Finding Faerie

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Finding Faerie Page 5

by Laura Lee

  His statement made me realize I’d never told him what Irina had recently revealed to me. That I was a seer, just like my mother. She said I wouldn’t be able to fully interpret my visions until I became immortal. My biggest problem currently was being able to distinguish imagination from reality. She’d assured me that would become easier with time. “Uh, actually, that’s not entirely accurate.”

  “What’s not accurate?”

  “The thing about neither one of us being able to predict the future,” I clarified. “Apparently, I can…or will be able to eventually.”

  He pinched the bridge of his nose. “Karli, what the hell are you talking about?”

  “Well, according to Irina, I’m clairvoyant like my mom was. Apparently once I become immortal, I’ll be able to understand my visions better. Right now, it’s a little fuzzy, but I’ve had flashes of things that actually then happened.”

  He narrowed his eyes. “How long have you known about this?”

  “A few weeks, maybe.”

  “Why does it always—”

  “Yeah, yeah, it always takes me forever to tell you the important things,” I interrupted. “I had other stuff on my mind…it doesn’t really matter anyway. We’re getting off track; I’ll hopefully know more after we meet with these witches. I’ll call you afterwards.”

  “No need, I should be there by then.”

  Huh? “You should be where by when?”

  “In Ireland. By the time you meet with the witches. I don’t have any active cases so I can book a flight sometime in the next few days. I have plenty of vacation time saved.”

  “That’s not necessary.”

  “I disagree.”

  “Leo and I are doing just fine getting the information we need,” I argued.

  “Okay, but what are you going to do if and when you actually find the portal?”

  “Um…step through it?”

  He laughed sardonically. “Oh yeah? And then what? Do you have any idea where you’re going? What will be waiting for you at the other end of the gate?” My blank expression was answer enough. “I didn’t think so. Look, Karli, I’m not trying to be smug. And I get it if you need space, but I’m not going to let you run into this blind. I used to live there, for Christ’s sake! People know me there. Can you think of a better guide?”

  “I figured the guardians would help.” Now I was mentally kicking myself for not thinking this through. Vance lived on Faerie for ten years, training under my grandmother, who happened to be an elder. He was the perfect person to accompany me. I think I’d let my emotions blind me to that.

  Sighing, I said, “I see your point. I really do. But I need you to keep an eye on Erica. That’s how you can help right now. I’m worried about her. It kills me that I’m so far away while she’s going through this. I don’t trust anyone else to take care of her.”

  His face softened. “Karli, she’s a big girl. I’m worried about her too, but she can take care of herself for a little while.”

  “I know she can, but I don’t want her to face this alone. Please, Vance. I promise I won’t do anything without talking to you first. I’ll call you right after we meet with the witches and we’ll figure out something from there.”

  He sighed heavily. “Fine. You’d better call me the second you’re done. I mean it.”

  “I will. I promise.” I yawned. “I should really try getting some sleep. It’s the middle of the night here.”

  The longing in his eyes was unmistakable. “I miss you.”

  Now it was my turn to sigh. “I’ll call you soon, okay?” I couldn’t bring myself to admit how much I missed him too. I didn’t want to give him any more false hope. “Goodbye, Vance.” I didn’t wait for his reply before ending the call.

  Around noon, I found Leo scanning through some paperwork in the sitting room. I frowned as I looked at the drapes, which were drawn as usual this time of day. I realized that I hadn’t seen daylight in almost a week and was feeling a bit restless.

  “What’s wrong, my love?”

  “Nothing.” I didn’t want to hurt his feelings by complaining. The sun made me feel whole, and that was something that Leo and I could never share. He knew how much I loved it, but it wasn’t something we ever really discussed for obvious reasons.

  He scowled. “Please don’t lie for my benefit. Tell me what’s on your mind.”

  I averted my eyes. “I haven’t seen daylight in a week. It’s bugging me.”

  He set his papers down and sighed. “I’ll call Takk and have him take you wherever you want to go.”

  Crap, now I felt like a jerk. “Leo, I’ll get over it. I’m fine staying here with you.”

  He walked over to place a kiss on my cheek. “Don’t be ridiculous. There are many things to see in this city by day. You shouldn’t miss out on that, especially when all we can do for the time being is wait.”

  “Really, I’m—”

  “Nonsense,” he interrupted. “I insist. Go get ready; I’ll have Takk here within the hour.”

  “Do I have to take him with me?”

  He narrowed his eyes. “What’s going on with you two?”

  “Nothing really, he just rubs me the wrong way.”

  He smiled. “I hope you’re not being literal. I really don’t feel like dismembering one of my best men today.”

  I laughed. “You think you’re so funny, don’t you?”

  He traced his finger over my lips. “It made you smile, didn’t it?”

  I blushed. “Yeah, I guess it did. I know you trust him, Leo. He just irritates me, but I can deal with it.”

  “Good, because as much as you dislike it, I’m not about to let you run about a foreign city alone.”

  I placed my hands on my hips. “You make me sound completely incompetent.”

  “I know you’re more than capable of taking care of yourself, my dear. Regardless, I’m not going to risk something happening to you on my watch. It’s better to be safe than sorry.”

  “Yeah, yeah.” There was no point in arguing further. This man’s highhandedness could rival my stubbornness any day. I’ve learned that it’s easier to just go with it.

  My first stop was at Trinity College since it was right across the street from our hotel. I stepped under the tall wooden doors into a huge courtyard. On either side of me were rows of gray brick buildings, several of which were adorned with massive columns. Directly ahead was a beautiful bell tower in front of a large lawn. The grounds were meticulously landscaped with patches of Kelly green grass alongside a network of cobbled walkways. I roamed around for at least an hour just taking it all in. Students were milling about in between classes or lounging on the green space for lunch. I thought about how different their college experience must have been from mine. I went to UNLV, which was filled with lots of frat parties, pool parties, and the occasional study session. Here, they were surrounded by so much culture and history. There was an overall peacefulness to this place.

  Eventually I made my way into the building that housed The Book of Kells and the most magnificent library I had ever seen. After leaving campus, I wandered throughout the streets, visiting St. Patrick’s Cathedral, an old Viking settlement, and Dublin Castle. Exhausted, I sat down to take a break in the castle gardens. I must’ve dozed off because before I knew it, it was dark out. I looked up and saw Takk looming over me.

  “Let’s go,” he snapped. “Leo’s waiting for us.”

  I stood up and motioned for him to start walking. “Lead the way, O’Grouchy One.”

  He glared at me before taking off at a brisk pace. I was practically jogging just to keep up, but I wasn’t about to admit that he was getting the best of me. I had a strange prickling sensation on the back of my neck as we made our way into the Temple Bar district. I looked behind me but saw nothing more than a crowd of tourists and pub-goers.

  Takk stopped and jerked his head towards the entrance of a small pub. “In here.”

  Right before stepping across the threshold, I caught m
ovement out of the corner of my eye. A woman was rounding the bend, her profile bearing a striking resemblance to Maria. God, I really was letting my imagination get the best of me if I was seeing her halfway across the world. Shaking it off, I went inside and spotted Leo waiting in the back corner booth. I smirked as I thought about how he habitually positioned himself with his back against the wall. Always the paranoid protector.

  He stood as I approached the table. “My love, how was your day?”

  I slid into the bench seat across from him. “Pretty great. It’s like an entirely different city by day. I saw some really interesting things.”

  He motioned the waitress over. “I’m glad you enjoyed yourself. What would you like to drink?”

  The waitress arrived and looked at me expectantly. “I’ll have a beer. Anything is fine.”

  “Verra good. What will the gentleman be havin’?”

  “I’ll have a scotch,” Leo replied. “Whatever premium brand you have.”

  I looked behind me and saw Takk sitting at the bar. “Is he going to join us?”

  Leo shook his head. “No, he prefers not to mix business with pleasure.”

  Our waitress was back placing our drinks on the table. “Here ya go. One pint of Gat and one scotch. I’m Chloe if ya need anything else.”

  I got the heebie jeebies again as I sipped my Guinness. I looked around but didn’t see anything out of the ordinary.

  Leo noticed my anxiety. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing…I just keep getting this weird feeling that someone is watching me.”

  He scanned the bar with laser focus. “I don’t sense any threats.”

  I rubbed the back of my neck as I stretched my psychic senses. “Me neither. I think my imagination is going crazy. It’s been an eventful day; I’m probably just tired.”

  “Of course.” Leo nodded in agreement, but his body remained tense.

  I felt my phone vibrating in my purse, so I pulled it out to see who was calling. Leo saw Vance’s name on the caller ID the same time I did. “I should probably take this.”

  I slid the answer button over. “Hello?” I couldn’t hear a thing with the cacophony of voices surrounding us. “Hold on a second, let me step outside so I can hear you.” I got up from the table and walked outside with Takk trailing me from a distance. Just as the noise level was low enough to resume my call, I bumped into someone and dropped my phone. “Shit!”

  I bent over to grab it just as a large hand scooped it up for me. “Pardon me, I didn’t see you.”

  I followed the voice with my eyes and found the man from the club. He smiled as he recognized me. “Ah, the beautiful American!” Fangs appeared as he unapologetically scanned my body from head to toe. So, he was a vampire. Maybe that explained the strange vibe I got before. I looked over my shoulder and saw Takk standing guard, ready to intervene. I shook my head slightly, telling him to hold off. The last thing I needed was to raise any suspicion.

  “Karli?” Vance’s tinny voice called through the speaker, grabbing Connor’s attention.

  Connor held out my phone. “Forgive me for being so clumsy. I believe this is yours?”

  I grabbed it, briefly inspecting it for damage. Thank God for sturdy cases. “Yeah, it is. Thanks.”

  He nodded his head. “My pleasure. Have a good evening.”

  He started walking away as I said, “You too.” Wait a minute; wasn’t he headed in the opposite direction before I ran into him?

  “Karli!” Vance repeated a little louder this time.

  I held the phone back to my ear. “Sorry, I bumped into some guy and dropped my phone.”

  “What guy?”

  “Just some guy…don’t worry about it. What’s up?”

  He sighed. “It’s Erica…I have news.”

  “Spit it out, Vance.” The mist had turned into light rain and I was anxious to get back inside.

  “She lost the baby. We just got back from the hospital about an hour ago.”

  I gasped. “Omigod.” Tears started pooling in my eyes. “Is she okay? Put her on the phone.”

  “She just fell asleep.” He cleared his throat. “She’s devastated. I don’t know how much more shit she can handle before she breaks.”

  I imagined him raking his fingers through his hair. He did that often when he was upset about something. “Why did this happen? Was it the stress?”

  “I don’t know; the doctor said these things just happen sometimes. The statistics he rattled off were surprisingly high. It’s unlikely that she did anything to actually cause it.”

  “I don’t even know how to start comforting her,” I sobbed. “I feel so helpless.”

  “Me too.”

  I blinked back the tears and saw Leo standing against the building, waiting for me to finish my call. “I have to go. Please have her call me as soon as she’s up.”

  “I will,” he promised.

  “Bye, Vance.”

  Leo wordlessly held out his arms as I pressed the end button. Without hesitation, I sank into the solid warmth of his embrace. He didn’t ask any questions; he simply held me as I silently cried for Erica’s loss. Takk must’ve gone to get the car because I was being ushered into the back seat a few moments later. He led me to my bedroom when we got back to the hotel and helped me remove my shoes before I climbed into bed.

  He smoothed my hair back. “What can I do, my love?”

  “Erica lost the baby, Leo.”

  He caressed my cheek. “Would you like to go home? I can continue my search here and send for you when you’re ready.”

  “That’s a really generous offer. Can I let you know? I’d like to speak with her first.”

  He kissed my forehead as he pulled the covers over me. “Of course you can. I’ll make sure you get whatever you need. Get some sleep. Let me know when you’ve decided.”

  “Thank you,” I mumbled as I drifted off.

  Erica never called, so I dialed her number as soon as I woke up. It went straight to voicemail, so I assumed she’d turned her phone off. I decided to try Vance, knowing he always kept his close by.

  “Hey,” he answered.

  “Hey,” I repeated. “I tried calling Eri, but it went straight to her voicemail. Is she up?”

  “Yeah, she’s right here. Hold on a sec.”

  I heard their muffled voices as he handed the phone over. “Hi, K.”

  “Hi, sweetie. How are you feeling?”

  “Hold on, let me go to my room.” I could hear her moving across the house. “Okay, I’m back. I’m guessing Vance told you what happened?”

  “Yeah, he did. I’m so sorry, honey.”

  “It sucks so badly, ya know?” she sobbed. “One minute you’re making all these plans, and the next…you’re not. I can’t stop thinking about all the things that could’ve been. Her first words, her first steps, her first date. She never even had a chance.”

  “She? Did the doctors say it was a girl?”

  “No,” she sniffed. “It was too early for that. But I felt it. I know that sounds crazy, but I felt it. I know I had a daughter, Karli. And now…now, I don’t.”

  “Honey, I’m so, so sorry. I wish I were there.” I tried keeping my tears at bay but wasn’t succeeding very well. “What happened? How did you know that she was gone?”

  She took a moment to compose herself. “That’s the really fucked up part. I sensed it right before it happened. I was fast asleep, and all of a sudden, I woke up. I was instantly wide awake just lying there in bed. No more than a few seconds had passed when I felt a bunch of blood gush out. I ran to the bathroom and I...just knew. There was no mistaking it, Kar. I fell to the floor and started bawling. Vance was already at work, so I just sat there with blood soaking through my clothes, crying for hours. He found me like that when he came home for lunch and rushed me to the hospital.”

  “Oh, God,” I breathed.

  “I’ve known several women over the years who have miscarried. I always thought it was sad, but I never really
understood how heartbreaking it was until now. You’re not just losing a baby; you’re losing an entire lifetime of possibilities.” She took a deep breath. “I just feel so broken, Kar. First Jake, then this happens. I feel like there are so many missing pieces of me that I wonder if I’ll ever be able to find them again.”

  Okay, my decision was made. “Eri, I’m coming home. I’ll be there as soon as Leo can get a flight for me.”

  “What? No, you can’t. You need to find that portal.”

  “Honey, the portal can wait. You’re way more important.”

  She blew her nose. “No, K, it can’t. You need to figure out how to control your powers. Besides, I think I’m going to stay with my sister, Shanna, for a while.”

  “The one in La Jolla?”

  “No, that’s Amy,” she corrected. “Shanna’s in San Clemente, right outside the base. She’s the one who married the Marine.”

  “Ah, now I remember.” Erica had twelve sisters, so it was a little hard to keep track of them sometimes. “How long will you be staying with her?”

  “I don’t know. I’m still trying to figure things out at work; I don’t have much time off left.”

  Erica and I both worked for a popular bar located on the Las Vegas Strip. Lucky for us, Leo happened to own it. Normally, I would adamantly refuse any special treatment, but desperate times called for desperate measures. “Eri, I’ll talk to Leo. I’m sure your job will be waiting for you when you’re ready to come back.”

  She sighed with relief. “Thanks, Kar. Really. Look, I know we’ve had a rough time lately, but I really do love you. You’re my family. You know that, right?”

  I smiled. “Yeah, I do, but it’s still nice to hear. Are you sure you don’t want me to come back?”

  “I’m sure. Hey, I’m going to let you go so I can go lie down for a bit. I’ll talk to you later, okay?”

  “Okay. Get some rest. I love you, Eri.”

  She yawned. “Love you too.”

  “Shh, it’s okay, my love,” Leo cooed.

  It took me a moment to gather my bearings. I was in bed, circled in Leo’s arms, and my eyes felt like sandpaper. When I rubbed them, I found fresh tears on my face. “What’s going on?”


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