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Stricken Unveiled (Stricken Rock #2)

Page 13

by S. K. Logsdon

  I take a quick break and watch her dance into the next song. They play five to open up for Stricken so I can take one to rest and dance the last one. The woman’s five nine, wearing a worn jean skirt, no fishnets, black and pink ankle chucks, a pink and white off the shoulder t-shirt that’s been ripped in a few strategic places to show her body underneath. She’s pretty with her golden-brown hair that’s cut short into a pixie style. Her eyes I can’t tell in this lightening. But her body is covered in tattoos and she’s wearing a big freaking engagement ring. Probably one of Ice the Monkey’s fiancés.

  Song four ends and it’s time to join the dancing scene again. I rock my body to the last song and the crowd boo’s when they leave the stage.


  I turn to look and it’s the pixie brunette talking to me. So I pivot around to address her.

  “Hey. Some music huh?” I thumb point to the stage.

  “Yeah, they kick ass. I love that outfit.” She says eyeing me head to toe. She isn’t being sarcastic I can tell.

  “Thanks. This old thing?” I wave my hand down my dress.

  She laughs.

  “Yeah, totally hot. Let me guess you’re D’s girlfriend? You look like a woman D would be into.” She smiles sweetly. Her teeth are perfectly straight but her smile is off center.

  I bark a full bodied laugh, holding my belly. “Oh god no!” I cover my mouth laughing. “He’s a douche bag. Okay, maybe not a douche bag but he doesn’t do the girlfriend thing. And I’d never be his girlfriend even if he’d ask.”

  “Oh… sorry.” She sounds saddened. I think I offended her.

  I reach out and touch the side of her arm to calm her and give her a warm smile. “I work for the band Stricken I’m not dating anyone. Especially not D.“

  “What? You work for the band?” she sounds confused. Her eyes squint. Ah, there brown, a hazel brown.

  “Yes… Stacy their road manager and I have been doing this…” I wave toward the stage “…for the past month and a half. After we had to cancel the other leg of the tour.”

  She still looks confused. “Okay? So the band hired a female manager to help with the rest of the tour?”

  “Stacy had me hired. I’ve been best friends with him for the past ten years. His mom’s sick and he needed the help. So I’ve been pitching in what I can. I don’t have manager experience for rock bands. I work P.R and ad campaigns mostly. But when he called I came.” I shrug. I don’t know why I am explaining this to her. But I want that crazy look on her face to go away. She looks constipated. Cute, but still constipated.

  “So you’re Emily then?

  I nod. No idea how she’s heard of me. “Yes…”

  “Ah… Stacy’s Emily. I’ve heard a lot about you over the past year. He thinks you’re just it.” She smiles warmly. The look of confusion washes from her face. “I guess nobody told me about a new manager. Maybe because you look like you do.” She makes a point to look me up and down and back again.

  “Okay? Is that supposed to be a good thing or a bad thing?” I twirl my hair.

  She shrugs. “Depends.”

  “On?” I push. She needs to quit with the one-liners and tell me who she is and what the heck is going on.

  “If you had sex with my fiancé or not.” She cocks and attitude, pushes her hip out. If she had long hair she’d whip it to the side. I know because I do that for effect. The thing this woman doesn’t understand she may have attitude but I’m the queen of it. So I can see right through this little bitchiness. I can play that game a hundred times better. I’ve had plenty of practice. Especially the past three months.

  “Listen I don’t know who you are. I don’t want to offend you but it’s true. I’ve never heard of you. So if you’re somebody’s fiancé I don’t know whose and I’m not a groupie. I don’t sleep around so the likely hood I’ve fucked your man is highly unlikely.” I say pleasantly. No need to get all bent out of shape over nothing.

  She lets out a long breath. “I just assumed with you dressed like that you’d slept with most of the band.”

  I laugh. “I don’t dress like this normally. Stacy says I look like an accountant most of the time.”

  She chuckles and wipes her brow. “Ok. Sorry I didn’t mean to get all nasty. We’ve just been through a lot the past year and I came to show him support. I don’t want to piss off Stacy he’s a brother to the band.”

  I nod agreeing with her. And I turn and see D take the stage. His mouth drops open and he points to me. I give him a saucy smile. He stands behind his purple drums and acts like he’s jacking himself in front of his pants like a pervert and then makes his hand explode to look like he just jizzed, at the same time he squishes up his face for the fake orgasm. I laugh and shake my head, as I roll my eyes. That man I swear is such a pervert.

  “See I told you. You’re his type.” The brunette whispers into my ear chuckling.

  “He always tries to sleep with me but I think it’s a game for him.” I tell her.

  It’s not like I don’t think D’s hot because the entire band is. Especially Johnathan. But D’s the epitome of raunchy pervert. He’s tall like six foot or so. He’s got brown hair that he’s let it grow long enough he can pull it back into a short pony and has brown eyes. And he’s got a ton of tattoos all over, even on his knuckles. I’ve seen his package once but never again!

  Keith and Price take the stage from the back like D and Ms. Brunette waves to them. They nod at her and then see it’s me standing in this slutty get up and Keith rolls his eyes. He’s not much for sexual clothes. I think he prefers his woman to be more of an accountant than a stripper. Kind of weird considering he’s a rock star.

  They strum the guitars to get them ready and Deacon bangs on his drums a bit. He puts his sticks into his right hand and points to me again. I watch him like a dumbass and he V’s his fingers and flicks his tongue between them like he’s giving me oral. I roll my eyes and flip him off, laughing. He’s kind of amusing. In a pervert who needs to attend sex addicts anonymous way.

  Johnathan enters the stage and catches D egging me on. He stops by his drums and smacks him in the arm. The crowds so loud and they’re too far away that I can hear what he’s saying to him. But they are in some sort of conversation. Johnathan eyes me and then walks a little further and the woman beside me waves to him with a big smile on her face and he looks like he just about died. His face drains of all color and he mouths ‘What are you doing here?’ to her.

  “Hey Em, how’s it going? Sorry I couldn’t get u here sooner.” Stacy says coming up behind me. Placing his arms around me for a quick hug.

  “That’s alright. I liked Ice the Monkey.”

  He rubs my little bump. “How’s the babies doing?”

  “They’re good.”

  He backs away and turns me around to face him better. “Jesus Christ, James warned me you were a little sexier tonight. But fuck! Do you want to give every man and woman a romp? Because in that get up they’ll want to when they look at you.” He says excitedly, his eyes wide.

  I blush and smack his arm. “Stop it. This is my second to last show I wanted to make an impression.” I curtsy.

  “Don’t do that! Everyone will see your birth canal. Please tell me you’re wearing full panties!?” He walks around to my backside and lifts my dress a little. “Thank the lord you’re not wearing a thong.”

  “It came with a G-string.” I laugh and bat my eyelashes playfully.

  “Oh, good heavens you’re going to kill me in that.”

  “Do I look that bad?” I pout. If he thinks I look horrible I think I might just die. I knew he’d think it’s too much but ‘kill me’ can be taken in both a good and bad way.

  “You don’t look bad Em. You look like a petite big breasted escort, a fucking hot one that men would pay thousands of dollars to just have a date with. Or lesbians like Claire of course.” He winks.

  “Yeah Claire would love this. Oh god that gives me an idea.” I take out my iPhone and hand i
t to him. “Take a picture of me so we can send it to her.”

  “Ok. If you want her to want you this is the way to do it. Now bend over slightly. Just don’t show too much of that birth canal.” He laughs loud. “And push up those lovely tits.”

  I listen and he snaps a few pictures. I take back my phone and send all of them to Claire even the not so good ones.

  I notice the crowd is even louder and Johnathan is on stage not even singing yet. He’s in the middle of a conversation with this chick that was on the stage next to me. Stacy turns and looks too. Guess we were both too engrossed to notice.

  “Oh fuck!” Stacy yells loud storming past me and onto the stage. He grabs the woman by the arms. She’s made her way half way out and she’s yelling now. It so loud in the hall you can’t hear what they’re saying.

  I walk out because she’s refusing to leave the stage. She’s almost kicking Stacy. I can’t let that happen. And she and Johnathan and now Keith are fighting. I’m about half way there when Deacon rushes up behind me and grabs me around the waist and hauls me back to the side of the stage. I’m kicking for him to let me go but he won’t.

  “What the fuck D.” I punch him in the chest.

  “Emily. You do not need mixed up in this mess. Let them sort it out.”

  “Who? What the hell is going on?”

  “That.” He points to the woman and Johnathan arguing. “Is Ashley.”

  My mouth drops and I nearly collapse. D grabs me and holds me to his chest. Fuck another rock hard chest. What kind of supplements do these men take? Shit! And that’s Ashley? She has an engagement ring on! Oh shit! An engagement ring! He already proposed! Son of a bitch! I knew they were planning stuff. But damn that ring is gigantic! I breathe in hard. Tears are welling in my eyes.

  “It’s going to be okay Emily.” D of all people soothes and rubs my back.

  “The crowd is going to get pissed if this doesn’t stop and the show doesn’t start.” I say calmer than I feel. I think my heart just fell out and is bouncing on the stage. Maybe I should go find it? He’s holding me so I can’t see the stage or what’s happening. I want to look but if she hits Stacy or Johnathan I will lose it. I think D probably knows that. He’s no dummy.

  “Yeah, well they’ll enjoy the fighting too. Let them all have it out. It was going to happen eventually. If the fans get mad they’ll survive. And we will still perform when it’s over.” He pats my back holding onto me for dear life.

  “I think you can let me go now D.” I put my feet on the ground steadily and try to push away. He won’t let go of me.

  “Emily. This is the only time in my life I am going to hold you and try not to have sex with you. So deal with it. But I can’t let you go. I know you well enough that you’ll get mixed up in that shit and that’s none of your business. Johnathan’s put you through enough and you and those little babies are not going to get in the middle.” He says nicely. Who would have through D was nice to me. He must care in his own fucked up D kind of way.

  “Can I at least get out my phone and call James to make her leave? He’ll know what to do.”

  D turns his head to look at the stage but keeps my eyes adverted.

  “No need, he’s already out there.”

  “Is she gone yet?”

  I feel like I’m asking for a play-by-play to a football game.

  “Not yet. But Stacy, Price, Johnathan, Keith, Davis, James and another roadie is on the stage taking care of it. Don’t you worry. It will be alright.” He reassures gently and kisses my head.

  “You know D you can be sweet.” I press into his chest and arms more.

  “Shhhh… Don’t tell the ladies. It’ll kill my image.” He teases with a dark laugh.

  “Do you got her?!” I hear James yell.

  “Yeah, she’s safe.” D yells back his head turned watching the scene play out.

  I wish I could watch. But I get why I’m being protected. I don’t need another level of bullshit on my shoulders. It’s not just about me anymore it’s about the babies and I’ve had way too much stress lately. I just can’t believe I was playing nicey nicey with Ashley. Granted I was being stupid and didn’t realize it was Ashley. I probably should have known. But the engagement ring threw me off. I have to keep reminding myself what Claire said. It’s not Ashley’s fault she didn’t ask to be lied to and roped along like me. She’s just an innocent woman in all of this fucked up charade like I am too. It’s hard to see it that way when you feel threatened by a woman. But Claire is right. Even if I hate to admit it.

  My phone vibrates in my purse. I’ve got a text.

  “Hey D can you let me go for a min I got a text? I promise I’ll stay right here and not look but I think it’s Claire.”

  He lets me go. “Okay. Just stay here. Is Claire the lady from that ad agency?”

  I dig my phone out of my clutch. “Yeah. She’s a CEO of the company.”

  “Why is she texting you this late?”

  Oh wow something he doesn’t know. He must not pay much attention when I talk then. This will be a dozy.

  “It’s not business, it’s pleasure.” I click the screen to open her message and holy fucking shit! She sent me a pic of her pussy. And god that looks so hot!

  “You and her? Seriously?” he’s not buying it.

  I hold up the pic to his line of sight. “Yep.”

  He looks at it with eyes wide. “Damn. That’s a sexy cunt. Fuck Emily. I thought you were perfect before. But damn. Now you one upped yourself. How’s she taste?”

  Oh, the pervert is back.

  “Her pussy is divine.” I smile and giggle, blushing fifty shades of red.

  “Fuck, I’m getting hard just thinking about you and her. Shit. Why do you have to go telling me all this now when I gotta be a gentleman?”

  I pat his chest. “D, don’t kid yourself you’re never a gentleman.”

  He frowns. It’s a fake one but it’s super cute. “I’m more gentlemen with you than anyone else. Only because I respect you and there are three men who’d have my head on a stake by the end of the day if I didn’t.”

  “You think pretending to jack off and acting like you’re licking my pussy is gentlemanlike?” I cover my mouth and bark a sarcastic laugh, throwing my head back for show.

  He stares at me. “Yes. That’s very gentlemanlike of me. I would just do those things to you not just joke about them if you weren’t who you are. If there was no James, Johnathan or Stacy to keep me from you I would have left the stage tonight, and I would have snatched you up carried you into the nearest room and fucked your brains out until you came so much you couldn’t walk.” He says with complete seriousness.

  “You would not.” I smack his hard chest.

  “I so would. I would fuck you every day all the time. Pregnant or not pregnant. In the ass, in the mouth, in the pussy. I’d tongue your clit until you begged me to stop and it’d finger you until you couldn’t take it anymore.” He says straight faced, he’s not trying to egg me on. ` Although it’s hot to hear him talk like that. Not because I like him but my core is a greedy bitch who likes to be toyed with. I can’t control her likes even if I wanted to. She whines and whimpers to be fucked more than I want to be fucked. And I usually give her what she wants because if not the bitch torments me the whole day until I feed her, over and over again. It’s not me with the need, it’s my hungry cunt between my legs who needs fed all the damn time. And in turn if she gets what she wants I can move on with my life. If I don’t she brings me to my knees in pain and lust and I can’t do anything else but think about wanting to be sated. It has to be similar to a man’s high sex drive. And it sucks, bad.

  “Ok D I get it. You’re a horny bastard who loves to fuck women all the time. I’ve known that a while now. If you flirting with me perversely is your way of being a gentleman I’ll take it. I couldn’t be another rockers sex throw away. Sorry.”

  “I wouldn’t discard you like Johnathan has Emily. You’re too hot for that. I meant what I said
on the plane about him being a dumbass. He seriously is. And you’re bi too so that just makes me like you more.”

  “I’m not bi. I only like one woman. That hardly makes me bi. I wouldn’t touch another woman. Only Claire. She’s the one I want to have hot kinky sex with. No other pussies. The thought of touching a different woman’s is kind of gross to me.”

  “Sorry to break this to ya darling. But if you fuck any woman and like it and keep doing it, that makes you bi.”

  I shrug. “Ok, I’m bi then. I don’t see it that way. But if that’s the rule. Then I’ll take it as long as I get to keep seeing Claire.”

  “You like her don’t you?” he asks softly.

  “Yes a lot. I love Johnathan but I like Claire and I know she’d never hurt me. So I think that makes me like her more and she’s hot and kinky and treats me like a princess.”

  “That’s what you deserve. Not a man who says he loves you but goes and sets up a life with Ashley behind your back. I love J, he’s my dude. But I can’t pretend to be all ok with this shit. Telling a woman you love her and want to be with her. Then hiring a moving crew to send your ex’s stuff to your house so she can move in. That’s some shady shit right there.”

  “He did that?” I ask.

  “Hey D we’re ready man.” Keith yells.

  “Hey Emily, stay please. And maybe you shouldn’t quit. We could keep you around. You’ve done a lot for us so far. With the San Diego thing that’s so awesome. Nobody could have done that but you. But hey I gotta hit it.” He says and kisses my cheek and runs to the stage and drops into the seat behind his drums.

  “Hey” Stacy says walking over to me. “I’m so sorry Em.” He pats my shoulder.


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