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BDSM for the First Time (3 Book Dark Fantasy Boxed Set Anthology) includes FREE BONUS STORY

Page 8

by Nicola Diaz

  As Baird lapped and sucked Vika’s pussy, he thrust his very hard cock in and out of her mouth. His orgasm synchronized with hers. As he cried out and shot a huge load into her mouth, her powerful hips bucked up on his face and her orgasm caused her to thrash so violently it pushed Baird up and back away from the spasms of climax that had taken control of her body. What Baird did not count on was that even in orgasm, Vika was still a warrior. As her body took her to new heights of pleasure, her right hand came up to Baird’s belt and took his knife from his belt.

  Baird stumbled away from the fight with cum squirting out of his cock erratically onto the ground. As he fell forward toward that exquisite body to pleasure it more, Vika brought the knife up and expertly sliced his kilt so the skirt fell away leaving him naked from the waist down. Baird yelped with surprise diving for the kilt instinctively but it was no longer wearable. At the same time, Vika performed a full body, upside down sit up and sliced the rope that held her and she dropped to the ground free.

  Vika lunged at Baird with a warrior’s cry that was often the last thing her adversaries heard before death. But because Baird was every bit the extraordinary warrior that Vika was, he neatly sidesteped her charge, and brought this hand up and knocked the knife free. It flew into the air and Baird caught it by the handle with his other hand. He brought that hand down and contacted Vika as she flew past him striking her neatly between the shoulder blades on her back. She fell forward to the ground and performed a roll to come back up but Baird was on her and pushed her to her back sitting on her stomach with his long cock lying on her garment, erect again.

  “It takes a master warrior to subdue me!” she hissed up at him defiantly.

  “I am that master.” Baird responded as he brought the knife to her forehead. He drew it along the hemline to her scalp. “I could take this lovely scalp and hang it from my belt.” He said letting the blade almost pierce her skin but not quite. It was enough to produce pain causing her to arch her neck up revealing the perfect shape of her chin and throat. Baird slowly drew that blade down to her lips letting her taste the sharp metal of a finely honed weapon. “I could take these lips to kiss at my leisure.” He whispered and she became even more aroused when her tongue slipped out and she began to make love to that blade like it was a cock.

  Baird looked down at the exquisite body under him. Suddenly that blade disappeared from Vika’s face and Baird sliced her top open and cut the fabric away revealing her large round breasts. HE grabbed her throat by his strong hand and squeezed it so she briefly stopped breathing. He put the blade on her tummy and let his hand find her tits as she squeezed them roughly. Finding her nipple, she rolled it, pulled it and pinched it so she moaned with the pain and pleasure of his mauling of her body. This was how Andraste and Maelcoluim made love and it was what they knew they had to have alone in their tent area and not on public display. These two warriors battled, cut, hit, tortured and fought each other but at the same time they were falling in love.

  Vika gasped at his touch and pushed her aroused breasts up to her lover. At the same time, her hand came up to his exposed balls and her fingers closed over them firmly. She gave him one mighty squeeze causing excruciating pain without damaging their baby making ability. The blade had gone flying so when Baird cried out from the pain in his balls, she pulled out from under him and scrambled on hands and knees toward that blade. Even though she deeply wanted his cock inside her, he had to subdue her and she had to fight with all her skills or her egg would not surface. But Baird was not hurt to the point of out of the fight to fuck his worthy nemesis. He dove to her and flattened her face down under his weight. Baird began to take control of her body pushing her sexy thighs apart and positioning himself between her legs. He reached under and took a breast in his left hand and squeezed it mercilessly.

  Vika moaned with pain and excitement. She arched her butt up to be taken by the overpowering warrior. Baird slipped his hand down between the cheeks of her ample ass and found that tiny hole. As a final act of torture and love, he thrust his fat finger deep into her rectum in one fast push. The cry that Vika let out was like an animal as she felt herself violated. Suddenly she felt her womanhood open up to take seed.

  “I am going to fuck you princess.” Baird growled taking the shaft of his mighty cock and fitting it into the wet rim of her oozing vagina.

  “Take what you deserve my champion. Put seed in me.” She said and she pushed back. Vika’s pussy was so wet and wanting that it seemed to suck Baird’s hard cock inside her body. Baird held her nudity to his body as he began to fuck in and out of her. He kissed along her back to her shoulder and then bit into her fiercely. Vika moaned and pushed more of her flesh to him. She felt his pouting thrusts making her full inside as never before. He must have fucked in and out of her for hours she felt when In fact that is was much shorter.

  Baird had taken women but his heart was about to explode when he was fucking the only warrior in Glenfinnean equal to him. His grunts of exertion were matched by her own combined with low pitched utterances of “Yes” and “Deeper” that came from the woman in ecstasy. When his seed arrived, he pushed up and buried the full shaft in her so deep that the tip of his cock tapped the opening of her cervix.

  “NOW” shouted Baird and his sperm surged out of him in massive floods of cum that filled her inner chamber. Vika felt her womanhood open like a flower to allow the river of sperm to go deep into her and find that waiting egg to begin new life. They moaned and struggled and fucked over and over again. His want for her was unquenchable and buy the time morning came, so much sperm had overflowed her that it like a volcano of seed.

  As they lay together satisfied, Vika did something no Andraste had ever done. She wept. It was not natural for warriors of either tribe to have feelings like this. But the two warriors had fought ferociously, fucked furiously and fell in love scandalously.

  5: The Contest

  The amphitheater was full of eager Roman soldiers ready for the spectacle. They all knew that the very best of the best of the rogue kingdoms of Andraste and Maelcoluim would battle first and the one that survived this battle would take on the best of the Roman army in siege at Glenfinnean. As the smoke from the opening pageantry cleared, Vika and Baird stood facing each other about 30 yards apart in preparation for battle. Next to each warrior was a display of the best weapons of the era. Three sides of the amphitheater were full of observers and the fourth side only had a dais for Octavian and his top dozen advisors and guards.

  Armulus, the chief priest of the Roman army stood and read the terms of the battle. The winner of the battle between Vika and Baird would battle in the contest and if victorious, the two tribes would be spared. Defeat could only come in the death of the other. As the two combatants stared across the divided space to each other, their gaze was not one of hatred but of conspiracy.

  “BATTLE!” Armulus declared. Instantly, Vika picked up her javelin. In one mighty yell, she catapulted that huge spear at Baird. Baird then threw his javelin at Vika and the two weapons crossed in the air. Suddenly a massive gasp came from the assembled crowd. A mighty THUNK rang out as the javelin thrown by Baird buried itself in the ground in front of Vika. He had not missed. He aimed it that way.

  The gasp came from the outcome of the other javelin throw. All eyes followed that mighty spear as it flew through the air toward the Maelcoluim warrior. Suddenly his mighty hand shot into the air. Without moving from the impact, Baird caught the javelin in one hand and held it in place over his head. The muscles of his arm were like a tree holding that deadly weapon completely under his control. Slowly he turned to show the crowd and then to Octavian and his company what he had done.

  In one split second, things changed. Baird threw the mighty javelin up by just inches and twirled it expertly above his head and then caught it mid-shaft so the blade was facing forward. At the same time, Vika suddenly surged forward and pulled the javelin that was in the ground out and brought the heavy sharpened pole over her head eas
ily. Only a second passed as they faced the podium where the rulers were now standing in outrage.

  Suddenly Baird turned his head to the right and left looking up over the stands to the forest beyond the open stadium. “FREEDOM!” he shouted startling everyone. Then the world exploded around the Romans. A massive shout of “FREEDOM” erupted from thousands of hidden Maelcoluim warriors who surged toward the stadium with their swords ready for slaughter. Before the soldiers reached the amphitheater, Baird and Vika let those Javelins fly directly at Octavian and his counsellors. This time the spears did not arch over to their target. They shot straight and true like they were fired from a cannon.

  Baird’s javelin struck Octavian dead center in his chest with such force that it not only pierced his heart, it forced the organ out of of his back. The second javelin thrown by Vika hit Armulus and went through him as well. Both leaders were propelled backward where the Javelins impaled them into a beam where they hung dead until the bones rotted off of their flesh.

  The huge army of thousands of warriors swooped down on the entire Roman army assembled for the games. The Roman’s did not bring weapons as they thought it was going to be a show. They were cut down by the hundreds. On the floor of the stadium, Baird and Vika took the weapons provided to them for their fight and attacked the other warriors who were preparing for battle. The shock of the sudden ambush and having no weapons left the Romans defenseless. Their heads flew off easily landing in the blood soaked turf of the stadium.

  When it was over, two young runners were pulled out of the massacre and dispatched back to Rome to report what had happened. The amphitheater became a permanent monument of the victory over Rome. History tells us that Rome conquered the world. What is left out is they never returned to Glenfinnean nor did any other hopeful conqueror.

  A few months after the victory, Vika grew large with child. Vika and Baird were heroes of their tribes and leaders so they broke tradition. Vika gave birth to twins, a boy and a girl. But Baird did not want to part with Vika or the children. They built a small cabin in the Glenfinnean woods and raised the children as the first ever family. This was just one of many ways that these two fierce warrior communities learned to love each other even in battle and grow together over the millennia of peace that lie ahead.



  Break Me!

  (The Gang's F**K Toy, Voyeur,Object Insertion, Submissive Female)

  A Menage Dark Fantasy

  Chapter 1

  I breathe, deeply, watching my top being ripped off my chest. My breasts hang high on my chest, and I wonder if it was deliberate that I did not put on a bra. I look around me, the dirtiness of the location obvious even in the darkness. Relax Felicity, just breathe, I tell myself, as my skirt and then my panties are cut off me. I stand naked between the members of the Spanish gang, not understanding what they are saying, but sure that whatever is lost in translation has something to do with the rat who sold out the biggest drug cartel in Mexico.

  There are easily a dozen men around me, and I try to make sense of where I am. It is dark, it is dingy, and it is fucking cold. The cold makes its way to my breasts immediately and my nipples harden. I’m still trying to get my bearings when one of the men comes up to me and squeezes my tit hard. It is fucking sore and I squirm. He squeezes harder and I scream. He spouts something in Spanish and the other men laugh as he takes my nipple and then my whole breast into his mouth.

  He sucks my tits hard, both of them getting equal attention. His beard grazes over the surface of the soft flesh and I start to go red. The dim light hanging from the ceiling is pulled and pointed in my eyes. Then the light is shone directly on my chest as my breasts are assaulted further by this bully with the beard and the sharp teeth. I know they are sharp because occasionally he bites into my tits, pulling more screams from me but no blood.

  I look around at the men in the room, all extremely filthy, extremely sweaty, and very, very hot. My pussy warms at the thought of being fucked by just one of them. All of them might be too much for me to handle, so I resolve to tell them what they want to know as soon as I am satisfied by one, maybe two of these gangsters. The man with his mouth on my tits seems to really be enjoying the taste of me, because he is soon sucking harder and harder. My cunt wants some attention too now, but I cannot think of the Spanish phrase for fuck me!

  Suddenly I feel the tip of a finger pushing hard against my clit, and I am not sure if I am relieved or nervous. I don’t know who the finger belongs too, but no sooner has it pressed hard on my clit as it is making its way inside me. My cunt is warm, it is fucking hot, but it is not wet yet, and so the finger entering it is abrasive. Roaring laughter breaks out in the room again and I look up at the men whose teeth are glistening in the dim light like wolves.

  As the finger makes its way all up inside me another man comes up behind me and pulls my head back. He sniffs my hair and then my mouth, and then sticks his tongue down my throat. Two fingers, maybe three are working on my cunt now, and I try to focus on these fingers, distracted by the tongue in my mouth. It is hot, thick and wet, and it is really snaking deep into my throat. I cannot breathe now, and I cannot take a moment to gather my thoughts. But they fail me now.

  Three fingers are definitely inside my pussy now. I know this because not only are they being forced inside me, but once inside, they are parted, stretching my cunt in every direction. Then the fingers are being forced into me again, together, then apart, and my cunt eventually relents, sweating down the walls hard and fast. I’m not sure if this is just arousal, or if I have in fact had an orgasm, all I know is that I suddenly have some relief from my tongue-strangulation, the tongue that was just in my throat finally removed from it.

  My mouth leaks with saliva, mine, and his, and I try to taste it for the flavors that the man that was just in my mouth left there. Tobacco and alcohol, maybe whisky, maybe not, are the two distinct flavors that I can make out. I pull the saliva back into my mouth, holding on to these flavors, and trying to absorb them into me. But soon, too soon, they are gone, and I am left wondering if I had not just imagined it all. I open my eyes now, not even realizing that they were closed, and I am brought back to the moment, to these twelve or so men who seem intent on taking possession of my pussy now.

  I look around me now, at the men who seem to shift in and out of focus. My eyes fall on their crotches, and they are all hard. Dicks of different sizes, different shapes strain against their trousers, desperate to break free. I want to almost ask them to let me see, but then anxiety fills me, and I realize that there is no way that I will be able to take all of these men. I search my head for the information I know they want, although I’m not even sure they still want it. Spanish rings in my ears, and then laughter, so that I know that they are not asking me anything anymore.

  Dicks start to come out of their holders, and they are rubbed up against my thighs, against my butt, and against my cunt. No sign of entry yet though, as they tease me with their thick dicks. Some are shorter than others, but none shorter than ten inches. Fuck, fuck, fuck, I whisper to myself, excited and extremely fearful all at once. I don’t know if they intend to fuck me actually, because soon enough my head is pulled back again, and as blob after blob of spit falls into my mouth, new fingers work their way into my pussy.

  As they work into me I start to think that I might cum, but I don’t. There is something unnerving about what is happening to me, what is happening around me right now, and so I am wondering if I can actually go through with this. Then the fingers in my pussy are suddenly removed and replaced almost immediately with a cock. I didn’t expect this, didn’t think that they would start fucking me so soon. But I am held in place as one of the gangsters rams his twelve-inch boner into me. I almost lose my mind.

  He fucks me so hard, so incredibly fast, that I think that he is going to cum at any moment. He doesn’t though, and fucks me intensely for half an hour as the others look on, pulling slowly on their own dicks, and wai
ting for their turn. He holds me at the waist and pushes me down on his meat and I surrender myself and my pussy to this impaling. I think again that I might have an orgasm, but again it eludes me. I don’t know what is going on now, with my body, or my mind and I start to feel like a ragdoll between these men.

  When he cums at last I think that I have had an orgasm too, much against my own will, but my pussy is creaming. My cunt is quivering too at the recent assault, and I cannot believe that what has just happened to me just has. The men hold me up, and they examine my cunt, post-invasion. Many fingers enter me again, and they pull on the inside of my pussy so that it feels like they might be intent on turning my cunt inside out. I try to object, but then remember the language barrier, knowing that whatever I say now will fall largely on deaf ears.

  Hands part my ass-cheeks now, and more laughter resounds in the room. The laughing seems to bounce off the walls and hit me directly in my face. My ears ring with this sound, and I wish that I can block them. I can’t though, hands on my hands, on my arms, on my thighs, in my pussy, and fingers now teasing my asshole. Then a blob of spit comes down on my tight hole, hard, and a finger is inserted into the tightness. It starts to burn intensely, and I can almost not take it. Then another finger is added to my asshole, and the burning increases. Suddenly my hole, both my holes in fact, are stretched far, and very wide. I start to mumble my protests, but again these protests go unheard, lost in the laughter, loud, menacing. I know that I am in serious trouble now.


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