Finding Faerie

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Finding Faerie Page 4

by Laura Lee

  My cheeks flushed. “I don’t make him go anywhere!”

  He narrowed his eyes at me. “You really are clueless, aren’t you? Leo is loyal if nothing else. He would never take blood from someone else. I see the way he looks at you. The way you look at him. You don’t want him with anyone else and he knows it. He’s going to continue holding out hope until you decide to stop stringing him along.”

  “I don’t string him along,” I argued.

  “Don’t you?” he countered. “Then why do I see you traipsing around with that detective? I’ve been keeping an eye on you. You bounce back and forth with no regard to anyone else, and quite frankly, it pisses me off. It’d be different if you were just fucking around, but that’s not the case here. Do you really think he doesn’t know that you’re cheating on him?”

  I clenched my fists, highly tempted to punch him in the throat. This bastard actually followed me? “First of all, I’m not cheating on anyone. Leo and I aren’t together like that. I’m no longer in a relationship with anyone.” He scoffed. “Secondly, even if I was, it’d be none of your damn business.”

  Appetite forgotten, I closed myself in the bedroom, trying desperately not to admit to myself that he had a point.

  “My sweet, are you awake?”

  I am now, I thought as light sliced through the crack in the door. “Yep, come in.”

  Leo sat on the bed. “I’m sorry if I woke you. I knocked but you didn’t answer.”

  I yawned, turning onto my side to face him. “It’s fine. How was your meeting?”

  “Not horrible,” he began, “but not well either.”

  “What does that mean?” I was too tired to decode anything.

  “Well, it turns out they are actually from the abbey, which is a good thing.”


  He nodded. “Yes, there were two of them.”

  “Okay, so we have the right people. What’s the bad news?”

  He sighed. “They refused to speak with me once they figured out what I am.”

  I sat up. “Ah, I see the problem. Their primary concern is protecting the Fae. Associating with a vampire is in direct conflict of that.”


  “So what do we do now?”

  “I managed to convince them to give me a chance to prove that I only had the purest intent.”

  “Leo, don’t take this the wrong way, but how did you manage that? You’re pretty and all but I can’t imagine that would be enough for them.”

  He smirked. “Pretty?”

  “Oh, please,” I laughed. “You don’t need me to stroke your ego.”

  “Maybe not my ego…” His fangs came out a little, punctuating his intent.

  I blushed. “Okay…back on topic! How did you convince them?”

  He shrugged. “I told them the truth; that I was representing a full-blooded fairy that was left behind when the portals were sealed. I explained your predicament…how you’re nearly immortal and are struggling to control your powers. They’re skeptical, but they see the danger in ignoring the possibility that you do, in fact, exist. They want to meet you.”

  “And what? I conjure a little dust for them to prove what I am?”

  “They may test you…but that might not be necessary. They told me their enhanced powers allow them to sense Fae blood. I believe they were testing me while telling me that, calling my bluff maybe, but I believe they speak the truth. One of the witches mentioned that all Fae can sense their brethren.” Was that why I was so drawn to Vance? Because I could sense the Fae in him?

  “Okay, so when do we go back? Right now?”

  He shook his head. “No, they’re returning to the abbey to consult the High Priestess. They’ve agreed to meet us here in Dublin next Saturday.”

  “Why Saturday? That’s almost a week away!”

  “They wouldn’t say. I’m guessing they want to make some sort of preparations. They really didn’t leave it up for negotiations, and I wasn’t going to push since they’re so wary already.”

  “Makes sense,” I mumbled. “So, more waiting?”

  He grabbed my hand, turning it over so he could place a kiss on the inside of my wrist. There was no way he didn’t catch the resulting shiver. “During the day, you can review your book and I’ll take care of some necessary business. That should help pass the time.”

  “And at night?”

  His smile revealed fangs a little longer than they were a few minutes ago. “At night, I’m sure we can find some way to…entertain ourselves.”

  Just like that, I was flattened with visions of stroking something that definitely wasn’t related to his ego. “Uh…”

  He laughed. “Relax, my love. Go back to sleep. I’ll see you in the morning.”

  Right, like I could sleep after he planted sweaty, naked thoughts in my head. Instead of sharing my thoughts with him, I simply said, “Night.”

  “What’s that?” It was Monday evening and Leo was holding up the garment bag that had just been delivered.

  “It’s for you.”

  I walked over and unzipped the bag. Inside was what appeared to be a black dress. “A dress?”

  He removed it from the hanger and placed it in my arms. “We’re going out. I thought this would be suitable for the evening I have planned.”

  Upon further inspection, it resembled a handkerchief much more so than a dress. I enjoyed rocking a little black dress when the occasion was right, but this had a much lower neckline than I was used to, and it was practically backless. “Um…where are we going that would deem this appropriate?”

  He chuckled. “It’s a surprise. Get dressed; we’ll leave in an hour.”

  “Okay, Mr. Bossy Pants.”

  Before I could close my bedroom door, he added, “My love, wear the red heels.” The strappy sandals in question were my incredibly impractical, red velvet and metallic stilettos. Or as Erica called them, my fuck me hard and dirty shoes. I didn’t even know why I brought them other than the fact that I enjoyed looking at them. I do, however, know why Leo wanted me to wear them. He was quite partial to sky-high heels or anything red. The one and only time he saw me wearing them, he got an instant fang boner. It may have been the immortal hormones talking, but I couldn’t say the thought of getting that reaction again wasn’t enticing.

  I slipped the dress over my head in front of the full length mirror. It hugged every one of my curves as if it were tailored to my exact measurements. Knowing Leo, that wasn’t such a farfetched idea. “Holy boobs, Batman!” I muttered.

  The cowl neckline plunged deep, exposing a helluva lot more cleavage than I was comfortable with. There was no way I could wear a bra in this thing. Where the heck were we going? The dress was long sleeved and hit me about two inches above the knees, so it wasn’t entirely indecent. Still, it was definitely far too sexy for an evening out at a pub. I fluffed my hair a little, touched up my red lipstick and slipped on my heels. I took one last glance in the mirror before stepping into the living area.

  Leo turned towards me as I came out, unabashedly checking out every inch of my body. My skin warmed under his close scrutiny. “You look even better than I imagined.”

  “Thank you,” I smiled. “Now will you tell me where we’re going?” Leo was wearing his signature designer apparel, a black dress shirt with black slacks. The top button was undone and his sleeves were rolled up, revealing his thickly-muscled forearms.

  “Like what you see, my dear?” Crap, I must’ve been staring a little too long.

  I cleared my throat. “Uh, of course. You look nice, Leo.”

  He walked up to me, placed his hand on my exposed back and leaned down to kiss my cheek. Hovering over my ear he whispered, “You look much better than nice. You look downright edible.” Damn these immortal hormones! My brain was too scrambled to formulate a response. He chuckled as he stepped back. “To answer your question, I thought I’d take you dancing. It would be nice to get you out of this room and let loose. Don’t you agree?”
br />   Dancing? Wow, that was the last thing I would’ve expected. Dancing was one of my favorite ways to let off steam, but I usually went with my girlfriends. I must have mentioned it at some point. “Really? Is there a club or something around here?”

  He nodded. “There’s one close by, yes.” He offered his elbow. “Shall we?”

  I looped my arm through his. “Absolutely!”

  The club was a far cry from anything I’ve ever seen in Vegas. It was hidden in an old brick building with three floors all connected by a series of metal, spiral staircases. There were several seating choices, all made of tufted leather in shades of white or lime green. The decor was eclectic but elegant. Leo led me up to the top level where he checked in with the VIP hostess. She took our coats and led us to a private seating area in the corner. We sat for a while taking in the atmosphere while sipping drinks. The dance floor was packed while speakers blasted a mix of techno and R&B.

  After finishing my second rum and Coke, I felt loosened up enough to brave the crowd. “You ready to show me your moves?”

  Leo smiled. “Always.”

  He took my hand and led me through the mass of writhing bodies. When we found an open space, he pulled me close. With my shoes, we were almost the same height, so our bodies lined up well as we started moving our hips. Wow, Leo had rhythm! I guess I wouldn’t have expected anything less; this man seemed capable of anything. Being pressed against him while he moved in time with the thumping bass was an experience I’d never forget. He was so confident, so controlled, yet also so wholly animalistic. I couldn’t help but wonder how that would translate in the bedroom. This was yet another facet to the enigma that was Leo. I got lost in the music as we danced from one song to the next.

  At some point, “Skin” from Rihanna began to play. I had a theory that everyone out there had at least one song that made them want to fuck. Not have sex, not make love, but throw-you-up-against-the-wall-rip-your-panties-off-fuck. If you couldn’t think of one off the top of your head, you simply hadn’t found yours yet. Anyway, this song was mine and I had no doubt that Leo was picking up on it. I was already turned on from dancing so closely, but this took it to a much higher level.

  I hooked an arm around his neck and pressed into him further. We were so close I could feel every ridge of his body as we moved to the sensual beat. Fingers danced across my naked spine until they grazed the curves of my ass, infinitesimally dipping beneath the fabric of my dress. My panties were soaked as my internal muscles clenched, begging to be filled. Leo inhaled deeply, his warm breath fanning over my neck, before he stopped moving altogether. Our bodies vibrated with anticipation. Mine became more pliant as he held me in place. His became harder.

  He pulled back slightly to look at me. Yep, he had definitely picked up on my mood. “Turn it off, Karli. Turn it off quickly…or I’m going to act on it.”

  I could feel his desire pressed against my lower belly. His fangs lengthened as I ghosted my fingers over his erection and leaned into his ear. “What if I can’t turn it off? What if I don’t want to?”

  His chest rose and his fingers dug into my skin, clenching and unclenching with bruising force. Just then, his phone buzzed. With a curse, he pulled it out of his pocket to see who was calling. “I have to take this.” He hesitated before releasing his hold on me. “Why don’t you go…cool off at the bar? I’ll be right back.”

  I shivered from the abrupt withdrawal of heat as he departed. The physical effect that man had on me was really disturbing sometimes. I spotted the bar and made my way over to a stool.

  Before I had a chance to get the bartender’s attention, a man in the seat next to mine spoke. “May I buy you a drink?”

  I looked to my right to find the owner of the voice. He was huge, maybe as big as Leo, but that’s where the similarities ended. Where Leo had olive skin and light eyes, this man was dark everywhere. Deep brown eyes, russet-colored skin, jet black hair. He looked somewhat Middle Eastern but spoke with a thick, Irish brogue. I’d heard the term Black Irish before and wondered if this is where it came from. “No, thanks. I’m here with someone.”

  Mr. Dark looked pensive. “Ah, an American! What a beautiful accent for such a beautiful lady. Forgive me for being so bold, but it doesn’t appear as if you’re currently with someone.”

  Okay, so clearly I was going to have to be more assertive. “Yes, I am,” I said through gritted teeth. “My date stepped away for just a moment to take a call.”

  He held his hands up. “Ah, pity. Well, at least let me get that drink for you for all the trouble I’ve caused. Then I’ll be on my way. I promise.”

  “That’s really not—”

  “I insist,” he interrupted as he motioned the bartender over. “What will you have?”

  I decided to just accept the damn thing so he would leave me alone. “Rum and Coke.”

  The bartender nodded and stepped away to mix my drink. “So, what part of America are you from Miss…?”


  “Karli. What a lovely name. I’m Connor.”

  “Are you from around here, Connor?” I decided to deflect his questions with a set of my own. How long did it take to make a damn drink anyway?

  He smiled. “I’m originally from a great distance, but I’ve been in Dublin for quite a while.”

  “And what do you do for work here in Dublin?”

  Before he could answer, a glass was placed in front of me. “Ah, it appears as if that’s my cue to leave.” He placed a bill on the bar to cover the expense and stepped down from his stool. “It’s been lovely, Karli. Enjoy the rest of your evening.”

  I turned around to reply but he had already disappeared from sight. Hmm, weird.

  “Who were you talking to?” Leo growled.

  I jumped when I heard his voice. “Jesus, Leo! You scared the shit out of me!” Where did he come from anyway?

  “Who were you talking to?” he repeated. “I saw you talking to a man from across the room. He was gone by the time I made my way up here.”

  “Just some guy wanting to buy me a drink. I told him I was with someone and he left.” Leo glared at the drink in my hand. “He wouldn’t give up until I accepted, but then he left as soon as I got it. Relax, Leo. I get hit on all the time at work. I know how to handle it.”

  Reminding him that I was propositioned on a regular basis probably wasn’t the best idea, based on his expression. He forcefully grabbed the glass out of my hand and set it down on the bar. He then held my coat out for me. “Let’s go. I need to get back to the hotel.” Okay, apparently that’s the end of our evening out.

  I couldn’t sleep and wound up tossing and turning for hours. My body was exhausted, but my brain wouldn’t turn off. I couldn’t get that Connor guy out of my head. Something about him was bugging me. I guess it was part of the whole enhanced psychic ability thing. Reading someone’s emotions had become so natural I often did it without trying. With him though, I didn’t get anything. He was a blank slate, which I found unnerving. If I was being entirely honest with myself, guilt was also taking up residence in my head. I hadn’t spoken to Vance since before we left. He’d called several times, but I sent them all to voicemail. I looked at the clock and decided that now was as good a time as any.

  He answered on the first ring. “Karli, thank God. Are you alone?”

  “Um, yeah. Why?” My question was answered when my phone beeped with his FaceTime invitation.

  “Accept the invite. Please. I need to see you.”

  I turned on my bedside lamp and hit the accept button. A second later, Vance’s face was taking over my screen. He looked so tired. His hair was a mess, like he had been running his hands through it, and he had several days’ worth of growth on his jaw. I caught myself tracing the stubble with my finger before I pulled away. “Hey, how’s Erica?” I was thrown off by seeing him look so worn and so I tried keeping the conversation light.

  “She’s wondering, like I am, why you haven’t called me. She told me you
’re in Ireland…why you’re in Ireland. What have you found?” Well, so much for that idea.

  “I haven’t found anything yet. We’ve made progress, though.”

  “What kind of progress?”

  “Have you heard of a group of witches that call themselves guardians?”

  “I’ve heard of them,” he began, “but I think that was just a legend. Why?”

  “They’re not so much of a myth anymore,” I said. “Leo met with a few of them, and they’re helping us arrange a meeting with the leader of their coven. They apparently hold the key to the portal.”

  “What!?” His shock was evident. “How in the hell would Leo, of all people, get that type of access?”

  I shrugged. “How does he do anything? I don’t know…he just has a way of making things happen.”

  His face reddened. “So what now?”

  “We’re meeting with them on Saturday. Leo said they’ll be able to sense whether or not I’m Fae since they’re blessed with Fae magic. They mentioned that all Fae can sense each other. Is that true?”

  “Yeah, it is.”

  “So did you know I was a fairy when we first met?”

  He shook his head. “It’s not like a lie detector…at least not for me.” Vance’s mother was half Fae, making him one-quarter. He had Fae magic but it acted like a booster for his warlock powers more than anything else. “I could sense something was different about you, but I didn’t know for sure until I saw you conjure fairy dust. What about you? Could you sense it in me?”

  I thought about it for a moment. “I don’t know…I just felt drawn to you. I’ve always felt drawn to you.”

  He smiled. “Same here.”

  I sighed. “Vance, that doesn’t change anything. You know that, right?”

  He shook his head. “No, I don’t know that. And neither do you. Neither one of us can predict what’s going to happen in the future.”


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