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Filthy Series

Page 34

by Bliss, Chelle

  When he takes his fingers out, slides them into my mouth and commands me to suck, I go to town on them like a porn star sucking a dick. My body is aching to give in to him.

  “Good,” he says in a low tone, taking his finger from my mouth and moving it to…



  He’s tracing the rim of the one hole no man has ever touched. I’ve told every other man who asked that there was no fucking way they were getting in there, but I tell Nix…

  “Yes. Holy shit.”

  With an approving hum, he slides his wet finger inside me and I moan. My body clenches unconsciously with resistance, but he goes slowly and I relax after a few seconds.

  I’m really getting into it when I feel a hard smack on my ass. I jolt with surprise, my skin stinging. The next slap actually feels good. I can’t believe how much I like this.

  Between his finger and his hard smacks on my ass, I’m lost in a haze of bliss. I’m moaning and begging for more.

  I’ve never begged for anything. But Nix is unlike any man I’ve ever been with.

  When I writhe on his lap, desperate to grind my throbbing pussy against his leg, his chair, anything, he holds me in place, prolonging the sweet agony.

  “You’ll come when I want you to,” he says. “Understand?”

  “Yes.” My response comes out as a whimper, and I barely even recognize it as my own voice.

  My ass cheeks are warm when Nix slides the hand he’s been spanking me with down between my thighs. As soon as his fingertips circle over my slick clit, I come. His other finger is still in my ass, and it brings me to an orgasm unlike any I’ve ever had. It’s so hard I have tears in my eyes when I finally go slack in Nix’s lap.

  I move one foot to the floor, and without a word, he helps me up and then stands up himself. The prominent outline of his erection awakens my hunger for him once again. I give him a seductive smile, and he grabs me around the waist, his expression feral as he carries me to his king-sized bed and tosses me onto it.

  I land on my back, breathless as I watch him unfasten his jeans and drop them to the ground along with his boxer briefs. I only get a second to admire his long, thick cock before he’s climbing between my legs.

  “Good girl,” he murmurs. “Spread those legs wide for me.”

  He enters me with a deep thrust, and I gasp hard from the feel of him completely buried inside me. Nix groans deeply, pulls back and gives it to me just as roughly the second time.

  I’m getting the hottest, hardest fuck of my life when he surprises me by lowering his lips to mine and kissing me tenderly. I put my hands on his cheeks and hold his face close to mine. I don’t just want to feel him—I want to taste him and hear every sound of satisfaction he makes.

  He hooks a hand behind one of my knees and pushes my leg back, giving him deeper access. I don’t know if it’s the sex itself or his grunts and groans of pleasure, but I start coming again. Maybe it’s everything. I’ve never had such completely uninhibited sex before.

  As soon as he’s milked every ounce of pleasure out of me, he flips me over and fucks me from behind. With every thrust, I feel his harsh frustration and his reverence for me at the same time. He’s both pissed at me and relieved I’m okay.

  Flipping me onto my back once more, he slides into me again, my ankles on his shoulders as he pounds into me. His thumb circles my clit as he gently sinks his teeth into my calf, the sensations making me come yet again.

  Nix is close behind me, burying himself balls deep and groaning long and loud as he comes inside me.

  He rolls to his back and throws his forearm across his forehead, breathing hard.

  “You may fucking kill me, Kennedy,” he says.

  “Well, you’ll die happy if I do.”

  He lets out a couple rich notes of laughter. “Very fucking happy.”

  “Me too.” I snuggle against his side, and he kisses my forehead. “I should take off for a week more often.”

  “I wouldn’t recommend it.”

  “Kidding.” I wrap my top leg around both of his. “Hey, can we make a deal?”

  “Only if it involves your ass.”

  I lean up on an elbow and arch my brows at him. “I’m serious. I’ll stay in touch with you when I’m working if you promise me you won’t ping my phone or trace me with it in any way.”

  He lowers his brows as he considers, and I’m positive he tried to track me when I was in Dubai.

  “Okay,” he says finally.

  “Okay. Good.”

  “And we need to make another deal, too.” His dark eyes are fixed intently on me.

  I trace my fingertips over the lines of muscle on his chest. “What’s that?”

  “If you’re in trouble and you need my help, you’ll come to me. You’ll trust me.”

  I nod slowly. “I do. And I will.”

  He kisses me softly. “Stay the night.”

  “I will. I need a shower, though.”

  “I’ll join you.”

  I smile, feeling more content than I have in a long time. It would have been easier to fall for another Greenlight agent. Someone I already had inherent trust with. But opening myself up to Nix and feeling secure in his feelings for me is so much better.

  He’s got a lot to lose by being with me, but here we are. He wants me anyway. It feels good to be wanted just as I am. I’m not a dirty secret or a means to an end for him.

  I’m risking a lot by putting myself on the line this way, but I have no choice. I fell, and he caught me. I just hope what we have will be worth holding on to for him when the shit hits the fan…because that will happen.



  When Kennedy finally slinks out of bed and gets dressed, she leans over and kisses me. “I have to run. I’ll call you later.” Her eyes search mine, waiting for my approval.

  I pull her down on top of me, needing and wanting more of her mouth before she leaves. Tangling my fingers in her hair, I plunge my tongue between her sweet lips and take without remorse. Her tiny hands press into my chest, her fingernails causing a ripple through my system with their delicious bite.

  “Nix,” she moans and starts to push away. “I’m late,” she whispers against my lips.

  My grip tightens in her hair, pulling her face back enough so I can see it in its entirety. “It’s only nine, Ken. Stay a while.” My gaze drifts to her cleavage that’s spilling out of her V-neck sweater as she presses against my chest.

  “I can’t.”

  Releasing her, I groan my dissatisfaction. “Who the hell does business at this hour?”

  She rights herself, adjusting her fabulous tits, but the damage is done. “Most of the world is working right now,” she says, running her hands over her hair and smoothing out the mess I made when her eyes zero in on my morning wood.

  I pull myself into a seated position, resting my back against the headboard, and let the sheet fall away. “The world doesn’t know the pleasure they’re missing out on.”

  “Although I’d love nothing more than to stay here and suck your cock…” She pauses, licking her lips in a teasing fashion, knowing full well what she’s doing to me. “I haven’t been home in a week, and I need to get some shit done.”

  I wrap a hand around my stiff cock, slowly stroking myself as I gaze at her. “You’re going to miss out on one helluva fuck, Ken.”

  Her eyes darken, and her tongue sweeps across her top lip. “Nix,” she whispers huskily. “You don’t play fair.”

  A smile slides across my face as I pump harder, squeezing my cock and moaning. “You can be twenty minutes late. Can’t you?”

  She’s mindlessly stroking her cleavage with her eyes fixed on my dick. “I can do twenty.” Her voice is soft but filled with want.

  She sheds her clothes, folds them in a pile, and places them next to the bed before straddling me. Wrapping my arm around her back, I pull her breasts to my face and take her already puckered nipple between my lips, running my tongue along the
tip slowly. My hand dips between us and grazes her clit as I slide two fingers through her wetness. “Always so willing and wet,” I murmur against her skin. When I push them inside her, she moans her appreciation as my palm rubs against her sensitive nub and creates the right amount of friction to have her rocking against me.

  “Fuck me, Nix,” she says, her pussy clenching tightly around my fingers. “I ache to have you inside me again.”

  But instead of sticking my cock in her, I suck harder and fuck her more intensely with my fingers until she’s quaking in my arms, on the verge of orgasm.

  She’s writhing against me. Moaning so loud I’m sure my windows are rattling and begging for it. “I need your cock,” she pleads, digging her fingernails into my shoulder.

  Done with foreplay and on the edge myself with the way she’s squirming against my dick, I remove my fingers and quickly replace them with my hard, throbbing cock. As I slide it in, a jolt of pleasure flows throughout my body and I still. This girl has me ready to explode by the way she moans my name and squeezes the life out of my dick with her pussy.

  But instead of letting me control the movement, she starts to rock against me. Slowly at first then she picks up speed. I keep my mouth against her breasts, moving between them as if my life depends on them for survival. I’m lost in her. Lost in the feeling of her pussy wrapped around my cock, stroking it with her velvety insides.

  My arm tightens when her pussy clamps down, her back bows backward, and she stills. I feel her orgasm building like a riptide inside of her, and I use my hips to thrust upward, tipping us both over the edge. There isn’t a single sound as we come with so much force it feels as if even the air is sucked out the room like a vacuum.

  When we both blink away the early morning sex haze, we don’t detangle from each other at first. She stares at me and I stare at her, both of us wondering how we got here. I can see it in her eyes. I know how I got here. My cock led me astray, making me want someone I probably shouldn’t. I still didn’t know enough about Kennedy to really fall into bed with her so easily, but sometimes thought goes right out the window.

  “Will I see you at the club later?” she asks and crawls toward the end of the bed, where her clothes now lie.

  With her ass high in the air, giving me a view of everything I just had, immediately, I want more. “I’ll be there,” I tell her because, fuck…I haven’t had my fill of her.

  She dresses with her back to me, suddenly shy in my presence. “I’ll call you later,” she says over her shoulder, hooking her bra behind her back and smiling at me when she catches me watching her.

  I almost want to punch myself in the face. I can’t let her control me in this way. Tits and ass are not the be-all end-all of life. They’re pretty fucking important, but I refuse to be led around by my dick. “Maybe I’ll answer.” Even I shock myself, but Kennedy turns to me as she pulls her V-neck sweater over her head and scowls.

  “Two can play that game, Nix.”

  “Shut up, Ken.” I smirk and motion to her with my fingers. “Get your ass over here and kiss me good-bye.”

  She saunters to me and leans forward, resting her hands against my chest and her lips within an inch of mine. “Do you like my pussy, Nix?” she purrs against my lips, thinking she’s pulling me around by the balls the same way she does Hassan.

  My cock twitches with appreciation at her use of the dirty word, and the thirst that seems to be unquenchable when it comes to her returns tenfold. I wrap my hand around the back of her neck, locking her in place. “I like your pussy, Kennedy, but you like my cock more.” I nip her lip as she narrows her eyes. “You like my fingers and my tongue too.” I nip her bottom lip again, this time a little harder before I run my tongue over the spot. “Now go and be a good girl before I have to spank you again.”

  Her eyes flash with anger before darkening. “Maybe I want to be spanked,” she says, trying to take back the power I just ripped away from her.

  My fingers tighten, and her mouth falls open. “Next time it won’t be as nice, little girl.” When she doesn’t reply right away, I take the opportunity to press my mouth to hers and taste her sweetness once more before she leaves.

  Her tongue curls around, almost trying to overpower my tongue as we moan into each other’s mouth. It’s a dangerous game we’re playing, and we both know it. Maybe that’s part of the infatuation and need we feel for each other. It’s fueled by anger, uncertainty, distrust, but definitely attraction. Needing more, I turn her head, pulling her forward and deepening the kiss. By the time I release her, we’re both panting.

  She runs her tongue along her bee-stung lips and pushes away from me, straightening herself. “Fuck,” she hisses when she realizes how long we’ve been at it.

  “I’m thirty minutes late. My sister is going to have my fucking head.”

  “Tell her you were getting banged like a porn star.” I cock my head and smirk. “I’m sure she’ll understand.”

  She rolls her eyes. “You’re still an asshole, Nix.”

  “I know,” I tell her and cross my arms over my chest, knowing she doesn’t have the upper hand.

  She walks out the door, yelling “Peace” on her way. I can’t wipe the dumbass smile off my face as I slide down the headboard and curl back into my sheets. It’s entirely too early to be awake and coherent. Everything else can wait now that my need for Kennedy has been satisfied.

  * * *

  Six hours later, I’m sitting in the kitchen, my favorite room in the house, making phone calls that I had put off. Paperwork is spread all over the island, and I’m knee-deep in deals and schemes when Coco strolls in.

  “You’re going to be so proud,” she sings loudly with a beaming smile when she walks into the kitchen in yet another outfit inspired by Sharon Stone’s character, but this one is less overtly 007-ish.

  I resist the urge to groan and swipe my hands across my face. “Oh, yeah?” Somehow, I pull off an upbeat, excited tone that’s completely bullshit. I lean forward, resting my chin against my palm with my elbow on the counter. “What happened?”

  She tosses her bag on the counter, and it makes a sound, which I can only imagine is her laptop banging against the hard marble, and rubs her hands together. “Last night before I met up with Connor, I tried something new.”

  Oh, fuck. This isn’t going to be good. “What did you do?” I ask with gritted teeth because if I don’t mash them together, I’m liable to shout the words at her out of anger.

  “Cool your jets, Daddio.” She laughs, sliding onto the stool across from me, and tosses her hair over her shoulders. “I finally did a little work.”

  My head jerks backward. Coco doesn’t even know what the hell that word really means. “Work?”

  “Yep,” she says quickly and claps three times in quick succession. “So, I was telling a friend…”

  I already know whatever she’s about to say is going to make me want to put my fist through a solid object or wrap my hands around someone’s neck. But instead of flying off the handle, I sit back and listen to what she has to say before I fly off the handle.

  “I told her that I’ve acquired new skills. She was impressed and interested in hiring me. So last night, we decided to get back at her ex-boyfriend, Edward—he’s a tool by the way—and we cleaned out his bank account. I fuckin’ did it, Nix. I used that fancy little laptop you bought me and actually hacked a bank account. Aren’t you fucking proud?”

  She’s beaming with pride, completely oblivious to the rage that’s now gripping me. Leaning forward, I clutch the edges of the island and hold myself back from launching my body across the surface at her and doing something I know I’ll regret. “How could you be so careless?” My voice is deep and controlled at first. “I thought I taught you better than that, Coco. What the fuck possessed you to be so fucking stupid?” Now I’m about to blow. My voice is rough, and my tone is anything but nice.

  My words shock her as her mouth falls open and her eyes widen. “But I—”

  “Don’t fucking speak. Sit there and listen for once, goddammit. I never use my abilities for revenge. Never have I done a favor for a friend to get back at someone. It’s stupid and careless. Just because you know the basics doesn’t mean you understand how things are done in my world. I always thought you were impulsive, but never did I think you were so fucking reckless.” I rise from the chair, coming around the island so fast I make her jerk her body backward instinctively. Wrapping my hand around her arm, I yank her off the stool. “You’re going to get us both arrested with your bullshit.”

  Tears have formed in her eyes as she peers up at me. “I never meant to do something bad, Nix. Never.” She shakes her head back and forth, but my hand tightens, causing her to freeze.

  I’m filled with so much rage I can feel the veins in my neck protruding with each sentence, my blood pressure rising every moment she’s in front of me. “You know how I run my business. You’ve been around me long enough to know how shit is done. There’s a system. There are rules that need to be followed. You’ve taken business and made it personal, Coco. I knew it was a fucking mistake to let you into my world.” Never have I been so angry with Coco, and even with all her teenage bullshit, I never raised my voice at her. I can’t trust myself in this moment, filled with so much animosity.

  She pulls away, tears spilling down her cheeks, and I release her out of fear that I can’t control my actions. Her arms wrap around her chest as she hugs herself protectively. “I won’t get caught. I was careful like you showed me. I swear I wasn’t careless.”

  I start to pace, running my hands through my hair and cursing myself. “Fuck. You don’t know enough to be careful. I swear to God, Coco, if you get caught, I’m not going to be able to help you.”

  “I know,” she says with a sniffle. “But I won’t.” Her voice wavers with uncertainty, and she drops her eyes to the floor. “I’ll never do it again, Nix. I promise.”

  “Goddamn right, you won’t.” I turn toward her but keep my distance. “We’re done. I can’t even have you as my assistant anymore. You’re marked and could bring the heat on me that I’ve tried so hard to avoid.”


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