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Shameful Influence (Bound for Service Book 7)

Page 13

by Emily Tilton

“Rhonda,” Judy said gently, putting the strap down on the dark-haired woman’s back and placing her right hand on the trim bottom she had so thoroughly punished. “Open your eyes. Your discipline is just getting started.”

  “Oh, no,” Sally murmured, but her brain whispered, Oh, yes. Why did she want to see Rhonda made to suck the same big cock that had fucked Sally on the massage table?

  You don’t have to understand.

  Rhonda’s head went up and she opened her eyes. She gave a startled cry to find Vic’s hard penis only a few inches away from her face.

  “I can keep whipping you, honey,” Judy said, “or you can have your face fucked. Girls who try to manipulate their duly elected bosses have a lesson to learn about humility, respect, and obedience. From now on, you’re going to work for us, and for Governor Donaldson, in a special way. We don’t care whether that just means regular whippings, or it also means learning to pleasure a man properly and receiving the rewards that a man’s hardness can give a healthy young woman like you. That’s your choice to make.”

  Sally could see Judy’s hand moving gently on Rhonda’s bottom, making the red little cheeks clench and unclench. Now the fingers moved down and in, and Sally gasped at the way Rhonda bucked over the bench, her hips struggling against the belt in desperation for more of the wicked soothing Judy knew so well how to give.

  Judy pulled her hand away, and Rhonda whimpered.

  “Time to choose, honey,” the blonde woman said.

  “Oh, no,” Sally whispered, but she knew that she again meant, Oh, yes.

  Rhonda opened her mouth with a sob, her eyes turned up to look at Vic’s chiseled face, his taut abs, looming above her. The copper-skinned man put his hand on the back of her head and drove his cock inside her mouth, moving his hips to enjoy her as he liked from the start. Sally cried out at the sight, and her own hips bucked; she tried, helplessly and to her shame, to rub her pussy against Master Eric’s possessive hand as she watched Judy return her skillful fingers to Rhonda’s needy clit.

  Suddenly the screen went dark, and the wall became only a blank wall again. Master Eric’s hands left her, and he began to make adjustments to the straps that bound Sally to the posts at either side.

  She heard his voice, utterly calm but with the unwavering authority she knew so terribly well from the way he had spoken to her on the phone from the first night—only two nights ago?—in her office. The very sound of his speech seemed to make her body quiver.

  “You are going to be fully initiated, now, Sally Donaldson, by your master’s cock, as a servant of the Pretorian Guard.”

  The strangeness of the words—initiated, Pretorian—washed over her without leaving much if any impression in her reason. His voice itself mattered much more, and it felt like he had said that both his masculine hardness and his masculine voice would accomplish whatever ordeal Sally had before her.

  For a moment, as she had watched Vic begin to fuck Rhonda’s face, Sally had wondered if Master Eric could possess her, sexually, as strongly as his enormous henchman had done. The leader had the height and the good looks, certainly, if not the sheer mass, but now Sally understood that her master’s mind gave him an almost unfair advantage over even an incredible specimen like the man enjoying Rhonda in the next room. She would like to see Vic fuck Rhonda over the punishment bench, but Sally wanted Master Eric for herself.

  “Bend over,” he said, and his hands enforced the command, folding Sally at the waist until her cheek rested on the soft carpet. With her hands bound to the belt at her waist it felt awkward, but also terribly right: the same position he had made her adopt atop the great seal in her office.

  Sally realized suddenly what Master Eric’s next command would be, and she whimpered in humiliated expectation even before she said it.

  “Good guess,” he said softly, as if he understood every single thing in her head. “Do it, sweetheart. Show me your bottom-hole with my controller in it.”

  Chapter Twenty

  The audio from Rhonda’s room next door came over Eric’s comm link so clearly that he could hear the punishment bench creak as the chief of staff struggled to get more pleasure from Judy’s soothing hand.

  “Are you ready to take that big cock in your cunt, Rhonda?” Judy asked sharply. Eric could see in his mind’s eye the precision with which Vic timed his withdrawal from the dark-haired woman’s mouth. “Are you ready for the good, hard fucking you’ve earned?”

  Eric looked down at the lovely, shameful prospect in front of him. He couldn’t deny that Sally Donaldson had captured his heart as well as his cock: the adorable way she responded to his voice now made him respond with a tenderness he found himself having to keep in check for the good of the mission—as well as for the young governor’s own good. Sally had come to rely on her master to keep pressing the limits of her submission, keep teaching her to be a better girl for him. She would need affection, too, and he meant to give it in abundance, but especially at this crucial moment what Sally Donaldson needed most of all lay in Eric’s skillful domination of her beautiful naked body.

  Naked but for the controller, actually; it claimed her bare little pussy and her wrinkly, even littler anus so movingly that Eric’s cock leaped in his jeans. Her fingers, holding her trim backside open for him to see her most intimate secrets, trembled a little, but Sally remained face down and bottom up like the naughty girl she now knew herself to be.

  Eric unbuttoned his shirt quickly, and stripped off his jeans and briefs. Sally, as if she knew precisely what the sounds behind her meant, let out a little whimper of mingled need and concern.

  In Eric’s ear, Judy repeated her question to Rhonda, “Are you ready for a nice hard penis inside you?”

  “Yes,” Rhonda sobbed.

  “Yes, ma’am,” Judy corrected, her tone severe.

  “Oh, God,” Rhonda gasped. “Yes, ma’am.”

  Eric spoke to Sally, then, knowing that his capta and his nymphobi in the other room would hear him over their own comm links and would respond as he had instructed.

  “Keep your hands where they are, sweetheart.”

  He came around the posts so that he stood in front of her where her face was buried in the carpet, made to display herself in abject prostration. He knew that Michael had just turned the view screen on in Rhonda’s interrogation room, so that she could see in front of her, just as Vic buried his hardness in her pussy, the scene of Sally’s initiation.

  “Oh, no,” he heard the chief of staff whisper.

  “Yes,” Judy replied. “Sally is getting what she needs, now, just like you, Rhonda.”

  The bench creaked over the comm link in a slow rhythm as Vic began to fuck Rhonda atop it. With each creak came a cry of helpless pleasure and the sound of her body straining against the straps that held her there.

  Eric stooped down and took hold of Sally’s shoulders firmly but without force, and raised her up. The young governor started at first, and he watched her hands nearly leave her backside as if to hold her up, but she managed to keep clutching her bottom-cheeks, even when she let out a little cry of alarm at the sight of his hard cock, even bigger than Vic’s, just in front of her face.

  “It’s very big, isn’t it, Sally?” Eric asked softly.

  “Yes, sir,” she whispered, biting her lip. “It’s... it’s going to hurt, isn’t it?”

  “It will at first, when I take you anally,” he answered, “but I’m going to train you so that you can enjoy it as you should.”

  In his ear, he heard Vic quicken the rhythm of Rhonda’s fucking. The chief of staff cried out at the sight of her governor confronted by her master’s enormous manhood even as she felt a huge cock of her own enjoying her vagina.

  “I’m going to claim you completely tonight, sweetheart,” Eric said gently. “That’s why I’ve restrained you between the posts. A girl who serves the Pretorian Guard has to be tamed, like a filly.”

  “Oh, God,” Sally whispered. “Sir... please?”

  Eric had pu
t his phone on the shelf made for the purpose, on the right post. He reached over and turned up the vibrator inside Sally’s pussy. At the same time, he turned the view screen back on, so that Sally could see, behind her master, the fucking of her traitorous friend. On the bench Rhonda now writhed between the cocks of both nymphobi, Michael having dropped his shorts and taken his stand in front of her to enjoy her mouth.

  “Oh, no,” the beautiful redheaded girl whimpered, as Eric stayed out of her line of sight for a moment, to let her see.

  “First, your mouth, Sally,” he said then, though, and stepped back in front of her.

  She looked up at him, her lower lip caught between her teeth.

  “Eyes on my cock, sweetheart,” he said. “I’ll let you know if you may look up.” With his right hand he tapped the phone to give her the merest hint of a punishment in her bottom. Sally cried out, her cheeks growing red, and she dropped her eyes to his hardness. Eric watched her hands squeeze her little bottom-cheeks, as if reminding herself that she must keep them spread for her master.

  He cupped her chin gently in his right hand and pumped his cock in his left. “You know what to do,” he said. Behind him, the speaker for the wall screen carried Rhonda’s desperate moans as she did all she could to satisfy the two men using her. Sally opened her mouth, and Eric entered her there, holding her head still so she would feel controlled and used, but not thrusting hard or deep. She sobbed around the penis as if in sympathy with the friend she could now hear but not see.

  Eric enjoyed the soft recess between her lips for just a little while—long enough to ensure Sally felt claimed, and understood that she had been made to prepare her master’s hardness for the more intimate places he wished to use next. When he withdrew, he said, “That was lovely. You will learn to take all of me in your mouth soon, and you will receive my seed there and swallow gratefully.”

  He reached down to unclip her cuffs from her belt as he delivered his next instructions.

  “Now, though, you may take your hands from your bottom and bend over onto your elbows. You are to keep watching Rhonda get what she needs, and you are to keep your back arched and your bottom up.”

  He moved around the posts again, to stand behind her, putting his left hand on her back and stroking her tenderly as he pressed down to help her find the proper position. Sally gave a little sob of shame and need at the feeling, her head going back just the way a proud filly’s might. As if she had seen some detail of the lewd scene on the screen, a tiny whine came from between her lips.

  With that hand still on her back, Eric reached down with his other to take hold of the still-vibrating controller. That feeling made Sally buck a little, but he kept her in position firmly as he withdrew the toy and set it aside carefully in the position prepared for it, inserting the probe into the special disinfecting device he had positioned next to the left-hand post. Sensing that it had left the girl’s body, it turned itself off, leaving Rhonda’s cries of forced pleasure and desperate shame the only sounds in the little initiation chamber for a moment.

  “Sir,” Sally whispered, as if she couldn’t bear to let the other girl’s fucking occupy so large a portion of her thoughts, “what is the... the Pretorian Guard?” Eric saw her chin move a little to the side, as if Sally wanted to look back at him but feared the punishment he might immediately deliver to her upturned backside.

  “You will learn a good deal more about it as your training continues. You are a columba now, a dove, and when I have fucked you, you will be a nupta, a bride.”

  That brought a little sob from Sally’s throat. Eric stroked her bottom gently. In his ear, Nora spoke for the first time in quite a while. “Galvanics spiked hard at bride, but so did humidity.”

  “Shh, columba,” Eric said, moving to bestride her in the classic position so favored by Guardsmen. He put his feet to either side of Sally’s calves and he bent his legs, taking hold of her waist with his left hand while with his right he guided his hardness to the place where he could enjoy her pussy for the first time. “Your vagina first,” he said softly. “Then your anus. You’re going to be a special kind of bride.”

  Given what Nora had told him a moment before, he knew what Sally would do next, and so he was ready to hold her in place when she began to struggle against his grasp. He didn’t do anything with his erect cock for the moment except to press it against her, between her creamy bottom-cheeks, but he moved his right hand to her neck, and he curled his fingers very softly around her throat, just to let them rest there and remind her.

  He could practically feel her eyes finding, on the screen, the collar around Rhonda’s neck, focusing on it, remembering what it felt like and what the controller inside her felt like. Sally gave a shuddering sob.

  “You may be a different kind of bride someday, Sally,” Eric murmured into her ear. “Maybe even for me. But I’ve decided that you’ll be this kind of bride today, and you belong to me.”

  “Oh, God,” Sally moaned. “Sir, please...”

  Eric put his left hand down, between her legs, letting her feel the size and strength of his frame above her, still bestriding her, still holding her in place. He showed her that the fingers of an experienced master can provide just as much pleasure as a vibrator, in their own way.

  “Please fuck you, columba?” Eric asked.

  “Yes, sir,” she sobbed, as on the screen Rhonda screamed out an orgasm.

  He used his left hand to reposition his cock a little, just at the entrance to Sally’s pussy, and then he returned it to her clit, holding her there with his two middle fingers. Then he thrust in hard, into the slick depths of her, judging his angle precisely so that, aroused as she was, she would come almost immediately, and keep coming.

  Sally cried out, writhing in pleasure now rather than in resistance, and Eric still held her in place so that she would feel climax after climax. He fucked hard, just as Rhonda was getting fucked hard on the screen in front of them, with Vic behind her and Michael in front of her and Judy stroking her back.

  “That’s three,” Nora said on the comm link, though Sally telegraphed her orgasms clearly enough that Eric had no doubt on the matter. Three orgasms represented a predetermined moment for the plan, however, and now Sally gave a little cry at the sight of Vic pulling his cock from Rhonda’s pussy and Judy putting lube first on her hand and then on Vic’s hard penis.

  Eric withdrew from Sally’s pussy at the same moment, pulling his own lube from its niche in the right-hand post.

  “Sir,” Sally gasped.

  “It’s time, sweetheart,” he said. “Head down and bottom up, now. I want to claim my property.”

  Rhonda, on the screen, said, her mouth freed by Michael though he held her chin as he pumped his massive cock, “Please. Ma’am, please.”

  Judy said, “Please what, Rhonda? You know you need this. If you can learn to be a good girl, you’ll get to stay as Sally’s chief of staff.”

  Eric saw Rhonda look past Michael at the screen that showed Sally’s initiation, saw her understand that Sally’s master meant to deflower the young governor’s anus.

  “Please give it to me, too,” Rhonda whispered.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Sally felt her master’s huge penis press against her tiny bottom-hole. She saw Vic’s cock push at the same place between Rhonda’s reddened ass-cheeks. Trying to understand, trying to be a good girl for the man who had, it seemed, decided both to claim her and to save her, she bit her lip and whimpered and raised her bottom a little more.

  Rhonda cried out, and to Sally’s blushing surprise the naked chief of staff opened her mouth and put out her tongue, clearly wanting to have Michael’s hardness in her mouth. It made Sally think of what Master Eric had said about coming in her mouth, and she found herself salivating at the idea, which made her cheeks get even hotter. Michael stroked Rhonda’s eager face as he thrust his cock inside her there, which made Sally grateful for the hand Master Eric had put between her thighs, to soothe her pussy gently as h
e began to enter her virgin bottom.

  On the screen, Vic lodged the head of his long, thick cock in Rhonda’s anus. Sally moaned at the sight, and the moan extended itself because her own master’s hard penis had done the very same thing. It hurt, because his manhood was so big, but Sally knew she had to take it, because she belonged to him, now.

  A new you: no pants, and no underwear unless she earned it, and a huge penis in her little bottom whenever her master decided to use her there for his pleasure. His seed in her mouth when he wanted a blowjob from his bed girl. Hard fucking, from behind. If Sally said no, the strap and the controller to tell her that she was a dirty girl who had lost the right to make such choices for herself.

  She felt her face crumple into a mask of shame and discomfort and helpless need all at once. Rhonda couldn’t see her now, she realized, since Michael stood in front of her, thrusting between her lips while Vic began to use her anus in earnest. Master Eric had planned this humiliating ordeal of initiation for the young governor of Madison precisely, it seemed: Rhonda placed beneath her but both of them disciplined and trained and given lewd new lives of service to their sexual masters.

  Master Eric’s muscular calves moved along the outsides of her thighs as he straddled her. He had the one soothing hand on her pussy and the other controlling one on her back holding her in place. Its wordless command kept her where he had put her, so he could penetrate her bottom as he wished, filling her there in a way so wicked that she whimpered just at the thought of what she looked at with her master above her, astride her, trouncing her that way.

  He’s taming me, whispered the most fevered part of her mind, suddenly.

  That idea made her pussy clench hard. Master Eric gave a grunt of masculine pleasure, as if that contraction had made her anus even more enjoyable for his hard cock. The heat in Sally’s face glowed even more hotly. On the screen she saw Rhonda undergoing her own different and more subservient taming, on the screen, mouth and bottom full and belt restraining her for the henchmen’s enjoyment.


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