One Heart to Give (Heart's Intent Book 1)

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One Heart to Give (Heart's Intent Book 1) Page 6

by Brower, Dawn

  “Let me guess. You’re doing what you do best—avoiding the situation until you have no choice but to face him. Are you even going to meet him in his office?”

  “Didn’t plan on it, actually. I have to go back to work.” She patted his arm. “Since you’re awake and I can quit hovering at your side, I’m going to leave. Someone has to keep the day to day things running. Claire can only do so much to keep the clients at bay.”

  “Is there anything I need to worry about?”

  She would not add to his stress. He had other things he needed to concentrate on. “Nothing major. The Nettles family is up to their usual tricks. I can handle it. Get some rest. I’ll come back tomorrow to see how you’re doing.”

  “Avoiding him won’t work, you know.”

  “I do. I need a little more time.” She leaned down and kissed his forehead. “Take care.”

  She left the room and glanced up and down the hallway. Ren was nowhere to be seen. Good. He’d taken her at her word and went to his office. She had a clean escape and a reprieve—at least for one more day. Ren would seek her out now that he knew where to find her. When he did she’d deal with it. In the meantime, she’d do what she did best…run away.

  Chapter Six

  Ren lifted his hand and ran his fingers through his hair. He’d waited for Dani to come see him in his office. After a half hour, he decided to go looking for her. He couldn’t wait too long. His break was short as he had other patients to look in on. Dani couldn’t take up all of his time even if he wanted to devote it all to her. Before he saw to his other duties, he stopped in to visit Matt’s room to see if she was still there. It was then he realized she’d never intended to come to his office. Spikes of anger shot through him. Why did she keep running away from him? What did he do to her to make her want to get as far away from him as possible? It was bullshit, and he was going to make her talk to him.

  Unfortunately, he had no clue where she lived and it had been too late to go to her office in search of her. So he’d been forced to wait. It grated on him to have to give in to her penchant for running even a second longer than necessary. As soon as possible, he intended to hunt her down and make her face him. The only problem was he had his own responsibilities and patients that needed him. So the confrontation was put on hold for two days before he found a break in his schedule. He’d been told she visited Matt every day, but he kept missing her. She was getting far too adept at avoiding him. Dani never came at the same time, so he couldn’t even begin to guess when she’d come by the hospital to check in on her friend.

  He stood in front of her office building and stared at it, mentally preparing for dealing with his wayward friend. Ren took a deep breath and ambled inside. He tried to remain calm and carefree on the outside. On the inside, he was a tornado of emotions he couldn’t rein in. A state he’d constantly been in around Dani. He suspected he would always be where she was concerned. He pushed the door closed with a soft click.

  A pretty blonde woman glanced up at him. She held up a finger and muttered, “I’ll be with you in one moment.” She wrote some notes on a piece of paper that didn’t look like more than scribbles to him and then glanced up at him with a stunning smile. “What can I do for you?”

  “I need to speak to Daniella Brosen.” He figured it would be best to remain professional. This was her place of business. Ren couldn’t very well barge in and demand to see her. Even though that was exactly what he wanted to do.

  She scrunched up her eyebrows and studied the computer on her desk. “Do you have an appointment?”

  He frowned. No he didn’t. If he’d gone so far as to schedule one, it would have given Dani a warning to expect him. The element of surprise would work better in their situation. “This is an impromptu visit. Is she available?”

  “Amy, has Mr. Nettles called?” The blonde woman who Ren had seen with Dani before came rushing into the reception area. She stopped short at the sight of him standing in the office. Her breath hitched and her eyes widened. “Is something wrong with Matt?”

  He didn’t think. Of course they’d jump to the wrong conclusion. Maybe he should have called first. No, Dani wouldn’t have seen him. “Mr. Price is fine. Recovering slowly, but there are no new developments. I need to speak to Dani.”

  She nodded. Relief appeared to pour off of her. “Good.” A wobbly smile filled her face. “I’m Claire—Matt and Dani’s legal assistant. Dani isn’t in the office yet, but I expect her to come in soon. If you want, you can wait in her office.”

  That would be perfect. He could surprise her in her own surroundings. “Yes, please.”

  She nodded, and then turned to the receptionist. “Amy, do not disturb Ms. Brosen with anything while she’s meeting with Dr. Sousa. Send all calls to me.” She gestured to Ren. “Follow me. I will show you to her office.”

  Claire led him down a hall and stopped by a door, waiting for him to catch up. She entered the office and showed him where he could sit. “Would you like something to drink?”

  He shook his head. “I’ll be fine. Do you know how long it’ll be before she arrives?” Ren was anxious to see her.

  “Any moment.” Claire folded her arms across her chest. “I didn’t want to say anything in front of Amy, but I have to ask you something.”

  What could Dani’s assistant know? Her stare was piercing as she looked at him. Ren would bet everything he had she’d learned that from Dani. He had the bug-under-a-microscope feeling spreading throughout. The only person who’d ever made him feel that way was Dani, and now Claire. He didn’t like it one bit.

  He raised an eyebrow. “What do you want to know?”

  “What can you tell me about Matt’s condition?”

  Ren suppressed a grin. This had nothing to do with Dani. She wanted to know about Matthew Price. He tilted his head and studied her. Was there something going on between her and the other man? If Dani had been the one injured he’d be demanding some answers too. Unfortunately, he couldn’t tell her much.

  “What information do you already have?”

  She bit her lip and fidgeted. “Not much. I know it’s serious. Dani gave me the facts, but I want your honest opinion. Is he going to see again?”

  He couldn’t give her the answers she wanted. Ren didn’t know. “Every case is different. There’s only so much we can do. The rest is up to the healing process, the person’s will, and fate. Some fair better than others. I wish I could give you absolutes, but unfortunately it’s not in my hands.”

  Claire nodded. “I understand. It’s well…” She sighed. “I was hoping for something to hold on to and work toward. You’re not telling me anything I didn’t know or suspect.”

  Ren’s heart hurt for her. He couldn’t imagine being in her shoes. To want so much for a better outcome for someone he loved. “I can tell you one thing. He’s going to be surly and try his best to push you away. Don’t let him.” Ren would do the same. He’d not want to burden the woman he loved with his problems. “He’s needs support from those that love him. His recovery is going to be strenuous and exhausting. That’ll hold true no matter what.”

  “Claire, did Mr. Nettles call? We’ve been playing phone tag for two days.” Dani rushed into the office, speaking at a rapid pace. She stopped short when her gaze fell on him. “Have Amy hold all my calls.”

  “All ready taken care of,” Claire replied. “I’ll leave you two to talk.” She turned to Ren. “Thanks for listening.” She spun on her heels and exited Dani’s office closing the door behind her.

  Dani stared at her closed door. She cleared her throat and turned to Ren. “Why are you here? Is there something wrong with Matt?”

  Ren smiled. Claire and Dani both jumped to the wrong erroneous conclusion to him coming by. He sauntered closer to her side and reached for her. The desire to touch her was too much for him. Giving into it was the only option. He leaned over and briefly stroked his finger on hers. She snatched her hand away before he could do anything else. It would have to do fo
r now. He wanted so much more, but recognized he had to go slow. She was already too skittish.

  “Matt’s the same. No changes.”

  She breathed a sigh of relief. “Why are you here, Ren?”

  “You didn’t come by my office,” he accused. “Why are you avoiding me?”

  She turned her back to him and paced in the small room. He let her work through her thoughts and waited as patiently as possible. It was killing him to watch her as if the walls were closing in on them both. Why was she so nervous?

  “I’m sorry. That couldn’t be helped.” She stopped and stared up at him. “I had to leave.”

  He didn’t doubt that. Why she felt she had to was the reason he was standing before her. She didn’t offer up any excuses. Stated it plainly and offered it up to him to accept or not. Well, he didn’t accept it. Dani damn well was going to quit running from him.

  “I see.” He tilted his head. “I’m here now, so we can talk about a few things.”

  Ren had a lot to say to her. The problem was he had no clue where to begin. Did he start at the beginning—when she’d run away the first time—or did he start now in their present? He glanced at her and he could see a hint of fear on her face. Her eyes widened and her mouth fell open. He wished he could allow her to retreat. Hurting her had always pained him, but he was tired of the ache that filled him.

  “I fail to see what we could possibly have to discuss.” She glared at him. “If this doesn’t concern Matt, we don’t have any business with each other.”

  She was trying to compartmentalize him. Pushing him into a box of things to avoid forever and only take out when necessary. He’d be damned if he’d allow it. They were more than acquaintances. He stalked forward and stopped directly in front of her. There was no space separating them. All he would have to do was reach out and pull her into his arms. Ren doubted she’d fight him. “There’s plenty we need to discuss.” He let his gaze roam hotly over her face and rest on her lips. He raised his hand and skimmed it down her arm. She shivered under his touch. What would she do if he kissed her? “Why don’t we start with this.”

  He leaned down and pressed his lips to hers. A spark of heat rushed through him. Dani leaned into him, giving him permission to pull her into his embrace. Ren wrapped his arms around her and deepened the kiss. Their tongues touched lightly. A rush of desire flooded him. He couldn’t get enough of her sweet taste. Why had he put this off? Kissing Dani was everything he’d ever imagined it to be. Ren never wanted to stop.

  Dani pulled back and stared into his eyes. “You shouldn’t have done that.”

  He disagreed. The kiss was long overdue. “I should have done it ten years ago.”

  She shook her head and took a step back. “The past needs to stay there. Don’t bring up things we can’t change.”

  He hadn’t imagined her reaction. She’d wanted that kiss as much as he had. Why did she keep pushing him away? There was an undeniable attraction between them. Maybe she didn’t love him, but at least now he had something to work with. She could try to put him into a neat box. Ren wouldn’t fit in it, and he’d do everything in his power to make her finally see him and what he really wanted from her. He loved her and wanted a chance to have more. To learn who she’d become over the past ten years and build a life together.

  “You’re right,” he agreed. “We can’t go back and change our past mistakes. All we can do is move forward from this point and see where it leads us.”

  She frowned. “What do you want from me?”

  He wanted it all. Everything she had to offer and then some. Mostly he wanted her. “I think that’s pretty obvious.”

  She closed her eyes and took two deep breaths. When she opened them she said, “I don’t know what to say to you. Nothing is apparent or understood.”

  Ren studied her. Was she that oblivious to the feelings pouring out of him? How much clearer did she want him to be? “How can I make you see?” He took a step toward her. Ren lifted his hand and caressed her cheek. “I want to explore what this is. It’s past time to see if there’s more between us. We were friends once. I want more than that.”

  She shook her head. “What about Jessica? Don’t you have a family? Kids?”

  What about her? She was nothing to him and there were no kids. There might have been if Jessica hadn’t lost the baby. Maybe that was fate’s why of ending things cleanly between them. Dani thought there was something that would hold him back. That he had something more with his ex-wife. And why shouldn’t she believe that? After what she walked in on… “Jessica and I are not together.”

  Her eyebrows puzzled up. Confusion filled her gaze. “But I saw…”

  He interrupted her, “Forget what you saw. That was Jessica up to her old games. We’ve been over for a while now. She refuses to accept it.” Ren stared into Dani’s eyes. “Trust me. I don’t want anything to do with her.”

  Dani gulped and glanced down. Did he get through to her? He hoped so.

  “You don’t have any children?” Dani scrunched up her eyebrows as she stared up at him with a perplexed expression on her face.

  “No. Jessica was pregnant, but she miscarried a couple years ago.” He’d wanted kids, and at the time it had upset him. After their marriage imploded he’d been glad they hadn’t brought any children into their mess. “At the time it was painful for us both.”

  “I don’t understand.” She paced the room, and then stopped suddenly. “It doesn’t matter. Not anymore.”

  “What doesn’t?” Ren tilted his head and studied her. He was missing something, but he wasn’t sure what. Why was this important to her? “Tell me what’s bothering you.”

  She shook her head. “I don’t want to talk about this anymore.”

  Ren wouldn’t push. She’d tell him everything in time. For now, he was happy they were finally talking. The rest would come over time. He could be patient as long as she allowed him to be a part of his life.

  “When you’re ready I’m here. You know you can tell me anything right?” He stepped closer to her and brushed her cheek with the back of his hand. “I want nothing more than to be a part of your life again.”

  “I don’t know if I can do what you want,” she whispered. “I hurt.”

  He pulled her into his arms and held her close. “I hurt too. We can figure it out together.”

  It was the only way. He would accept nothing less. Once and for all he would make sure of it. This was the beginning they should have had years ago. Sometimes things happened for a reason. Ren had to believe their separation needed to happen for them to appreciate each other in ways they never would have otherwise.

  She sighed. “I don’t know if I can do that.”

  “Don’t say no,” he begged. “Try to consider the possibilities.”


  He put a finger over her lips. “Don’t say it.”

  She stayed silent. He sent up a silent prayer that she’d see reason over time. Dani was too important to him. Ren had to convince her to try.

  “I have tickets to a fundraiser for the hospital. I’d like you to go with me.”

  She shook her head. “It’s not a good idea.”

  He wouldn’t let her say no. “Think about it. It’s in a few days. I’ll call you and ask again later.”

  Ren rushed out of the office before she could say no. Dani would be a tough nut to crack, but he was up for the challenge. If he left her alone to think things over she might come around. If she required time, he could give it to her. He’d waited this long, so he could hold out for a little while longer. She was worth it.

  Chapter Seven

  Dani studied the legal documents sitting on her desk. How was she supposed to think after what happened with Ren? He’d left her a bumbling mess of emotions. The kiss… Oh hell, Ren kissed her, really did, not something she’d imagined. She lifted her hand and ran her fingers across her lips. This was uncharted territory. Something she’d never in a million years believed would happen. The nex
t move was hers, and she had no clue what it should be. He left the ball in her court and waited for her to decide if she wanted him.

  Oh lord, did she ever…

  She’d wanted him her whole life. Now that she had a chance, she was afraid she’d fuck it up. The idea of having something more with Ren terrified her in ways nothing else had. If it didn’t last and it ruined something between them—she shook her head. That was her old way of thinking. When they were teenagers, she refused to be anything but friends with him for that very reason. The thought of losing him scared her. So she put up those walls to protect herself. It was too easy to fall back into that line of thought.

  The reality of losing Ren was something she was painfully familiar with. She’d walked away and didn’t look back. A life without him was her new normal. So she had to ask herself what she was really afraid of. She’d left him behind a long time ago, and she could live without him in her day to day life. Dani had managed to do it fairly well over the past decade. If she had to, she could go on and be all right without him, but she didn’t want to. She never had.

  Jessica had either lied to her or she’d miscarried and never told Ren. If she had to choose between those two options, she’d pick lied. It didn’t seem likely she’d have been pregnant and miscarried. Ren had only mentioned the one pregnancy which didn’t line up with what Jessica claimed back in high school. That was ten years ago, not two. She’d been jealous of Dani’s relationship with Ren. Jessica saw a way to get her out of the way and took it. When she got the chance she was going to confront the other woman. She wanted answers, and she deserved to know the truth. She’d left on the assumption Ren and Jessica were about to become parents. She hadn’t wanted to distract Ren from his new responsibilities. If she’d been a fool—well there was no turning back. There was no undoing the past. It would help her make a decision about her future though. She might be able to have it all if she wasn’t too afraid to reach out and take it. The hard truth smacked her in the face. It wasn’t losing him that scared her anymore. It was having him; all the promises of a wonderful future, and then having it ripped away from her. If she opened her heart to that possibility only to lose it—what if those dreams didn’t live up to her expectations? What if the reality was subpar to her fantasies? Would Ren be enough then?


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