Book Read Free

Filthy Series

Page 19

by Bliss, Chelle

“I’m sure. But before we make this official, any skeletons in your closet I need to be aware of?”

  My heart sinks as I remember the one thing I haven’t told him yet. “I slept with Tom Harbor.”

  His muscles tighten again. “When?”

  “Um…nine years ago. He told me he was separated from his wife, but he lied.”

  Jude lets out a deep breath. “Fuck. I thought you meant in the last couple days. I already know about the thing nine years ago.”

  “You do? And you didn’t tell me?”

  He shrugs. “I knew it would stress you out to know my campaign knew. And I never would have used the information.”

  I nod. “Any skeletons in your closet?”

  “Nothing you don’t already know about. My bad dreams and survivor guilt from combat service may be permanent—I don’t know yet.”

  I feel a tug in my heart for this man who has come to mean so much to me in a very short time. “If you ever want to talk about it, or not talk about it…I’m here.”

  He reaches up to my cheek, stroking it with his thumb. “I know. And I want you to stay that way. The party establishment and news stories don’t mean shit to me, Reagan. It’s you I care about—and making a difference for all the brothers who need a voice in DC.”

  “My father will think I’ve switched parties,” I say softly. “And that gives me great satisfaction.”

  “You’re gonna need to let go of all that in time, you know. Don’t let him keep any hold on you.”

  “You’re right.”

  “Get used to it.”

  God, I love that smirk. It sets me on fire. When Jude lowers his lips to mine, I meet him halfway. Our soft kiss quickly becomes more. I let the sensations sweep me under: his strong hands on my hips, his muffled groan as I lie down on the bed and he lowers himself onto me, the mingling lust and adoration I see in his eyes.

  “I love you,” I say softly in his ear. “So much, Jude.”

  “I love you, too. You’ll always come first with me.”

  I smile. “When you say come first, do you mean that figuratively?”

  His laugh is low and sexy. “I mean it both figuratively and literally, baby.”

  My response becomes a moan as he rotates his hips against mine. The man really knows how to get me going.

  “I think we should stay in here for at least the next twenty-four hours,” he says, his breath warm on my neck.

  He kisses my collarbone, and I wrap my legs around his waist. “That sounds incredible. You know, you should really be making the rounds on the TV circuit. They’ll all want to interview you about me dropping out.”

  “They can fuck off. I’m not leaving this room ’til tomorrow.”


  He’s pulled my shirt up and over my head and is kissing his way down to my stomach. I run my fingertips over his scalp, pulling gently on his hair. He groans against my skin.

  “You want it like that?” he asks, his tongue tracing beneath the waistband of my pants where he just unbuttoned them. “Would you like a hair-pulling, mind-numbing, sweaty fucking from me, Ms. Preston?”

  “I don’t know…I might,” I say in a teasing tone.

  “You might?” He moves to a kneeling position and slides my pants down past my hips. His grin is downright wicked. “Only if you say, ‘Fuck me hard, Senator Titan.’”

  I playfully smack him. “You asshole.”

  “Say it.”

  I press my lips closed.

  “Your nipples are so hard I can see them through your bra, Reagan. You know you like it. Say it.”

  “Say you’re hard for me first,” I say softly.

  Jude slides off the bed and unbuttons his jeans. When he pulls them down with his boxer briefs and steps out, his rock-hard erection is pointing at me. He strips off his T-shirt, and I take a second just to admire his incredible body.

  “You see?” He wraps a hand around his cock. “I’m hard for you, Reagan Preston.”

  I slide my pants the rest of the way off, watching his eyes as he watches me. I make a slow show of getting fully naked, then toss my bra at his face.

  “Fuck me hard, Senator Titan.”

  He’s on me in an instant, filling me so full I gasp. We grind our hips together until we’re both on the verge of coming, but then he pulls out and I moan sadly. He flips me over with his hands around my hips and fucks me from behind until I’m on the verge again.

  It goes on like this until I’m a moaning, panting, sweaty mess. Jude fucks me in positions I’ve never even heard of, and every time, it’s mind-blowing.

  “Let me come,” I beg him. “I need to come, Jude.”

  The wicked smile is back, and I’m sure he’s going to keep torturing me. But instead, he gives me the last several deep, hard thrusts I need to get off, and when I do, I scream his name. I see stars. It’s the longest, most powerful orgasm I’ve ever had.

  He comes right behind me, groaning deeply as he buries himself in me. We’re both panting as he kisses me gently and lies next to me, pulling my body against his.

  “You really know how to turn around a shitty day, Titan,” I murmur.

  He kisses my temple. “Trust me, I’m just getting started.”

  Chapter 27

  Reagan’s curled against me on the couch as we watch the interview with my fellow Marines who were with me that fateful day. They’re helping dispel the lies Salizar had tried to spread about me to ruin my Senate race.

  “They love you,” she whispers and snuggles closer.

  I laugh softly and kiss the top of her head. “They’re loyal and honorable men.” The love part is always there, unspoken, but true.

  “Salizar has been spreading lies about that day for years now. The Marine Corps conducted an investigation when he originally made the claim, but we found it to be unsubstantiated,” Mr. Jones, the US Marines spokesperson tells the reporter. “Mr. Titan was the only man in the platoon to fight off the forces to ensure the rescue of the injured soldiers. We did not get the details wrong, Ms. Parsons. Jude Titan is an American hero.”

  The interview cuts away to Ms. Parsons sitting at a desk with my picture in the upper left corner from the day I received the medal, and I can’t help but smile with pride. “Mr. Titan not only has the respect of his fellow soldiers but also that of the American public. Earlier today, the President of the United States sent us a letter in response to this interview, and it states, ‘Mr. Titan is not only an American hero, but he is an upstanding citizen and would be an asset to the US Senate. We’ve never doubted his loyalty, honor, and dedication to our great nation.’”

  She places the paper down on the desk, and the camera zooms in on her face. “It looks like Jude Titan gets the endorsement of even the President of the United States. Even though his opponent, Reagan Preston, has dropped out of the race for the Democratic Party, Mr. Titan’s victory isn’t a given. New opposition has started a grassroots campaign on behalf of the Democratic Party.

  But can anyone defeat the Titan powerhouse this late in the game? With the endorsement of the President and every veterans’ group in the state, he’ll be almost impossible to beat. Election Day is just around the corner, and then we’ll know for sure if Titan will be the new voice for Illinois voters in the US Senate.”

  Election Day can’t come quick enough. Although the campaign isn’t as grueling as being in battle, I’m ready to get to Washington where the real work begins.

  “Well, I think you have it in the bag, Mr. Titan.” Reagan pushes herself up with her hand that’s resting against my chest. “I’m proud of you.”

  She dropped out of the race days ago and seems even lighter than before. It’s like a weight has been lifted off her shoulders that she never knew was there.

  I pull her down against me, and her face comes within inches of mine. “It would mean nothing without you, Reagan.”

  She smiles and rubs her nose against mine. “You would’ve been just fine without me. Don’t kid yourself.”
r />   “But it wouldn’t have been any fun.” I smirk. “Who would’ve been a complete tease and a pain in my ass?”

  “Oh, I’m sure there are hundreds of women who would like to fill my shoes.”

  Gripping the back of her neck, I bring her face closer to where our lips are barely touching. “I don’t want them, only you.”

  Her eyes light up. “You have me.”

  “Are you ready to tell the world you’re mine?”

  “Yes,” she says in an airy, wanton tone.

  My lips crush against hers, pouring my emotions and excitement into the kiss. When I joined the race, I expected a fight to the death and for her to be a prissy, stuck-up brat. I hadn’t expected her to be the exact opposite. She kept me sane on the road and gave me something to look forward to each night. Our stolen moments, secret phone calls, dirty texts, and even racier video calls had me too distracted to worry about poll numbers and political fodder in the newspapers.

  My phone’s ringing on the table beside us, but I ignore it. In this moment, nothing is more important than the two of us. Our time together has always been fleeting, and now that I have her, I want her by my side always. I don’t want to live our relationship through technology. Life’s too short to be apart any more than we have to be.

  “Do you want to get that?” she whispers against my lips.

  I grunt, pulling her into my lap and answering her questions by kissing her deeper than before. As soon as the ringing stops, there’s three seconds of silence before it starts again, but I still don’t answer.

  She pulls back and glances toward my phone. “It may be important.”

  I grip her ass, squeezing her cheeks in my hands. “The only important thing is here with me. Nothing else matters.”

  She slides forward, grinding on my erection. “Mr. Titan, I think I need convincing to vote for you on Election Day,” she teases, tipping her head back in laughter.

  I use the opportunity to kiss her neck, loving the feel of her softness and her scent surrounding me. I’m kissing a trail down her neck to her chest when there’s a knock at the door. We both freeze, and our gazes lock on to each other.

  “You better get that. I’ll be in your room waiting for you.”

  She starts to climb off my lap, when I grab her wrist. “No. Stay here with me. I don’t care who it is.”

  There’s only one person the doorman lets up without calling first. Reagan walks with me to the door, walking hand in hand, and I finally answer it.

  “I’ve been calling you,” Carl says as I crack open the door. Reagan’s still out of view. “What the fuck are you doing that you didn’t pick up?”

  “Carl,” I say, giving Reagan’s hand a quick squeeze. “I already told you that you’re fired. There’s absolutely no reason for you to be here.”

  “Please,” he scoffs and pushes open the door, trying to enter my apartment. “You need me.”

  “I don’t,” I tell him, opening the door far enough that he finally sees Reagan.

  His eyes widen, and there’s a flash of anger that crosses his face. “What’s she doing here?” He pushes past both of us and turns to face us once he’s inside.

  I close the door and pull Reagan to my side. “I don’t need to explain anything to you, Carl. You’re no longer a member of my campaign.”

  His eyes narrow, bouncing between us. “How long have you been fucking her?”

  “Don’t be so crude.”

  He drags his hand through his perfectly styled hair. “I can’t believe you’re risking everything for a piece of ass, Jude. I thought you were smarter than that.”

  I step forward, releasing Reagan’s hand, and get in his face. “Get the fuck out.”

  He shakes his head and laughs. “Wait until the press gets a hold of this story.”

  “I don’t care what people say, especially the press. Reagan and I are a couple now, and there’s nothing anyone can say to change that. Now, Carl—” my hands ball into fists as I resist the urge to knock his ass out “—you’re no longer part of this. I’m not going to tell you again to leave.”

  He throws up his hands and backs away before ducking around me and heading for the door. “I want my job back, Titan. If you don’t, I’ll release this story to the media just like I did about Stan Preston.”

  Reagan grunts and she takes a step toward Carl. My eyes flicker to hers before my gaze narrows at Carl, and I step between the two of them. “Tell people what you want. You can’t force me to hire you again. Go ahead, Carl. Tell the world I’m with Reagan. I have nothing to hide. I’m not ashamed of loving her.”

  When he opens the door, he pauses in the doorway. “We’ll see about that. It may be the final nail in your campaign. I always figured a broad would lose you the Senate seat, but I never thought it would be Reagan you’d be fucking.”

  Before he has a chance to step into the hallway, my fist is in the air, heading straight for his face. When my knuckles crunch and he stumbles backward, Reagan’s at my side, stopping me from hitting him again.

  “Don’t,” she whispers as she grasps my arm. “He’s not worth it.”

  I stare down at her and smile. “He’s not,” I say before kissing her forehead and removing her hand from my arm. “But he still isn’t welcome here.”

  I grab Carl by the collar and push him out of the door and into the hallway. “Do whatever you feel you have to, Carl. Don’t call me or try to speak to me again, or I’ll have you arrested for extortion.”

  He’s rubbing his jaw when he straightens. “You’re going to regret this, Jude.”

  I close the door without a response and turn to Reagan. “Are you okay?” I ask because she’s my only concern, not Carl and his threats.

  She nods, swallowing loudly. “I think.” She sighs and starts to pace. “This is bad.”

  My arms are around her waist quickly, stopping her from panicking. “It’s fine. We’re fine. Don’t pay any attention to him.”

  Her hands rest on my forearms, and she stares up at me. “But what if he tells the media?”

  “Then we come clean. I’m not ashamed of anything we did, Reagan, and you shouldn’t be either.”

  “But we’re days away from the election.”

  I laugh, nuzzling my face in her neck. “Who am I going to lose to? Nothing matters now. I think the citizens of Illinois will understand that sometimes we can’t help the person we love.”

  She moves closer and rests her face against my chest. “You’re way too optimistic.”

  “He can’t say anything at this point to ruin everything. If he does, he’ll just come off as bitter and disgruntled.” My fingers find her chin, pulling her eyes to mine. “I’m not worried, and neither should you be. We’ll be fine.”

  She snakes her arms around my neck and stands on her tiptoes. “When you say that…” She smiles, moving her lips closer to mine, gazing into my eyes. “I actually believe it.”

  “Where were we?” My hands slide down her back, settling on her ass and lifting her against me. “Ah, that’s right.” She wraps her legs around my waist and moans softly as I carry her toward my bedroom. “I hope you didn’t plan on sleeping much tonight.”

  * * *

  Reagan’s still sleeping, snoring loud enough to wake the neighbors when her phone starts to beep. My curiosity gets the best of me, and I reach over her and look at her screen.

  Tom: Where are you? Fucking answer me, Reagan.

  Tom Harbor is a sleazebag and ranks up there with Carl when it comes to morals. Reagan doesn’t need him in her life, trying to fuck with her head or her heart. I kept the knowledge of their relationship to myself for far too long. It’s time I finally put Tom in his place.

  I lift Reagan’s arm, letting it drop to the bed, and she grunts but doesn’t wake. Gently picking up her hand, I place her finger on the button to unlock her phone.

  Reagan: Meet me at the coffee shop near my place in twenty.

  It’s time I handle the Harbor situation. After he repli
es, I erase her texts between her and Tom and place her phone on the nightstand beside her. I’m dressed and out the door within minutes, heading toward the café to confront him.

  Tom’s out front with his hands tucked into his pockets, scanning the pedestrians passing by as he waits for Reagan. His eyes lock on mine, and he pushes off the building, heading straight toward me.

  The circles under his eyes have grown and become darker since the last time I saw him. “Titan, funny seeing you here.” He gives me a smug smile.

  “Reagan isn’t coming,” I tell him, and it’s my turn to smile. “She doesn’t want anything to do with you, Tom.”

  He tilts his head, giving me a quizzical look. “How do you know?”

  I cross my arms in front of my chest and stare down at him. “I’m the one who typed the message.”

  His eyebrows draw together, and he still hasn’t figured it out. For a man who’s supposed to be a genius, he’s pretty dense. “What are you doing with her phone?”

  I close the space between us to avoid someone hearing my next statement. “You need to leave Reagan alone. I’m coming to you man-to-man. I know about your past together, but that’s all it is…the past. It’s time for you to move on and leave her in peace. Reagan’s mine now, Tom. Mine. Understand that?” I unfold my arms and widen my stance. “I’ll do anything to protect her. I’m being a gentleman here, even though you don’t deserve it. If I hear you’ve even sent her an email, I’ll track you down and make you regret the day you were born.”

  “She’s not your property, Titan.” His jaw ticks and his face flushes.

  I raise an eyebrow and smirk. “She’s not your anything, Harbor. Don’t make me call your wife and share with her the proof of your affair so many years ago. Especially since Reagan was so young and impressionable. What do you think would happen if Stan found out about your fucking his little girl?”

  The blood drains from his face. “You wouldn’t.”

  “Try me.” I laugh loudly. “I’ll come out and tell a beautiful tale about an older married man taking advantage of a young girl and then breaking her heart.”


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