Book Read Free

Filthy Series

Page 46

by Bliss, Chelle

  “And you’d like a large donation from me.”

  “Well, I wouldn’t turn it down…but no. I just wanted to meet you. Maybe soak up some of your mojo.”

  She studies me in silence for a few more seconds.

  “I’ll have my secretary send a check.”

  “That’s truly not necessary, Andrea.”

  She balks at that. “This from the girl who just told me she wouldn’t turn it down?”

  I laugh. “I’m not here to play you for money. Can we just end the lunch as two women who know each other now? Who might want to get together again sometime?”

  “Certainly. But I’ll still send the check. Not because I like you, but because I support the mission of your organization.”

  “Okay. Thank you for your generosity. We’ll put the money to good use.”

  She glances over at her security men, who are killing time at a nearby table. They rise and come over.

  “I do like you, though, Reagan Titan,” she says.

  “I like you, too. Thank you for taking the time.”

  “I like you so much that I’d like to offer you a job.”

  My lips part in shock. “A job? Me?”

  She stands up from her seat. “I’d like you to work for me as a proxy, vetting projects and organizations in need of support. I travel in person to check out every cause I donate to for myself, and well…there’s only one me. And while I don’t believe in lounging away my life on a yacht, I do have a husband who likes to vacation and spend some time with me.”

  I grin up at her. “You have no idea how much I can identify with that.”

  “So, what do you say? Will you work for me?”

  “I…can’t give you an answer yet. I need to talk it over with Jude. But I’m absolutely honored to be asked. Thank you so much.”

  “I hope you’ll say yes. I’ll email you some details, and you have my number.”

  She nods and turns to follow one of the security guys out of the restaurant, the other one trailing behind her and looking from side to side as they exit.

  I’m so stunned that I just sit in silence for a minute. The waiter comes to collect the check, and I pay him on autopilot, my mind reeling as I think about the offer Andrea just made me.

  After I sign the bill, I take out my phone to text Jude and see I have a text waiting from him.

  Jude: Good luck with lunch, babe. Lemme know how it goes.

  My heart warms with happiness. I looked at Jude’s schedule for today on my phone this morning, and it was packed. He started with breakfast with a veterans group at six a.m. and didn’t have any downtime built in until eight tonight.

  But still, he remembered my important lunch and texted me about it. That’s how he is—stubborn and overbearing, yes, but also the most devoted best friend I’ve ever known. My biggest supporter.

  I need to connect with him for a few days on the campaign trail. I miss his smile, his scent—his unparalleled way of helping me wind down at the end of a busy day.

  For now, I have to settle for texting, so I type out a message to him.

  Me: It was amazing. Andrea is so much more than I even expected. She’s sending a donation, and guess what??? She offered me a job, baby! I can’t believe it.

  I head out of the café to walk back to my office, and Jude responds on the way.

  Jude: A job? Wow, congrats, love. I’m not surprised she picked up on how amazing my wife is. What’s the job? What did you say?

  Me: I want to tell you about it in person. I told her I need time to talk it over with you. Can I join you on the campaign day after tomorrow for a couple days?

  Jude: Hell yes, you can. You never have to ask, babe. Just show up. I’ll have my new scheduler get us nicer hotel rooms that night away from Tyson.

  Me: Yeah, I’m NOT sharing a room with Tyson. Just you and me.

  Jude: Of course. Good thing I packed the ropes.

  My stomach flutters in anticipation of being tied up and teased by my husband. I wish I could go to him this second, but I have to stay here through a meeting I have in the morning.

  Me: Yes. Good thing. I’m wet just thinking about last time.

  Jude: I’m sitting in a meeting with labor reps, don’t make me hard.

  Me: Me? I would never…

  Jude: I’ll spank that sass out of you, Mrs. Titan.

  Me: And I may come just from that. You won’t even need to unzip your pants.

  Jude: I’m putting my phone away now. Call u later.

  Me: Love you so much, Jude Titan.

  Jude: Love u too, babe.



  I shake the last few hands left in the auditorium. The rally was a resounding success, filling the space to capacity, and having to turn possible voters away because of it.

  “Next time, we’ll book a bigger venue,” Tyson says as he stands at my side as he reviews some paperwork.

  “Thank you for coming, ma’am.” I smile at the kind old woman as she pats my hand softly.

  “My late husband would’ve loved that a man like you was running for office.” There’s a hint of sadness on her face as she speaks of him. “He hated politicians but was a staunch supporter of any veteran. He would’ve been over the moon to see a Marine sitting in the governor’s mansion.”

  “I’ll do my best to make it there,” I tell her.

  “I have faith in you, Mr. Titan. You have the tenacity for the job and will serve our state well.” She gives the top of my hand a final pat before she pulls away. “I look forward to watching your victory speech on television.”

  “Thank you,” I say to her before she turns her back and wanders toward the doorway.

  “You poll high with the seniors,” Tyson says. He’s always concerned with the polls and not so much the message.

  “Is there a group I’m failing to win over?”

  Tyson taps his pen against the papers he’s clutching in his hand and twists his lips. “You’re split 50/50 with women.”

  “What? Women seem to love me.”

  “Liberal women do not, Jude.”

  “I’ll never be able to win over the staunch liberal. That only worked with Reagan.” I laugh and shake my head. “But that wasn’t an easy victory either.”

  “You can’t sleep with them all, and it’s such a shame too.”

  I cut Tyson a look that says shut the fuck up. “What time is it?”

  “A little after seven.”

  “Shit, Reagan’s plane landed. I have to go. She’ll be at the hotel soon.”

  We’ve only been apart for days, but the time ticked by slowly after the way we left things. Even though we’ve smoothed over the issues that caused her to hop on a plane and me to storm out of the house, we haven’t really solved anything at all.

  While she’s excited about her new job offer, I have more questions about the toll it’ll take on our already stressed personal life.

  “Go,” Tyson says, but there’s no excitement or happiness in his voice. “I’ll call you in the morning.”

  “Not too early,” I tell him with a smug smirk. “My wife and I could use a little private time.”

  He reaches into his pocket and fishes out the key to the new hotel he booked for us to stay in. His taste in hotels this trip has been less than stellar, always trying to control the costs for the long haul of the campaign trail still left ahead.

  “Stop being a cheap bastard. I’m sick of shitty hotels. The Branch brothers gave us enough money to at least stay in a hotel where I don’t have to sleep on top of the sheets.”

  He rolls his eyes. “As a former military guy, I thought you could sleep anywhere.”

  “I can, but that doesn’t mean I want to. From now on, make better plans. If we want to win, we can’t seem to be broke as fuck because we aren’t.”

  “Yes. Yes. Of course.” He waves me off, basically excusing me because he’s probably sick of hearing me bitch.

  A few nights, I slept on the campaign bus, finding the
accommodations nicer than the shithole he booked for the evening. Tyson was a great campaign manager, but I swear to God, he’s become cheaper each year.

  I rush out of the auditorium, walking the three city blocks to the hotel. With each passing step, the excitement in my body intensifies.

  When I step inside the hotel room, it’s empty. There’s a message on my phone from Reagan saying her plane took off a little bit late, but she was only running a half hour behind. Just enough time for me shower and get the room ready after a long day of shaking hands and kissing other people’s babies.

  I pull off my clothes as the hot water from the shower fills the small bathroom with steam. After stepping inside, I tilt my head back, letting the spray splash my face as the water trickles down my body. My muscles are tense, but that’s more from the stress of the campaign than any real hard activity. But tonight, that’ll all change.

  Having Reagan with me for a few days will be good for our relationship and my enthusiasm on the trail. As the election gets closer, I find myself less in love with the entire process. When I threw my hat into the political ring, I never thought I’d get this far and be vying for the biggest office in the state of Illinois. But I saw all the good I accomplished in the Senate, even though many of the bills I supported were killed by political party bullshit. The governorship would allow me more freedom and possibilities, less encumbered by the bickering from other states, to the detriment of my voters.

  I wash up before stepping out, towel-drying quickly, and pull on a pair of loose shorts. I plan to spend the next twelve hours in bed with Reagan, only taking a break to eat. There’s nothing I want more than to spend time between my wife’s legs, pleasing her and reminding her she’s mine.

  There’s a light knock and a jiggle of the handle before I hear, “Jude.”

  My heart speeds up as I stalk toward the door and my wife. “Baby,” I say as she comes into view, standing in the hallway, looking as beautiful as ever.

  I pull her forward, wrapping my arms around her as she drops her bag. She snakes her arms around my neck as she hooks her legs around my back, fastening herself to me. My lips are on hers, hard and quick, needing to feel every inch of her.

  “I’ve missed you,” I mutter against her mouth, barely taking a breath before I cover her lips with mine again.

  Her fingers tangle in my hair, holding her mouth to mine as her tongue tangles with mine. Our hands move feverishly against each other, needing and wanting the connection. I’m almost breathless when she finally pulls away.

  “Hey,” she whispers and rests her forehead against mine.

  “Hey yourself.” I breathe her in, relishing the smell and feel of my wife after so many days.

  “I wanna talk before we get lost in bliss for the next however many hours I have you.”

  My gaze never wavers from her as she speaks. The last thing I want to do is talk, especially when it involves a topic that may lead to another fight. If she didn’t think it was going to be an issue, she would’ve waited to bring it up. That much I know about my wife.

  I carry her to the bed, still wrapped around my body, and sit on the edge. She straddles my legs, fidgeting with the ends of my hair near my neck.

  “So, talk,” I tell her, slipping my fingers under the hem of her dress shirt and stroking the soft skin near her waist.

  “Before we go any further, I really want to take this job.”

  “Okay.” I slide my hands up her back, toying with the dip of her spine as she shivers in my arms.

  “The good thing is, I don’t have to be in Washington as much.”

  “That’s a bonus.”

  Earlier, when I was only a senator, Reagan being in Washington was great. Now, I’m barely there, but that hasn’t cut down on her trips to the city. More than anything, I want more time with my wife. There’s a fine line, though. She needs to work, and somehow, I need to learn to accept her absence even if it leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

  “So, you’ll be home more?” I raise an eyebrow, waiting for her response.

  She bites her lip and lowers her gaze. “Well, not exactly.”

  I take a deep breath, knowing she’s about to tell me things I don’t want to hear. “Go on.”

  “Well,” she says as her fingernails trace my shoulder blades, sending goose bumps across my skin. “Andrea needs help. She wants someone she trusts and is reliable to help take some of the workload off her shoulders.”

  I close my eyes and bury my face in the crook of my wife’s neck as she continues talking.

  “It’ll require more short trips, but I’ll be able to be home more than before.”

  “How many trips?” I ask, pressing my lips to her neck near her collarbone.

  “One a week at least.”

  I pull my lips away from her skin and lean back, staring into the eyes of my wife. “You’re going to be gone every week?”

  The realization of what that means hits me as I repeat the words back to her. As it is, Reagan travels once or twice a month to DC, but she’s gone for a week at a time.

  “Well, yeah, but they’ll be short.”

  That’s always the promise at first. I’ll only be gone a few days. But days turn into weeks, and time slips away as the hours and workload become more demanding.

  “I don’t think it’s a good idea.”

  She pushes against my chest, sliding backward off my lap as I try to hold on to her. “Excuse me?” she asks, folding her arms in front of her chest as she stands in front of me, looking down with narrowed eyes. “I didn’t say that to you when you said you wanted to be the governor.”

  “Baby,” I say, reaching out and trying to wrap my arms around her again, but she steps backward. My muscles tighten and my agitation swells. “I didn’t make the decision to run for governor by myself. We made it together.”

  “But I didn’t stop you.”

  “I know, but if you had any objections, I wouldn’t have entered the race.”

  “Bullshit.” She pulls at her hair and starts to pace. “You were going to do whatever you wanted, even if I didn’t like it.”

  “That’s not true.” I believe the words as I speak them, but if she had said no, I’m not sure exactly what I would’ve done. I’d like to think I would’ve done whatever necessary to keep my wife happy and maintain my career. But would I have gone against her wishes if it was my biggest dream? “This next year is supposed to be about us, Reagan. About starting a family.”

  “You want me barefoot and pregnant, don’t you? Forget about my job and dreams as long as I’m popping out babies for you?”

  My body jerks back as she grows angrier. There’s a fire in her I haven’t seen in a while.

  “Don’t make me sound like a macho pig. I just want my wife back.”

  “Why don’t you give up the race and join me on the road? We could see the world together.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous. My work is important.”

  She points her finger at me with her lips set in a straight line. “That right there is the problem.”

  Fuck, I wish I could take every word back and stop the shitstorm that has already started to brew in this room like an out-of-control hurricane barreling right for us.

  I fucked up. I said the wrong thing, and I now I have to do everything in my power to make that shit right.

  “Reagan,” I say as she turns her back to me. “Baby, come on.” I walk up behind her, wrapping my arms around her waist and pressing my lips to her neck. “I don’t want to fight.”

  She turns her face, looking at me over her shoulder. “I’m taking the fucking job, Jude, and there’s nothing you can do to stop me.”



  The air in the room goes still for a few seconds. I can feel Jude’s chest moving in and out against my back as he breathes.

  I’m surprised he hasn’t fired off a comeback yet—he’s usually quick on the draw when we’re fighting.

  He sighs deeply, his hot breath agai
nst the skin of my neck sending a tingle down my spine.

  “This doesn’t need to be decided this instant,” he finally says, tightening his hold on me. “We talked about me running for governor for months before deciding.”

  He takes me by the shoulders and turns me to face him, cupping my cheek in one of his massive hands.

  “Tonight, let’s celebrate the offer and not get out in front of the headlights. Let’s just be a husband and wife savoring our time together, okay?”

  He knows how to defuse tension when he wants to. It’s not just his carefully chosen words that soothe me, but his deep, sexy tone and the way his other hand is cupping my ass.

  Without using words, Jude’s telling me we’ve got better things to do tonight than argue. Half of me wants to give in, and half of me wants to tell him he can’t distract me with his sex appeal.

  “If I want to take this job, I will,” I say firmly. “You’re not going to fuck me into compliance.”

  His eyes darken, and the corners of his lips twitch. “Says who?”

  “I’m not your little woman,” I remind him.

  Jude’s expression turns serious again. “I never said you were, love. You’re so much more than that. You’re my sun, moon, and stars. My whole world. You know that.”

  “Then show me. Support me.”

  He traces his index finger across my jawline. “I do support you, Ray. But I also need you. I can’t hire anyone to take your place in my life. If I make it to the governor’s mansion, it won’t mean shit if you’re not there with me. We’re a team.”

  I sigh softly. “I know. I haven’t gotten the details on this job yet, though, so I’m not ready to say no.”

  “I understand. As long as you aren’t ready to say yes, either.”

  “Not right now,” I concede. “But I’m very interested, and if it’s what I’m hoping, I will want to say yes.”

  He looks up at the ceiling for an instant, seeming to summon divine intervention.

  “Let’s talk about it in the morning,” he says.

  “Uh-huh. After you’ve gotten off a few times and you’re feeling less tense?”


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