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Slave Species of god

Page 25

by Michael Tellinger

  In other chapters we have explored the DNA, our genome, and its capacity to control all of our emotional and physical characteristics. We raise the argument that we are the slaves to our DNA. And as we cast our critical mind back to the events which shaped our history, all we can see is violence, conflict and destruction. It's as if Humankind simply cannot escape the grip of its violent behaviour. Once again, I must remind you that the violent gene runs ‘deep and strong’ in our bodies and we must begin to identify this behavioural pattern of humanity, so that we can begin to understand it. Mumbo-jumbo psychology will get us nowhere. The harsh reality is embedded in our genome. Our propensity for cruelty and violence was unconsciously bred into us by our maker at the point of creation. And because we were made in the ‘image of our maker’, it must surely mean that we inherited more than just his physical features. There is the distinct possibility that if we were created as genetic experiments, or as I have called us, a ‘slave species’, other genetic characteristics like temperament and even our potential for violence would have been transferred to us. From genetic studies we have already found that most of our genome is somehow switched off. This could mean that the ‘maker’ created a potential genetic imbalance, by purposely disabling certain genes, and allowing others to remain as the master programme which controls us. So, by extrapolation, if we have parts of our maker in us, surely this must mean that such a ‘maker’ must have the violent gene embedded in its genome? Is this why there are so many horrific tales of brutality by ‘god’ towards man throughout ancient history? Could this god have been a mere advanced being, merely exhibiting his neo-human traits of jealousy, vengeance, retribution, punishment and other very normal characteristics typical of the human species? Is it at all possible that God with a big ‘G’ could behave in such a barbaric human way?

  The wrath of god should really be called the wrath of man. How is it possible that God, the creator of the universe and all things in it could have intentionally created such a hateful and violent creature as the human? And after creating us in this disturbing way, in his image, the God of love and the God of forgiveness, turned into a god of retribution, punishment, vengeance, but also a god of reward if he got what he wanted. And mostly he wanted a load of material things like gold, silver, saffron, foods of a wide variety, special favours and he even requested his pilgrims to go to war in his name, destroying man, woman and beast. The Bible is filled with these kind of stories which are too close for comfort to the materialistic and obsessive desires by mortal beings, and are not becoming of the benevolent God who lives in spirit, filling every crevice of the universe.

  Here is an interesting comparison between the brutality of modern dictators, and the vengeance and brutality of god. Note that I use ‘god’ instead of ‘God’, as we are beginning to discover that there is a vast difference between the two, which has evaded simple man for millennia.

  We are going to indulge in four multiple choice quizzes to get to know ‘our god’ a bit better. I urge you to take out a pencil and mark your answers as you work your way through them.

  First quiz: ‘The Wrath of Dictators’

  Objective: Please answer the following questions in an attempt to determine the number of living things that were killed by dictators, or in the name of dictators in the past. The answers are displayed after the quiz.

  1) How many men did Genghis Khan kill because someone decided to peek into his chest of treasures? 2) How many men did Stalin’s henchmen kill in one day because they failed to say they supported Stalin?

  None. He certainly wouldn't kill someone merely for examining his private things. None, Stalin doesn't kill people for their mistakes.

  50,070 200 - those who failed to say they supported Stalin, but not their family members.

  Just the people who looked into the chest. 1,000 - those who failed to say they supported Stalin and their spouses.

  250. The people who looked into the chest and their immediate families. 3,000 - those who failed to say they supported Stalin and their brothers, companions and neighbours.

  3) How many people did the Ku Klux Klan kill in a frenzy before someone pleased them by ending a mixed marriage with the murder of the couple? 4) How many animals did the British Royal Guard kill in Africa in an attempt to please the Queen?

  None. The Ku Klux Klan loves all their followers and imposes no restriction on whom they marry (so long as the person is of the opposite gender). None. The Queen is not so insensitive as to gain satisfaction from man's slaughter of innocent animals.

  100. Two head of cattle, two rams and two ravens.

  24,000. A herd of 100 sheep that he and his men came across in their conquests.

  None of the above. 120,000 sheep and 22,000 oxen.

  5) How many Jews did the SS deliver to Hitler's concentration camps to be slaughtered? 6) How many people of Iraq were once killed or enslaved because they didn't give Saddam his due?

  Trick question. The Jews were God's chosen people, hence Hitler never would have allowed anyone to slaughter them. 120,000 valiant men were killed and 200,000 women and children were taken as slaves for cheap labour (not to mention the theft of their property)

  Half a million. One.

  5 million - the number who disobeyed his commands. Two.

  200 - the number who worshipped other leaders. None of the above.

  7) How many Ethiopians did Idi Amin kill for his cleansing of chosen people? 8) Speaking of cleansing and conquering, how many kings were maimed in the name of Alexander the Great?

  None. Idi Amin doesn't kill people! None.

  One million. One had his legs broken so he couldn’t gather men to from an army.

  One thousand. Two had their tongues cut out so they couldn’t call the people to war.

  A hundred. 70 had their thumbs and big toes cut off.

  9) How many soldiers did the US army burn to death with fire from tanks because they confronted the killer of 3 innocent priests? 10) By the time Osama Bin Laden gets through with his killing spree, how many dead will there be?

  None. The US army would never engage in such a cruel act. None. Osama doesn't kill.

  50. Ten million.

  100. One hundred million.

  150 (three sets of 50). Enough to cover the entire surface of the Earth.

  While these questions may seem deliberately warped, sick and probably indicative of a psychopathic mind, you don't have to panic. The answers to these questions are purely hypothetical, because these questions were actually taken, word for word, from a Bible quiz on a respectable Christian website. All we did was to replace the word ‘God’ with a notorious dictator or killer. I trust you are as horrified as I was when I first saw this. I had shivers running down my spine. It reads more brutally than any horror movie I have seen. And yet, this is the stuff we teach our children because it was written by some men thousands of years ago, claiming that they were instructed by ‘God’ to perform these gruesome acts. I ask you to read these questions and answers with an open mind. But at this stage, it seems that we are incapable of separating right from wrong, as we keep justifying these acts of horror, because they were performed in the name of god. Ask yourself the following; if you were to commit such acts today, in the way they are described in this quiz, apparently in the name of god, what would happen to you and how would the global community react? The answers are actually pretty simple because they have occurred many times in the past, and they will probably continue to occur for many years to come. If you were to kill or maim one person, you will be tried and receive a prison sentence of some length, possibly life or even the death penalty. If you were to kill a small number of people, you would be called a mass murderer or a serial killer and you would get life or death, but you will be immortalised in books, documentaries and movies. You may claim insanity, in which case you will live in luxury in an asylum where everything is provided for you, till you die. You will make millions from the book you write and the movie rights you sell to the highest bidd
er. But if you kill a few million people, and you take control of power in a small country where you continue to rule through oppression, torture and fear, you will become a dictator who is untouchable by the other governments of the world. Unless you are Saddam Hussein and you have inexhaustible wealth in the ground of your land, in which case you will be toppled by the strongest global regime of the time, against the advice of their allies, because the booty is too huge to resist.

  Either way, the so-called ‘wrath of god’ is too horrible to imagine, and the reality is too incredible to digest. And so, we teach our children the stories about the ‘wrath of god’, and we fill them with fear instead of love and compassion. Such is the nature of the defective genome lurking in our cells, keeping us entrapped in a cycle of fear, violence and unspeakable cruelty towards our neighbours.

  The quiz that follows points unquestionably to a violent gene passed onto us by our maker. It smacks of an obsessive human characteristic that is predisposed to divide and conquer through intimidation, violence, brutality and fear. Where is the God of love, the God who asks us to love our neighbour; and to love thy enemy; and to turn the other cheek; and to forgive them for they do not know what they are doing? Prepare yourself for a spine-chilling experience. It is truly unbelievable when presented in this format. I, for one, cannot accept the delusional ramblings of a handful of men from the past, when they justify their horrific actions in the name of god. This is not my God, this is not the God who in a moment of infinite creativity, gave birth to the universe and filled it with an infinite number of souls to roam the width and breadth of the creation. There is so little we know about the spiritual realm, but there will come a day when we will evolve to the point where our genetic make up starts to open up the portals of our mind to the greater spiritual world, to which we have been denied access, mainly due to our incomplete genome.



  Sumerian on clay, Sumer, 2,600 BC. This Early Dynastic tablet represents the earliest literature in the world. Only 4 groups of texts are known from the dawn of literature. The instructions are addressed by the pre-flood ruler Shuruppak, to his son Ziusudra, who was the Sumerian Noah. Shuruppak's instructions can be said to be the Sumerian forerunner of the 10 Commandments and some of the Proverbs of the Bible. Line 50: Do not curse with powerful means (3rd Commandment); line 28: Do not kill (6th Commandment); line 33-34: Do not laugh with or sit alone in a chamber with a girl that is married (7th Commandment); lines 28-31: Do not steal or commit robbery (8th Commandment); line 36: Do not spit out lies (9th Commandment).

  There are so many similarities between the Sumerian tablets and the books of the Bible, that it instantly begs the question; how is it possible? If you look at the tone used in the books of the old testament, you will see that it carries a strong resemblance to the Sumerian transcripts regarding the behaviour of the Anunnaki, who came to Earth in the distant past. We will study their behaviour and their actions that resulted in the creation of our own human species, fast-forwarding the evolutionary process while restricting the genome of the new species to the bare essentials. From the Sumerian tablets it will become blatantly clear that the gods who ruled the world in the distant past were mere mortals with human-like needs and desires. They may have had advanced knowledge, skills and scientific ability, but this did not make them God. The strict instructions they gave man were blatantly designed to exercise absolute control over their newly-created ‘slave species’. The messages that the so-called prophets of the Old Testament wrote about, and the messages they conveyed to the people of their world, were cunningly devised by the Anunnaki to keep man in his place and punish him if he stepped out of line. The wrath of god falls perfectly in line with this kind of ‘control-freak’ behaviour and should never be confused with the will of God, the God with a big 'G'.



  Sumerian clay tablet, Babylonia, circa 1,900 BC. About 50-60 sources for the Creation of the Hoe are known. This clay tablet predates the Old Testament by at least 1,000 years. Could this have been one of the many ancient sources that inspired the authors of Genesis?


  Text 1 is a part of the Sumerian creation story, as a literary debate between the bird and the fish in which they argue for their usefulness in the universe. It has a substantially variant form of the published text, and the end is unpublished. Parts of the text are similar to Genesis 1:20-22. Text 2 deals with the Sumerian belief that the hoe, one of their basic agricultural tools, was given to them as a gift by the gods.

  It opens with the Sumerian creation of the world and of man, with parallels to the Bible's two creation stories: "The Lord hastened to separate heaven from earth" (Gen. 1:6-10); "and Daylight shone forth" (Gen. 1:3-5). It also predates the 2nd creation story of the Bible: "The Lord put the (first) human in the brick mould, and Enlil's people emerged from the ground" (Gen. 2:7).

  The next Bible quiz is just another item of proof in our gallery of evidence. It paints a gruesome picture of god and exposes his true identity. This was not the loving God some of us have come to imagine, but rather a materialistic, obsessive and vengeful human-like being whom Humankind got to worship as god. It is confusing why these ancient gods of the world would allow someone like Jesus Christ to shake their absolute control of Humankind, but if we just read between the lines, their devious strategy bowls us over with its undermining brilliance. In a few short years Jesus turned the oppressive teaching of the Old Testament on its head and completely changed the way humans should deal with their needs and their own humanity. Was he the son of God? Of course he was! But now that we know who the god of the Old Testament really was, the identity of Jesus exposes a whole new plot in the entrapment of Humankind. Did he have special powers? It certainly seems like it and once we have looked at the Sumerian texts it will all start making very clear sense. We will come much closer to understanding who the ‘Prince of Peace’ was and why his message was so important to humanity at that specific point in time. So let us take a few steps back now, from the Prince of Peace to the horrific, vengeful, barbaric acts perpetrated in the name of god by men in the times of the Old Testament. What was said is probably quite different from what was written. What is read and understood is most certainly different from what was said in the beginning. The ancient tablets have exposed the real truth.

  The Bible quiz you have just completed is posed by the Landover Baptist Church in an attempt to spread the word of God. All it does, is support the notion that God is not who we have been led to believe. The original objective was to determine the number of living things killed by God, or in the name of God in each of the circumstances posed in the quiz.

  Answers to the ‘The Wrath of God’ quiz:

  How many men did God kill because someone decided to peek into the ark of the Lord? Correct Answer: B. (50,070) “And he smote the men of Bethshemesh, because they had looked into the ark of the Lord, even he smote of the people fifty thousand and threescore and ten men: and the people lamented, because the Lord had smitten many of the people with a great slaughter.” (1 Samuel 6:19).

  How many men did Moses kill in one day because they failed to say they supported God? Correct Answer: D. (3,000) “Then Moses stood in the gate of the camp, and said, Who is on the Lord's side? let him come unto me. And all the sons of Levi gathered themselves together unto him. And he said unto them, Thus saith the Lord God of Israel, Put every man his sword by his side, and go in and out from gate to gate throughout the camp, and slay every man his brother, and every man his companion, and every man his neighbour. And the children of Levi did according to the word of Moses: and there fell of the people that day about three thousand men.” (Exodus 32:26-28)

  How many people did God kill in a plague before someone pleased God by ending a mixed marriage with the murder of the couple? Correct Answer: C. (24,000) “And, behold, one of the
children of Israel came and brought unto his brethren a Midianitish woman in the sight of Moses, and in the sight of all the congregation of the children of Israel, who were weeping before the door of the tabernacle of the congregation. And when Phineas, the son of Eleazar, the son of Aaron the priest, saw it, he rose up from among the congregation, and took a javelin in his hand; And he went after the man of Israel into the tent, and thrust both of them through, the man of Israel, and the woman through her belly. So the plague was stayed from the children of Israel. And those that died in the plague were twenty and four thousand.” (Numbers 25:6-9)

  How many animals did Solomon kill in a sacrifice to please the Lord? Correct Answer: D. (120,000 sheep and 22,000 oxen) “And Solomon offered a sacrifice of peace offering, which he offered unto the Lord, two and twenty thousand oxen, and an hundred and twenty thousand sheep. So the king and all the children of Israel dedicated the house of the Lord.” (1 Kings 8:63)

  How many Israelites did God deliver to the people of Judah to slaughter? Correct Answer: B. (Half a million) “Then the men of Judah gave a shout: and as the men of Judah shouted, it came to pass, that God smote Jeroboam and all Israel before Abijah and Judah. And the children of Israel fled before Judah: and God delivered them into their hand. And Abijah and his people slew them with a great slaughter: so there fell down slain of Israel five hundred thousand chosen men. Thus the children of Israel were brought under at that time, and the children of Judah prevailed, because they relied upon the Lord God of their fathers.” (2 Chronicles 13:15-18)


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