’t help moving her hips in that shameful, needy way.

  The thick, mobile presence of Vic’s penis in her mouth seemed to say that her master had denied her pussy more of the overwhelming pleasure she had known as the big man had fucked her. The blood rushed to her face at the thought of her master watching from his secret location as Sally’s most private places were prepared not for her pleasure but for his. He had decided on her fucking, and he had decided on her waxing; he had enforced both with the collar he had put around her neck.

  The warm feeling didn’t come again: Judy had finished taking away Sally’s pubic hair, the pretty red curls that had marked her womanhood and her adulthood. Whether she liked it or not, she had a new life now, and she must learn to accept it. To wear panties when her master had forbidden them meant a whipping. To refuse a man’s hardness inside her meant a shock. To fail to obey in anything brought consequences Sally couldn’t tolerate.

  Her bottom belonged to him, and her virgin anus was reserved for his penis. His helpers would train his bed girl for him and when the time came she would be given to her master properly.

  Somewhere at the back of her mind she could hear the voice of her independent self shouting, though if that part of her had any words left they seemed indistinct; they seemed only to convey a single adjective: Wrong.

  Wrong. No. Wrong.

  But Vic pulled his cock out of Sally’s mouth, then, and his fingers tightened just a little on the place where the webbing of the shock collar gave way to the tender skin of her neck. He pumped his hard shaft in his left hand, and he made her watch, her mouth still open and wet, a slightly bitter taste on her tongue that she thought must be his seed.

  “Good girl,” he growled. “I’m going to come on your face now.”

  She tried to pull back, but Vic held her in place, and her master gave her a little jolt, so Sally knew she had to keep watching the man make his cock feel good, his taut abs rippling and his huge hairy thighs looking like steel columns. She had to watch the way a dirty girl might watch a man masturbate. She had to keep her face where it was, because he wanted to make his semen shoot all over it.

  Wrong, the independent voice tried to say again.

  But Vic’s hand on her neck and her master’s collar around her neck made that voice softer, its words less meaningful. Sally Donaldson didn’t have any choice.

  A click sounded behind her, and a buzzing began—a different, slightly quieter buzzing from the sound the clipper had made.

  Judy spoke. “Your pussy won’t be ready for fuckin
g again for a day or so, Sally, but your master wants you to come while Vic gives you your facial.”

  Sally moaned at the word. Facial. Then she moaned louder as Judy pressed the little vibrator against her clit, and she felt how the woman in the white coat had lubed it, too, so that it slid deliciously around, and over, and around again. The ache from the terrible pink strap still lived in her bottom-cheeks, and with the vibration on her clit it made her hips buck and squirm.

  She watched Vic’s huge hand flash up and down his huge cock, wet from her pussy and her mouth. She felt his hand tighten again, not to hurt her and perhaps not even intentionally; just a building of tension that came with his own pleasure in the prospect of coming on his boss’ dirty girl. The hand—the cock—Sally’s little bottom—her neck—her clit—Vic’s six-pack abs—Sally cried out, and she started to come just as the white seed spurted from the penis in front of her, a jet that landed on her nose and made her come even harder because of the sheer filthiness of it: the governor of Madison getting a shameful facial from her master’s hugely endowed henchman.

  When Sally had stopped shaking from her climax, Vic and Judy helped her to her feet on wobbly knees and Judy walked her to a bathroom and into a stall where the young governor had her collar removed and then took what felt almost distressingly like a normal shower. Judy had a fluffy white towel and a fluffy white robe for her afterward, and she walked on normal slippers back into the big room with the massage table and the mirrors and the salon chair, looking for all the world like an ordinary salon or day spa, though Sally didn’t think she’d look at a day spa the same way ever again.

  Judy led her to a salon chair. “Sit here, Sally,” she said, her matter-of-fact voice of command so different from the polite tones of a real aesthetician that it sent a jolt through her whole body. She looked at herself in the mirror and noticed for the first time since the shower that she didn’t have the shock collar on.

  The panic that went through her mind and limbs took her by surprise, but her body had an even worse reaction in store a moment later: her pussy clenched and she let out a little whimper at the thought of having it put on again. She looked around a little wildly for Vic, but the big man seemed to have returned to the place from which he had emerged.


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