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Suddenly Hotwife

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by Sylvia Redmond

  Suddenly Hotwife

  Sylvia Redmond

  Copyright 2016 by Night Watch Publishing. All rights reserved.

  Cover art created by

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  This story contains sexually explicit content and is intended for readers over 18 years of age. By downloading this document you acknowledge that you are over 18 years of age. All fictitious characters who are engaged in sexual acts in this book are likewise over 18 years of age, whether explicitly stated or not.

  Please enjoy the bonus bestseller White Hot Wife at the end of this book

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  Other books by Sylvia Redmond


  The Will to Conceive

  The Marriage Clinic

  The Blindfolded Tag Team

  and the rest of her collection on!

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  White Hot Wife

  Chapter 1

  “She seems really sweet Mark, I’d think you would like her if you met her.”

  I was watching my wife remove her earrings as she got ready for bed. Her back was still to me so I know she didn’t see me roll my eyes. Still, we had been married long enough that I knew she had felt it, and my lack of response only kept her going.

  “And she says there are a few couples that get together about once a week or so. She invited the two of us to join them next weekend.”


  I had half been expecting that. My wife was socially insatiable and I knew it would not be long before she was filling up our calendar. I was the opposite and would have preferred to stay home or do anything but meet a roomful of strangers. I let out a long sigh this time, opting for an audible cue of my disgust over the unseen eye roll. She put her earrings on her dresser as she turned to speak me.

  “C’mon Mark” she said, half pleading with me.

  Her hands dropped to the waistband of her pants as she prepared to make her case, and she slowly started to unbutton her jeans.

  “You promised you would try. This was one of the reasons we moved in the first place.”

  As she spoke she finished unzipping, and I watched her wiggle her body out of the jeans she was wearing. Despite some of the differences we may have had, she still had a body that did justice to a nice pair of jeans. She turned to pitch the pants into the closet and gave me an unintended shot of her nice, panty-clad ass.

  She was starting to make an argument neither of us wanted her to make. Our marriage had gotten stale, and we had been reaching for ways to salvage what was once a great thing. Part of that process involved me taking a new job and us moving half way across the country where we knew no one.

  “I know, I know” I said, resigning myself to my fate. “I’ll go – you know I’m just not good at meeting new people. What are these people like anyway?”

  “Well, Kate is really sweet, but I haven’t met her husband. And they’re a few years older than us, so I’m assuming her friends are around the same age as well.”

  A few years older than us?

  I wasn’t sure what that meant exactly. I was twenty eight and Julie was one year younger than me. So that meant that this other couple and their friends were probably in their thirties? Forties? Fucking sixties? Who the fuck knew, but I wasn’t going to press it.

  “Kate said she’s having their friends over again this weekend, and I really think we should go.”

  She was looking at me with eyes that were half pleading as she unbuttoned her blouse. A few seconds later the last button came undone and the blouse joined her jeans on the floor of her closet. She continued talking to me as she reached up to unclasp her bra, and I watched as her breasts swung free from their underwire prison.

  “She said we don’t need to bring anything, but I thought it would be nice if we swung by that winery we saw on the way into town. Maybe we can take a nice bottle of wine with us.”

  She stood there talking in her casual nakedness the way that married couples do. But our relationship had been anything but casual lately, and it felt like our sex life had been put on ice. And with her standing there topless she could have been asking me to go to hell to have dinner with Satan and I would have agreed.

  “Sure” I said to her. “We’ll bring a bottle of red and a bottle of white – sounds like a great idea.”

  Chapter 2

  I had my reservations about going to the party before we had even left the house. But now as we approached the door my second thoughts were shouting loud and clear. I gripped Julie’s hand tighter as we approached the door, giving her a cue to my anxiety that was completely unintentional. I felt her flinch and I turned to her one last time before we reached the door.

  “Are you sure about these people?” I asked her.

  I didn’t add anything else to my question, but I didn’t really think I needed to either. We were standing in front of a house that could have fit two of our houses inside, and still probably had room for an indoor tennis court. There was at least one car in the driveway that I was pretty certain was worth more than my 401k. Julie gave me a look that told me I was being silly but I was pretty certain I could see a hint of apprehension under her poker face.

  “You’re being silly Mark. Kate is really nice – you’ll see.”

  She reached out and rang the doorbell as she spoke to me, and any chance I had at turning and running was slowly slipping away. I listened to the stately chime of the bell on the inside of the large foyer and waited what seemed like an eternity for someone to answer. I was half expecting a butler with one of those towel things draped over his arm answering the door. But as the doorknob turned and the door swung open I was greeted with something else entirely.

  “Julie! I was hoping you could come dear – how are you?”

  She was definitely older than Julie and me, I’m guessing by at least ten or fifteen years. But it was hard to tell exactly because the woman I was looking at was sexy as hell. She was wearing a dress that was damn near cut to her navel, and her ageless body was doing its best to conceal itself behind the scant, silky fabric. And as I sat there eyeing her up she reached out to hug my smiling wife.

  I knew that Julie had just met this woman recently and had shared several exercise classes with her. But the embrace that the older woman delivered seemed far more intimate than that. She hung on to the hug for a second or two longer than I would have thought appropriate – but perhaps that was just me being overly cautious. And then she released Julie and set her eyes on me.

  “Kate” Julie said as she stepped back, “I’d like you to meet my husband Mark.”

  It was one of those weird social situations that I wasn’t quite sure how to handle, so I merely stuck out my hand like I was shaking hands with an insurance salesman. Kate floated past my outstretched hand, brushing it against her scantily covered midsection, and grabbed me in a warm embrace. My surprise was temporarily dampened by the feel of her skin on my cheek and the intoxicating aroma of her perfume.

  “Mark, it’s so nice to finally meet you” she said.

  She was so close to me I wasn’t certain at first if she had whispered it in
my ear or she had announced it out loud. But before I had the chance to think about it much longer she had stepped back and turned to my wife. I was both relieved and grateful as I realized she wasn’t waiting for me to speak, as she turned to offer us the door.

  “Why don’t you come inside and let me introduce you around?”

  She turned and slinked into the big house, showing me that the rear view of her body was just as alluring as her front. The dress had seemed loose in the front but still managed to cling off the curves of her ass, and as I looked at her I felt my wife squeeze my arm. I thought I had just gotten busted for checking out Kate’s ass as Julie leaned over to me to speak.

  “See, isn’t she sweet?” she whispered in my ear.

  I nodded as she said it, but in truth I still had my eyes on the older woman’s ass. I knew that in a way I was vulnerable because I was horny. My sex life with Julie had been nonexistent so I was like a dog longing to hump someone’s leg. And watching Kate’s ass as she led us into the big house was just enough to start stirring the embers of the fire that was white hot below.

  She led us into a large room that had plenty of guests milling about. All of the people that I could see looked to be about the same age as Kate, which was to say they were at least ten years older than us. Some may have even been a little older than Kate, but there was one thing that was immediately clear.

  This is was not a house full of grandmothers - not by a fucking longshot…

  My eyes were immediately drawn to a woman that might have even had a couple of years on Kate. She was wearing a strapless blue dress, which was impressive since she was also sporting a tremendous set of breasts. She was wearing elbow length white gloves, and I watched as she sipped her drink and chatted with the women around her. She looked sultry and almost slutty, and anywhere else she would have looked terribly out of place.

  But she looked like she fit in perfectly fine as she mingled with the other guests…

  My initial skepticism about coming to this party was quickly vanishing as I looked at the rest of the female guests in the room. It almost looked as if each had tried to out-dress the other, and for a minute I thought I had ended up in some kind of Studio 54 alternate universe. I was dimly aware that Kate had my wife babbling away, as a tall man with salt and pepper hair approached us.

  “Mark” Kate said, and I suddenly felt her warm hand on my arm. “I’d like to introduce you to my husband William. Perhaps he can introduce you around to some of the men.”

  William reached out his hand to mine in a handshake while putting his other hand on my shoulder. In a move that was subtle he effortlessly turned my body and started to lead me out of the big ballroom. It was obvious I was being led out of the room full of women to a corner of the house that had more testosterone, and I was powerless to resist as I felt the big man drape his arm across my shoulder.

  “Can I get you something to drink Mark? Are you a scotch man?” he asked with the smoothness of a well-oiled businessman.

  I turned as he escorted me out of the room, hoping to catch Julie’s eye before departing. My last fleeting glimpse of her was of Kate pushing a wine glass into her hand.

  Chapter 3

  “…so I told my broker, next time you need to tell me ahead of time before those options expire worthless.”

  Two or three of the men laughed, and I hadn’t even realized I had missed a joke. I was at the end of the couch and I had already tuned out of the conversation the rest of the husbands were having. Most of my focus was on a basketball game which was on their big screen television, but that was starting to hold my attention about as well as their investment conversation.

  I had spent the majority of the evening talking sports with some of the other older husbands, but the crowd had thinned considerably and I seemed to be left in the room with some of the stodgier guests. I stood from the couch to stretch my legs and walked, leaving the conversation behind me as I admired some of the art on their game room wall.

  Standing from the couch had provided me with a quick and dizzying reminder that I had consumed several glasses of Scotch. William had been a gracious and persistent host when he had been in the room, and as I stood thinking about it I realized that he had probably given me at least three glasses by now.

  Or was it four?

  My exact recollection was fuzzy, and the sports conversation had been engaging, so I had not thought much about it at the time. But I steadied myself on the corner of their pool table as I got my senses together, and I vowed to not have any more as I laid down my glass. And as much as I had lost track of how many glasses I had, I knew one thing for certain.

  I needed to find a bathroom…

  I left their billiards room and walked out into the serpentine hallway. After traversing several corridors I found their bathroom, although I was certain a house like this probably had ten just like it. I closed the door and relieved myself, and felt a slow reprieve from the scotch that had been soaking my brain. After cleaning off, I opened the door and ventured back into their hallway.

  Navigating back to the billiards room should have been easy, but the house was big and the scotch was expensive. I realized too late that I had made a wrong turn and I was starting to retrace my steps when I noticed an open door just a little further up the hall. I could see light spilling out of the room and I heard muffled voices, and a curious voice inside my head told me the room was worth a closer look. I walked quietly to the open door and realized I was holding my breath as I started to take a peek inside.

  The room was enormous and had expensive furniture in it that would have qualified it as some type of game room or library. But the fact that there was an enormous bed in the room clearly signified that this room was something different altogether. And I didn’t spend a lot of time trying to determine exactly what the room was intended for, because my eyes were currently locked on the three people who were inside.

  The woman from the party with the blue strapless dress was currently kneeling on the bed, and two men from the party were on either side of her. That alone would have made the situation odd, but I could see that the woman’s hands were fastened together with something. The men were speaking to her but I was too far away to hear what was being said, although I could see her nodding obediently to them. I then watched with wild curiosity as one of the men started to raise her two, bound hands.

  Once her arms started moving above her head, I could see that her hands were bound together with a small length of rope with brown leather cuffs at each end. I could see the glint of steel from the tiny locks on each cuff, and it was immediately apparent that she was locked in a way that she wasn’t escaping on her own. And as her arms were being raised, it was obvious that she would be powerless to stop whatever happened next.

  There was a hook in the big headboard that I never would have noticed but it became quite apparent as the man fastened her rope to it. I watched him as he gave it a tug, and it was clear to everyone in the room that she wasn’t going anywhere until these two men were finished with what they meant to do. She must have known it too, although I watched her as she pulled at the rope, and the rope yielded nothing in return.

  She was bound and helpless and kneeling on a bed in this big room and I was absolutely glued to my spot. I considered leaving briefly but then watched as one of the men circled around behind her. He reached to the top of the dress, no doubt fishing for her zipper, and I watched as his hand moved slowly down her back. Within moments his hands were at her waist, as the man in front of her stepped forward.

  He peeled back the top of her dress like he was taking the wrapping paper off of a Christmas present. It only took a second to get the dress to her waist and her huge breasts came spilling out into the cool air of the room. The man in front of her latched onto her big tits, causing her to squirm against the rope as she started to moan. And I heard the sound of a second zipper and looked behind her where the other man was starting to undress.

  I was having trouble wrappin
g my head around what I was seeing. It was like I stepped into the pages of fifty shades of fucking eyes wide open. She was tied up and powerless as she hung there getting mauled and these guys were just starting to get undressed. I still couldn’t believe what I was seeing, and I knew I should be leaving but I couldn’t tear myself away if I tried. And I could feel my pulse quicken in tandem with the dull throb I was starting to feel in my pants.

  I watched as the first guy finished undressing. His muscled torso was covered with a thin matt of grey hair, giving a hint to his age as he stepped forward. His cock was hardening as he moved towards the woman, and I watched as he seized on her other naked tit. And as if the entire thing had been rehearsed many times before, his friend stepped back, switching places with him as he started to undress.

  The woman was trying to watch what they were doing, but the constant attention to her big breasts was obviously making things difficult for her. Even from where I stood I could see her large nipples were swollen and hard, and neither man was giving her a chance to breathe. While the second man started undressing, his naked partner buried his face in her big tits and I heard her squeal from across the room. Then I saw the second man finish undressing as another naked cock came into view.

  The two men exchanged words that I could not hear, and I watched as they both moved towards her. One of them lifted her by the waist while the other pulled off the rest of the blue dress, and I watched as the dress was tossed onto the floor like a worthless piece of trash. She was left in a pair of black panties but only for a minute as the first man pulled them clean of her naked body in a single, quick movement. The panties flew across the room and I watched as they set her back down, completely naked with her hands still bound above her.

  She had looked stunning in that blue dress, but she looked downright sinful now. She could remain only in a kneeling position due to her hands being bound above her, and that was doing nothing to help her hide her now naked pussy. She had a thick patch of dark hair between her legs which she was helpless to protect, and as one of the men returned to her breasts the other started running his hands up her thighs. And it was then that I noticed the three of them weren’t alone – there was a third man in the corner of the room.


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