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Slave Species of god

Page 34

by Michael Tellinger


  A representation of a Mesopotamian cylinder seal showing the creation of Adam, the first test-tube baby. We see a goddess holding Adam while the others in the laboratory are preparing the DNA mixture and holding up a test-tube of sorts. Notice the Tree-of-Life prominently displayed behind the goddess.


  One popular method of enslaving workers is the system of imposing fines.

  SIDE TRACKING: Yellow lines are marked on the floor; if workers step outside the yellow lines, they are fined.

  OVERTIME: Most factories fix a time limit for going to the toilet, usually 3-5 minutes. If they stay longer than the limit, they will be fined.

  GOING TO THE TOILET WITHOUT PERMIT: In some factories, workers have to get a permit tag from the supervisor to go to the toilet. The problem is that there are usually only a few tags for large numbers of workers, mostly women.

  Over and above these, there are many other ‘creative’ excuses used to impose fines, such as ‘not willing to work overtime’ and ‘not greeting the general manager’. The high wages promised to workers in these ‘fine zone factories’ are mostly eroded to one-third or even less by all the fines imposed. In extreme cases, workers end up in debt to the factory by the end of the month.

  It is said that the Matsushita (National/Panasonic) Co. Ltd. in Zhuhai City, has the following warning system of yellow cards. First yellow card is a fine of Rmb 20, the second card Rmb 40, the third time, Rmb 80 and the fourth time they receive a yellow card they are fired. Reasons for receiving a yellow card include basic acts such as talking at work, not putting their name tags in the correct position, etc.

  I ask you again. How is this possible? How did primitive man suddenly come up with the concept of slavery? And how can modern man try to justify the continued use of forced labour still today? We can now draw a very clear line in human history and find a point when slavery first emerged. As amazing as it may seem, slavery amongst humans emerged at the same time as the sudden ‘civilisation’ around 11,000 BC. Soon after the deluge, the Great Flood, Humankind began to enslave each other, doing what they were born into, and what seemed to come quite naturally.

  Many will argue that we have not evolved at all since then, that we have actually gone backwards. I must agree to a certain extent that dark oppressive cults and religious dogma are of great concern, and are in some ways retarding our spiritual progress. But there is increasing excitement among the global populace about new discoveries, inventions, space travel and more basic events like the emancipation of various peoples from dictators. Let me remind you that it was only in 1930 that we discovered the planet Pluto, and yet today we have two robots on Mars beaming back visual messages to us. We have certainly evolved, there is no doubt about that. What needs to be established is how much our genome has evolved. If the past 100 years is a form of measure we could use, that would mean the pace of evolution among humans is most likely exponential. The more we evolve, the faster we evolve. And yet it is only the wealthy sectors of world population which seem to be evolving in this way. One can argue that it is mere progress and not real evolution. But conversely, progress could lead us to fast-track our evolution through knowledge of our DNA. The pace of space exploration and IT development would certainly support such a theory. So if my assumption about the level of evolution is correct, it would mean that the Anunnaki would have evolved way past us at this stage, possibly to the point where we wouldn’t even recognise them. Unless of course, we possess some unique mutation in our genome which would have catapulted us beyond their level of evolution. And by now we should have learnt that everything is possible, so let us not discard that theory as yet. The very sad thing is that while one fifth of the world's population revels in progress, the majority are trapped by poverty, hunger, disease and even slavery.

  News article December 2004

  “Around 200,000 women were forced into sexual slavery by Japan's military during the Second World War, when they shipped these women from Korea, China and other Asian countries to be kept as sex slaves for Japanese troops. It was only during the early '90s that Tokyo acknowledged its military had been involved in setting up and running brothels for its troops. However, high court judge Makoto Nemoto said the current administration did not have to pay compensation because it was not responsible for what past leaders had done. In past rulings, courts have favoured the Japanese government, stating that the statute of limitations had expired, or that international labour rules did not require compensation for sexual slavery.”

  Slave labour in China seems to be on the increase according to news reports dated August 2001. Young Chinese men are increasingly becoming victims of forced labour as economic necessity forces them to migrate to other provinces, where they have been promised well-paid jobs in brick factories or stone quarries. An article by Bruce Gilley published in the Far Eastern Economic Review on 16 August 2001, highlighted how 27 men were forced to work as slaves for 12 hours a day with no pay in a brick factory in Dingzhou, China. One of the men who tried to escape was caught, dragged back to the camp and beaten to death in front of the other men. It was only on 22 May 2001, after one worker managed to escape from the guards, that local labour officials were informed and arrived to arrest the manager and free the men. The workers had been enslaved there for more than one year.

  In February 2001, a newspaper called Dahe Daily reported that officials in Zhengzhou, Henan province, tried to free 30 slaves from an illegal coal pit. They were turned away by 20 armed guards and had to return the next day with armed police. Another coal pit was closed in the same area which enslaved six labourers, whose ages ranged between 14 and 73.

  In May 2001, five women, who were being forced to work without pay at an industrial materials polishing factory, escaped during an electricity blackout, according to a report in the Yanshan Metropolis News.

  China has a household registration system called ‘hokou’ which gives workers very few rights or protection when they leave their designated place of residence. This encourages others to view migrants as second class citizens. The attitude taken by local authorities is that ‘it's not our people so we're not responsible for them’. In one reported case, 100 people from Henan were rescued from a kelp factory in Shandong's Rongcheng city, only after one of them managed to contact family in Henan, after which they contacted the local newspaper, the Henan Daily. A manager of a brick factory in Dingzhou, admitted to keeping “several” workers against their will. While laws exist to prohibit forced labour, government officials and labour officials often do not seem to enforce them.

  As much as economic necessity plays a role in making migrants vulnerable to being trapped as forced labourers, it is mainly the corruption and greed of humans which allows slavery to flourish. The greed gene and the violent gene are as strong as ever in our genome. Why is it that some have developed mechanisms to suppress these characteristics, while others thrive on the effects of these genes? By the end of 1994, there were a total of 260,000 officially-registered FIE (Foreign Invested Entities) enterprises in China, employing around 1.95 million workers, with total investment amounting to US $491 billion. Because they are afforded preferential treatment by the government, FIEs in China are immune to any monitoring. The trend is that government officials and departments turn a blind eye to law-defying FIEs for fear of losing investment. In return, the FIEs have identified this loophole as a psychological advantage and use it as a threat against law-enforcement departments. FIEs comprised at least 40% of all labour dispute cases in 1994. Some other tricks used by FIEs are:

  Workers are required to pay a deposit upon recruitment, which usually adds up to two to three months' salary. They cannot claim back the deposit if they quit or get fired.

  Workers' identity cards and temporary residence permits are confiscated upon entry. Workers are virtually held in custody, since they cannot go anywhere without their identity cards.

rs get paid on average 18% less than the minimum wage. The lowest wage level was found in Dongguan City, which paid 32.2% less than the minimum wage.

  Wage arrears and underpayment enslaves workers by not allowing them to take any action on their own. Some receive their wages once every few months and some enterprises only pay basic living allowances. Invariably, when the enterprises wind up, the workers cannot claim back their unpaid wages. In an official investigation conducted in September 1994 in Guangdong Province, which was the main area for foreign investment in China, 25,000 workers were found to be underpaid or unpaid to the tune of Rmb 6.52 million (one of the two official Chinese currencies).

  Harsh management resembles slave treatment even in accredited factories in the special economic zones. Many of the labourers come from poverty-stricken villages. Physical and verbal abuse and arbitrary dismissals are the rule of the day.

  In March 1995, workers in a Korean electronics factory in Zhuhai City were forced to work non-stop for four days with only five hours sleep. The exhausted workers took a nap during the ten-minute afternoon rest period. Angered by their ‘laziness’, the factory boss ordered the whole staff to kneel down. When some refused to obey they were sacked immediately. As China is being rapidly integrated into the world trade system, workers in China are no longer slaves of the state, they are becoming slaves of the state and of international capitalism.

  The slave-labour-like factories, many of which produce big international brands, have taken many lives due to fires in the past decade. This kind of safety statistic would be completely unacceptable in the UK or USA.

  • May 1991

  Hong Kong-owned Xingye Raincoat Factory, producing Ninja Turtle children's raincoats in Dongguan City, Guangdong Province; 72 killed, 47 injured.

  • November 1993

  Hong Kong-owned Zhili Toy Factory, producing Chicco Toys in Shenzen SEZ; 87 killed, 51 injured.

  • December 1993

  Taiwanese Gaofu Textile Co. Ltd. in Fuzhou City, Fujian Province; 61 killed, all women.

  • June 1994

  Hong Kong-owned Yuexin Textile Factory in Zhuhai SEZ; 93 killed, 160 injured. The workers were asked to go back to the burnt factory building to take out the fabric just before the building collapsed.

  • September 1995

  Electric wire factory in Dongguan City; 7 killed, 4 injured.

  • New Year's Day 1996

  Workers' dormitory of a Taiwanese Christmas decoration factory in Shenzen SEZ; 22 killed, 33 injured. The warehouse-turned-dormitory was built with corrugated iron. It housed more than 800 workers and masses of plastic materials. The only exits were the two main doors.

  All these preventable ‘accidents’ follow the same pattern. There are no fire prevention facilities and emergency exits are normally blocked or sealed to prevent the ‘slave’ labourers from getting out. In the first eleven months of 1995, there were 1,184 fires recorded in Guangdong Province, claiming 193 lives and injuring 268. Most of the casualties involved young women workers, who constitute the main workforce in foreign-invested enterprises. Can you imagine this kind of news making the headlines in Los Angeles? At first you may say “this kind of thing would never happen in the USA”. But the truth is, that it probably happens all the time, but it simply never makes the news. Why? Because the cheap labour in LA consists of Mexican ‘illegal aliens’, which means it is not juicy enough for the bloodthirsty media, who probably won’t pay any attention to it. Mexican lives just seem to be worth a little less than blonde-blue-eyed beach bunnies.

  So here we are some 200,000 years after our entry into the universal community of primitive species. Although we arrived as a slave species, we have made remarkable progress against our hostile and vengeful makers, who would stop at nothing to manipulate, control and punish us at every conceivable opportunity. And only some 11,000 years since we adopted civilisation, courtesy of some of the more benevolent gods, we are about to colonise Mars. Now that we have the moral high ground on our creator gods, with regard to our view on human rights and equality, we still carry the violent hangover of our slave species character. Although almost invisible, slavery is alive and well on Earth, as it has been for thousands of years. Will we learn from our own experiences when we settle on Mars, or will we do what comes so naturally to us - clone a new slave species and control them with an iron fist. If our slowly evolving DNA has any role in this, we will probably engage in the latter.

  Code of Hammurabi Priest King who established Babylonia:

  There is some disagreement about the date of Hammurabi's rule. Some scholars put him at circa 2300 BC, others as late as 1700 BC. Zecharia Sitchin places him at around 1900 BC, which would make Hammurabi one of the first kings after the destruction of Sodom, Gomorrah and other cities by the Anunnaki gods, in pursuit of Marduk the rebellious god and son of Enki, circa 2024 BC. But as we will show, Marduk survived and Babylon became a powerful city under his ‘godship’. In this translation by L. W. King we read what King Hammurabi had to say about his new kingdom as bestowed upon him by Marduk:

  “When Anu the Sublime, King of the Anunnaki, and Bel, the lord of Heaven and earth, who decreed the fate of the land, assigned to Marduk, the over ruling son of Ea, God of righteousness, dominion over earthly man, and made him great among the Igigi, they called Babylon by his illustrious name, made it great on earth, and founded an everlasting kingdom in it, whose foundations are laid so solidly as those of heaven and earth; then Anu and Bel called by name me, Hammurabi, the exalted prince, who feared God, to bring about the rule of righteousness in the land, to destroy the wicked and the evil-doers; so that the strong should not harm the weak; so that I should rule over the black-headed people like Shamash, and enlighten the land, to further the well-being of mankind.”

  These words are wonderful evidence of how the Anunnaki gods controlled the fates of men and bestowed kingship on their chosen few. We also find corroboration of the close relationship between Marduk and the Igigi, who were his followers, who arrived on Earth from Mars when it lost its atmosphere. They are the most likely candidates, who were the progenitors of the Aryans when they married earthling females in years to come. We also read about the “blackheaded people” who were the ‘primitive workers’ and descendents of ‘Adamu’ who were brought up to Sumer to work for the upper-class Sumerians and gods. We also read about the plight of the ‘blackheaded’ people in other tablets and we find references to them mostly with regard to performing the hard labour for which they were created. This proves irrefutably that black people have had the raw end of the deal on this planet since the very first moment of creation. It is now clear that Adam was black. Some of his descendents were taken north and mixed with the Igigi and other lesser gods of Sumer, creating the white Aryan upper class of the Sumerian civilisation. Those relatives of Adam who remained in Africa, remained ‘behind’ in many other ways. While the technology of the Anunnaki gods was being widely applied in the daily lives of the Sumerians, the African descendents of Adam were living in basic and primitive conditions for thousands of years, worshipping their ‘mythological’ gods. But not all the ‘blackheaded’ people who were taken to Sumer had it easy, because most of them remained slaves to the Anunnaki and experienced hardship. Some 2,000 years BC, an unknown scribe wrote a poem describing the sad events which surrounded the fall of the city of Ur. In this lamentation we read about the plight of the ‘blackheaded’ people. This poem is an excellent corroboration of the aftermath during which Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed by some kind of nuclear disaster, unleashed by the biblical ‘angels’ who visited Abraham and Lot. The time was around 2024 BC. The dots in the following translation of the tablet indicate the damaged parts of the tablet which are illegible.

  “That law and order cease to exist…

  That cities be destroyed, that houses be destroyed…

  That Sumer's rivers flow with bitter water…

  That the mother care not for her children…

  That kingship be ca
rried off from the land…

  That on the banks of the Tigris and Euphrates … there grow sticky plants…

  That no one tread the highways, that no one seek out the roads,

  That its well-founded cities and hamlets be counted as ruins,

  That its teeming blackheaded people be put to the mace…

  The fate decreed by the gods cannot be changed, who can overturn it!”

  Codes 15 -20 of ‘The Code of Hammurabi’ dealing with references to slaves.

  15 If any one take a male or female slave of the court, or a male or female slave of a freed man, outside the city gates, he shall be put to death.

  16 If any one receive into his house a runaway male or female slave of the court, or of a freed man, and does not bring it out at the public proclamation of the major domus, the master of the house shall be put to death.

  17 If any one find runaway male or female slaves in the open country and bring them to their masters, the master of the slaves shall pay him two shekels of silver.


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