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Suddenly Hotwife

Page 3

by Sylvia Redmond

  I turned to see William, emerging from his dark corner like a naked phoenix. He stepped towards the bed with his giant cock leading the way, as if it was merely pulling the rest of his body along for the ride. He was wearing only a gold chain around his neck and a smile on his face which told me things were about to get a lot dicier for Gloria.

  And her eyes widened at the sight of him and she gasped.

  “No, no - not William’s cock! It’s too big!”

  The man with the hand in her panties reacted first, pulling his slick digits from under the black silk. He put both hands on her underwear, and I waited for the second man to help by lifting her limp body up. But it wasn’t going to happen that way, and as I watched he tore the panties from her body in one powerful move. Gloria was left hanging there speechless, completely naked and staring at the torn garment held in front of her.

  I waited for him to cast the useless silk on the floor, but he stood and stepped behind her. She only had vision for another second as he tied the ripped panties around her head. When he was satisfied that the wet, black fabric was denying her sight he tied a knot and stepped back. And then both men reached up to free her from her perch.

  William stepped forward and lay on the bed, his giant phallus pointing straight up in the air. It was obvious to everyone in the room – perhaps even the sightless Gloria – how William was about to receive his satisfaction. Both men pulled on Gloria, positioning her directly over William’s mammoth cock. And when she was positioned carefully above him, William gave them both a nod, and they started to lower her helpless, shaking body.

  She was panting before it even touched her, but she still gasped when he made first contact. Her body flinched and looked like it was pulling back, but the two men holding her continued to lower her slowly down. I could see the enormous head of his cock slowly disappear as she leaned her blindfolded head back and let out a moan. And I could feel the wetness from my own hard cock as it pressed painfully against the inside of my buckled pants.

  "Oh good no" Gloria moaned as the men kept lowering. "It's too big - I can't..."

  My eyes were riveted on her writhing body as they continued to lower her. It was clear she was going to be impaled, whether she wanted to or not. Her bound hands were dangling in front of her, powerless to do anything but twist against each other in helpless sexual exasperation. And even as I observed her firm tits shaking, I started to feel Kate pressing her own breasts against my back.

  I could feel the heat of her body against me, but I was unable to stop watching the drama in the game room. She started to rub her breasts against me seductively, like a cat rubbing against the edge of a soft chair. Kate spoke to me in a whisper, and she was so tantalizingly close I could hear her even over Gloria's moans.

  "Gloria loves it Mark - just look at her body responding to William's big cock."

  She didn't need to point it out. As Gloria kept sliding down this thick organ her moaning changed in pitch and intensity. Her body had initially looked like it was resisting, but now her hips were moving like she only wanted more. And William still had plenty more to offer her.

  "Oh God..." she was groaning, and I watched as her body inched down and finally made contact with the base of his thick cock.

  I wouldn't have thought it was possible. I wouldn’t have thought her slender body could take it. But as the men started lifting her I realized that she had taken the entire thing.

  "We all enjoy each other's company Mark - we have for years" Kate said again.

  Her lips were so close to my ear that I could feel her hot breath on my flesh. And she was still rubbing her tits against my body as she spoke. My cock was as hard as it had ever been, and I didn't know if it was due to Kate touching me or from watching Gloria get taken right in front of me.

  And I realized that I frankly didn't give a fuck...

  The men were lifting Gloria back up, and suddenly started lowering her again in a movement that was much quicker than before. Her body had obviously acclimated itself, and she slid down his giant shaft with little resistance. Her demeanor on the second trip down had changed, and she was throwing her head from side to side with a deep throated moan. I watched them lower her completely and then let go, as her bound hands fell forward onto William's chest.

  She straightened her arms and propped herself upright on William's big cock. But she didn't remain still, and her hips continued to move like they had a mind all of their own. William remained motionless, a contented smile spread across his distinguished face. And the blindfolded Gloria started to bounce herself up and down on his big, bloated cock.

  "See Mark, she likes it" Kate said, and I could feel her delicate fingers start to trace their way across my back. "But we have known each other for a very long time - a very long time - and we have decided there is something else we want."

  The two men started to descend on Gloria, determined to occupy their now available hands. One was stroking her bouncing tits and the other moved behind her, running his hands over the smooth globes of her ass. Her body shuddered in reaction to the new sensations, although it was anyone's guess as to what had stimulated her more.

  I felt Kate's hand move around my waist and sneak below my belt. Her skilled fingers found the lump of my aching cock and she started to stroke me with excruciating thoroughness. I was frozen, unable and unwilling to resist her. And I knew what she was going to say next before the words even left her mouth.

  "It's Julie we want Mark. Your wife is so young and so beautiful and so innocent. We want Julie, Mark. And I think deep inside you want us to have Julie too."

  The wisdom of her years was evident in every stroke of her talented fingers. She had somehow found the head of my cock through the fabric of my pants, and she was rubbing it in a way that I knew spelled danger. The combination of her fingers and what she was telling me was causing me to come unhinged. And then Gloria cried out, momentarily breaking through the fog in my mind.

  "Not my asshole again – Nooo!!!"

  She was bobbing up and down on William's big cock with a tempo that implied her orgasm was near. But neither of the two men was giving her a chance to breathe. She still had one of them gnawing on her swinging breasts while the other was busy behind her. And the position of his hands and the words from her mouth left little to the imagination about what he was doing.

  "Oh God, not my asshole - if you keep touching me there, I'm going to..I'm going to..."

  Kate's fingers never ceased on me, but only seemed to get more intense in tandem to the show in front of us. I could feel myself throbbing underneath her touch, as her lips touched the very edge of my ear. She needed to be close now, because Gloria's orgasm threatened to drown out everything else in the room. But when Kate spoke, I could hear her loud and clear.

  "It's Julie we want Mark. We want Julie, but we need you to help us..."

  Chapter 7

  "Honestly, they are so nice Mark. I know they're a little older, but I'm so glad they are welcoming us into their little group."

  Jesus, you have no idea how much they want to welcome you Julie...

  "You still don't think there's anything off with these people Julie? You're telling me you feel completely comfortable around them?”

  "Oh my God, enough already - you're being silly" she said with a dismissive wave of her hand. "Have you met Vivian? She's so sweet. She was telling me about the Zumba class that she takes in town. She offered to let me go with her the next time they have class. It's exactly the thing I need. And she looks fit so I think it will be good for me."

  Great - my wife is going to take Zumba with Lady Godiva...

  "Jules, I'm just saying - maybe we should consider finding couples our own age to hang out with, you know?"

  It was the part of me that knew I should bail the fuck out of this situation before it got out of hand. I hadn't told her about anything I had seen, because it was a conversation that touched the edge of the sexual tension between us. But I knew myself, and I knew the wa
y it felt when Kate made her outrageous suggestion, and I was making one last valiant effort to stop this before it went any further.

  "Bullshit Mark!" my wife spat at me, and I knew that any chance of getting sexual satisfaction just flew right out the window - again.

  She had already undressed right in front of me, like she did every night. I had already compared her nubile body to the older women I had been seeing, like I had for the last two weeks. And I knew she was shutting the steel curtain on me again, like she had for the last six months.

  "You said you would make an effort Mark. You said we would move and meet new people. And they're so nice. William even offered to come over and help you with the crown molding in the living room."

  Perfect - now Caligula was going to come to my house and help me put up molding. He would probably pound the nails in with his big cock...

  "I'm just saying..." I started, in my last attempt at chivalry.

  "Enough!" she said, as she slid her pajama covered body under the covers.

  The heat radiating from her body was stimulating, and I knew that was the most stimulation I was going to get.

  "We're going to continue to see them" she said. "And Kate already told me they are having a big party next weekend. And there's nothing you can do to get out of it mister."

  Chapter 8

  “More oysters Julie?”

  I watched as William held the plate out in front of my wife, with that warm smile on his distinguished, older face. He was dressed smartly in a tie and jacket, like tonight was a special occasion. And by the looks of the spread they put out in front of us, it was.

  “Oh goodness” Julie said as she took a few of the oysters. “I’ve already had two servings William, I hope there is enough for everyone.”

  “Nonsense my dear” he said as he straightened back up. “We have plenty.”

  We were in another room in the big house that had been just off their living room. The table was long, the food was delicious and the candelabras were lit. The mood was festive and the atmosphere was both regal and celebratory.

  And I knew Julie had no fucking idea why…

  Julie looked stunning. And the reason she looked stunning was painfully clear. She was wearing a little black dress - a sexy strapless number that had appeared in her closet within the past week. When I had asked about it, she gave me the answer I was expecting, so I didn’t need to hide my surprise. Kate had suggested the dress, Julie told me. Strapless was coming back in, all the women were wearing strapless dresses now.

  When we entered their formal dining room the seating arrangement had looked unplanned and casual, but I was starting to realize it had been precisely deliberate. Julie was across the table from me, at least three places down, sitting smack in the middle of Vivian and Gloria. They were standing guard on her like two sexy centurions, and I watched as they chatted casually with my wife.

  “Let me top that off for you darling” Vivian said, and I watched as she refilled Julie’s wine glass.

  It wasn’t a true refill though. A refill implied that the glass had been near empty. But they would fill the glass to the top, and the moment Julie sipped it to the halfway point, it was topped off again. It was a subtle tactic, and one that was working quite effectively on my lightweight wife. And when Vivian put the wine bottle back down on the table, she looked me right in the eye and smiled.

  I felt a hand on my thigh under the table and I turned to my right to look at Kate. She wasn’t even looking at me. She was looking across the table with slight indifference, before she turned to me with that smile that seemed to imply everything and nothing at all. I felt her hand squeeze my thigh gently before starting to travel lightly up and down my leg. And in spite of myself I could already feel my cock starting to get hard.

  Oh fuck – try to ignore her, try to ignore her, try to ignore her…

  I was watching Vivian and Gloria fuss over my wife as Kate stroked my thigh. The two older women were dressed exquisitely, and could have been having dinner with the heads of state. Yet I had watched them both in the last two weeks get treated like two wanton whores. I had watched them both succumb under the weight of their own orgasms. And here they were, as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened, showering my wife with attention…

  “Oh, I think this wine is starting to get to me” Julie said as she raised a hand to her lips. “I need to use the little girl’s room.”

  I could see the blush on my wife’s cheek, like the warm hue on the petals of a rose. She was sitting there in that fucking strapless black dress, and she looked innocent yet sexy as hell. She was the proverbial calf who they were fattening, and she was getting ready to be headed to the slaughter. And even as the thought crossed my mind, I felt Kate’s hand gripping my thigh under the table.

  “That’s fine my dear” she said. “Mark can show you where the downstairs washroom is.”

  I felt her hand nudging me urgently beneath the table. Vivian and Gloria were attending to Julie as she got up from the table, giving me a moment to look beneath the table. I could see the rope in Kate’s hand, with leather bracelets and little steel locks that seemed to be winking back at me. And I felt her hand brush intentionally across my hard cock as she tucked the bundle into my shaking hand.

  Chapter 9

  “Good grief, this house seems to go on forever.”

  She weaved a little as she said it, and then she reached over and grabbed onto my shoulder for support. I thought with irony that it was the closest the two of us had been in ages, and I relished the feel of her skin as I put an arm around her shoulders for support. I glanced down at my wife’s body, the strapless dress hinting at the supple breasts just below, and I could feel my cock starting to get harder.

  “Ok love, don’t go anywhere” she said as we got to their first floor bathroom. “Give me just a minute.”

  Julie disappeared behind the closed door as I thought about my next move. It seemed like my one last chance to ditch. She could come out of there and I could come clean and tell her everything I had seen. But I knew all that would get me would be accusations of being a paranoid asshole, and certainly a roomful of degenerates who would deny my every assertion. The choice in my head was clear, although I knew it was a decision I had already made weeks ago.

  The door opened back up and my buzzed wife appeared, refreshed and as sexy as she had ever looked. I realized, not for the first time, that Kate and her friends were real pros. Whatever they did with Julie – the wine, the oysters, the dress – whatever the fuck it was, it was working. She looked like a flower, opening up and exuding pollen, and I knew the swarm of bees was coming.

  “Have you seen their second game room?” I asked her as I offered her my arm. “You need to check it out – it’s right around the corner.”

  I walked her around the corridor that I had walked by myself two times before. It was the same dark hallway with the same luminous glow coming out of the big room, only this time the room was empty. For the first time since I had been in the big house I stepped boldly through the doorway and led my wife inside. The room was nothing if not ornate, but the single greatest feature was the imposing, four poster bed.

  “Good lord, what is that?” she said, pointing at the big bed.

  “I’m not really sure. I think it’s an English thing – keeping a bed in all the rooms that have a fireplace.”

  It was a weak excuse, but it was all I needed to offer my slightly inebriated wife. She didn’t question my explanation, and I didn’t give her the chance. I closed in on her and wrapped my arms around her, feeling her naked shoulders under my hands. She let out a small gasp of surprise, which became muffled as I covered her mouth with mine.

  It was a move that was bolder than I had expected, but Julie wasn’t the only one who had been drinking wine. I was a few glasses in myself and I had a smooth buzz going as I ran my hands over my wife’s ass. I felt her giggle beneath me as I copped the first feel from her I had in months. And the fact that she wasn’
t resisting me told me they had put her in exactly the right mood.

  “Mark, what’s gotten into you? What if someone comes in?” she asked as she broke the kiss.

  She didn’t know it but that was the idea. They were absolutely going to come in. They were likely on their way here now if they weren’t already waiting just outside. But I pushed the thought aside as I ran my hands back over her ass.

  I felt Julie’s body melting into mind as I touched her, and she moved her own hands to the front of her body. She signaled she was willing by moving her hands lower, gently caressing the outside of my growing cock. She thought we were just being playful – a stolen moment from the young married couple in the unoccupied game room. But I knew now was the time to show her it was something a little more.

  I brought my right hand to the back pocket of my pants as she continued to massage my hard cock. I knew her well enough to know she was getting ready to end her little teasing game and head back to be with the other couples. When I reached between us for her hands it seemed like the natural extension of a tender moment. And she never even resisted as I slipped the leather cuffs over her wrists.

  The recognition that I had just placed something over her hands dawned on her as a look of confusion spread across her face. She looked down just in time to see me fasten each little silver lock in place.

  “What the hell is that?” she asked.

  The look on her face was pure drunken puzzlement.

  “Hi Julie” Kate said, as she came walking in from the hall outside.

  Chapter 10

  The timing could not have been better. The tongue lashing Julie would have delivered to me over the leather shackles would have been merciless. But Kate glided over to her with the glowing confidence of the estate matriarch, and she immediately put her at ease. The fact that Vivian was walking in behind Kate didn’t seem to set off an alarm bells - yet.


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