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Her Two Wolves

Page 48

by T. S. Ryder

  He slowly removed his clothing and then hers, his mouth never leaving her body, her hands exploring his. They stared into each other's arms as he entered her, moving gently and slowly–too slowly. It wasn't enough and she begged him to go faster. Panting, he gave into her request.

  He brought her to climax and Found snarled, digging her fingers onto his back. Her teeth clamped down on his neck, so hard that it broke skin. That finished him and they lay panting and writhing for several long minutes.

  Alexandru chuckled when he raised his head. "Amazing."

  Found nodded in agreement. "I told you that you wouldn't hurt me."

  "You did tell me. I thought it would be hard, to have your delicious scent so close to me. But it made it easier, somehow, to hold you in my arms… Found Burlap, I think you've cast a spell over me and made me love you."

  Found's heart nearly burst with happiness. "If I cast a spell on you, then you must have also cast a spell on me."

  He kissed her, and then gazed at her neck. "I need to…"

  "You won't hurt me." He still looked uncertain, so Found rose herself to his lips. "You won't hurt me. I trust you."

  She lay back down, tilting her head to give him better access. Alexandru's fingers trailed over her jugular and he swallowed hard, his Adam's apple bobbing. Found gave him an encouraging smile and he bent over her. He kissed her neck first, making her moan.

  "I'm going to bite you now. Are you ready?"

  "Yes," Found breathed.

  Alexandru's sweet breath wafted against her skin. He kissed her, his lips making her shiver, then his teeth pressed against her. A sharp pain made her cry out, but instantly her body was throbbing. Found arched to her husband, hips rocking, as intense pleasure flooded her body. A million galaxies were born in her brain.

  All too soon it was over. Found lay panting, her eyes closed with the aftershocks of bliss. Eventually she became aware of Alexandru stroking her hair, whispering something over and over. With effort she focused on his words.

  "I'm sorry."

  She shook her head, pressing his hands to her lips. "No. Don't be sorry."

  Alexandru's eyes were full of concern. "I hurt you."


  "You screamed."

  "I scream for other things too, remember." Found grinned, unable to stop herself. "It was amazing. Like… the feeling of you inside me. I felt so alive."

  "You tasted alive, too," Alexandru's tongue flicked over his lips, and Found saw there was still a droplet of blood in the corner of his mouth. Her blood. "It was amazing for me. If you hadn't screamed, I don't know that I could have stopped."

  "You would have," Found tangled her fingers into his hair. "Did you get enough?"

  Alexandru nodded. "Plenty. How are you?"

  She lowered her eyes. "Ready to have you inside me again."

  Alexandru grinned, laughed and kissed her.

  Chapter Eight

  The Empress' nostrils flared when Alexandru stood before her the next morning. She nodded in satisfaction. "You marked her."

  "I did."

  "And did she survive?"

  "She survived." Alexandru shifted, trying not to think of how Found had reacted to him drinking her blood. It had been an erotic experience and though he was certain the Empress already knew that, he was too private a person to want to discuss it with her.

  The Empress smirked. "Good. But that is not why I have called you. Come."

  Alexandru followed her as she descended her throne and walked to another room. His eyes nearly popped from his head when he saw the Bear Matriarch whom he had defeated sitting in a chair that was far too tiny for her. She had several others with her and when Alexandru stepped into the room, they all dropped to one knee and lowered their heads to him.

  His jaw dropped and he knew his eyes were bugging out of his head. What were they doing here? He hadn't thought about his fight with the Bear Matriarch again, since he gave her lands back to her. He had understood he had given up a chance to expand his territories, but he had already decided that he would find another way to find favor with the Empress.

  Not that his plans were really working out well. So far all he had going for him was Found.

  "Matilda here came to the palace with a white flag asking to see you. Care to explain?" The Empress turned to him with an arched brow.

  "I don't understand."

  "You defeated me in battle," the Matriarch said, her head still bowed low. "Our lands and loyalties are yours now."

  "I told you to keep your land," he glanced at the Empress.

  "That's not how Shifters work," the Empress told him with a shake of her head. "You have their loyalty because you won the fight. There’s nothing that can undo that. You're getting soft, Matilda, if you bet all your territories on a single fight. One would almost think that you wanted a Vampire landlord… Perhaps you were seeking someone who would protect your borders from other Vampires?"

  The Matriarch raised her head and flashed a long canine, but whether it was because she was insulted or if the Empress spoke the truth, Alexandru did not know. His heart rose. His goal of becoming Emperor was once more in sight.

  "I thank you for your lands and loyalty," he said, standing straighter. "And you may retain your lands for your own use so long as human blood is never spilled by you or your kind. I will expect you to deal with infractions among your people."

  The Matriarch nodded and stood. She clasped her hands behind her back, her whole stance as unthreatening as possible, given her size. "Now that you are our master, what can we expect in return?"

  Alexandru tensed. No authority came without responsibility. "What do you expect?"

  "Relations between Vampires and Shifters are not good. Can we count on you to officiate all negotiations and resolve conflicts without the spilling of blood? As different as we are, I believe it is the truth to say there has been enough death between our peoples." The Matriarch's gaze flickered to the Empress.

  Alexandru considered for a moment. He did get along well with the majority of his brothers. While some gained power through brute force, he had preferred to move politically, building alliances and even friendships. It had always served him well. Perhaps this was exactly the kind of role he ought to play. And if he was going to be Emperor one day, he would have to continue to be open to negotiations. A brute force built resentment. Resentment triggered uprisings.

  "I will do my best," he promised. "As for now… you and your people ought to retreat from borders that have conflict on them. I will speak to my brothers about this and we will begin negotiations to resolve things peacefully."

  The Matriarch bowed her head. "Then if it pleases you, My Lord, my kin and I would return to the lands of our inheritance to do as you have commanded."

  Alexandru nodded and the Bears knelt again before taking their leave. Once they were gone, the Empress put a hand on his shoulder, making him jump. He had been so lost in a daze that he had forgotten she was even there.

  "Shall we begin calling you the Shifter King?" Her eyes twinkled. "I am encouraged by the way you handled this, my son. With your human mate, you are a promising potential to be my heir."

  Alexandru nodded his thanks, forcing himself not to get too excited. A ruler must control his emotions. As unexpected as the Bear Matriarch's submission was, it was not unwelcome. His lands had just tripled in size and the might of his armies grown. Best of all was the proud way the Empress smiled at him. While his position was far from being assured, he had made great strides in that direction.

  He couldn't wait to tell Found.


  There were two tiny holes in Found's throat. Wava insisted that she wear a scoop-necked top and her hair up in a bun to show off the bite mark. Now that Alexandru had drank her blood, Wava assured her that her scent would be far less desirable to other vampires. Found was anxious to take advantage of it by getting out in the sunshine.

  They were walking in a huge garden and it felt good to feel the fresh sea b
reeze caress her face. Bright colors surrounded them and tantalizing floral scents filled the air. Marble statues dotted the area and benches sat off the side of the cobbled pathways regularly.

  "What was it like?" Wava asked, nodding towards the bite.

  "Sex," Found blurted, still feeling giddy over how explosive the previous night had been.

  She couldn't recall a time she had been this happy. At the orphanage, everything blended together and while she hadn't been depressed, her life had been one giant mundane blur. She had been willing to do anything to get away from the orphanage. It was the stars looking out for her that Alexandru had chosen her before somebody else did.

  Wava grinned at her. "Ah, then Sandru did it right. I've heard that's how it's supposed to feel."

  "He told me that he might never go back to the pre-packaged stuff now that he's had fresh, warm blood directly from the vein. But he'll have to, won't he? I mean, blood clinics make you wait for six months between visits, so he can't take from me very often, can he?"

  "Yesterday you were covered with bruises. Today all you have are those two punctures in your neck. Believe me, they'll be gone without a scar by sundown. Being bitten by a vampire might not turn you into one, but it still infuses you with their healing capabilities when done properly. Your body will restore whatever blood loss there was like that," Wava snapped her fingers.

  Found liked the sound of that. Desire pooled in her just thinking about Alexandru's fangs sinking into her neck again. Somehow she was going to have to convince him to drink from her while they made love… that would have to be better than anything she had ever experienced.

  "Have you considered marrying a Vampire?" she asked Wava.

  "No. It's just not for me. Too intense," Wava's eyes grew distant for a second as she smiled brightly. "There will be an official ceremony for Alexandru to present you to the Empress soon."

  "But we've already met."

  "This will be an official presentation, for her to say that your children will be her grandchildren. I have the perfect dress in mind for it, too. I'm thinking a mermaid, to show off all your curves."

  Found shook her head. "I don't have the body for mermaid dresses. I'm too… round."

  "Nonsense. You'll look fantastic, especially in a purple satin gown with a beaded empire waist to accentuate that cute pregnant tummy of yours."

  "It's not really that pregnant yet."

  "You'll still be stunning," Wava twinkled as she squeezed her hand.

  Found sighed, rolling her eyes. Her gaze landed on a figure on a bench partially obscured by a lilac bush and she tensed. It was Vlad. Though his head was bent over a book, she couldn't help but feel he had heard every word.

  "Let's go back," she said quickly, grabbing Wava's arm. "I want Alexandru's opinion."

  Even as she spoke, Vlad's head rose. This time, Wava saw him too. Together, the women turned away. With any luck, Vlad was still stinging from his two hundred lashes and wouldn't be in the mood to pursuing them.

  Luck, it seemed, was not with them.

  "Wava, Found. I'm glad to see you," Vlad was soon walking beside them.

  "Leave us alone," Wava said. "Haven't you caused enough trouble?"

  "Don't be like that," Vlad easily kept pace with them. "I have wanted to apologize to you, Found. I'm sorry that I threw you down those stairs. But I was acting purely out of self-defense. Getting kneed in the jewels will make any man go a little crazy. And it's not like I was trying to kill you. I was the one who sent help for you."

  "Oh, in that case, all is forgiven," Found replied sarcastically. Her fists clenched, but she knew that reacting against him wasn't a good idea. It was best to just get away.

  "Get away from us before Alexandru gets here," Wava snarled, pulling Found along faster.

  Vlad snickered. "Afraid that he'll lose his temper and get himself beheaded?"

  Found glanced around. Alexandru said that he was going to meet them out here after he was done discussing whatever it was the Empress wanted him for. Would he really attack Vlad again, after what happened last time?

  No, he was too smart for that.

  Still, Found went faster, jogging by this time. They emerged from the gardens, headed for the palace. Alexandru was just stepping onto the wide porch, chatting with a couple of guards. He tensed when he saw the three of them. Vlad moved a little closer to the two women as Alexandru began striding towards them.

  "Oh, half-sister," Vlad sighed heavily. He grabbed Wava's arm, stopping her. "It must be so hard for you, to be in this world but not truly part of it. Even this little female that has only known your brother for three months, is more connected to him than you can ever hope to be. But then, who would want you?"

  Wava's lips pressed into a thin line. "Let go of me."

  "You're an AB positive. It's the most disgusting blood type available. You're useless, even to the lesser Vampires. No good as a breeder, as a feeder… quite frankly, you're worth less than the mud on my boots."

  Wava's arm snapped out. Her hand flew towards Vlad's face, but he caught her wrist, yanking it backwards. Wava let out a high-pitched yelp.

  Moving faster than Found could see, Alexandru was suddenly between them. A hand lashed out, wrapping around Vlad's throat and a second sunk into his stomach. Vlad gasped noisily, releasing Wava.

  "No!" Found screamed as Alexandru punched Vlad again.

  Wava pulled her away from the two Vampires, but her gaze wasn't on the brothers. Instead it was on the palace guards. Alexandru seemed to remember where he was, but it was too late. Even as he dropped Vlad to the ground, the guards surrounded him. Two shoved Alexandru to his knees. The muscles of his neck roped. Found knew how difficult it must be for him to submit, especially in this situation.

  "You saw, they attacked without provocation," Vlad gasped, hunched over on the ground.

  "You set us up," Found realized. Rage boiled through her and she stepped forward, swinging. One of the guards blocked her and shoved her back.

  Alexandru snarled, fighting the guards that held him down.

  "Don't," Wava said sharply. She pulled Found away from the vampires. "Sandru, don't. You know that fighting the Empress's guard is the same as fighting the Empress herself."

  A muscle twitched in Alexandru's forehead, but he forced himself to go still. Found snarled, glowering at Vlad. She would have liked nothing more than to have a silver knife in her hand to stab him right in his stupid, smug face.

  "He was harassing me and Wava," she said as the guards yanked Alexandru's hands behind his back and cuffed him. "He deliberately provoked us."

  One of the guards glanced at her. "You should come speak on your husband's behalf to the Empress then. This is the second altercation these two have been in on her grounds and she will want to deal with them personally."

  Found's hands clenched. If the Empress had any sense at all, she'd see that Alexandru wasn't at fault. But then, she already had him whipped once. Who was to say she wouldn't do worse now?

  Anxiety coursed through Found's blood. Wava grasped her hand and they followed after the Vampires.

  Chapter Nine

  Alexandru mentally cursed Vlad three ways to hell and back. But he had been harassing Wava and Found and certainly that would count for something? The silver cuffs burned against Alexandru's wrists, but he knew better than to fight against them.

  The Empress' mouth was drawn to a tight line when they were brought in. Alexandru flinched at the disappointment in her gaze. Even if he had been baited, a Vampire worthy to be her heir would not allow himself to be so easily tricked into losing his temper.

  "Take those shackles off Alexandru. He will remain calm," the Empress sat back on her throne, glaring at him and Vlad in turn, clearly at the end of her patience. "What was it this time?"

  "Vlad was harassing me and my sister-in-law. My brother defended us," Wava said before Vlad could.

  "I wouldn't call it harassing—"

  "Enough!" The Empress got to her feet.
"I tire of your infantile behavior, Vlad. Give me a reason why I should not have your carcass fed to the pigs this very night."

  Alexandru would have smirked at how pale Vlad's face went, but he knew better than to revel in his rival's downfall when his own fate was yet to be spoken of.

  "This is just a plot to make me find disfavor—"

  The Empress's glare cut him off. Vlad bowed his head. His hands clenched and shook and Alexandru almost allowed himself to smile. It did feel good to finally see the ever-talking Vlad silenced. Clearly the Empress had no interest in hearing his paltry excuses. Just when Alexandru thought that Vlad would remain silent forever, he lifted his head again.

  "Mother," he started and then paused at the Empress' surprised look. "I call you Mother because you are my mother, just as I am your son. My loyalty has always been with you. I may be childish, foolish, vain and have the brains of pig slop, but you cannot deny my devotion."

  The Empress inclined her head. "This is true. You have always proven your loyalty."

  "Has my brother done the same? When we warred against the Shifters and they were at your gates, was he the one to abandon his own lands to defend his mother?"

  Alexandru's hands clenched. Those events had happened when he had just been given his first lands. At the time of the siege, he had been a captive, unable to even help himself. It was decades ago and he had proven himself many times since then!

  "He will argue that he has shown his loyalty since," Vlad continued, almost as if he could read Alexandru's thoughts. "But he was the one who, when facing the Matriarch of the Bears, not only allowed her to live after he defeated her, despite all the Vampire lives she has taken, but returned lands to her that he had rightfully won! Why would a general who has been clear on his desire to be Emperor do that? Unless he intends to raise an army of Shifters against you, Mother. I say Alexandru cannot be trusted."

  Alexandru growled deep in his chest, but the Empress flashed a warning look at him and he fell silent again.

  "And as for the human girl…" Vlad turned and stared at Found. Alexandru wanted to gouge out his eyes for daring to lay eyes on her. "Well. There I must admit I am at fault. I was weak, Mother. I meant no disrespect, but I could not smell a mark on her and she is so beautiful."


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