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Filthy Series

Page 31

by Bliss, Chelle

  “Sure.” She hops down, rounding the island with her beautiful tits on full display.

  The ink on her body surprised me. If she had a tramp stamp, it wouldn’t have rocked me to the core. But to have a piece running over a foot down her side and knowing how much pain she had to endure to etch her skin in that way sent my mind spinning. The girl didn’t mind a little pain. That was obvious. But how much could she endure before she broke?

  The little stunt she pulled at the Loft, getting caught by Grayson, could’ve ended her. She claimed she had it all under control. Even though she was able to push me off, knee me in the balls, and get out from under me showed me she had the ability, I don’t think she feared me in the slightest. When I walked in on her and Grayson, she didn’t look to have anything under control. Not even in the slightest. Even though she was able to push me off, knee me in the balls, and get out from under me showed me she had the ability to do so, but she isn’t afraid of me.

  “You like it?” she asks, catching me eyeing the monochromatic piece.

  My fingers trace the words on her ribs. Forget, forgive, but never regret. “That had to take a while.”

  “Yeah.” She smiles up at me, touching my face just like I’m touching her. “But it was worth every minute of pain to have a lifetime of beauty.”

  My hand slides down the art and snakes around her back, drawing her body to mine. “You’re not who I think you are.” The statement is simple, but it has more than one meaning. I thought she was just the wild child of an ex-senator, but there’s more to Kennedy Preston than meets the eye, and I’m going to leave no stone unturned in finding out exactly who she is.

  “We all have secrets, Nix. Some things are left in the gray area.” She brings her mouth close to mine, the scent of chocolate on her breath. “Like your love of cereal. People don’t need to know you love Cocoa Pebbles.”

  Is she really comparing my secret cereal obsession to her hiding her true identity? They couldn’t be any more different, but I play along. “Just. Like. That.” I nip at her lips after each word and feel her nipples pebble through my dress shirt.

  Fuck. All I want to do is bury myself inside of her, but I can’t. I have to stay the course. I always think through everything before I act, but Kennedy makes me wild with enough lust that I just say fuck it and let the cards fall where they may. “I’m exhausted,” I say, the aching pressure in my pants becoming unbearable.

  “I can go home,” she whispers against my lips as she searches my eyes. “I don’t mind.”

  “No. Stay here. It’s safer for you here than out there tonight. Especially with Grayson pissed off and Hassan probably having gotten word.”

  “They’ll never find me.” She’s confident in that statement, but I deflate her and rattle off her address, causing her eyebrows to shoot upward. “Fuck,” she hisses and pales.

  I’m moving our bodies backward toward the bedroom before she runs. “You’re not as hidden as you think you are, Ken.”

  “No one knows who I am but you.”

  Funny statement. I don’t even know who the hell she is except for her name and some general background information, but I let the conversation drop. When the backs of her knees bump the edge of the bed, I push her down and motion for her leg. She’s still wearing the boots—a nice touch, I might add—and I want all pointy objects as far away from me as possible. She watches me closely as I strip the first boot off and toss it across the room.

  “I can get the other one.” She starts to reach for the zipper, but I swat her hand away playfully.

  “I didn’t get to undress you earlier. Let me at least enjoy the moment.” I don’t know what the fuck I’m saying, but I hope it makes sense to her. Her body’s tense as I slowly pull the zipper down her calf. I expect a gun to fall out, but there’s a tiny dagger strapped to her leg instead. Dislodging it from the holder, I lift it up and shake it a little. “Planning on trouble tonight?”

  She smiles wryly. “A girl can’t be too careful these days.”

  I toss it over my shoulder, making it land right near her boot with a tiny thud. Working carefully, I pull the other boot off and I’m surprised when no other weapons fall out. The second boot meets the same fate as the first and the dagger. Carefully, I lean forward and reach under her arms, tossing her toward the head of the bed.

  Her eyes are on me, watching my every move as I undress. They’re hungry, sweeping across my skin as I peel away the layers. I’m making slow work of it, studying her just as much as she is me. I don’t know if she’s working me, but attraction and lust can’t be faked. She wants me. There’s no denying that. The way her cheeks flush and her tongue sweeps across her lips makes that clear. When her hand comes up and strokes the sides of her breasts in between her cleavage, I know I could have her in a second.

  My erection springs out of my pants like a pole-vaulter jumping over the highest bar and makes it clear I want her too. It’s something I can’t hide, no matter how hard I try. Even with my amazing skills of deception, my dick does its own thing. It’s hard to think of anything but sex as Kennedy lies there naked, fucking me with her eyes.

  “Nix,” she whispers, circling her nipple with her fingertip and pushing her body farther down into the mattress. “I want you.”

  Distraction. That’s all it is. I don’t doubt that she wants me, but she’s using it as a way to get me off course. I have to remember I’m not dealing with just Kennedy, spoiled little rich girl; she’s someone I don’t know and can’t figure out. Not yet, at least.

  “In time,” I tell her, slipping between her thighs and hovering over her body with my cock lined up with her sweet, warm cunt. It would be so easy to sink inside of her and lose myself. But I have to keep my composure and stick to the plan at hand. “Night, Ken,” I say and press my lips to her forehead.

  “Night?” She looks up at me with confusion.

  “I’m exhausted. I need my sleep, babe.”


  “Yeah. You remember what that is.”

  “But…” She sets her lips in a firm line.

  “Mind if we cuddle?” I almost gag asking the question. Never have I had a woman in my bed and just cuddled. It’s honestly the last thing I want to do, but it’s necessary. I need to keep her close enough that I can tell when she is in a deep enough sleep to pull off what comes next.

  “Um,” she mumbles as she darts her eyes around my face. “Yeah, I guess.”

  “Great.” I smile, rolling to my side and taking her with me.

  Once I’ve settled us in the right position and she’s curled into my side, she finally asks the one thing I’ve been waiting for, “Nix, don’t you want to, you know, do it?”

  My arms tighten, and the sheet starts to tent where her leg is so close to my cock I can feel the heat from her skin. “Not tonight. I’m too tired. We have plenty of time for that.” I smile against her hair, but part of me is tortured. I should bang her. Fuck her until she confesses all her secrets.

  Her fingers find my nipple, toying with it between her fingertips. “You can just lie there. I want to make you feel as good as you made me feel.”

  I’d never want her to feel left out. That wouldn’t be gentlemanly. “Would it make you happy to suck my cock?” My smile widens and my spine tingles at the thought of her lips wrapped around my shaft.

  Slowly, her hand slides down my chest to my abdomen and pauses, drawing circles with her nails just above my pubic hair. “There’s nothing I want more right now.” She stares up at me, pleading with me to accept.

  My hand lightly grazes the skin down her spine. “I wouldn’t want to deprive you of anything.” I barely believe the bullshit coming out of my mouth, and I definitely don’t believe what’s coming from her. Does she want me? Yes. Is she doing it to keep me off my footing about what happened with Grayson? Fuckin’ A, for sure.

  Tucking my hand behind my head, I stretch out as she starts to scoot down the bed, coming face-to-face with my aching cock. It’s thro
bbing for her, leaping around in anticipation. She peels back the sheet, moving her eyes between my eyes for affirmation and my cock with adoration. She licks her lips, sizing it up, and smiles. “You may have the prettiest cock I’ve ever seen.”

  “Why don’t you just put it in your mouth, Ken?” Stopping myself from rolling my eyes is tough, but somehow, I pull it off. “Make those lips useful.”

  There’s a flash of anger in her eyes, but my cock ducks and weaves, calling for her attention. When she doesn’t move right away, my hand that’s on her back glides up to her neck, pushing her toward my erection. Her tongue darts out as her hand wraps around my shaft, testing out the weight and girth before licking the tip and scooping up the precome that’s resting at the tip.

  Keeping my hand at the base of her neck, I tangle a few fingers in her hair to get a better grip. Once she starts on her mission, I’m sure as fuck not letting her stop. But like the good girl she is, she doesn’t do it half-assed. Her hand squeezes with just the right amount of pressure, and her thumb passes over the sensitive underside of the tip. Moments later, her lips wrap around the tip, drawing it deeper into her mouth, and I moan from the sensation.

  Her mouth feels like warmed silk against the hardness of my skin. She flicks the tip with her tongue before swirling it around as she works the entire length of me with her hands and mouth. My spine tingles and every muscle in my body tenses. I strain to keep my eyes open because the visual is just as amazing as the feel of her sucking me off.

  Kennedy Prescott is one hell of a cocksucker. Usually, it takes more than a mouth to get me off, but with the way she manipulates my dick, I have no doubt I could reach orgasm in under five minutes. But I want to savor this. I want to torture her. I think of something that isn’t sexy. I want her to languish until her mouth aches and she’s exhausted.

  All kinds of things go through my brain. Things that only sickos would fucking find pleasure in. I think of sad things, disgusting things, and things that would cause nightmares. It works like a charm. I can tell when she’s starting to get tired. She works hard, sucks with more force, and moans.

  I grunt my appreciation, pushing her farther down my shaft and moaning, “I’m so close.” It’s a fucking lie, but she doesn’t need to know that. “Just a little bit more.”

  Her eyes light up and she moans against my cock, sending a shiver down my spine with the vibration. Do not come, asshole. I just need a few more minutes of contact. After tonight, I don’t know if Kennedy will ever talk to me again, let alone wrap her lips around my cock.

  Trying harder to get me off, she palms my balls and gives them a light squeeze. She’s on the right track. It’s a nice touch, but I’m not ready to let her win so easily. “Just like that,” I say, urging her to keep going until I decide it’s time.

  My dick falls from her mouth, but she still has a firm grip on the shaft. “I need to move,” she says and licks her lips before moving her jaw back and forth. “I need a new position.”

  “Move anywhere you want, just make it quick. Your mouth is like a little piece of heaven.”

  Her cheeks flush as she crawls between my legs and settles in. Smart girl. She doesn’t know it, but she needs to be comfortable. “Am I doing it right?”

  “So fucking good. Never had a better blow job.” That wasn’t a lie. I don’t know what it is about her, but I haven’t actually had a better one. Maybe it’s the fact that I want to put her over my knee and beat her ass until she cries. Or the fact that the sexual tension between us had simmered on a low burn since our eyes first met.

  “Oh,” she says, forming a perfect O with her lips before pushing them down around the tip again.

  At this angle, she could take me deeper, almost swallowing me whole. It shocks me. No woman has ever been able to take so much of me in her mouth without gagging. But Kennedy…she must not have a gag reflex because she took that shit like a sword swallower at the circus. Impressive.

  Dead puppies. It’s all I can think of to stop myself from coming in ten seconds. The way her throat closes against my cock has my head spinning.

  I. Can’t. Come. Not yet. Man up, Nix.

  Her head bobs, following the straightness of my cock as it appears and then disappears between her beautiful lips. The ring in her lip brushes against my skin, but I wouldn’t even know it was there if I wasn’t looking. She uses one hand as leverage when her neck starts to get sore. It’s like she’s doing a one-armed push-up. The view is spectacular. Her tits are hanging, swaying with her movement, and her back’s dipped toward the mattress, causing her ass to stick in the air.

  Thoughts of her tight pussy and even smaller ass creep into my mind. It only takes a second with her working my dick so expertly and my mind wandering to the taste of her pussy to start the familiar spine-tingle I’d been trying to stave off. When I know it’s too late to stop, I wrap my fingers in her hair and control her pace. I want her lips around me as I come. There’s no backing down now or pulling out.

  “Fuck,” I hiss between clenched teeth as the orgasm starts to crash over me and strips me of all breath. My body seizes, and waves of pleasure shoot through my body. Everything is blurry, including my thoughts.

  Kennedy moans around my shaft, swallowing me deeper as my cock damn near explodes with pleasure. It takes a good thirty seconds before I can even pull a shaky breath into my lungs. I’m sated, but not pleased that my mind had wandered and let her off easier than I had hoped.

  She pushes herself up, resting her ass on her heels and placing her hands on my thighs. Her tongue sweeps out, sliding across her lips and taking every drop I offered without remorse. There’s a sinful smile on her face and she’s looking at me with hooded eyes, but I’m done with this round of fun for tonight.

  “Come here,” I command and motion my hand for her to lie next to me.

  She does with a smile, but she stares up at me as she rests her head on my chest.

  Before she can say anything, I press my lips to her forehead again and sigh. “That was amazing, Kennedy. You made me a happy man.”

  Her hand slides up my chest and snakes around the back of my neck. “I’m glad I could make you happy.”

  “Now be a good girl and go to sleep. Maybe I’ll wake you up in the middle of the night with a surprise.”

  Her eyes widen and a giant smile creeps across her face, and she quickly responds, “Night, Nix.”

  “Night, Ken.”

  When she closes her eyes, I can finally relax. Pulling her tighter to my body, I stroke her back in long, slow movements until her breathing deepens. When the erratic breaths calm to an even pace, I know she’s asleep. I’ll wait another thirty minutes before implementing my plan.

  She’s already expecting me to wake her, but she doesn’t quite understand what I have in store. It has nothing to do with my mouth on her sweet, wet cunt. Oh, no. That would be too easy and too pleasurable for her. I’m getting answers and will use any means necessary to obtain them.



  I never would have pegged Nix as a cuddler. In a matter of hours, he’s gone from promising to fuck me so well I can’t walk tomorrow to spooning me instead.

  Not that I’m complaining about the oral I got on his coffee table. That was epic, and I kinda hope his little pet Coco sees the pussy print left behind on the glass tabletop. If only I could be here when she sees it so I could tell her that’s what’s up.

  Nix may see her as a little sister type, but does she see him in the same light? I don’t think so. I detect jealousy from her.

  It’s not as hard to relax as I thought it would be. After the adrenaline rush of my run-in with Grayson at the club earlier and then Nix thinking he was going to show me how defenseless I am by jumping me on his couch, I’m tired.

  I’m also relaxed and satisfied. Nix ended my long sexual dry spell in a very hot way tonight. Even though I’m still feeling greedy for his cock, I can settle for this. Having his body wrapped around mine is nice. More than nice,
actually. I could get used to it.

  Just as I start to slide into blissful sleep, I hear a faint, rapid-fire beeping text alert on my phone. I jump about a foot off the mattress and scramble out of bed.

  Fuck. If I had been asleep, I wouldn’t have heard it. That alert is on my Greenlight cell, and I only have three choices when it comes to that phone: respond within one minute, be dead, or get written up.

  The message from Rae makes my heart pound.

  Have time to meet for a coffee?

  All Greenlight text communications are coded, and this message is like a 911 call from headquarters. It means I need to get my ass there right now.

  “Everything okay?” Nix asks, leaning against the bedroom’s doorframe in all his naked, muscled glory.

  “I think so,” I say, trying to sound casual as I type back a response.

  See you at our favorite coffee shop.

  “Come back to bed,” he says with a yawn.

  “I have to go, actually.” I walk into his living room and pick up my shirt from the floor, slipping it on over my head. He follows me.

  When I slide my panties up my hips, I wrinkle my nose and give Nix a look. “These are wet. Thanks for that.”

  He shrugs. “What can I say? It’s a gift.” When he walks toward me, his expression is a mix of concern and frustration. “It’s fucking late, Kennedy. Where are you going at this hour?”

  I comb my hands through my hair and meet his eyes in the faint light of his living room. Only the glow of outdoor light illuminates us.

  “I don’t want to lie to you,” I say.

  A flicker of annoyance passes over his face. “Yeah, good call. So where are you going?”

  “I can’t tell you.”

  “The fuck you can’t.”

  “Nix, I really can’t.”

  He narrows his eyes, and a muscle in his jaw clenches. “Is it Hassan?”

  “No, it’s nothing like that.”

  Wrapping a hand around the back of his neck, he studies my expression. “So swallowing a load of my come isn’t too intimate for you, but telling me where you’re going is?”


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