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BDSM for the First Time (3 Book Dark Fantasy Boxed Set Anthology) includes FREE BONUS STORY

Page 4

by Nicola Diaz

  “Wait. So she’s going to subject me to non-consensual BDSM too?” I ask, feeling truly horrified for the first time since last evening. It must be morning by now, and I can’t help but feel a twinge of regret over the fact that my session with him is over.

  “Yep. Unless you can give me information that can pass off as convincing,” he offers.

  “No, she’s too smart. She’ll know.”

  “Well then, my decision is made.” Having said that, he unties my bindings and lowers me to the floor.


  An hour later, I’m at Melina’s house, in a similar dungeon. I didn’t know she was into fetish play. But if her past vindictiveness is anything to go by, then I should be really scared. She wouldn’t hesitate to kill me.

  Alessandro leaves me with her, collects his check, and leaves.

  “So Nicolette. How nice to see you again,” Melina remarks as she ties me to a St Andrew’s Cross. She has stripped me naked, and I feel much more exposed than I had felt around Alessandro. I just stare at her, communicating all my virulent hatred in a single glance. It’s not lost on her, and she smirks while tightening my bonds. They hurt, and I know that if left too long, they can cause permanent nerve damage. Knowing her, that’s probably her intention.

  She takes out a riding crop, and starts circling me like a hawk. “I know about the Meyer Deal, Nico. And I’m going to do everything I can to ruin Gamma.”

  “Not while I’m alive,” I spit out.

  “Oh but I’ve taken care of that. You wouldn’t remain alive for very long,” she purrs.

  I know she isn’t bluffing, so I just swallow and say nothing. I don’t even let out a yelp of pain as the riding crop hits my thighs right over the fire marks. She hits again, and demands information. If I’m going to die in this dungeon, with no one but my college-cum-business arch-nemesis for company, the least I can do is ensure I don’t betray the company I have worked so hard to build.

  On realizing that the riding crop isn’t doing much to cause me any significant pain, she brings out a clear plastic bag and covers my face with it. She ties it under my chin, and continues to hit me with the crop. The idea of breath play has always scared me, and I don’t like the fact that my first experience with it is because of the one woman I hate the most.

  In about three minutes, I feel as though I’m choking. There’s no safe word, no signal, nothing I can do to tell her that I’m about to pass out. I don’t even the register the pain on my thighs anymore.


  When I come to, I’m lying face down on a couch, and Alessandro is sitting beside me. I sit up, and see that Melina has been tied to her own St Andrew’s Cross, and looks in considerable pain. I don’t need to look very hard to see how that happened, but I am surprised that Alessandro came to my rescue.

  “I will screw you over,” she spits at the both of us.

  “Only if you manage to escape,” he says, looking at me conspiratorially. I’m still dazed from the asphyxiation that she had induced.

  “Since when have you been on my side?” I ask him.

  “I’m a freelance mercenary. I don’t have sides. But I do have an agenda of my own to push,” he says, winking at me. Despite my current sleep-and-food-deprived, raped-and-tortured state, I manage to register how good the wink and smile makes him look.

  He gets up and gags Melina.

  “If you ever try to institute any action against me, remember that you will be charged with inducing me to torture and rape Nicolette,” he tells her.

  Whatever she might’ve wanted to say gets muffled by the gag, and I feel a near-sadistic satisfaction at watching her reduced to helplessness. We leave her gagged and bound, and leave.


  Alessandro takes me to his flat, and I have no idea what he meant by ‘agenda of his own’, apart from the obviously sexual. But once we’re inside, he dashes straight to the kitchen and comes out fifteen minutes later with tacos and pasta. Wordlessly, he puts the plates down in front of me, and gives me a blanket to wrap around myself.

  “Eat,” is all he says, before disappearing into the bathroom. I gorge on the food, realizing now that I haven’t eaten in twenty-four hours. He comes back, carries my plates to the kitchen and gets me water. I cannot process how the brutal mercenary who had assaulted me in that lodge has been transformed into this caring…friend, almost. But I’m glad when he leads me to the bathroom, where he has filled the tub with warm water and bath salts.

  “Err…what do you want to watch?” he asks as I exit the bathroom. This whole thing has begun to feel more and more like a normal sleepover between friends, and I’m not sure what to make of it. I wonder why he’s being so considerate all of a sudden. He hadn’t seemed the type.

  “Doctor Who,” I say, looking every bit as befuddled as I’m feeling. He puts on ‘Blink’, and beckons me to the couch.

  Once we’ve finished watching the episode, he turns to me. “Nicolette. I’d like to apologize for what I did last night. I understand that it can be classed as rape in any jurisdiction of the world, and that doing all that to you without your consent was wrong in every sense of the term. True, I used BDSM equipment, but that doesn’t take away from the fact that we never discussed safe words and limits. That’s not how BDSM works.”

  “You were doing your job as a hired hand,” I say, uncharacteristically touched by his admission. “If it’s any consolation, know that I wanted to bang you from the minute I set eyes on you. So there was always consent in the broadest sense, if not in the specifics of what you did. Also, I’ve always fantasized about being sexually dominated by a stranger, so…thanks for letting me live that out, I guess.”

  “So…erm. If you want to press charges, I wouldn’t stop you. I would try to ensure I got a life term, if I were you,” he says, and the sincerity in his voice rattles me. He does seem genuinely regretful. I pause for a while, and then begin.

  “If you can guarantee that whatever happens between us from this point would be consensual, I would consider the past forgotten.” I don’t know if he even wants a long-term dominant/submissive relationship with me, but I just had to say that out loud.

  He looks stunned, which I suppose is the appropriate reaction when someone you just assaulted has made a proposition for a long-term arrangement.

  “Ahem…” he attempts, clearing his throat. “I hadn’t anticipated that…that you would want anything to do with me after last night.”

  “So…is that a yes or a no?”

  “Yes, of course yes. I’d be delighted to be your long-term Dom,” and his eyes light up.

  I smile too, and feel the need to clarify. “Purely casual, of course, no strings attached.”

  He looks a little thrown for a second, but recovers quickly and nods. “Of course.”

  “My safe word is Bourbon. And the only hard limit I have is breath play. Much as I like kink, I don’t think I want to risk my life. After what Melina did, I think I’m going to be skeptical of it forever.”

  “Sounds good,” he says, and we move to his bedroom.

  He lays me down on the bed, and takes off my bathrobe. He ties my ankles and wrists cautiously to the bed, so that I’m lying spread-eagled. He ties a gag across my mouth, careful to not cover my nose. I’m holding a red scarf in my hand, to replace the safe word.

  He kneels between my legs, and spreads my thighs a bit. I know what he’s going to do, but that doesn’t make the contact of his tongue with my clit less intense. He licks with abandon, and I want to scream with the toe-curling pleasure, but the gag restrains me. I want to clutch his hair between my fingers, but the bondage makes it impossible.

  So I have to be content with moaning and spreading my thighs even wider, to allow him better access. He takes the chance, and licks deeper into my hole. I’ve begun to thrust into his mouth, and he’s holding my hips in place.

  Suddenly, he replaces his tongue with two fingers,
and I feel as though I’m going to come. But he pulls his fingers out, and says, “You can’t come until I ask you to.” A shiver of pure pleasure runs down my spine at his words, and I love being told what to do by him.

  He fetches a dildo from the side of the bed, and begins to push it inside. This time, he takes it slow, and I’m thankful for it. Within a few seconds, the whole length is inside me, and once he’s certain that I’m comfortable, he begins to move it. Gasps of pleasure escape my mouth at every thrust, and my pleasure is doubled at not being able to shout freely.

  My orgasm builds up slowly, and the memory of the spiked dildo in the lodge serves to heighten my arousal. He’s moving it in and out, and I’m getting more and desperate for release. Finally, I’m coming, my screams gagged and limbs bound. I want to thrash around and shout with the pleasure, but not being able to do all that makes it all the more sharply felt.

  I’m panting, still coming down from what has been the most intense orgasm I’ve had in years. I don’t even get a chance to catch my breath as he releases my bindings and says, “Turn on your back.”

  I obey instantly, without a second thought. The fact that I’m so quick to obey has stopped worrying me, and I’m looking forward to what he might do next.

  He ties me up again, this time face down, and kneels between my thighs again. His finger finds his way into my asshole, and I shudder. Now I’m no anal virgin, but I haven’t had it up the ass for years, so I’m worried about how painful it’s going to be. One finger becomes two, and it’s beginning to hurt a little.

  But the pain is momentary as I gradually stretch enough to accommodate four fingers. He pulls them out, and I can hear him tear the condom wrapper as he slips one on. I feel the head of his cock near my hole, and he gradually pushes it in. I like the fact that he’s considerate, given that I’ve been raped and tortured and starved all in the space of one day.

  I feel his cock stretch my hole, and a groan of pain escapes my throat. But I get used to it, and he’s beginning to thrust in and out. He sets up a tantalizing rhythm, and I want to yell at him to go faster but am helpless. I have no choice but to take what he’s giving me.

  I’ve orgasmed barely minutes ago, but I can feel another one building up. He has increased his pace, and he isn’t showing any of the gentleness he has shown thus far. Now, he’s simply pounding into me with reckless abandon, and before long, I’m coming. A few seconds later, his orgasm follows mine, and he shouts “Nicolette!” hoarsely.

  He falls on top of me, and for a while both of us are just listening to each other breathe. Then, he gets up, unties me and covers me with a blanket. “You need to sleep. I’ll be in the next room,” is all he says. I really am exhausted, so I don’t need much convincing to drift off to sleep.

  The next morning, I wake up to breakfast on a tray. He has made me coffee, sandwiches and an omelet. I rub the sleep out of my eyes, go to wash my face and brush my teeth, and come back. After gorging on the delicious breakfast, I go to find him.

  He’s sitting on the couch, watching a Doctor Who rerun.

  “Good morning,” I say.

  “Morning,” he smiles. “Thanks for getting me into Doctor Who.”

  “Sure, anytime. What plans for the day? When can I leave?” I ask only to make conversation; I have no desire to leave either his house or him. Seems like an odd thing to admit, but I’ve become strangely attached to him within the space of a day. Perhaps not romantically, definitely sexually, but perhaps also as a friend.

  “Er….okay. Get dressed, and I can drop you wherever you want.”

  “I’m not leaving…for good. I will come back in the evening,” I say, more to reassure myself than him. But he seems relieved, and I’m glad.

  “Right. In that case, I’d like to give you a parting gift,” he says, and goes to his bedroom. I wait in the living room, and he comes back with anal beads. I roll my eyes, and he smirks.

  “I’d like you to wear these throughout the day, so that you’re ready for me when you come back,” he says in a voice deeper than I’ve ever heard him employ. It is beyond me to refuse him anything when he asks in that voice, and I’m curious anyway. So I nod.

  An hour later, he drops me at my office. I’m wearing the anal beads, as per his request. “I want to be a good sub,” I had whispered in his ear while getting out of the car. We had exchanged numbers, and he is supposed to pick me up after work.

  Everyone greets me at office, but if only they knew what I did yesterday, and what I am going to do today….the thought is enough to make my muscles clench around the beads. I spend the whole day thinking about all the interesting things I’d get to do as Alessandro’s sub, but the exact nature of my feelings for him remains a tricky question.

  When he comes to pick me up in the evening, and asks in that sinful voice if I had been a good girl, I realize that I don’t need to put labels on what we’re building together. In this moment, it feels great, and it feels worthwhile. So I push all my worries at the back of my mind, and whisper, “No. I’ve been a very, very bad girl. Please take me home and punish me.”




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  Violate Me!

  (Bondage, Suspension, Breathplay) - A BDSM Dark Fantasy

  The following events are all fictional between consenting adults and take place within Karly’s vivid imagination…….

  Chapter 1

  ‘Relax Karly,’ I keep on telling myself. The blindfold on my eyes is wrapped around me so tightly that even if I wanted to see anything right now I couldn’t. Why would Logan be the one who blindfolded me too, I wonder? Shouldn’t he be getting ready for his own bachelors? He walks me down the stairs and helps me into the car. He probably is just delivering me to my own pre-wedding affair, I assume. But why is he so quiet though, and why is there a nervous tension in the air?

  After about an hour he pulls the car over and parks it. Then he leaves me for a moment inside the car and disappears. About fifteen minutes later he comes back and helps me out of the car. Still silent, I start to wonder what could be going one. I hear a few cars in the distance, but no people. I wonder where we are, or what could possibly be happening. He helps me up about three flights of stairs and then I hear him unlocking a door.

  He locks the door behind us and I know that this is not going to be your usual bachelorette. Logan walks me to the center of the room, instructing me not to remove the blindfold, no matter what. I agree, nervously. He takes my coat off, and then immediately my panties. I need to see what is going on, but remember his instructions. There is obviously nobody else in the room, because I know Logan, and I know that he would never expose me like that. Would he?

  My dress drops to the floor, and then he helps me out of my shoes. The last thing to come off is my bra, and I am left to stand alone naked in the center of this room that I have no idea I’m in. I hear creaking equipment, and I am really curious about what is going on now. I think of taking the blindfold off, but something about Logan’s tone when he instructed me not to remove it has me leave it on. I just hope that the suspense will be over soon, really not able to take much more of this.

  Then he walks me over and straps my hands almost above my head. He then straps my feet, about two feet apart, so that I know that I am in some sort of a contraption, not knowing what kind though, feeling a little more anxious with every passing second. Then I hear the creaking and after a moment I am suddenly lifted off the ground. As my feet lift off the floor and my face heads towards the floor I know what I’m strapped too. My heart suddenly beats out of my chest, literally, as my boobs are now parallel to the floor.

  Logan and I have been together for three years, and not once has he ever given me an indication th
at he was into this sort of thing. I have always been the aggressor, sexually, but now I am suspended in midair, not sure what he has in store for me, and really not liking it very much. I hate being out of control, and I struggle against the restraints. The fact that I am also in total darkness doesn’t help to reassure me much either, and I am just left hanging, literally waiting for Logan’s next move.

  The creaking sound returns, and I am brought upright again. My feet don’t touch the floor now though, and I am left hanging in the air wanting to ask Logan just what it is he thinks he is doing. Then he sticks his fingers into my mouth and moves them around, reaching far into the back of my throat. He removes his fingers from my mouth and immediately sticks them into my pussy, letting me know what it is he has in mind. Again I think of asking him what is going on, and before I can, he is feeding me the taste and smell of my pussy in his fingers.


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