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Slave Species of god

Page 66

by Michael Tellinger

  The task of mining gold from ore was impossible with the few numbers of people left behind. They surveyed the world again and Ninurta returned with good news from distant lands beyond the ocean. The mountains had been eroded by the flood, exposing rich sediments of gold which were oozing out in pure nuggets. These were the valleys around lake Titicaca on the border of Bolivia and Peru, and the beginning of the ancient Inca civilisation before the Europeans came to plunder it. “…Nuggets large and small to the rivers below fell down, without mining can the gold be hauled.” Enlil and Enki were astounded. “Gold, pure gold, refining and smelting not required, all about was lying.”

  And so began the South American prehistoric gold rush. But they needed to create a landing site nearby, from where to take the gold to Nibiru. And so we uncover the practical origins of the Nazca plain. Much has been written and speculated about the so-called Nazca lines. They have certainly challenged the best archaeologists for centuries. The Sumerian clay tablets provide the answers once more. For all those who have wondered and marvelled at the strange markings and spectacles on the flat hard desert-like ground at Nazca in Peru, the answers are crystal clear in cuneiform text. “Now let us a new place to celestial chariots establish, therefrom the gold to Nibiru send…For a new plain whose soil has dried and hardened they searched…In a desolate peninsula such a plain they found…Flat as a lake it was, by white mountains it was surrounded.” This fits the exact description of the desolate peninsula of Nazca which is surrounded by the Andes mountain range which would have had “ white” snow on their peaks.


  The symbol of the cross is well documented in ancient civilisations. Could it be that the Anunnaki used this symbol on the Nazca plain to indicate their landing spot to incoming craft?

  As seen in this satellite picture this approach does the job quite superbly.

  Ninurta had been living there before the flood and he knew where to locate the descendants of Ka-in. The locals who survived the flood knew Ninurta and revered him as their protector god. They could be used to gather the gold and other metals, they knew the art of smelting and handling of metals. Ninurta explained to Enlil and Enki “As the protector of their forefathers they me recall…The great protector they call me.” At this stage even Enlil who had hoped for the complete destruction of all humans was pleased to find the survivors. The gods’ future was suddenly in the hands of the humans. While the collection of gold began to swing into action in South America, the Anunnaki were not simply going to abandon their original settlements in Mesopotamia. For those who have spoken about the pyramids of Giza being built as a mirror image of Orion's Belt, there is much vindication in the tablets. The Anunnaki decided to build a new landing site, “…a new place of the celestial chariots.” The tablets further tell us that in the peninsula they chose, “…the heavenly ways of Anu and Enlil on Earth were reflected… Let the new place of chariots precisely on that boundary be reflected… Let the heart of the plain the heavens reflect.” Enlil did the surveying from a sky ship, but it was the talented Ningishzidda who once more showed off his great architectural skills. That is why the latter civilisation of Egypt would come to call him Thoth or Tehuti, ‘the divine measurer’ and the god of science and knowledge. Ningishzidda designed, planned and executed the building of the three pyramids of Giza.


  When this disk was first discovered in the Royal Library at Nineveh it was thought to be linked to ancient witchcraft. It is an Assyrian copy of a Sumerian original. An ancient astronomical map divided into 8 segments, showing geometric shapes, unseen on any other ancient artefact and drawn with precision. It includes a host of astronomical content with a mathematical curve previously assumed not to have been known in ancient times, also introducing the 360 degrees of a circle. The direct translation of the Sumerian inscriptions on this disk basically describe the “rout map” by which the “god Enlil went by the planets”. It includes operating instructions with altitude and weather pattern observations on various instruments. It also clearly shows the dots representing planets and Earth as the 7th planet to which Enlil would travel. The triangle on the left represents the far cosmos, while the destination is the triangle on the right converging towards the landing spot. Other translations are: “The ruler's domain on the mountainous land” and “The way of god Enlil”. It also contains a complex mathematical formula which has perplexed astronomers ever since and as yet remains unexplained.

  Not as tombs as most people still erroneously claim, but as very important landmarks, and indestructible beacons which made up part of the landing grid of landmarks for pilots. “To demarcate the landing corridor…To demarcate the landing corridor's boundary, ascent and descent to secure.” And so the three great pyramids were planned and measured as the beacons of their new future landing site. They witnessed how solid the landing platform at Baalbek was, so they applied those principles of using heavy rocks to build the new pyramid beacons in the south as part of a giant grid of landmarks, which would guide the pilots towards the landing site. The tablets describe how they chose the various landmarks which included the old platform in the Cedar Mountains as part of the directional grid. “Let the landing place in the Cedar Mountains be a part of the facilities.” But why did they build the pyramids in that specific place, while all the other fixed points they had chosen were natural landmarks? This is why… “where the second set of twin peaks was required, mountains there were none…only a water-clogged valley from the ground protruded.” This is a perfect description of Giza all those years ago, after the flood.

  And so Ningishzidda came to the fore as he began to design the most mysterious and controversial structure on Earth, the Great Pyramid of Giza. “Artificial peaks thereon we can raise” he said to the others, referring to Giza. But before he began the huge undertaking, he built a smaller prototype to test some of his calculations. That was the smallest of the three pyramids, or as we know it, the Pyramid of Menkaure. “On the flatland, above the river's valley, Ningishzidda a scale model built…The rising angles and four smooth sides with it he perfected.” Only after he was satisfied with the model, he continued to build the big ones, and we also learn how they managed to cut the stones so smoothly and perfectly, so quickly and seemingly with ease. “Next to it a larger peak he placed, its sides to Earth's four corners he set…By the Anunnaki with their tools of power, were its stones cut and erected.” The next one to be built was the Pyramid of Khafre, as outlined in Sumerian texts. The reason we know this, is because the first two pyramids do not have a major network of passages and chambers, which is exactly the way they are described. “Next to it a larger peak he placed, its sides to Earth's four corners he placed.” Only once the second one was completed, he took on the task of constructing the Great Pyramid, with all its secret passages which all had a specific purpose. This purpose was most certainly not to serve as a tomb for some ‘earthling pharaoh’ thousands of years later. “Beside it, in precise location, the peak that was its twin he placed… With galleries and chambers for pulsating crystals he designed it.” There we have it, written in perfect clay, the pyramids were to be landmarks and beacons which transmitted signals and light to guide incoming pilots and astronauts. A large number of scholars have shown beyond doubt that none of the pyramids of the 3rd and 4th dynasty in Egypt have ever produced any evidence of burials, bodies, sarcophagi or even inscriptions to that effect. There is no evidence whatsoever that they were built as tombs. This popular myth was created many years later when modern archaeologists began to fill the mesmerised world with fantastic stories created by their imagination only. Remember, that unlike the tombs of the Valley of the Kings, the Great Pyramids of Giza do not have any inscriptions at all, anywhere, which refer to the burial of a king. The only inscription of king Khufu in the Great Pyramid is on a rock in one of the smaller spaces above the King's Chamber. This is highly suspicious and points to being a much later addition t
o the structure.

  But the references to the pyramids do not end there. They called it Ekur, ‘House Which Like a Mountain Is’. They placed what they called the Nibiru Crystals in the chambers of the pyramid and “Enlil by his own hand the Nibiru crystals activated… the eerie lights began to flicker, an enchanting hum the stillness broke… Outside the capstone, all at once was shining.” This was a great achievement for them, most likely inspired by the resilience of the landing site which was not destroyed in the flood. They had built a landmark that would withstand floods and other kinds of catastrophes, except the constant onslaught of future human plunderers. The Anunnaki assembled to witness the spectacle and Ninmah even wrote and recited a poem.

  “House that is like mountain with pointed peak

  For Heaven-Earth it is equipped, the handiwork of the Anunnaki it is

  House bright and dark, house of heaven and Earth

  For the celestial boats it was put together, by the Anunnaki built

  House whose interior with a reddish light of heaven glows

  Apulsating beam that far and high reaches it emits

  Lofty mountain of mountains, great and lofty fashioned

  Beyond the understanding of Earthlings it is

  House of equipment, lofty house of eternity…”

  The poem goes on praising the structure and its maker. To honour the builder, they agreed to build a monument nearby, with the face of the builder and the body of a lion, which symbolized the ‘age’during which it was built. “Let us beside the twin peaks a monument create, the Age of the Lion it announce… The face of Ningishzidda, the peak's designer, let its face be… Towards the place of celestial chariots gaze.” The speculations about the age and meaning of the Sphinx have been as rife as the confusion around the pyramids. But as you can see from this excerpt, the tablets make it very clear when and why the Sphinx was built. As always, the answers seem to be much less complicated and more probable than the theories by historians who make pronouncements based on romantic assumptions. All those who argue against this information will probably eventually find that all the clues will lead them back to this conclusion. A number of researchers have already made such suggestions, implying that the Sphinx must have been around in times when water caused most of the erosion of the monument, and not wind as others assumed. Graham Hancock goes into great detail in his book Fingerprints of the Gods to explain the geological and erosion factors which led to the Sphinx being in the state it is today. It was mainly water, then wind which eroded it. This could only have happened thousands of years ago when Giza had more rain and the flood waters could reach the Sphinx. Therefore many scholars now believe the Sphinx to have been built around 10,000 BC. This would corroborate the information we find in the clay tablets.

  But even while the building was in progress, Marduk started causing trouble again, complaining that his younger brother Ningishzidda was getting all the glory and that once again he had been passed by. A period of heated debates followed during which all the Anunnaki children made all kinds of claims to different lands, and demanded that they be given more control over loyal earthlings and command of their own regions. “By the clamour for domains Ninurta and his brother were also aroused… Lands for themselves and devoted earthlings everyone was demanding.” The wise and rational Ninmah came to the fore, playing the part of the peacemaker. She made proposals which clearly prevented violent conflict among the Anunnaki. “Let not the celebration a contest become, Ninmah amidst the raised voices shouted… For peace to prevail, the habitable lands between us should be apart set.” For her role as a wise and calming sister, they decided to change her name on that day. Ninmah became known as Ninharsag, ‘Mistress of the Mountainhead’. And so they divided the lands between the siblings and their followers. Ninharsag was given the “Land of the Missiles” or Tilmun, better known to modern humans as the Sinai Peninsula, which was out of bounds to humans. This land was declared as neutral territory under Ninharsag's control. “The habitable lands to the east thereof for Enlil and his offspring we set apart.” This was the whole of the Near East or ‘Olden Lands’ where the Anunnaki settled at first, which included Mesopotamia, Akkad, Babylonia, Assyria and Sumer. The “dark-hued” lands and the Abzu (Africa) was given to Enki and his clan which included his earthling son Ziusudra. Enki decided to appease his oldest son Marduk, who also happened to be the regular instigator of trouble, so he gave him the “dark-hued” lands which we know as Egypt. Under his hand we see the sudden emergence of the new Egyptian civilisation of earthlings. But the old days of the ‘primitive worker’ slaves were gone. Suddenly everyone clamoured for the “civilised worker” to be their slaves and perform all kinds of tasks.

  One can clearly detect from the rather stressful and manic period in the lives of the Anunnaki, that they were very preoccupied with their own personal struggle, family quibbles and problems with the mission to Earth. They didn't want to have to deal with additional complaints of the humans who began to multiply again. But this time the humans were mixing with the Anunnaki and Igigi on a regular basis, many of them expecting to be granted the same treatment as the gods, as opposed to being treated like the lesser human slave species. A long period of uneasy stability followed while the gold supplies were being depleted and the occasional violent confrontation between the Anunnaki youth erupted. The tablets describe various battles in detail where fierce and sophisticated weapons were used, which could not possibly have existed in those days. Most of the conflict was regarding land, instigated by Marduk and the Igigi who were making all kinds of new demands and breaking rules at every opportunity. The way in which humans have fought over land since then is another perfect example of the genetic hold this Anunnaki DNA has had over us for thousands of years. The incredible desire to conquer lands and invade new territory is so distinctly visible in the behaviour of the young offspring which the older and wiser Anunnaki produced on Earth. And so the incredible family drama of the Anunnaki continued among the extended family and their allies, while the humans became mere spectators on the sideline of this global stage. It would not be long however, before Humankind began to play out their own drama of cultures attacking and killing one another, but not before they were elevated to a higher level of civilisation by their makers. There is a certain irony in that statement which is indicative of the fact that the level of civilisation had very little to do with the initial behaviour of Humankind, but it was the guiding hand of violent, selfish gods who manipulated humans to achieve their own objectives. The Anunnaki saw us in the same light we see the many kinds of domesticated dogs, which we breed for various purposes. We adore them, but they are not quite equal to us, because they are animals. And so the ‘gods’ perceived the human creation to be part animal and disposable.

  The unrest among the gods continued and grew to the point where the Igigi invaded the “Place of the Chariots”. Marduk lost both his sons which made him even more bitter, and all this instability in the Old Land caused Enlil to be concerned about the safety of their space port. This prompted him to build a new space port: “Bond Heaven-Earth” facility in Ninurta's lands beyond the sea, as was mentioned earlier. They built it “ the mountain lands beyond the oceans beside the great lake...”, which was Lake Titicaca. “At the foot of the mountain where the gold nuggets were scattered… facility in secret establish we must.” This is when the Nazca plain was first utilised by the Anunnaki, as they introduced advanced knowledge to the South American humans.

  Dumuzi was Enki's youngest and most cherished son. He was described as being sensitive and caring and artistic. At the unveiling of the Great Pyramid, he met Inanna, who was Enlil's granddaughter, and they fell hopelessly in love. Many ancient love songs and poems were written about the couple, they were like the primordial Romeo and Juliet. They became inseparable and Inanna was described as being “...beautiful beyond description she was, in martial arts with Anunnaki heroes she competed.” She was also known as Ishtar, Venus and by many other names in
all the cultures around the world. No matter what name they gave her, she was everyone's “Goddess of Love”. Inanna had great aspirations of peacemaking between nations and people, this was one of her strongest characteristics. Dumuzi was given lands above the Abzu, with buffalo in the reeds, with rivers and cattle. This must have been very close to Marduk's Egypt, which the older brother did not take kindly and became insanely jealous. His jealousy was not only because of the lands which were given to Dumuzi, but Inanna's big plans for her beloved. She wanted Dumuzi's name to rise above all Anunnaki, and this was dangerous territory which had been claimed by Marduk many years ago. He would not have his baby brother upset his master plan. So Marduk devised a devious plan to entrap Dumuzi in a sexual act. He set up their half-sister Geshtinanna to seduce Dumuzi with the promise that their offspring will be the successor to the throne because of their line of seed. She must have had some real powers of persuasion, or some sedatives, or Dumuzi simply behaved like a highly sexed male, who could not refuse the advances of a beautiful girl. But in the middle of the night Dumuzi panicked and ran away, through a river and over rocks where he slipped, fell and killed himself in a freak accident.


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