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Slave Species of god

Page 75

by Michael Tellinger

  Here is a list of some of the last comets seen by humans:

  Name Orbit years Last seen Closest Furthest

  Halley 76.1 yrs. 1986-02-09 0.587 AU 17.94 AU

  Encke 3.30 yrs. 2003-12-28 0.340 AU 2.21 AU

  d'Arrest 6.51 yrs. 2008-08-01 1.346 AU 3.49AU

  Tempel 1 5.51 yrs. 2005-07-05 1.500 AU 3.12 AU

  Borrelly 6.86 yrs. 2001-09-14 1.358 AU 3.61 AU

  Giacobini-Zinner 6.52 yrs. 1998-11-21 0.996 AU 3.52 AU

  Grigg-Skjellerup 5.09 yrs. 1992-07-22 0.989 AU 2.96 AU

  Crommelin 27.89 yrs. 1984-09-01 0.743 AU 9.20 AU

  Honda-Mrkos -Pajdusakova 5.29 yrs. 1995-12-251 0.528 AU 3.02 AU

  Wirtanen 5.46 yrs. 2013-10-21 1.063 AU 3.12 AU

  Tempel-Tuttle 32.92 yrs. 1998-02-28 0.982 AU 10.33 AU

  Churyumov-Gerasimenko 6.57 yrs. 2002-08-18 1.292 AU 3.51 AU

  Schwassmann -Wachmann 3 5.36 yrs. 2006-06-02 0.937 AU 3.06 AU

  Kohoutek 6.24 yrs. 1973-12-28 1.571AU 3.40 AU

  West-Kohoutek-Ikemura 6.46 yrs. 2000-06-01 1.596 AU 3.45 AU

  Wild 2 6.39 yrs. 2003-09-25 1.583 AU 3.44 AU

  Chiron 50.7 yrs. 1996-02-14 8.460 AU 13.70 AU

  Wilson-Harrington 4.29 yrs. 2001-03-26 1.000 AU 2.64 AU

  Hale-Bopp 4000 yrs. 1997-03-31 0.914 AU 250.0 AU

  Hyakutake ±40,000. yrs. 1996-05-01 0.230 AU ±1165. AU

  AU = Ave. distance of Earth from the sun which is approximately 150 million km.

  Source: NASA

  Space Flight

  Until recently, there was a great fuss made by scientists and other scholars about the complexities of space flight. On the 21st of June 2004 this seemingly impossible task, which was the domain of the US and Russian governments, was matched relatively effortlessly by the first privateer. Burt Rutan's team successfully built a humble and somewhat flimsy looking rocket, which was piloted into space twice in one week. Showing that it is quite possible for clear-thinking scientists to achieve manned space flight without astronomical amounts of taxpayers' money. When looking at Spaceship One, the small and fragile rocket in which they achieved this, one cannot but display a high level of amazement at how simple they made it look. We should therefore not be amazed when reading about advanced beings who could achieve such flight on a regular basis without too much effort. Our time will come in the near future, when the 'slave species' will also be whizzing in and out of space without the effort displayed by today's space agencies.

  More Flood Stories

  The story of Atra-hasis and the flood is the most comprehensive of the Mesopotamian flood stories dating back to around 1700 BC. Here is a short extract from a James W. Bells’ adaptation, to support many of the other tales about the involvement of Enlil and Enki.

  “Enlil said, ‘I cannot sleep because of the bellowing of men, but I cannot bring them under control because of my brother, Enki. He protects them. Because he created them, they are his children. I will see him about this.’ So Enlil went to Enki and said, ‘You persuaded us to kill a god and used your power to create men. You imposed our yoke upon them but you also had Mami gift them with the spoken word. What you did was wrong, for men use their power to shout and curse and argue with each other. Now, you must swear an oath to correct the wrong you have caused. You must use your power against your creation and create a Flood to rid the earth of men.’”

  Old Babylonian on clay; Babylonia circa 1900 BC. This part of the Atra-Hasis flood story is missing on all other known tablets. There are only some 13 tablets and fragments preserved of the Atra-Hasis Epic and much of the epic is lost. Genesis tells us that the cause of the flood was mankind's wickedness and violence. The Babylonian story tells us that the cause was the noisy activities of humans, preventing the chief god, Enlil, from sleeping. It also mentions the harsh account of swollen animals and human bodies. This part was apparently deleted from the biblical flood story, even if it would have been the first sight meeting Noah as he left the Ark.



  Sperm of the gods

  Why do humans have such a wild and immoral streak embedded in their DNA? We inherited it from our makers of course! Just like the Greeks and Romans, the Vedas of the Indus Valley display equally high levels of wild sexual forays and immorality. In the Greek ‘Iliad’ we read about wars of men and gods over beautiful goddesses, their conquests and their fall in the pursuit of sexual domination. The Vedic scriptures are no exception. 'Ramayana' is such an epic tale which talks about prince Rama, whose beautiful wife was abducted by the king of Lanka of the island of Ceylon, known today as Sri Lanka. A whole host of gods came to the rescue as they do in Sumerian and Greek tales. In another episode of lust, the stunning Tara and wife of Indra's charioteer the “Illustrious Rudra”, was abducted by Sukra, an immortal god. These lustful abductions would always erupt in a short but fierce battle between the gods. In this case they actually took refuge with the ‘Prime Deity’ which resulted in the grand leader and grandfather of the gods to come to Earth in an attempt to pacify the earthly gods. And suddenly we read a sentence which supports that god genetically interfered in the conception of the great prophets on earth, including the Buddha and by deduction also Jesus. Tara gave birth to a son “whose beauty overclouded the celestials…Filled with suspicion, the gods demanded to know who the true father was…” Tara informed them that the boy was the son of Soma, the “Celestial Immortality” and so she called him Buddha.

  Devils, Famine and Wars

  Remember that the Indus Valley was largely influenced by the Aryans who were followers of Marduk. They were at odds with the other Anunnaki gods whose names were derived from gods like Ashur, Asar and Osiris, assuming the roles of ‘demons’ in Hindu tradition. Much of the conflict among gods was driven by famine. At first, the Earth “produced food without cultivation” but when food became scarce, the gods' eagles would bring down from their Celestial Abode a drink called Soma, which they mixed with milk to sustain their immortality. Their favourite sacrifice was “kine” or 'cow-cattle' which is in keeping with the gods of the biblical lands whose favourite sacrifice was roast lamb. They surely showed a great affinity for a good barbecue. Is that where we get our appetite for lamb on the spit?

  EDIN– In Sumerian means ‘Abode of the righteous ones’.

  Our maker – the Serpent

  The Serpent god features prominently in Sumerian history. In the depictions he is often represented by a symbol consisting of a ‘star-and-arrow’ which could be read as ‘BUR’, ‘BURU’ or ‘BUZUR’. These words can be translated as ‘God Who Solves Secrets’ or ‘God of the Deep Mines’. In the original Hebrew Bible, the god who tempted Eve is called Nahash, which translates into ‘Serpent’ but also means ‘He Who Solves Secrets’ or ‘He Who Knows Metals’. This further supports the argument that the serpent who tempted Adam and Eve was actually Enki, their creator, who wanted to uplift them with knowledge.

  Mammi! Mother of the gods & humans

  Ninmah or ‘Great Lady’ was the sister of Enlil and Enki who was later called Ninhursag. She was a member of the pantheon of 12 Anunnaki gods and was also affectionately known as Mammi, Mother of the gods. Is it possible that her name has remained the global name for mother?

  The Divine Weapon

  Ur-Nammu was a warrior king who found favour with Enlil and became his early weapon against the disobedient human slaves. He fought several battles for his god Enlil which are reminiscent of the latter biblical tales of warfare in the name of god, in which evil and vile people who were opposing Enlil were subdued in their cities. What we do find out in Sumerian tablets however, is that god Enlil gave Ur-Nammu an unfair advantage by empowering him with secret weapons, way beyond the enemy's comprehension.<
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  “The divine weapon, that which in the hostile lands heaps up the rebels in piles, to Ur-Nammu, the Shepherd, He the Lord Enlil has given it to him;

  Like a bull to crush the foreign land,

  Like a lion to hunt it down;

  To destroy the evil cities, clear them of opposition to the lofty.”

  The circumstances surrounding Ur-Nammu's death on the battlefield are highly suspicious and point to a setup by the gods. Maybe he just became too popular and too powerful with the other humans so god had to remove him and find another obedient slave. Ur-Nammu died around 2096 BC, shortly before Abraham found favour with Enlil and went on to fight many battles and spy for his god against those ‘evil and vile’ people who conspired against god.

  Abraham's Army

  The Old Testament is very clear in its instructions to Abraham when god commands him to move to the land of Canaan. So he rapidly took his wife and nephew Lot and travelled south. We do not however get any reasons why Abraham should so urgently move, nor do we get any clues to his final destination. He stopped over at Shechem where the Lord spoke to him. Further on at Beth-El he built a temple and called the lord's name. He carried on travelling towards the Negev, a very dry region where Canaan and the Sinai peninsula meet. Why on Earth would god want Abraham to move into the middle of the Negev Desert? What was so urgent that made god bring Abraham over many miles of barren desert land into the middle of nowhere? The only significance it had in those days was that it just so happened to have been the gateway to the ‘spaceport’ of the Anunnaki gods in the Sinai. Mount Moria, Mount Zophim, Mount Zion, were all landmarks surrounding the forbidden spaceport of the gods. But Abraham was not alone. He had a group of ‘Naar’ men with him. This has previously been misinterpreted as ‘young man’ but the true Hurrian meaning of the word is ‘fast riders or cavalry men’. This means that Abraham had a small army of Naar men with him. What did god have planned for them in the middle of the desert? To protect the space port against invasions by other humans. Even Josephus writes that “Abraham reigned at Damascus, where he was a foreigner, having come with an army out of the land above Babylon.” And so god's golden boy would get great rewards from his god Enlil. Abraham was Enlil's warrior and eventual spy, endowed with a crack squad of fighting men and the latest weapons.

  Erra Epos

  The Erra Epos is the Sumerian version of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. This is how god describes the events in those texts. You can make your own conclusions regarding its relevance to the events at Sodom and its biblical similarity. “The people I will make vanish, their souls shall turn to vapour.”


  Marduk had a much more sympathetic relationship with humans probably because he espoused an earthling female. In several tablets we read of his intentions and here is one such clear example from the time Marduk was on his way back to his beloved Babylon. What we also realise is that humans became disposable pawns in the conflict between the gods. The tablets tell us that Marduk wanted to bring peace and prosperity to the lands and “chase away evil and bad luck…bring motherly love to mankind...” But his adversary under the leadership of Enlil “...his wrath had brought” upon Babylon, Marduk's city. And once again humans fought under the instructions of their separate gods for a cause in which they had very little say.


  The god Amun or ‘Unseen one’ was also called ‘Amen’ by the Egyptians. Many obelisks praise him endlessly and support the fact that Amen-Ra was a god with a growing following of earthlings. It was in fact Marduk who was preparing for his onslaught on the ruling gods under the leadership of Enlil. In Cleopatra's Needles by Sir Wallis Budge, we read:

  “ Amen, from being merely the god of Thebes, became king of the world and king of the gods. He possessed towns in Palestine and Syria, and a very large number of slaves, male and female, and the commands of his high priests were obeyed unhesitatingly throughout the lands.”

  But in this remarkable book which is filled with endless praises and prayers to Amun-Ra by the kings of Egypt, we get all the evidence we need that the gods of Egypt were real physical entities who interacted with the kings and their people, from the volumes of praises by the god Amun-Ra for his kings and their followers. One such incident occurs when Amun-Ra thanks Thothmes III for his conquests.

  “Come to me, rejoice at the sight of my beneficience,

  My son, my avenger…

  I rise in the sky for thy pleasure (or love of thee)

  My heart dilateth with joy at thy beautiful comings to my temple.” This book is filled with translations of virtually every obelisk ever found, and concurs that it was in fact Marduk, or Amun-Ra, who conquered and united Egypt.

  “Horus…King of the South and the North…He made them as his monuments to his father Amen, lord of the thrones of the two lands.”

  Favourite stories

  Popular stories among the ancient Babylonians were repeated in more than one composition. For example, the story of the flood is known in the Epic of Gilgamesh and from the Atra-hasis Epic. The most famous epics and myths were: Gilgamesh, Atra-hasis, Adapa, Nergal and Ereshkigal, When Above, Descent of Ishtar into Hades, Anzu, Etana and Era. Another sub-genre is the historical epic of ‘The king of battle and Tukulti-Ninurta I'.

  Aryans & Jews

  Adolf Hitler would have been devastated to find out that the relationship between the Aryans and Jews long before Christ, was one of liberation and compassion. Cyrus the Great was a true Aryan king of real Aryan descent. Cyrus was the first Persian king who united the two original Persian tribes of the Medes and Parsees. Where did he get all his knowledge and power from? He was just another one of those Aryan kings who appears in the biblical texts and nobody makes any fuss about his mysterious arrival. This invader is treated by the Old Testament as part of daily events. He is best remembered for his unprecedented tolerance and magnanimous attitude towards those he conquered. Around 539 BC he liberated Babylon, freed the slaves and allowed 40,000 Jews to move back to Palestine. He was known by the Hebrews as the “Anointed of Yahweh” which was a very unusual relationship between a Hebrew god and a non-Hebrew Aryan king. He is said to be the first king to release a charter of human rights and was known as the 'Law Giver' whose main objective was to liberate people from slavery. Was Cyrus possibly another one of the Anunnaki prophets sent to rally humans behind one god? He was the first Achaemenid Emperor of Persia who united people everywhere he went and he was depicted with wings, similar to other gods. The Achaemenids worshipped a deity called 'Wise Lord' who was depicted as hovering in the sky within a winged globe. So who was Cyrus really? Just another messenger of Enlil? A prophet who achieved moderate success in spreading the new benevolent message of god while preparing the way for Jesus? We should also remember that the Aryans were called the ‘Lordly people’ by the Sumerians.


  Sumer did not have ores but it was rich in fuels like asphalt, bitumen and other petroleum products. That is why the early kilns and smelting facilities were established there to process the golden ores. And that is also why there are many ancient inscriptions describing the bringing of metal ores from afar.

  Hammered Bracelet

  The Sumerians were not the only ones talking about the asteroid belt as the Hammered Bracelet. In Psalms it is outlined equally eloquently, also describing a mysterious planet's orbit. Was this Nibiru? The planet they all knew was the home of the Anunnaki gods?

  “The Heavens bespeak the glory of the Lord

  The Hammered Bracelet proclaims his handiwork

  He comes forth as a groom from the canopy;

  Like an athlete he rejoices to run the course.

  From the end of Heavens he emanates…”

  The Cross and the Planet of the Crossing

  Nibiru was referred to as ‘The planet of the crossing’ which was depicted by a symbolic cross in pictographs and in cuneiform text. It was also the symbol for Anu ‘divine’ and it evolved into the sign of the cr
oss even in the Semitic languages, represented by the letter ‘tav’ which meant ‘the sign’. Mesopotamian texts speak about the planet's appearance and the anticipated effects it will have on Earth.

  “The great planet.

  At his appearance, dark red.

  The Heaven he divides in half and stands as Nibiru….

  When from the station of Jupiter the planet passes towards the west,

  When from the station of Jupiter the planet increases in brilliance

  And in the Zodiac of Cancer will become Nibiru….

  Hostile kings will be at peace,

  The gods will receive prayers and hear supplications…

  The gods will give peace; troubles will be cleared up…”

  The biblical Isaiah had similar things to say about the ‘End of Days’:

  “ And it shall come to pass at the End of Days:

  …The Lord shall judge among the nations….They shall beat their swords into ploughshares…Nation shall not lift up sword against nation.”

  Sumerian stone depicting Anu the supreme god; Nibiru, the planet of the crossing; and the star symbol of the radiant planet Nibiru. It also depicts the age of the lion; the scorpion and the ever-present serpent which surrounds the stone. The crescent moon was the symbol used to depict Ea/Enki. The association was probably made from the tidal effect that the moon had on the waters of the world. Enki was renowned for being able to control and manipulate the waters of the world. Enki was also the ‘god of the water’, known as ‘god of the sweet water’.

  Furnace Master

  Enki was assisted in the mines of Abzu, by a god called Gibil ‘he who burns the soil’. Gibil was in charge of the smelting process and was depicted with shoulders emitting red-hot rays or sparks of fire, emerging from the ground.

  Towers and Rockets

  It is written that the Babylonians “wanted to make a ‘shem’ (name) for themselves” by building the tower of Babel. The word ‘shem’ was translated in the Bible as ‘name’. Zecharia Sitchin points out that the word ‘shem’ which is used in the original texts was incorrectly translated. The root of the word for ‘shem’ is ‘shamah’ meaning “that which is highward”. Is it accidental that the ancient obelisks were made to resemble ‘shems’ which had the shape of a rocket? Or were they consciously emulating the rocket ships of the gods? Why else would Egyptians choose such a strangely cumbersome shape to worship the gods? So when the Babylonians wanted to make a ‘shem’ for themselves, it actually meant a ‘rocket ship’ to match that of the gods. That would explain perfectly why god was so upset by their efforts and came down to ‘confuse their language’. The tower could have been a launch pad or command centre of sorts for their intended shem or rocket.


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