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Slave Species of god

Page 20

by Michael Tellinger

  ROSETTA STONE Details from the Rosetta Stone showing 3 different scripts in 2 languages - Egyptian and Greek

  The archaeologists of some 200 years ago were shocked when they first started to scratch around in Egypt. Everyone believed that Greece was the place that gave the world the concept of civilisation. Napoleon had heard a great deal about these impressive ruins and pyramids, so when he arrived in Egypt in 1799 with his army and an entourage of scholars, one of his objectives was to help unravel the secrets of the pyramids. He clearly did not achieve that, but what they did find in Rosetta, was a stone slab which became known as the Rosetta Stone, and which has become one of the most important archaeological finds ever. It measures 114 x 72 x 28 centimetres. For those in the USA this translates to 3ft 9 inches long, and 2ft. 4,5 inches wide. The stone had three inscriptions. The Egyptian hieroglyphic text was accompanied by a Greek translation which was understood by scholars, and a third inscription on the stone was written in Demotic, a cursive script developed late in Egyptian history, used almost exclusively for secular documents. Thus the stone displayed the same text in three scripts, but only two languages, Egyptian and Greek. It was quickly discovered that all three contained the same message. And because the Greek could be translated immediately, it provided real clues for the very first time to the unravelling of Egyptian hieroglyphs.

  To a large extent this propelled the dissection and translation of the hieroglyphic texts, only to astound the scholars with the news that the Egyptian royal dynasties stretched back to around 3200 BC. This was another typical example of our lowly-civilised state in the so-called modern days, as it sent shockwaves through the archaeological worlds. Very soon they discovered that the Hellenic alphabet, which influenced the Latin and our own alphabets, actually emerged somewhere in the Near East. The Greeks admitted that a Phoenician called Kadmus, originally brought the alphabet from the East. It had the same number of letters and the same order as in ancient Hebrew, but by the 5th century BC the poet Simonides of Ceos increased the number of letters to 26. Alexander the Great may have been a relentless warrior but he also collected much information about the Persian empires which he defeated in 331 BC. His advisers concluded that they must have originated from the Aryan people or ‘lordly people’. According to his knowledge the mysterious ‘lordly people’ appeared in the distant past near the Caspian Sea and spread East all the way to India and further south to “the lands of the Medes and Parsees”, as those lands were called in the pages of the Old Testament.

  Cyrus the Great was an Aryan king and the founder of the Persian Empire who conquered almost all of the known world some 200 years before Alexander. The strange thing is that by the time Alexander rose to power, the Aryans had settled and controlled all of Europe and were the descendants of the same Aryan ancestors as the Persians. So what started happening at this time was that Aryans were fighting Aryans without actually realising it.

  The newly emerging finds and clay tablets from the Near East caught the interest of archaeologists, but it was only in 1843 when Paul Emile Botta started the first professionally planned excavation in Mesopotamia. The land which is modern day Iraq, between and surrounding the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers, was producing remarkable treasures, many bearing illegible cuneiform texts, which was the style of writing used by the Sumerians. The name cuneiform was first coined in 1686 by Engelbert Kampfer, who mistook the texts he saw in Persia to be decorative patterns and described them as “cuneates”, which roughly means ‘wedge-shaped impressions’. But as the wave of treasure seekers and archaeologists poured into this part of the world to excavate Assyria and Babylonia, thousands of cuneiform clay tablets were found among the many mounds scattered throughout the region. There were even actual libraries of tablets found, neatly bound together. One word was translated from the cuneiform to be ‘Dur Sharu Kin’ which meant ‘walled city of the righteous king’ whom we call Sargon II of Assyria. But that was not all they unearthed. There were statues, bas-reliefs which would stretch for longer than a mile if displayed; palaces, temples, houses, stables, towers, warehouses, columns, gates, walls, terraces, gardens, decorations of a wide variety and more mind-boggling evidence of a well developed civilisation. But the centre-piece of the city was the 7-step ziggurat pyramid referred to as ‘the stairway to heaven’ for the gods. All of this took only five years to build some 3,000 years ago. This is a demonstration of real achievement. Today, we cannot put a time-frame to construction on such a scale. One other crucial bit of information they acquired was that the common language of Assyria and Babylonia was Akkadian. This was truly fascinating, but their surprise did not stop there. There were post-scripts on many tablets, stating that they were copied from earlier originals. Who could have written such originals? And where are those originals now?

  What is also interesting are the chief deities of the two cultures. Assyrians had ‘Ashur’ the ‘all-seeing’ as their chief deity. Babylonia had ‘Marduk – the son of the pure mound’ as their chief deity. But the pantheons of the two gods were the same, reconfirming our earlier suggestions that the gods of prehistory were active over a wide area of the world. According to the Akkadian tablets, the kingdom of Akkad was started by Sharrukin, the “righteous ruler” who claimed that it was Enlil who pointed out the land to him and allowed him to govern it. We will discover that Sharrukin was not the only king who made such a statement, there is written evidence of many more kings who attested to the same. It was always some god who actually appointed them as the king of a specific land and allowed them to govern the people while receiving messages from his god. This is a very clear link to our pantheon of gods who ruled the world. Not only did they create the ‘slave species’ worker to toil in the gold mines, but the evidence begins to pile up that they introduced all aspects of civilisation to their human offspring sometime between 9,000 BC and 3,000 BC all over the world, which included kingship.

  Suddenly we take a leap of 2,000 years back in time from Sargon of Assyria 3,000 years ago, to Sargon of Akkad 5,000 years ago. Akkadian was the first known Semitic language, before Hebrew, Aramaic (which was the language of Jesus), Phoenician, and Canaanite. And this Akkadian language was derived from an earlier one, which they refer to in their post-scripts. But the most relevant information which was obtained from these Akkadian tablets was a text dealing with the names, genealogies, deeds, powers and duties of the gods. In Genesis there is a wonderful reminder for some doubtful historians, about the actual existence of a place called Akkad which was indeed started by Sargon, who claims in the tablets that “at the wharf of Akkad, he made moor ships” from lands far and wide.


  “And the beginning of his kingdom: Babel and Erech and Akkad, all in the land of Shin'ar.”

  The excavations in Akkad delivered remarkable finds. The most precious was the library of king Ashurbanipal at Nineveh, where they uncovered 25,000 tablets of Akkadian texts, many of which were once again described to be copies of “olden texts”. Based on the syllabic style of the Akkadian language, the scholars believed that it must have originated from an earlier written language, similar to the Egyptian hieroglyphs. Their suspicions were rewarded when one of the tablets from Ashurbanipal ended with the following statement: “23rd tablet: language of Shumer not changed.” But as outlined by Zecharia Sitchin, it was a further text by King Ashurbanipal himself that really crowned the booty. This is what it says:

  “The god of scribes has bestowed on me the gift of the knowledge of his art. I have been initiated into the secrets of writing. I can even read the intricate tablets in Shumarian; I understand the enigmatic words in the stone carvings from the days before the Flood.”


  Some of these tablets date back to the origin of the Akkadian empire around 2350 BC and truly challenged the knowledge of historians of their time and continue to challenge most of humanity today. Was it a bunch of ‘nonsensical’ garbage from days gone by, or was it a true historic entry reflecting a real hist
orical event? We need to make these choices once more. The choice that will irrevocably alter the way we perceive our human ancestry and our human origins. It was Frenchman Jules Oppert, who suggested in 1869, that because the Mesopotamians proclaimed their legitimacy by taking the title ‘King of Sumer and Akkad’ that we should call the ancient peoples ‘Sumerians’ and their land should be called ‘Sumer’. And so his suggestions were adopted. Little did he know that the old biblical name for Sumer was Shinar, as it states in Genesis that “the royal cities of Babylon, Akkad and Erech were in the land of ‘Shinar’ (Shumer).” Suddenly the references on the Akkadian texts made sense. Among the many tablets they found, were long lists of words which made no sense to anybody for long periods. But when the link between Akkadian and Sumerian was made, scholars realised that the strange ‘wordy’ tablets were actually ancient dictionaries of Sumerian-Akkadian words, which gave them a glimpse at the first written language on Earth. This played a major part in speeding up the translations and understanding of many ancient tablets, but it did not necessarily open the minds of the translators. Over and over again, historians, anthropologists and other scholars would restrict the Sumerian tales to the subject of mythology. After all, we know it is impossible that there were all these different ‘gods’ flying around the world all those years ago!!! We know there is only one ‘god’… the god of the Bible, or Koran or Kabala, or Hindus, or Buddhists, or Bahai, or so many others. In essence we are not any different to the people of ancient times. Even today, different groups of people pray to a different god. We seem to be quite okay with this situation even in the 21st century. We all have our own faith and we all steadfastly believe that our god is the real god. If we accept it today, why can we not accept that it was so in the distant past as well? The only difference was, that the ‘gods’ of the past had constant contact with humans, as it states in the Bible, Koran or Sumerian scriptures. Those gods were omnipresent, making their appearance in a flash, either in person or sending ‘angels’ in their place.

  It took 56 years of excavation to unearth the ancient city of Lagash in Sumer. They began in 1877 and had not finished by 1933. But the effort produced an unprecedented amount of archaeological material. We learnt from the efforts of scholars and from very neatly preserved records at this site, that the city had “righteous rulers” who were called ‘EN.SI’ and that over a period of 650 years there were 43 EN.SIs who ruled Lagash. We also learnt from the records that any EN.SI could only assume the throne with the approval of the gods. Were these merely in their minds? And if so, how could the rest of the population allow the king to assume the throne if the gods were not visible or audible to the ordinary man? Surely the people of the time would not have stood for it unless they were convinced that the new EN.SI was really appointed by god. A depiction of Ur-Nammu, the ruler of Ur, was unearthed, in which he is depicted being ordered to build a temple for his god according to strict instructions. But other biblical heroes like Moses, Solomon and Ezekiel also built buildings for their gods after being instructed. Solomon received ‘wisdom’ from god after which he built the temple in Jerusalem. Ezekiel saw a godly vision of a person who had a bronze appearance who held a measuring rod; and Moses built a ‘residence’ in the desert for his lord after getting specific instructions on how to build it. So what is the difference between the ancient kings receiving instructions from their so-called mythological gods, and our popular biblical characters receiving similar instructions from ‘our’ one and only biblical god? Nothing, I say. The evidence is overwhelming to suggest that it was the same god or gods, dealing with different people at different times. But one of the most impressive constructions took place some 1200 years before Moses. King Gudea recorded his instructions in a long detailed inscription. It talks about a “man that shone like the heaven” and he “commanded me to build his temple” and “from the crown on his head he was obviously a god”. The god held some kind of stone in his hand “the plan of a temple it contained”. The plan was so complex that he sought the advice of a goddess who pointed out all the ‘right’ people or deities who could help him. He then recruited 216,000 people to complete the job. An undertaking on such a scale is unthinkable in the 21st century. But the ability to coordinate, control, house and feed such a large number of builders, indicates that the ancient Sumerian civilisation was well advanced as far back as 3,000 BC.

  But the real achievements of the Sumerians only became evident as the tablets were transcribed and understood. It is now evident that Sumer was the origin of all culture and civilisation on Earth, giving us all the foundations of what we know today. The staggering thing is that the knowledge of the Sumerians has been lost in translation or lost in antiquity, because some of the activities they make reference to find us at a loss, completely overwhelming the translators. Ancient Sumer had thousands of scribes who worked relentlessly at capturing most of their daily activities. There were all kinds of scribes in temples, courts and in trading houses. Junior scribes, high scribes and royal scribes, capturing everything in clay. There is so much information captured about their lives and activities that it leaves us with a very clear picture of how organised they were. The records are not really of a spiritual nature but instead they inadvertently indicate how controlled they were by their demanding gods, who needed to be pleased on an ongoing basis. They also speak of measuring fields, calculating prices and recording harvests of crops.


  Probably the most important document ever discovered by modern humans. It lists some 149 kings and rulers on planet Earth, starting with ten rulers before the flood which spanned some 240,000 years. It goes on to name rulers of many dynasties and outlines when “kingdom” was lowered to Earth from Heaven by the Anunnaki, or the biblical Nephilim. The list also outlines the coming to Earth of the Igigi or biblical Anakim from their space colony. We also read that it was Ninurta, the biblical YAHWEH, who destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah.

  Here is a quick overview of the Sumerian ‘firsts’. Besides their architectural and engineering feats, they invented:

  • Writing - which included the precursor to the printing press. With their cylinder seals engraved in hard stone, which could be rolled in clay leaving a clear imprint; they could supply educational materials to teachers and schools.

  • Schools - which were headed by ‘ummia’ – ‘the expert professor’.

  • There is evidence of corporal punishment at schools for being absent, lack of tidiness, loitering, making a noise, misbehaving and even having untidy handwriting.

  • They wrote pharmacopoeia and captured literary debates in clay.

  • They introduced the first bicameral congress; library catalogues; codes of law; teaching methods and curricula; health and even exercise.

  • Sumerian textiles and apparel were so sought-after that invading armies would fight over the spoils of clothing as it is mentioned in the book of Joshua 7:21 that someone could not resist ‘one good coat of Shinar’, although such looting was punishable by death. 3,800 years BC they had advanced weaving technology which also resulted in the ‘TUG’ later known as the Roman Toga. The Sumerians referred to it as the ‘TOG.TU.SHE’ or ‘the garment which is worn wrapped around’.


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